History's verdict on Trump will be devastating

History's verdict on Trump will be devastating

By Michael D'Antonio

Updated 6:14 PM ET, Mon March 30, 2020

"(CNN)In a crisis, all is revealed.
After a lifetime devoted to avoiding responsibility and accountability -- for his lies, his deceptions, his hype, and his cruelty -- President Donald Trump has met his match in the pandemic of 2020. His bluff and bluster are powerless as thousands of Americans die and the blame falls, in part, on his failure to heed the warnings and execute a robust national response. This occurred even though a pandemic playbook had been left behind by the Obama administration. Early in the crisis, Trump said "We have it totally under control. It's one person coming from China. It's going to be just fine." Weeks were wasted and now the price of this fiasco will likely be a loss of life far greater than 9/11 or Hurricane Katrina.

As someone who has studied Trump for years, I thought it was inevitable that he would eventually reach a moment of reckoning as president. I couldn't have imagined that it would come with the catastrophic consequences now facing the nation as Covid-19 overwhelms health care systems and brings the economy to a standstill. Trump's profound personal shortcomings -- deficiencies of his heart and mind -- helped bring us to this moment.

Ignorant as he can seem, the President seems to sense that this moment will establish his reputation in perpetuity. He said as much last week when he observed that, "the history books will never forget" America's response to the coronavirus. What he did not mention, however, is that his response to the pandemic will be examined in minute detail -- it is this prospect, the prospect of accountability, that looms over him now.

Until this crisis, Trump had avoided accountability with remarkable consistency. Born into astounding wealth, he avoided accountability by persuading creditors that he was too big to fail even after he ran businesses into the ground. In politics, he deflected accountability by blaming others, especially the press and Democrats, for problems that occurred on his watch. Recently, when asked about the dreadful federal failures on coronavirus testing, he said, bluntly, "I don't take responsibility at all."

Historians will eventually write books detailing what journalists already know about the Trump administration's dereliction of duty when the pandemic hit. America's Covid-19 death toll now passes 2,800 and the caseload exceeds 157,200 cases, But through much of the time that the number of cases was growing, the White House offered no coherent national response to the crisis.

No federal agency is rallying health care workers to move to hot spots where they are needed. Instead of assertively coordinating and distributing vital equipment, the administration is letting states, hospitals, and federal agencies compete against each other. Trump even went so far as to accuse medical workers of hoarding supplies.

Recently Trump introduced a bit of personal petulance to this dynamic, suggesting that governors who aren't sufficiently deferential should be ignored by the White House. (He leavened this remark by noting that Vice President Mike Pence is not following his lead.) Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, whom Trump singled out for criticism, reported that orders made for equipment had been canceled as suppliers favored the feds over her state.

At the epicenter of the nation's and the world's pandemic, Cuomo has been reminding us that the worst of the crisis is just beginning. The same is true for history's assessment of President Trump. The coronavirus is immune to his manipulation and spin. It is the defining challenge of his presidency and of his life. Compared with other presidential crises, like the 9/11 attacks or Hurricane Katrina, it has occurred slowly, with ample warning, giving the president many opportunities to act and, we see now, fail.

The accounting will continue. And like the pandemic, it will be devastating."

United States confirmed cases of coronavirus: 161,088

United States confirmed deaths from coronavirus: 2,968

Now look at the results for a Modern FIRST WORLD country that took the crises seriously from the start:

JAPAN confirmed cases of coronavirus: 1,866

JAPAN confirmed deaths from coronavirus: 54

I know you get excited at that thought, buuuuut,

And there are more like that of Joe Biden and others. Your leaders failed you and you could die from it, but as long as the blue team makes it you are cool. Dumb lemming.

The first video is from FEBRUARY 2, 2020. At that time there were only 11 cases of coronavirus in the UNITED STATES! There were NO cases of coronavirus in the state of New York and would not be any until MARCH 1, 2020.

The New York Health person can only advise and control what was going in New York at the time. It was TRUMP's job on February 2 to close the country off to foreign travel like Japan and Taiwan had done days earlier. But Trump never did that, and would wait until late March to finally implement travel bans and border closings that JAPAN and TAIWAN had implemented in January.

The United States now has over 3,000 dead and over 163,000 infections.

JAPAN has less than 2,000 infections and only 56 deaths despite having the oldest average population on earth and more direct contact and trade with China than the United States!

Dang. Double standard much?
Dem governors got to learn how to play the game. Treat Trump with respect if you want him to help you.
And still The President is in full political mode showing a lacking of a moral sense; unconcerned with the rightness or wrongness of his actions:

NOTE: I don't expect any supporters of trump will read these links, reality and truth are superseded by their undying believe that The President is competent and serving in their well being.

