hitler a threat to American Jews?

It is the logical conclusion. If sin had never existed then there would be no need for a sacrifice. So since you sin, you were in part responsible for his death. We all are.

Perhaps by your logic. Not mine.
Logic is logic. Explain how what I wrote isn’t logical.

Jesus was sacrificed for our sins.

If we had never sinned there would be no need for a sacrifice.

Ergo we are responsible for Christ’s death.

Where’s the flaw?

1) Not everybody believes in Jesus

2) We had never been born when the crucifixion took place

3) Jesus has the opportunity to flee and chose not to. "We" in even your tortured use of the word did not force him to die. He elected to die. If anybody, God forced him to die.
It doesn't matter if you or anyone else believes in Jesus. It only matters what the people who believe in Jesus believed as these are the people you were referring to. These people believed sin killed Jesus.

Suddenly logic isn't logic anymore to you...
You certainly couldn't follow it. I'm pretty happy with this exchange.
There was a 25 point plan for the German Democratic Socialist Party. They were as liberal as can be.

LOL--of that list from the 20's, the autocratic, heavy-handed conservative points were the only ones ever achieved.

  1. Unification of Greater Germany (Austria + Germany)
  2. Land + expansion
  3. Anti-Versailles - abrogation of the Treaty.
  4. Land and territory - lebensraum.
  5. Only a "member of the race" can be a citizen.
  6. Anti-semitism - No Jew can be a member of the race.
  7. Anti-foreigner - only citizens can live in Germany.
  8. No immigration - ref. to Jews fleeing pograms.
  9. Everyone must work.
  10. Abolition of unearned income - "no rent-slavery".
  11. Nationalisation of industry
  12. Divison of profits
  13. Extension of old age welfare.
  14. Land reform
  15. Death to all criminals
  16. German law, not Roman law (anti- French Rev.)
  17. Education to teach "the German Way"
  18. Education of gifted children
  19. Protection of mother and child by outlawing child labour.
  20. Encouraging gymnastics and swimming
  21. Formation a national army.
  22. Duty of the state to provide for its volk.
  23. Duty of individuals to the state
That doesn’t look familiar. Where did you get that from?

Internet History Sourcebooks
Let's not sugar coat it by parsing it. Fair enough?

Platform of the National-Socialist German Workers’ Party
1-10 is basically Trump's platform, as are others of the 25 no matter which source you use.
Only the protectionist part. But that's the populist platform he ran on and won those three states. You know the ones that felt like they were being taken for granted by the far left move of the Democratic Party. The rest of the platform is quintessential big government.

For crying out loud their party name had socialists in it, so are you really certain you want to argue they are conservatives?
There is an inherent problem with trying to shoe horn Nazis (or any politics you hate) into a parallel of one party or another.

The Nazi Party: Platform of the National-Socialist German Workers’ Party
There is an inherent problem with trying to shoe horn Nazis (or any politics you hate) into a parallel of one party or another.

No there isn't. That's bullshit. They called themselves socialists. How hard is that to figure out?

Protectionism crosses party lines and is a precursor to war.
There is certainly a tradition in conservative religious circles to blame the Jews for killing Jesus, so I doubt it would have been a stretch for Germany to manipulate that sentiment.
That isn’t true.

If you believe that Jesus was given up as a sacrifice for our sins to reconcile justice with mercy, then you must believe that we all killed Christ.

It is true and I must not believe any such thing.
It is the logical conclusion. If sin had never existed then there would be no need for a sacrifice. So since you sin, you were in part responsible for his death. We all are.
How can you be responsible for something that happened over two millennia ago?
There is an inherent problem with trying to shoe horn Nazis (or any politics you hate) into a parallel of one party or another.

No there isn't. That's bullshit. They called themselves socialists. How hard is that to figure out?

Protectionism crosses party lines and is a precursor to war.
Yeah, and Saddam Hussein's Republican Guard were actual Republicans too. It says so on the label.
There is certainly a tradition in conservative religious circles to blame the Jews for killing Jesus, so I doubt it would have been a stretch for Germany to manipulate that sentiment.
That isn’t true.

