Hitler's religiony

For one, we bring forward good stuff like "love your neighbor", etc., but can't bring forward Genesis or Adam/Eve because the geneologies add up to about a 6000 year-old earth. We can't bring forward unscientific teachings, such as "angels" or "jinns", or a magic guy who lives in the sky for 2000 years (but we do indeed bring forward the good parts, the parts that PHILOSOPHER Jesus said, just not the magic/unscientific Jesus stuff like "heaven/hell" of the Bible, as such.)
You are at best lemmings...at worst knowing co-conspirators. I tend to side with the latter.
In the long run, a scientific belief system will eventually outshine a non-scientific one. We can't bring forward, say, Mohammad riding on a winged horse, and then also demand that our children do well in SCIENCE class! (for obvious reasons!)

So we are the world's most intellectually-consistent overall belief system (at least we strive to be, and will change to achieve that) - and that's a great thing. We of course couldn't bring forward Revelation where it says that people are NOT ALLOWED TO IMPROVE the texts of the Bible - your children are too creative, they will indeed come up with improvements on all belief systems, we know that. So we are likely the world's most "improving" belief system.

Have a great week.
So actually you don't really have faith that God is in control or knows your thoughts and needs. O' well. :itsok:
We are the world's most flexible overall belief system, since when evidence, to a court-room level, is found that a particular unique god is real, then we'll gladly update our beliefs.
We believe that we deserve a particular god that cares about us enough, enough to provide a court-room level of evidence that he's actually real - which would show that the other gods are just pretenders and/or just invented by con-men. As it stands now there are 5000+ gods, and none of them can differentiate themselves - so of course they don't care about us or are not actually all-powerful as claimed. But we do hold out hope that someday one will care about us enough to live up to a court-room level of evidence. We deserve that.
I had a lawyer ask me once how I knew God had provided my very first contracting job with the state. I told him all of the details of how saw the contract listed in the newspaper in the legal section, how I knew in my heart that God made that job just for me, and how I won that contract even though I wasn't the low bid. Took a bit to describe it all to him but after I did he said, "I do believe that God mad that job just for you as that was a miracle". Now here the odd part. The guy agree to be my attorney and then dumped me and left me in a bigger mess than I was before he had came along to say he would help the young attorney that was attempting to defend me from a bunch of fraudulent, counterfeiting bankers. It was about ten years later I was up watching over my son's house for a week while he traveled. I went to the store to pick up and few things and there was a guy there handing out newspapers trying to get people to subscribe. I told him that was okay because I had no intentions of subscribing and I did not want to take away from him maybe getting a paper to someone he could actually sell it too. He insisted I take the newspaper so I did. Back at son's house I set the paper on the counter as I empty the bags and notice a front page headline. That lawyer was being charged with something he did to someone else. That is just one of many reasons I have no doubt that there is a Omni present spirit that rules over all things.
  1. 1.
    a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection.
    "it's no coincidence that this new burst of innovation has occurred in the free nations"
    synonyms: accident, chance, serendipity, fortuity, providence, happenstance, fate;
    a fluke
    "too close to be mere coincidence"
  2. 2.
    correspondence in nature or in time of occurrence.
    "the coincidence of interest between the mining companies and certain politicians"
    synonyms: co-occurrence, coexistence, conjunction, simultaneity, contemporaneity,
You are at best lemmings...at worst knowing co-conspirators. I tend to side with the latter.
In the long run, a scientific belief system will eventually outshine a non-scientific one. We can't bring forward, say, Mohammad riding on a winged horse, and then also demand that our children do well in SCIENCE class! (for obvious reasons!)

So we are the world's most intellectually-consistent overall belief system (at least we strive to be, and will change to achieve that) - and that's a great thing. We of course couldn't bring forward Revelation where it says that people are NOT ALLOWED TO IMPROVE the texts of the Bible - your children are too creative, they will indeed come up with improvements on all belief systems, we know that. So we are likely the world's most "improving" belief system.