Please explain how Trump has to do with a damned thing in that article fuctard?

You too have your head up your ass.

Notice how the dumbest faux conservatives play circle jerk games; they cannot post anything of substance, anything thoughtful and nothing thought provoking. Your question that I need to explain how any of these articles are not related to trump's comments on Covid is clear that you too have your head up your ass.

trump has flipped and flopped and flipped again, over and over on this crisis, and right now is on TV making statements which contradict his original comments on Covid -19; and of course in these dog and pony hosts like Azaar (One of the Swamp creatures) praises trump's leadership.

You're not an Admiral, I doubt you ever were in a management capacity, since trump has zero leadership skills; those of us who were know trump is an empty suit.

You poor, sad, impotent bastard. It must be frustrating for you to be so irrelevant, with your ideology completely discredited and dismissed by more and more of the world every day.

You've always been a cowardly punk. Claiming I'm frustrated by people like you is comical. Calling me an impotent bastard is more telling than you know, this type of personal attack is evidence that what I post is substantive, thoughtful and thought provoking. In your case, and many others, you seem to lack the education and ability to write a rebuttal to everything posted by me on this thread.
You're a leftist. Nothing you post is substantive or thoughtful.

You're a winger fucktard. Nothing you post is substantive or thoughtful.

In Praise Of Doing Nothing

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics have only praise for his nearly worthless response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

And though he has made every effort to put all Americans in harms way, it is still funny to watch his devoted fanatics defend the impeached president trump’s every action that totally screws them over. Of course every average American is in the same boat as his devoted fanatics, but one need only possess a dark sense of humor to understand how the political support by 70% of the population (voters or not), spent the past four decades asking for exactly what is now happening in the United States.

To assure a massive federal windfall to the 0.1%, congressional Republicans fought against the $1200.00 for average citizens (although, a great number of people-in-need will not receive any money). And while conservatives and centrists will undoubtedly credit the GOP as the party who helped provide the average folks financial help during the pandemic, the truth is, congressional Republicans only permitted the Democrats’ provision for the $1200.00 to help average Americans, in exchange for the hundreds-of-billions of dollars earmarked for the billionaire class.

Naturally, the conservatives’ and centrists’ overwhelming desire to protect the fortunes of the billionaire class was fulfilled when the stimulus bill was signed into law by the impeached president trump. And, the conservatives and centrists were immeasurably gratified when the impeached president trump announced he would ignore the oversight provision in the law. Language which was added to the bill, in part, to prevent the impeached president trump from lining his pockets with the money provided by the legislation.

Again, one need only a dark sense of humor to laugh at the worsening situation in this country, and at the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics, while they myopically defend the people most responsible for the damage. (Which those who respond to this OP will do again and again.)

Column: Trump blocks coronavirus bailout oversight even before it can start

trump's dust masks.jpg

And for doing so, your devoted fanatics adore you.

History's verdict on Trump will be devastating

By Michael D'Antonio

Updated 6:14 PM ET, Mon March 30, 2020

"(CNN)In a crisis, all is revealed.
After a lifetime devoted to avoiding responsibility and accountability -- for his lies, his deceptions, his hype, and his cruelty -- President Donald Trump has met his match in the pandemic of 2020. His bluff and bluster are powerless as thousands of Americans die and the blame falls, in part, on his failure to heed the warnings and execute a robust national response. This occurred even though a pandemic playbook had been left behind by the Obama administration. Early in the crisis, Trump said "We have it totally under control. It's one person coming from China. It's going to be just fine." Weeks were wasted and now the price of this fiasco will likely be a loss of life far greater than 9/11 or Hurricane Katrina.

As someone who has studied Trump for years, I thought it was inevitable that he would eventually reach a moment of reckoning as president. I couldn't have imagined that it would come with the catastrophic consequences now facing the nation as Covid-19 overwhelms health care systems and brings the economy to a standstill. Trump's profound personal shortcomings -- deficiencies of his heart and mind -- helped bring us to this moment.

Ignorant as he can seem, the President seems to sense that this moment will establish his reputation in perpetuity. He said as much last week when he observed that, "the history books will never forget" America's response to the coronavirus. What he did not mention, however, is that his response to the pandemic will be examined in minute detail -- it is this prospect, the prospect of accountability, that looms over him now.

Until this crisis, Trump had avoided accountability with remarkable consistency. Born into astounding wealth, he avoided accountability by persuading creditors that he was too big to fail even after he ran businesses into the ground. In politics, he deflected accountability by blaming others, especially the press and Democrats, for problems that occurred on his watch. Recently, when asked about the dreadful federal failures on coronavirus testing, he said, bluntly, "I don't take responsibility at all."

