Hitler, Fascism and the right wing

People could and did profit from the Nazi era. It wasn't totally free market, then again the US isn't totally free market either, most companies have to pay tax (though some seem to get money from the govt and pay nothing) and have to abide by laws and regulations.
In Nazi Germany this was MORE EXTREME (hence why it's called FAR-right) however it wasn't much different except the extremity.
I thought the TEA party was the far right because they wanted more free markets and less government. Now, it's big government and crony capitalism that is far right. What does that make the TEA party? Leftists?

To say that corporations in Nazi Germany weren't totally free is a bit breath taking. They were free to serve the Fatherland and not a hell of a lot more. Those that played ball did very well but that is hardly capitalism or right wing or conservative.

No, big govt/small govt is a US interpretation of left and right. No one else actually bothers with this interpretation.

It's actually a world-wide standard, only the leftwing professors in Europe do everything they can to muddy up the issue by brining in all sorts of irrelevancies like nationalism and racism. American pinko professors do the same thing, but they haven't polluted the waters as much.
Economy of Nazi Germany - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Hitler faced the choice between conflicting recommendations. On one side a "free market" technocratic faction within the government, centered around Reichsbank President Hjalmar Schacht, Minister of Economics Walther Funk and Price Commissioner Dr. Carl Friedrich Goerdeler calling for decreased military spending, free trade, and a moderation in state intervention in the economy.

This faction was supported by some of Germany's leading business executives, most notably Hermann Duecher of AEG, Robert Bosch of Robert Bosch GmbH, and Albert Voegeler of Vereinigte Stahlwerke AG.[45] On the other side the more politicized faction favored autarkic policies and sustained military spending.[46]

Characteristically, Hitler hesitated before siding with the latter, and in August issued the "Four-Year Plan Memorandum" ordering Hermann Göring to have the German economy ready for war within four years.[47][48] The “Four-Year Plan” increased state intervention in the economy and siphoned off resources from the private sector for rearmament. Rearmament fell short of Goering’s goals, and the plan resulted in shortages and rationing for most German citizens.
No, big govt/small govt is a US interpretation of left and right. No one else actually bothers with this interpretation.
So Hitler wasn't right wing by US standards. That's what we've been saying.
No, we're talking about big govt/small govt.

Also, by US standards is also by BS standards too.

The Republican Party CLAIM to be small govt. Bush took the Federal Budget from $1.7 trillion to $3.5 trillion in 8 years. Small govt? If that's small govt I'd hate to see Republican big govt. Jeez, it's be fatter than all the obesity in the US combined.

So, the rest of the world is supposed to accept that Hitler is Left wing because the Republican Party goes around lying to its sheep that it's interested in small govt and sniggers behind their backs?

Oh great.
Again with Bush. What the fuck? He wasn't a fiscal conservative, no one has ever stepped forward and accused him of it either. He alone does not represent all things right wing. You are employing obfuscation here, if you are now saying there is no real such thing as the right wing then why even bother?
No, big govt/small govt is a US interpretation of left and right. No one else actually bothers with this interpretation.
So Hitler wasn't right wing by US standards. That's what we've been saying.

He wasn't right-wing by any standard. The standard used by the European leftwing press is just pure bullshit.
Making more babies and fighting wars you don't have to is right-wing. Sorry.

No it isn't, your fucking numskull. Making war on your neighbours is a leftwing thing.
Bripat9643 and Iceweasal...and all the rest who have posted against the silliness of these lefties...thanks....when I was over on martialtalk I would debate this all by myself with these guys....it got tiring...it is nice to know there are others out there who won't let the left re write history....one of their favorite activities....
Making war on your neighbours is a leftwing thing.

See, the left ends up invading other countries because their economic policies are so stupid and destructive they have to steal from other people to keep their home economies going....l
No, big govt/small govt is a US interpretation of left and right. No one else actually bothers with this interpretation.

dear, there is no one else that matters besides the USA. We are the worlds policeman. We created the world after WW2 then defeated USSR and now Red China.

See why we are positive a liberal will be slow?
Tag....someone else has to take over....I am tired and need to post about guns or something....to clear my mind of all this talk about lefty socialists.....it poisons the mind....
Bripat9643 and Iceweasal...and all the rest who have posted against the silliness of these lefties...thanks....when I was over on martialtalk I would debate this all by myself with these guys....it got tiring...it is nice to know there are others out there who won't let the left re write history....one of their favorite activities....

Note how irate they get when you shoot down all their pet theories. They whine and cry and stamp their feet when you don't accept the mere opinion of some pinko professor as gospel. That's because without that they got nothing.
Note how irate they get when you shoot down all their pet theories. They whine and cry and stamp their feet when you don't accept the mere opinion of some pinko professor as gospel. That's because without that they got nothing.
That's because all legitimate, educated, intelligent and walks-fully-erect humans agree with them.
Bripat9643 and Iceweasal...and all the rest who have posted against the silliness of these lefties...thanks....when I was over on martialtalk I would debate this all by myself with these guys....it got tiring...it is nice to know there are others out there who won't let the left re write history....one of their favorite activities....

Note how irate they get when you shoot down all their pet theories. They whine and cry and stamp their feet when you don't accept the mere opinion of some pinko professor as gospel. That's because without that they got nothing.
Without that we have the actions of Hitler, the mostly right-wing actions. Sorry.
Bripat9643 and Iceweasal...and all the rest who have posted against the silliness of these lefties...thanks....when I was over on martialtalk I would debate this all by myself with these guys....it got tiring...it is nice to know there are others out there who won't let the left re write history....one of their favorite activities....

Note how irate they get when you shoot down all their pet theories. They whine and cry and stamp their feet when you don't accept the mere opinion of some pinko professor as gospel. That's because without that they got nothing.
Without that we have the actions of Hitler, the mostly right-wing actions. Sorry.

What "right-wing actions," having the government build the People's Car? His 5 year economic plans?

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