Have a great week.
So actually you don't really have faith that God is in control or knows your thoughts and needs. O' well. :itsok:
We are the world's most flexible overall belief system, since when evidence, to a court-room level, is found that a particular unique god is real, then we'll gladly update our beliefs.
We believe that we deserve a particular god that cares about us enough, enough to provide a court-room level of evidence that he's actually real - which would show that the other gods are just pretenders and/or just invented by con-men. As it stands now there are 5000+ gods, and none of them can differentiate themselves - so of course they don't care about us or are not actually all-powerful as claimed. But we do hold out hope that someday one will care about us enough to live up to a court-room level of evidence. We deserve that.
I had a lawyer ask me once how I knew God had provided my very first contracting job with the state. I told him all of the details of how saw the contract listed in the newspaper in the legal section, how I knew in my heart that God made that job just for me, and how I won that contract even though I wasn't the low bid. Took a bit to describe it all to him but after I did he said, "I do believe that God mad that job just for you as that was a miracle". Now here the odd part. The guy agree to be my attorney and then dumped me and left me in a bigger mess than I was before he had came along to say he would help the young attorney that was attempting to defend me from a bunch of fraudulent, counterfeiting bankers. It was about ten years later I was up watching over my son's house for a week while he traveled. I went to the store to pick up and few things and there was a guy there handing out newspapers trying to get people to subscribe. I told him that was okay because I had no intentions of subscribing and I did not want to take away from him maybe getting a paper to someone he could actually sell it too. He insisted I take the newspaper so I did. Back at son's house I set the paper on the counter as I empty the bags and notice a front page headline. That lawyer was being charged with something he did to someone else. That is just one of many reasons I have no doubt that there is a Omni present spirit that rules over all things.
  1. 1.
    a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection.
    "it's no coincidence that this new burst of innovation has occurred in the free nations"
    synonyms: accident, chance, serendipity, fortuity, providence, happenstance, fate;
    a fluke
    "too close to be mere coincidence"
  2. 2.
    correspondence in nature or in time of occurrence.
    "the coincidence of interest between the mining companies and certain politicians"
    synonyms: co-occurrence, coexistence, conjunction, simultaneity, contemporaneity,
It is not an accident that this lawyer was brought up on charges. It just shows Rodishi's experience was not singular. The lawyer's pattern of behavior and his interrelationships with those in his community eventually came to bite him in the end.
Scientific Humanism would infer that you employ the Scientific Method. Please enlighten me as to what end? Do you wish to draw a correlation between the number of Haitians and crime? Or the number of Salvadoreans in a population and the teenage birth rate?
What exactly makes your movement scientific?
For one, we bring forward good stuff like "love your neighbor", etc., but can't bring forward Genesis or Adam/Eve because the geneologies add up to about a 6000 year-old earth. We can't bring forward unscientific teachings, such as "angels" or "jinns", or a magic guy who lives in the sky for 2000 years (but we do indeed bring forward the good parts, the parts that PHILOSOPHER Jesus said, just not the magic/unscientific Jesus stuff like "heaven/hell" of the Bible, as such.)
You are at best lemmings...at worst knowing co-conspirators. I tend to side with the latter.
In the long run, a scientific belief system will eventually outshine a non-scientific one. We can't bring forward, say, Mohammad riding on a winged horse, and then also demand that our children do well in SCIENCE class! (for obvious reasons!)

So we are the world's most intellectually-consistent overall belief system (at least we strive to be, and will change to achieve that) - and that's a great thing. We of course couldn't bring forward Revelation where it says that people are NOT ALLOWED TO IMPROVE the texts of the Bible - your children are too creative, they will indeed come up with improvements on all belief systems, we know that. So we are likely the world's most "improving" belief system.

Have a great week.
So actually you don't really have faith that God is in control or knows your thoughts and needs. O' well. :itsok:
If a god "knows our thoughts and needs" then wouldn't he have given us the final cure for cancer already?
Have you read the Books Of Enoch? Prior to rest the Lord provide all of the natural cures. If scientist working for money verses humanity and the one's who profit from the un-natural cures prevent that information from getting out is that God's fault? My son was healed using natural means of Glioblastoma. Seasons in time, things are lost and found, eyes are opened and shut. The truth is not always convenient for some. Like I explained to another poster yesterday. Some people are not ready as their souls would die in their own shame, so they get a cloud for a measure of protection, blinded until the blinders can be fully removed. It is all created to serve that which is good but without faith and dedication will we as human beings actually find it?
Have you read the Books Of Enoch?

Prior to rest the Lord provide all of the natural cures.
That is your belief. This is akin to me stating that "I knew that" prior to any discourse as a way of claiming I knew something prior to any potential facts coming to light. It is an alibi for an inherently faith based position.

If scientist working for money verses humanity and the one's who profit from the un-natural cures prevent that information from getting out is that God's fault?

Please clarify, your logic train escapes me.

My son was healed using natural means of Glioblastoma.

There are no un-natural cures as everything is created within nature. To claim that something is un-natural would attribute its making as something which defied the laws of the physical world.

Seasons in time, things are lost and found, eyes are opened and shut.

What you attribute to God is simply your lack of understanding of the intricacies of events. God in the gaps.