If you believe that Jesus was given up as a sacrifice for our sins to reconcile justice with mercy, then you must believe that we all killed Christ.

It is true and I must not believe any such thing.
It is the logical conclusion. If sin had never existed then there would be no need for a sacrifice. So since you sin, you were in part responsible for his death. We all are.
How can you be responsible for something that happened over two millennia ago?
Because we still sin.
There is an inherent problem with trying to shoe horn Nazis (or any politics you hate) into a parallel of one party or another.

No there isn't. That's bullshit. They called themselves socialists. How hard is that to figure out?

Protectionism crosses party lines and is a precursor to war.
Yeah, and Saddam Hussein's Republican Guard were actual Republicans too. It says so on the label.
In the Nazi’s case they were big government socialists who confiscated wealth.
was hitler a threat to American Jews?
how much influence was hitler to American anti-Semitics?
I'm not seeing it --not even close

Germany and Japan's plans, if they had won the war, was to divide America at the Mississippi River, with Germans occupying the eastern portion.

Considering the fact that this is where most of America's Jews lived in the 1940's, and the fact that Germany established Death Camps for Jews in occupied countries in Europe, it was definitely a clear and present danger at the time.
was hitler a threat to American Jews?
how much influence was hitler to American anti-Semitics?
I'm not seeing it --not even close

There was a 'German- American Bund' during both world wars in the U.S., and you have the Klan and the black version 'Nation of Islam'. The antisemitism comes and goes in waves, it seems, some times it's worse than others. In the west Texas town my grandparents and my father and mother and uncles were raised there was a big Klan recruitment effort in the late 1930's, trying to take advantage of the Depression, blaming the 'Jewish bankers' and all that rot, and they made threats and vandalized the home and business of the only Jewish family in town. They had been dirt poor junkyard operators, mostly old oilfield and farm scrap, and made a lot of money when the Japanese and other countries were buying all the U.S. metal they could get their hands on for their war efforts, so they got targeted. My Grandfather and several of the local American Legion members took turns guarding their house and business until the Klan moved on. In those days in Texas and most western states, you had maybe one sheriff for an entire county, so naturally most law and order was by locals themselves, and usually it was the American Legion members that were called on, or they just did ti without being asked.

I think it was much more prevalent in places like New York City and Chicago than out west or down south. In any case, there is a gamut running from simple prejudice to the Nazi extremes; FDR's simple prejudices were not in the same league as Hitler's or the Kaiser's racism. Among Jews themselves there is the same spectrum, German Jews for the most part looked down on eastern European Jews, for instance.
There is certainly a tradition in conservative religious circles to blame the Jews for killing Jesus, so I doubt it would have been a stretch for Germany to manipulate that sentiment.
That isn’t true.

If you believe that Jesus was given up as a sacrifice for our sins to reconcile justice with mercy, then you must believe that we all killed Christ.

That's the way the book reads.
was hitler a threat to American Jews?
how much influence was hitler to American anti-Semitics?
I'm not seeing it --not even close

Germany and Japan's plans, if they had won the war, was to divide America at the Mississippi River, with Germans occupying the eastern portion.

Considering the fact that this is where most of America's Jews lived in the 1940's, and the fact that Germany established Death Camps for Jews in occupied countries in Europe, it was definitely a clear and present danger at the time.
Germany couldn't even invade Britain much less the US
and June 22 1941--game over
..even without invading Russia, Germany doesn't have the industrial strength to come even close to invading the US
I've never studied or read much on anti-Semitism in the US...

feel free to ask questions------I actually read the hardcore stuff because
the little sleazy pamphlets were ALL OVER. ----and my childhood town
had been "restricted" until the post war baby boom made
selling houses just too profitable. When I was a kid----there was not
a single black family in the town----when my famly moved in----5
little jewish kids--------some women SWOONED.
....could there have been a significant amount of attacks on Jews with no arrests--because of hitler? can this been validated?

what are you calling attacks? back then kids jumping other kids
was not considered "criminal" -----it was just KIDS BEING KIDS.
Vandalisms were simply untraceable STUFF done by J D's
adults attacking Jews.....Kristallnacht .....houses burned/taken
was hitler a threat to American Jews?
how much influence was hitler to American anti-Semitics?
I'm not seeing it --not even close

Germany and Japan's plans, if they had won the war, was to divide America at the Mississippi River, with Germans occupying the eastern portion.