Historians will eventually write books detailing what journalists already know about the Trump administration's dereliction of duty when the pandemic hit. America's Covid-19 death toll now passes 2,800 and the caseload exceeds 157,200 cases, But through much of the time that the number of cases was growing, the White House offered no coherent national response to the crisis.

No federal agency is rallying health care workers to move to hot spots where they are needed. Instead of assertively coordinating and distributing vital equipment, the administration is letting states, hospitals, and federal agencies compete against each other. Trump even went so far as to accuse medical workers of hoarding supplies.

Recently Trump introduced a bit of personal petulance to this dynamic, suggesting that governors who aren't sufficiently deferential should be ignored by the White House. (He leavened this remark by noting that Vice President Mike Pence is not following his lead.) Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, whom Trump singled out for criticism, reported that orders made for equipment had been canceled as suppliers favored the feds over her state.

At the epicenter of the nation's and the world's pandemic, Cuomo has been reminding us that the worst of the crisis is just beginning. The same is true for history's assessment of President Trump. The coronavirus is immune to his manipulation and spin. It is the defining challenge of his presidency and of his life. Compared with other presidential crises, like the 9/11 attacks or Hurricane Katrina, it has occurred slowly, with ample warning, giving the president many opportunities to act and, we see now, fail.

The accounting will continue. And like the pandemic, it will be devastating."

United States confirmed cases of coronavirus: 161,088

United States confirmed deaths from coronavirus: 2,968

Now look at the results for a Modern FIRST WORLD country that took the crises seriously from the start:

JAPAN confirmed cases of coronavirus: 1,866

JAPAN confirmed deaths from coronavirus: 54
Still pushing this defective product I see...now you want us to wait until "history" says "told ya"?

Read the article and look at the bottom to see how well JAPAN has managed this crises compared to the United States under Donald Trump.

You fucking idiot, the US society in no way compares to that of Japan. If you compare us with countries with more diverse societies, we're doing pretty well.


Japan has more trade and direct contact with China than the United States does and also has the oldest average population on the planet. Those are two factors that go against Japan and are much better for the United States.

Yet, there is NO CONTEST in the figures. Over 3,000 dead in the United States to only 56 in Japan. Over 163,000 infections in the United States to less than 2,000 in Japan.

THE FACT IS, CHINA, JAPAN, AND TAIWAN have done better at protecting their populations from the coronavirus than the United States. You can't get around that. TRUMP HAS FAILED!
"And the band played on"
History's verdict on Trump will be devastating

By Michael D'Antonio

Updated 6:14 PM ET, Mon March 30, 2020

"(CNN)In a crisis, all is revealed.
After a lifetime devoted to avoiding responsibility and accountability -- for his lies, his deceptions, his hype, and his cruelty -- President Donald Trump has met his match in the pandemic of 2020. His bluff and bluster are powerless as thousands of Americans die and the blame falls, in part, on his failure to heed the warnings and execute a robust national response. This occurred even though a pandemic playbook had been left behind by the Obama administration. Early in the crisis, Trump said "We have it totally under control. It's one person coming from China. It's going to be just fine." Weeks were wasted and now the price of this fiasco will likely be a loss of life far greater than 9/11 or Hurricane Katrina.

As someone who has studied Trump for years, I thought it was inevitable that he would eventually reach a moment of reckoning as president. I couldn't have imagined that it would come with the catastrophic consequences now facing the nation as Covid-19 overwhelms health care systems and brings the economy to a standstill. Trump's profound personal shortcomings -- deficiencies of his heart and mind -- helped bring us to this moment.

Ignorant as he can seem, the President seems to sense that this moment will establish his reputation in perpetuity. He said as much last week when he observed that, "the history books will never forget" America's response to the coronavirus. What he did not mention, however, is that his response to the pandemic will be examined in minute detail -- it is this prospect, the prospect of accountability, that looms over him now.

Until this crisis, Trump had avoided accountability with remarkable consistency. Born into astounding wealth, he avoided accountability by persuading creditors that he was too big to fail even after he ran businesses into the ground. In politics, he deflected accountability by blaming others, especially the press and Democrats, for problems that occurred on his watch. Recently, when asked about the dreadful federal failures on coronavirus testing, he said, bluntly, "I don't take responsibility at all."

Historians will eventually write books detailing what journalists already know about the Trump administration's dereliction of duty when the pandemic hit. America's Covid-19 death toll now passes 2,800 and the caseload exceeds 157,200 cases, But through much of the time that the number of cases was growing, the White House offered no coherent national response to the crisis.

No federal agency is rallying health care workers to move to hot spots where they are needed. Instead of assertively coordinating and distributing vital equipment, the administration is letting states, hospitals, and federal agencies compete against each other. Trump even went so far as to accuse medical workers of hoarding supplies.