Your faith is your faith. You should be honest with yourself and try to understand the difference between belief and fact. "I know these truths because they are true to me" I do not state that my belief is fact. It is my belief in the way that things work. None of us know what makes this all tick. However I go upon what I see and what I know.
In the long run, a scientific belief system will eventually outshine a non-scientific one. We can't bring forward, say, Mohammad riding on a winged horse, and then also demand that our children do well in SCIENCE class! (for obvious reasons!)

So we are the world's most intellectually-consistent overall belief system (at least we strive to be, and will change to achieve that) - and that's a great thing. We of course couldn't bring forward Revelation where it says that people are NOT ALLOWED TO IMPROVE the texts of the Bible - your children are too creative, they will indeed come up with improvements on all belief systems, we know that. So we are likely the world's most "improving" belief system.

Have a great week.
So actually you don't really have faith that God is in control or knows your thoughts and needs. O' well. :itsok:
We are the world's most flexible overall belief system, since when evidence, to a court-room level, is found that a particular unique god is real, then we'll gladly update our beliefs.
We believe that we deserve a particular god that cares about us enough, enough to provide a court-room level of evidence that he's actually real - which would show that the other gods are just pretenders and/or just invented by con-men. As it stands now there are 5000+ gods, and none of them can differentiate themselves - so of course they don't care about us or are not actually all-powerful as claimed. But we do hold out hope that someday one will care about us enough to live up to a court-room level of evidence. We deserve that.
I had a lawyer ask me once how I knew God had provided my very first contracting job with the state. I told him all of the details of how saw the contract listed in the newspaper in the legal section, how I knew in my heart that God made that job just for me, and how I won that contract even though I wasn't the low bid. Took a bit to describe it all to him but after I did he said, "I do believe that God mad that job just for you as that was a miracle". Now here the odd part. The guy agree to be my attorney and then dumped me and left me in a bigger mess than I was before he had came along to say he would help the young attorney that was attempting to defend me from a bunch of fraudulent, counterfeiting bankers. It was about ten years later I was up watching over my son's house for a week while he traveled. I went to the store to pick up and few things and there was a guy there handing out newspapers trying to get people to subscribe. I told him that was okay because I had no intentions of subscribing and I did not want to take away from him maybe getting a paper to someone he could actually sell it too. He insisted I take the newspaper so I did. Back at son's house I set the paper on the counter as I empty the bags and notice a front page headline. That lawyer was being charged with something he did to someone else. That is just one of many reasons I have no doubt that there is a Omni present spirit that rules over all things.
  1. 1.
    a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection.
    "it's no coincidence that this new burst of innovation has occurred in the free nations"
    synonyms: accident, chance, serendipity, fortuity, providence, happenstance, fate;
    a fluke
    "too close to be mere coincidence"
  2. 2.
    correspondence in nature or in time of occurrence.
    "the coincidence of interest between the mining companies and certain politicians"
    synonyms: co-occurrence, coexistence, conjunction, simultaneity, contemporaneity,
It is not an accident that this lawyer was brought up on charges. It just shows Rodishi's experience was not singular. The lawyer's pattern of behavior and his interrelationships with those in his community eventually came to bite him in the end.
Called karma by some but actually the spirit that binds all things. That faith is built in us to trust in God by God spirit in us calling us out but first that lil' candle does sometimes need a spark. It is described in Genesis when the lord awakens the human and the human starts seeking. Maybe not as fast as some may think but heck how long is eternity?

Too much to write all down for you in this forum but I do know that the lord and his angels can actually step out of heaven and walk. As humans we do not know the difference unless we are allowed to know it. I also have no doubt Peter walked on water. It may not be like everyone who has been taught to believe in the flesh believes but that is also one of the reasons confusion can reign in peoples minds.

I have to go for awhile. You guys are kinda fun to chat with. :bye1: Until next time.

That is your belief. This is akin to me stating that "I knew that" prior to any discourse as a way of claiming I knew something prior to any potential facts coming to light. It is an alibi for an inherently faith based position.
Perhaps you should read the Books prior to making that claim.

If scientist working for money verses humanity and the one's who profit from the un-natural cures prevent that information from getting out is that God's fault?
Please clarify, your logic train escapes me.
There are no un-natural cures as everything is created within nature. To claim that something is un-natural would attribute its making as something which defied the laws of the physical world.
I disagree with you. Cramming two species together through gene splicing is not something that is natural.

Seasons in time, things are lost and found, eyes are opened and shut.
What you attribute to God is simply your lack of understanding of the intricacies of events. God in the gaps.

Your faith is your faith. You should be honest with yourself and try to understand the difference between belief and fact. "I know these truths because they are true to me" I do not state that my belief is fact. It is my belief in the way that things work. None of us know what makes this all tick. However I go upon what I see and what I know.
I am honest with myself are you? I go on what I have seen and know too. I am also willing to hear others testimonies of what they have seen, have experienced or have studied. I am free to decide or myself whether I believe it is true or not, concerning their testimonies. You are able to do the same for your self. The beauty of God's creation allows that and even more so because the judgment is also built within that same creation.