Considering the fact that this is where most of America's Jews lived in the 1940's, and the fact that Germany established Death Camps for Jews in occupied countries in Europe, it was definitely a clear and present danger at the time.
Germany couldn't even invade Britain much less the US
and June 22 1941--game over
..even without invading Russia, Germany doesn't have the industrial strength to come even close to invading the US

I disagree. Germany and Japan came a lot closer to winning WWII that you think. Just a super weapon or two away from winning. If they had developed their weapons of mass destruction like the V2 missiles earlier, it might have may a difference.

The 3 major tenets of national socialism- Gun Control, Socialized Medicine and Genocide have remained popular over the decades since. Swaying popular opinion is another area. Right now we have 2 dozen candidates in the American election with Hitler like ideas on the healthcare system. running. The carnage in America since Roe V Wade makes Hitler look like a piker in regards to the bloodshed. I don't think victory was a sure thing at all for America.

And if you look at the situation today, the anti-brexit folks are lining up behind the German fuhrerette for the united Europe that Hitler desired too. Even a lot of people in America are fighting against American greatness and getting behind Frau Merkel.
was hitler a threat to American Jews?
how much influence was hitler to American anti-Semitics?
I'm not seeing it --not even close

Germany and Japan's plans, if they had won the war, was to divide America at the Mississippi River, with Germans occupying the eastern portion.

Considering the fact that this is where most of America's Jews lived in the 1940's, and the fact that Germany established Death Camps for Jews in occupied countries in Europe, it was definitely a clear and present danger at the time.
Germany couldn't even invade Britain much less the US
and June 22 1941--game over
..even without invading Russia, Germany doesn't have the industrial strength to come even close to invading the US

I disagree. Germany and Japan came a lot closer to winning WWII that you think. Just a super weapon or two away from winning. If they had developed their weapons of mass destruction like the V2 missiles earlier, it might have may a difference.

The 3 major tenets of national socialism- Gun Control, Socialized Medicine and Genocide have remained popular over the decades since. Swaying popular opinion is another area. Right now we have 2 dozen candidates in the American election with Hitler like ideas on the healthcare system. running. The carnage in America since Roe V Wade makes Hitler look like a piker in regards to the bloodshed. I don't think victory was a sure thing at all for America.

And if you look at the situation today, the anti-brexit folks are lining up behind the German fuhrerette for the united Europe that Hitler desired too. Even a lot of people in America are fighting against American greatness and getting behind Frau Merkel.
no they did not --they never came close ...
as like many other replies on WW2---IF is the key word ..if if if
the Allies are developing their weapons and military also
this was TOTAL war
Nearly twice the population of Japan.
Seventeen time's Japan's national income.
Five times more steel production.
Seven times more coal production.
Eighty (80) times the automobile production.

the US had over twice the warmaking potential of Germany and Japan combined
Grim Economic Realities
Russia by itself was too big with a much bigger population

.......the US --with the BIGGEST industry/$$$$$$/population and NOT being bombed to hell like Germany and Japan was, barely got a bomb ready in 1945 !!!!!!!!!!!!!! and you think Germany and Japan will get one??!!
AND Germany and Japan did not have a delivery device IF they got a bomb--they would have to develop that ---but if they are developing a delivery device--then that is taking away from the MEAGER resources needed to make a A bomb
..do you see how it won't work???

etc etc ..I gotta go, but there is so much more to it
How in the world could Hitler have been a threat to American Jews? Maybe if the Nazis seized their assets in Europe but otherwise America was a haven for Jews.
How in the world could Hitler have been a threat to American Jews? Maybe if the Nazis seized their assets in Europe but otherwise America was a haven for Jews.

there are BUYERS for every possible ideology ----your statement is naive
was hitler a threat to American Jews?
how much influence was hitler to American anti-Semitics?
I'm not seeing it --not even close
Good thing they didn’t win the war.

Imagine black lives if conservatives had won the Civil War here in this country.

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