Recently Trump introduced a bit of personal petulance to this dynamic, suggesting that governors who aren't sufficiently deferential should be ignored by the White House. (He leavened this remark by noting that Vice President Mike Pence is not following his lead.) Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, whom Trump singled out for criticism, reported that orders made for equipment had been canceled as suppliers favored the feds over her state.

At the epicenter of the nation's and the world's pandemic, Cuomo has been reminding us that the worst of the crisis is just beginning. The same is true for history's assessment of President Trump. The coronavirus is immune to his manipulation and spin. It is the defining challenge of his presidency and of his life. Compared with other presidential crises, like the 9/11 attacks or Hurricane Katrina, it has occurred slowly, with ample warning, giving the president many opportunities to act and, we see now, fail.

The accounting will continue. And like the pandemic, it will be devastating."

United States confirmed cases of coronavirus: 161,088

United States confirmed deaths from coronavirus: 2,968

Now look at the results for a Modern FIRST WORLD country that took the crises seriously from the start:

JAPAN confirmed cases of coronavirus: 1,866

JAPAN confirmed deaths from coronavirus: 54

In reality (outside of the fantasies of radical leftist pansies) Donald Trump will go down in history as one of, if not, the greatest presidents in our nation's history. Your problem? You've been brainwashed by CNN, MSNBC and the like. Remove those blinders.
Israel likes him. India likes him. Caps lock is stuck. You complain a lot
History's verdict on Trump will be devastating

By Michael D'Antonio

Updated 6:14 PM ET, Mon March 30, 2020

"(CNN)In a crisis, all is revealed.
After a lifetime devoted to avoiding responsibility and accountability -- for his lies, his deceptions, his hype, and his cruelty -- President Donald Trump has met his match in the pandemic of 2020. His bluff and bluster are powerless as thousands of Americans die and the blame falls, in part, on his failure to heed the warnings and execute a robust national response. This occurred even though a pandemic playbook had been left behind by the Obama administration. Early in the crisis, Trump said "We have it totally under control. It's one person coming from China. It's going to be just fine." Weeks were wasted and now the price of this fiasco will likely be a loss of life far greater than 9/11 or Hurricane Katrina.

As someone who has studied Trump for years, I thought it was inevitable that he would eventually reach a moment of reckoning as president. I couldn't have imagined that it would come with the catastrophic consequences now facing the nation as Covid-19 overwhelms health care systems and brings the economy to a standstill. Trump's profound personal shortcomings -- deficiencies of his heart and mind -- helped bring us to this moment.

Ignorant as he can seem, the President seems to sense that this moment will establish his reputation in perpetuity. He said as much last week when he observed that, "the history books will never forget" America's response to the coronavirus. What he did not mention, however, is that his response to the pandemic will be examined in minute detail -- it is this prospect, the prospect of accountability, that looms over him now.

Until this crisis, Trump had avoided accountability with remarkable consistency. Born into astounding wealth, he avoided accountability by persuading creditors that he was too big to fail even after he ran businesses into the ground. In politics, he deflected accountability by blaming others, especially the press and Democrats, for problems that occurred on his watch. Recently, when asked about the dreadful federal failures on coronavirus testing, he said, bluntly, "I don't take responsibility at all."
Read the entire article using the link

United States confirmed cases of coronavirus: 161,088

United States confirmed deaths from coronavirus: 2,968

Now look at the results for a Modern FIRST WORLD country that took the crises seriously from the start:

JAPAN confirmed cases of coronavirus: 1,866

JAPAN confirmed deaths from coronavirus: 54
Patriots were down 28-3 with 2 minutes left in the 3rd quarter and if the game was written about then it would read that Tom Brady and the Patriots were chokers. Finals score was 34-28 Patriots. Moral of the story is to wait for the conclusion before making judgment. You’re such a child.
History's verdict on Trump will be devastating

By Michael D'Antonio

Updated 6:14 PM ET, Mon March 30, 2020

"(CNN)In a crisis, all is revealed.
After a lifetime devoted to avoiding responsibility and accountability -- for his lies, his deceptions, his hype, and his cruelty -- President Donald Trump has met his match in the pandemic of 2020. His bluff and bluster are powerless as thousands of Americans die and the blame falls, in part, on his failure to heed the warnings and execute a robust national response. This occurred even though a pandemic playbook had been left behind by the Obama administration. Early in the crisis, Trump said "We have it totally under control. It's one person coming from China. It's going to be just fine." Weeks were wasted and now the price of this fiasco will likely be a loss of life far greater than 9/11 or Hurricane Katrina.