If I cannot determine a matter and it is of no threat, I take a wait and see attitude. Truth generally reveals its self in time. If I am uncertain or do not feel a threat of some kind in my spirit, I generally do my best to wait and see if I can find the truth in very important matters. You are at liberty to do the same.
Perhaps you should read the Books prior to making that claim.

I read to chapter 25 of 60. It reads almost exactly like every other book of the Bible. Is there some particular passage that you can recommend?

I disagree with you. Cramming two species together through gene splicing is not something that is natural.
I think my point escapes you.

: having a physical or real existence as contrasted with one that is spiritual, intellectual, or fictitious a corporation is a legal but not a natural person
: of, relating to, or operating in the physical as opposed to the spiritual world natural laws describe phenomena of the physical universe
Definition of NATURAL

I am honest with myself are you?
Obscenely so.

I am also willing to hear others testimonies of what they have seen, have experienced or have studied.
Of course..ref. Book of Enoch

If I cannot determine a matter and it is of no threat, I take a wait and see attitude. Truth generally reveals its self in time. If I am uncertain or do not feel a threat of some kind in my spirit, I generally do my best to wait and see if I can find the truth in very important matters
You attribute God. I attribute the intuition created through the collective experiences of a lifetime. I prefer the logic found in intuition. God does not allow me to expand. If anything is attributable to him...everything is attributable to him. I find that lazy to be honest.
Perhaps you should read the Books prior to making that claim.

I read to chapter 25 of 60. It reads almost exactly like every other book of the Bible. Is there some particular passage that you can recommend?

I disagree with you. Cramming two species together through gene splicing is not something that is natural.
I think my point escapes you.

: having a physical or real existence as contrasted with one that is spiritual, intellectual, or fictitious a corporation is a legal but not a natural person
: of, relating to, or operating in the physical as opposed to the spiritual world natural laws describe phenomena of the physical universe
Definition of NATURAL

I am honest with myself are you?
Obscenely so.

I am also willing to hear others testimonies of what they have seen, have experienced or have studied.
Of course..ref. Book of Enoch

If I cannot determine a matter and it is of no threat, I take a wait and see attitude. Truth generally reveals its self in time. If I am uncertain or do not feel a threat of some kind in my spirit, I generally do my best to wait and see if I can find the truth in very important matters
You attribute God. I attribute the intuition created through the collective experiences of a lifetime. I prefer the logic found in intuition. God does not allow me to expand. If anything is attributable to him...everything is attributable to him. I find that lazy to be honest.
I attribute the spirit of God at work in all things good in my life because I examined the times of my life and experiences throughout my life that made no sense as a mortal being taught to live in this carnally minded world. I called on God a lot for help as a child and God sent his angel to see me. You can believe that or think of it however you like. For me I have no doubt it was a manifestation in a spiritual manner that is not explainable without God in the mix.

A three and five year old child does not have a lifetime of adult experiences collection to impede its thoughts or its spirit. When that child calls on God and God sends his angel to comfort the child you could consider that just carnal intuition but I do not. If that child has been playing with playmates yet the parent cannot see them anywhere is it the child that is in error or the parent?

Once grown and recollections of childhood memories are stirred and questions are ask by the person who has had those experiences.

When you have recognized people you played with as a child; And start asking them questions and they have those same memories to but were thousands of miles away back when those things happen, what would you attribute that to? I asked one of my husband's cousins if he recalled a particular place that we played as children. My husband describe in detail to him a little girl and asked him if he recalled her and he did. I described the whole scene to him and husband's cousin recalled it also. The cousin describe it too. Husband's cousin recounted those experiences as we all talked. I grew up over a thousand miles from where my husband and his family were. The cousin was pretty happy remembering the childhood experiences until I asked a few questions about how we built play areas that stood as self supporting structures as if there were no gravity holding the matter. I also asked, How did it stand alone in the air. What was there to keep it from falling to the ground. He got scared and wouldn't talk about it anymore because it was real yet did not make sense because what we did as children is not possible in the carnal world that is very limited and restricted to physical matter alone.

Could it be the children had been able to see and interact with others in the spiritual regions beyond? Maybe you do not believe there is spirit? In your thoughts could it be possible for the child to see something that the adult cannot see? Would the parents of the child ultimately start thinking there was something wrong with their child as it sees things in that spiritual realm or just think that the child has a wild imagination?

You do not have to answer any of those questions but may want to consider them and ask yourself if there are things you may have missed.

You will have to read the books of Enoch for yourself if you like. They are free online.
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