History Will Record: Dr. Anthony Faucci, American Hero

The man is a fraud and a liar
You must have been watching him before Congress. He made up the entire covid hoax. Masks, distancing, closed businesses. He knew when he asked for these orders that they were unnecessary and built on lies. Then he puts on his stupid grin 'I cannot be questioned. I AM science." The puppy torturer speaks. He has earned his place in hell. It will be divine justice when some microbe puts him there.
Pretty sure he won’t be also pretty sure those who were trashed for suggesting Covid came from a lab leak will be looked at far more favorably than those who said it came from bats in a wet market.
POS Fauci he should be hanged!

I'm 100% sure history will record Dr. Faucci as a profile-in-courage, an American hero who would not back down. Never Surrender! While others pay lip service to American ideals and truth, Dr. Faucci lives it -- even at the cost of credible death threats to himself and his family. The man was the face of the government early on during the AIDS Crisis. He listed, he changed his mind on some things and he became an ally of those protesting the government's responses and more.

American Hero!

Now he's under constant attack by partisans and dangerous demagogues, and crazed conspiracy theorists. And the partisan hacks continue even with a total lack of evidence linking Dr. Faucci to any wrongdoing whatsoever. Zero. NADA. BS Charges. Slander. Death Threats.

A GOP-led subcommittee has spent over a year probing the nation’s response to the pandemic and whether U.S.-funded research in China may have played any role in how it started — yet found no evidence linking Fauci to wrongdoing.

He’d already been grilled behind closed doors, for 14 hours over two days in January. But Monday, Fauci testified voluntarily in public and on camera at a hearing that quickly deteriorated into partisan attacks.

Republicans repeated unproven accusations against the longtime National Institutes of Health scientist while Democrats apologized for Congress besmirching his name and bemoaned a missed opportunity to prepare for the next scary outbreak.
Exactly what did he do that makes him an American hero? Pretty much everything he said during the pandemic has been wrong.
I'm 100% sure history will record Dr. Faucci as a profile-in-courage, an American hero who would not back down. Never Surrender! While others pay lip service to American ideals and truth, Dr. Faucci lives it -- even at the cost of credible death threats to himself and his family. The man was the face of the government early on during the AIDS Crisis. He listed, he changed his mind on some things and he became an ally of those protesting the government's responses and more.

American Hero!

Now he's under constant attack by partisans and dangerous demagogues, and crazed conspiracy theorists. And the partisan hacks continue even with a total lack of evidence linking Dr. Faucci to any wrongdoing whatsoever. Zero. NADA. BS Charges. Slander. Death Threats.

A GOP-led subcommittee has spent over a year probing the nation’s response to the pandemic and whether U.S.-funded research in China may have played any role in how it started — yet found no evidence linking Fauci to wrongdoing.

He’d already been grilled behind closed doors, for 14 hours over two days in January. But Monday, Fauci testified voluntarily in public and on camera at a hearing that quickly deteriorated into partisan attacks.

Republicans repeated unproven accusations against the longtime National Institutes of Health scientist while Democrats apologized for Congress besmirching his name and bemoaned a missed opportunity to prepare for the next scary outbreak.
Oh God, are you delusional. The only thing history will remember about Fauci is how he enriched himself at the cost of the entire North American populace. And probably rivaled Stalin for kills per capita.
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