As someone who has studied Trump for years, I thought it was inevitable that he would eventually reach a moment of reckoning as president. I couldn't have imagined that it would come with the catastrophic consequences now facing the nation as Covid-19 overwhelms health care systems and brings the economy to a standstill. Trump's profound personal shortcomings -- deficiencies of his heart and mind -- helped bring us to this moment.

Ignorant as he can seem, the President seems to sense that this moment will establish his reputation in perpetuity. He said as much last week when he observed that, "the history books will never forget" America's response to the coronavirus. What he did not mention, however, is that his response to the pandemic will be examined in minute detail -- it is this prospect, the prospect of accountability, that looms over him now.

Until this crisis, Trump had avoided accountability with remarkable consistency. Born into astounding wealth, he avoided accountability by persuading creditors that he was too big to fail even after he ran businesses into the ground. In politics, he deflected accountability by blaming others, especially the press and Democrats, for problems that occurred on his watch. Recently, when asked about the dreadful federal failures on coronavirus testing, he said, bluntly, "I don't take responsibility at all."
Read the entire article using the link

United States confirmed cases of coronavirus: 161,088

United States confirmed deaths from coronavirus: 2,968

Now look at the results for a Modern FIRST WORLD country that took the crises seriously from the start:

JAPAN confirmed cases of coronavirus: 1,866

JAPAN confirmed deaths from coronavirus: 54

What do you mean history? That suggests further down the line. The verdict on Trump was in the minute he was elected. I am finding it hard to find a more incompetent, narcissistic, moronic leader from the western world post WWII. I thought Dumbya was bad. I mean really bad. Now, I'm wishing he was in charge. See, Dumbya was just a good ole boy, incurious hayseed who was out of his depth. Trump, IMO, meets the definition of a psychopath.
History's verdict on Trump will be devastating

By Michael D'Antonio

Updated 6:14 PM ET, Mon March 30, 2020

"(CNN)In a crisis, all is revealed.
After a lifetime devoted to avoiding responsibility and accountability -- for his lies, his deceptions, his hype, and his cruelty -- President Donald Trump has met his match in the pandemic of 2020. His bluff and bluster are powerless as thousands of Americans die and the blame falls, in part, on his failure to heed the warnings and execute a robust national response. This occurred even though a pandemic playbook had been left behind by the Obama administration. Early in the crisis, Trump said "We have it totally under control. It's one person coming from China. It's going to be just fine." Weeks were wasted and now the price of this fiasco will likely be a loss of life far greater than 9/11 or Hurricane Katrina.

As someone who has studied Trump for years, I thought it was inevitable that he would eventually reach a moment of reckoning as president. I couldn't have imagined that it would come with the catastrophic consequences now facing the nation as Covid-19 overwhelms health care systems and brings the economy to a standstill. Trump's profound personal shortcomings -- deficiencies of his heart and mind -- helped bring us to this moment.

Ignorant as he can seem, the President seems to sense that this moment will establish his reputation in perpetuity. He said as much last week when he observed that, "the history books will never forget" America's response to the coronavirus. What he did not mention, however, is that his response to the pandemic will be examined in minute detail -- it is this prospect, the prospect of accountability, that looms over him now.

Until this crisis, Trump had avoided accountability with remarkable consistency. Born into astounding wealth, he avoided accountability by persuading creditors that he was too big to fail even after he ran businesses into the ground. In politics, he deflected accountability by blaming others, especially the press and Democrats, for problems that occurred on his watch. Recently, when asked about the dreadful federal failures on coronavirus testing, he said, bluntly, "I don't take responsibility at all."

Historians will eventually write books detailing what journalists already know about the Trump administration's dereliction of duty when the pandemic hit. America's Covid-19 death toll now passes 2,800 and the caseload exceeds 157,200 cases, But through much of the time that the number of cases was growing, the White House offered no coherent national response to the crisis.

No federal agency is rallying health care workers to move to hot spots where they are needed. Instead of assertively coordinating and distributing vital equipment, the administration is letting states, hospitals, and federal agencies compete against each other. Trump even went so far as to accuse medical workers of hoarding supplies.

Recently Trump introduced a bit of personal petulance to this dynamic, suggesting that governors who aren't sufficiently deferential should be ignored by the White House. (He leavened this remark by noting that Vice President Mike Pence is not following his lead.) Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, whom Trump singled out for criticism, reported that orders made for equipment had been canceled as suppliers favored the feds over her state.

At the epicenter of the nation's and the world's pandemic, Cuomo has been reminding us that the worst of the crisis is just beginning. The same is true for history's assessment of President Trump. The coronavirus is immune to his manipulation and spin. It is the defining challenge of his presidency and of his life. Compared with other presidential crises, like the 9/11 attacks or Hurricane Katrina, it has occurred slowly, with ample warning, giving the president many opportunities to act and, we see now, fail.

The accounting will continue. And like the pandemic, it will be devastating."

United States confirmed cases of coronavirus: 161,088

United States confirmed deaths from coronavirus: 2,968

Now look at the results for a Modern FIRST WORLD country that took the crises seriously from the start:

JAPAN confirmed cases of coronavirus: 1,866

JAPAN confirmed deaths from coronavirus: 54

I know you get excited at that thought, buuuuut,

And there are more like that of Joe Biden and others. Your leaders failed you and you could die from it, but as long as the blue team makes it you are cool. Dumb lemming.

The first video is from FEBRUARY 2, 2020. At that time there were only 11 cases of coronavirus in the UNITED STATES! There were NO cases of coronavirus in the state of New York and would not be any until MARCH 1, 2020.

The New York Health person can only advise and control what was going in New York at the time. It was TRUMP's job on February 2 to close the country off to foreign travel like Japan and Taiwan had done days earlier. But Trump never did that, and would wait until late March to finally implement travel bans and border closings that JAPAN and TAIWAN had implemented in January.

The United States now has over 3,000 dead and over 163,000 infections.

JAPAN has less than 2,000 infections and only 56 deaths despite having the oldest average population on earth and more direct contact and trade with China than the United States!

Japan doesn’t have less than 2,000. They have fewer than 2,000 and the disease hits different people differently. How is it impacting Japanese people in the US. Some people are more resistant than others.
History's verdict on Trump will be devastating

By Michael D'Antonio

Updated 6:14 PM ET, Mon March 30, 2020

"(CNN)In a crisis, all is revealed.
After a lifetime devoted to avoiding responsibility and accountability -- for his lies, his deceptions, his hype, and his cruelty -- President Donald Trump has met his match in the pandemic of 2020. His bluff and bluster are powerless as thousands of Americans die and the blame falls, in part, on his failure to heed the warnings and execute a robust national response. This occurred even though a pandemic playbook had been left behind by the Obama administration. Early in the crisis, Trump said "We have it totally under control. It's one person coming from China. It's going to be just fine." Weeks were wasted and now the price of this fiasco will likely be a loss of life far greater than 9/11 or Hurricane Katrina.

As someone who has studied Trump for years, I thought it was inevitable that he would eventually reach a moment of reckoning as president. I couldn't have imagined that it would come with the catastrophic consequences now facing the nation as Covid-19 overwhelms health care systems and brings the economy to a standstill. Trump's profound personal shortcomings -- deficiencies of his heart and mind -- helped bring us to this moment.

Ignorant as he can seem, the President seems to sense that this moment will establish his reputation in perpetuity. He said as much last week when he observed that, "the history books will never forget" America's response to the coronavirus. What he did not mention, however, is that his response to the pandemic will be examined in minute detail -- it is this prospect, the prospect of accountability, that looms over him now.

Until this crisis, Trump had avoided accountability with remarkable consistency. Born into astounding wealth, he avoided accountability by persuading creditors that he was too big to fail even after he ran businesses into the ground. In politics, he deflected accountability by blaming others, especially the press and Democrats, for problems that occurred on his watch. Recently, when asked about the dreadful federal failures on coronavirus testing, he said, bluntly, "I don't take responsibility at all."

Historians will eventually write books detailing what journalists already know about the Trump administration's dereliction of duty when the pandemic hit. America's Covid-19 death toll now passes 2,800 and the caseload exceeds 157,200 cases, But through much of the time that the number of cases was growing, the White House offered no coherent national response to the crisis.

No federal agency is rallying health care workers to move to hot spots where they are needed. Instead of assertively coordinating and distributing vital equipment, the administration is letting states, hospitals, and federal agencies compete against each other. Trump even went so far as to accuse medical workers of hoarding supplies.

Recently Trump introduced a bit of personal petulance to this dynamic, suggesting that governors who aren't sufficiently deferential should be ignored by the White House. (He leavened this remark by noting that Vice President Mike Pence is not following his lead.) Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, whom Trump singled out for criticism, reported that orders made for equipment had been canceled as suppliers favored the feds over her state.

At the epicenter of the nation's and the world's pandemic, Cuomo has been reminding us that the worst of the crisis is just beginning. The same is true for history's assessment of President Trump. The coronavirus is immune to his manipulation and spin. It is the defining challenge of his presidency and of his life. Compared with other presidential crises, like the 9/11 attacks or Hurricane Katrina, it has occurred slowly, with ample warning, giving the president many opportunities to act and, we see now, fail.

The accounting will continue. And like the pandemic, it will be devastating."

United States confirmed cases of coronavirus: 161,088

United States confirmed deaths from coronavirus: 2,968

Now look at the results for a Modern FIRST WORLD country that took the crises seriously from the start:

JAPAN confirmed cases of coronavirus: 1,866

JAPAN confirmed deaths from coronavirus: 54

I know you get excited at that thought, buuuuut,

And there are more like that of Joe Biden and others. Your leaders failed you and you could die from it, but as long as the blue team makes it you are cool. Dumb lemming.

The first video is from FEBRUARY 2, 2020. At that time there were only 11 cases of coronavirus in the UNITED STATES! There were NO cases of coronavirus in the state of New York and would not be any until MARCH 1, 2020.

The New York Health person can only advise and control what was going in New York at the time. It was TRUMP's job on February 2 to close the country off to foreign travel like Japan and Taiwan had done days earlier. But Trump never did that, and would wait until late March to finally implement travel bans and border closings that JAPAN and TAIWAN had implemented in January.

The United States now has over 3,000 dead and over 163,000 infections.

JAPAN has less than 2,000 infections and only 56 deaths despite having the oldest average population on earth and more direct contact and trade with China than the United States!

You lie!!!

Read the article and look at the bottom to see how well JAPAN has managed this crises compared to the United States under Donald Trump.
The source is far more telling than the article...in fact it looks like CNN read one of your posts and decided it was their kind of news and ran with it.

Dissect the piece for us. Show us where it is wrong? I would love to see you try.
History's verdict on Trump will be devastating

By Michael D'Antonio

Updated 6:14 PM ET, Mon March 30, 2020

"(CNN)In a crisis, all is revealed.
After a lifetime devoted to avoiding responsibility and accountability -- for his lies, his deceptions, his hype, and his cruelty -- President Donald Trump has met his match in the pandemic of 2020. His bluff and bluster are powerless as thousands of Americans die and the blame falls, in part, on his failure to heed the warnings and execute a robust national response. This occurred even though a pandemic playbook had been left behind by the Obama administration. Early in the crisis, Trump said "We have it totally under control. It's one person coming from China. It's going to be just fine." Weeks were wasted and now the price of this fiasco will likely be a loss of life far greater than 9/11 or Hurricane Katrina.

As someone who has studied Trump for years, I thought it was inevitable that he would eventually reach a moment of reckoning as president. I couldn't have imagined that it would come with the catastrophic consequences now facing the nation as Covid-19 overwhelms health care systems and brings the economy to a standstill. Trump's profound personal shortcomings -- deficiencies of his heart and mind -- helped bring us to this moment.

Ignorant as he can seem, the President seems to sense that this moment will establish his reputation in perpetuity. He said as much last week when he observed that, "the history books will never forget" America's response to the coronavirus. What he did not mention, however, is that his response to the pandemic will be examined in minute detail -- it is this prospect, the prospect of accountability, that looms over him now.

Until this crisis, Trump had avoided accountability with remarkable consistency. Born into astounding wealth, he avoided accountability by persuading creditors that he was too big to fail even after he ran businesses into the ground. In politics, he deflected accountability by blaming others, especially the press and Democrats, for problems that occurred on his watch. Recently, when asked about the dreadful federal failures on coronavirus testing, he said, bluntly, "I don't take responsibility at all."
Read the entire article using the link

United States confirmed cases of coronavirus: 161,088

United States confirmed deaths from coronavirus: 2,968

Now look at the results for a Modern FIRST WORLD country that took the crises seriously from the start:

JAPAN confirmed cases of coronavirus: 1,866

JAPAN confirmed deaths from coronavirus: 54

Interesting you decided to compare us with Japan.
Japan's coronavirus infection rate could be 'tip of the iceberg' as experts call for more testing
What is this, like the third thread on this today?

Patriots were down 28-3 with 2 minutes left in the 3rd quarter and if the game was written about then it would read that Tom Brady and the Patriots were chokers. Finals score was 34-28 Patriots. Moral of the story is to wait for the conclusion before making judgment. You’re such a child.

Story? We've had three years of his 'story'. Not even going to go into before he was president. Trump was a douche bag piece of shit long before he became president. The only good thing to come out of his presidency is that he now has no place to hide. Sure, all the shills and Trump lovers on this board will give him a free pass - he could hump a gorilla on live TV and they'd say he's founded a new way of wrestling - but the vast majority of Americans and the rest of the world see him for what he is. His failure as a president is the least of it. His failure as a human being is monumental.

Okay. South Korea. Taiwan. NZ. Ausrtralia. All doing a better job. I've been working from home since last Monday. A guy just got fined $10,000 for allowing two people to drink in his restaurant (all cafes and restaurants are closed but they are allowed to do take out). I'm in Australia btw. My home country of NZ? Stage 4 lock down. Nobody allowed out unless to exercise and even then they have to have social distancing. Both countries are still expecting a rise, but that is because these measures only came in the past two weeks and the virus not only has an incubation period of 14 days, but some people are asymtomatic. IOW, they show no signs of the virus but are carriers. A local celeb who met with Tom Hanks and his wife got it. He has had it for almost three weeks, is in quarantine, has shown NO signs of the virus, been test POSITIVE three times over those weeks, and is therefore still a danger to the local population. The US? Too worried about individual rights (see the preacher arrested today), or being allowed to buy guys. Is there anything more selfish than a neocon whackadoodle 'it's all about me and my rights' Deplorable.
Patriots were down 28-3 with 2 minutes left in the 3rd quarter and if the game was written about then it would read that Tom Brady and the Patriots were chokers. Finals score was 34-28 Patriots. Moral of the story is to wait for the conclusion before making judgment. You’re such a child.

Story? We've had three years of his 'story'. Not even going to go into before he was president. Trump was a douche bag piece of shit long before he became president. The only good thing to come out of his presidency is that he now has no place to hide. Sure, all the shills and Trump lovers on this board will give him a free pass - he could hump a gorilla on live TV and they'd say he's founded a new way of wrestling - but the vast majority of Americans and the rest of the world see him for what he is. His failure as a president is the least of it. His failure as a human being is monumental.
Economy was humming. Military was strong. Innovation was strong. Consumer confidence was high. Feelings were hurt. Sorry to hear that. From a business perspective he was way better than Bush and Obama. We ll see how he handles the virus.
History's verdict on Trump will be devastating

By Michael D'Antonio

Updated 6:14 PM ET, Mon March 30, 2020

"(CNN)In a crisis, all is revealed.
After a lifetime devoted to avoiding responsibility and accountability -- for his lies, his deceptions, his hype, and his cruelty -- President Donald Trump has met his match in the pandemic of 2020. His bluff and bluster are powerless as thousands of Americans die and the blame falls, in part, on his failure to heed the warnings and execute a robust national response. This occurred even though a pandemic playbook had been left behind by the Obama administration. Early in the crisis, Trump said "We have it totally under control. It's one person coming from China. It's going to be just fine." Weeks were wasted and now the price of this fiasco will likely be a loss of life far greater than 9/11 or Hurricane Katrina.

As someone who has studied Trump for years, I thought it was inevitable that he would eventually reach a moment of reckoning as president. I couldn't have imagined that it would come with the catastrophic consequences now facing the nation as Covid-19 overwhelms health care systems and brings the economy to a standstill. Trump's profound personal shortcomings -- deficiencies of his heart and mind -- helped bring us to this moment.

Ignorant as he can seem, the President seems to sense that this moment will establish his reputation in perpetuity. He said as much last week when he observed that, "the history books will never forget" America's response to the coronavirus. What he did not mention, however, is that his response to the pandemic will be examined in minute detail -- it is this prospect, the prospect of accountability, that looms over him now.

Until this crisis, Trump had avoided accountability with remarkable consistency. Born into astounding wealth, he avoided accountability by persuading creditors that he was too big to fail even after he ran businesses into the ground. In politics, he deflected accountability by blaming others, especially the press and Democrats, for problems that occurred on his watch. Recently, when asked about the dreadful federal failures on coronavirus testing, he said, bluntly, "I don't take responsibility at all."
Read the entire article using the link

United States confirmed cases of coronavirus: 161,088

United States confirmed deaths from coronavirus: 2,968

Now look at the results for a Modern FIRST WORLD country that took the crises seriously from the start:

JAPAN confirmed cases of coronavirus: 1,866

JAPAN confirmed deaths from coronavirus: 54

Interesting you decided to compare us with Japan.
Japan's coronavirus infection rate could be 'tip of the iceberg' as experts call for more testing

Okay. South Korea. Taiwan. NZ. Ausrtralia. All doing a better job. I've been working from home since last Monday. A guy just got fined $10,000 for allowing to people to drink in his restaurant (all cafes and restaurants are closed but they are allowed to do take out). I'm in Australia btw. My home country of NZ? Stage 4 lock down. Nobody allowed out unless to exercise and even then they have to have social distancing. Both countries are still expecting a rise, but that is because these measures only came in the past two weeks and the virus not only has an incubation period of 14 days, but some people are asymtomatic. IOW, they show no signs of the virus but are carriers. A local celeb who met with Tom Hanks and his wife got it. He has had it for almost three weeks, is in quarantine, has shown NO signs of the virus, been test POSITIVE three times over those weeks, and is therefore still a danger to the local population. The US? Too worried about individual rights (see the preacher arrested today), or being allowed to buy guys. Is there anything more selfish than a neocon whackadoodle 'it's all about me and my rights' Deplorable.
You’re an Aussie? Why so critical of America, mate?

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