Hitler's religiony

This should have him with the walking soon to be dead from that era of inhumanity.
Hitler was humane, the inhumane did not want to hear him.
He treated humans he had control over as if they were merely trash to be slaughter and sent into battle at his beckon call, for satisfying his own pride.
So did Stalin...so did Mao...so did the British Royal Crown...so did the colonial French and German and Belgian...so have the Grand Muftis of Islam in calls for Jihad!....so has EVERY single culture, at some point in time.
YET....HITLER is the uuuuultimate EVIL!
You dont feel just a bit played...just an little?
No, I don't. I can only look at history as a means to learn from it from this point going forth. I am interested in it but will always keep in mind that humans attempt to put themselves in the best light as they can. Its that pride thing we have as carnal human beings that causes that.
Well, you seem like a level headed person with an open perspective. You are never belligerent towards me.
I have my moments of flare/hotheaded from time to time. Having that peace given (the promise of the ownership of my own land aka given that a peace in the spirit that keeps me) and knowing that justice is a portion of being eternal beings born of Jesus Christ helps immensely in not becoming overheated so easily. Not to say that it can't be done as their are some things that really piss me off.
Religious views of Adolf Hitler - Wikipedia

I've decided to dedicate an entire thread on the subject since I often hear people around here glibly say that Hitler was a Christian.

Who is in? We can start with the Wiki link above.

As near as I can tell, Hitler:

1. Thought that Jesus was fathered by an Arian Roman soldier, thus making him a non-Jew.
2. Thought that Jesus came to earth to fight the Jewish vermin. His favorite verse in the NT was Jesus driving out the Jewish money changers in the temple.
3. Did not believe in the after life, but somehow thought he might live eternally based upon his accomplishments.
4. Persecuted the church and planned to ultimately destroy it and replace it with "positive Christianity". However, publically he defended Christianity at every turn while privately lambasting it.
5. Thought that science and rational thinking would someday absolve all religion.
Hitler's other siblings turned out to be much much more reasonable people than Hitler did. Votto, assuming that Hitler's mother prayed for a good child (they were a religious family), just say, would you, if you had Jesus' alleged super-powers, have simply steered Hitler's sperm cell away from the egg, so that Hitler would not have been born? A different sperm cell other than Adolf's would have fertilized the egg - so instead of Hitler, a different sibling-like person would have been born. If Jesus magically helps us find our car keys, and answers other prayers, would you have done something that would have been far far better for the world - steering Hitler's sperm cell away from the egg, Votto?

A Scientific Humanist's purpose in life is to "help humanity", and do usually "what's best for the world", and steering Hitler's sperm cell would have accomplished both of those - a different sibling would have been born instead of Hitler. So therefore a 99.999999% chance that this other sibling would not be virtually the worst person to have ever lived. That's what's best for the world, and would have helped humanity the most. Can we agree, Votto?

Enjoy this new week.
Any HUMANIST'S goal in life is to muddie the lines between culture, race, religion in an attempt to erase thousands of years of progress and culture by certain groups in the hope of claiming the singularly important accomplishments of some to all of mankind.
Humanists are evil...
We do indeed want a "browning of the world" - for all races to merge more and more so that racism becomes much harder - if a child is born with many different races in them it's harder for them to be racist of course. It's also harder for someone to be racist towards that child if that that has part of the same race in them as the would-be racist themselves.

The KKK does not like this. That's a good thing, then. Scientific Humanism is likely the least racist, and most anti-racist overall belief system in the world today. Let's move beyond racism to a more Scientific Humanist world. Let's have this century be the century that we finally see an end to racism! Your grandchildren will thank you.
You're GD right you believe in a "browning of the world". Yet you are too inane and in love with your idealism and the smell of your own methane to actually EXAMINE this "brown world" that you are extracting these people from.
What have these brown people done in their world? What advancements have these lovely brown people made? Where are all of the technology and medical advancement coming from?
What role DOES IQ play? You are a rather disgusting and dangerous bunch of ideologues.
You seem to be embracing the racial supremacism of someone like Hitler, and obviously that's not what's best for the world.
When people look more like Tiger Wood's kids (many different races in those kids, including Asian and even American Indian) then the world will be a better place.

Scientific Humanists replace the hatred towards other races with an overall love for humanity. By being the least racist overall belief system we "do what's best for the world" (a key SH goal.) By doing so, one can even move beyond someone as great as Jesus (who said in Mt 15:24 that he only was trying to help one race/ethnicity.) Being a racial supremacist might, just might, be what's best for one race (just say for argument's sake here), but is not "what's best for the world".

Hitler was wrong.

I appreciate the feedback that you've given me.
This should have him with the walking soon to be dead from that era of inhumanity.
Hitler was humane, the inhumane did not want to hear him.
He treated humans he had control over as if they were merely trash to be slaughter and sent into battle at his beckon call, for satisfying his own pride.
So did Stalin...so did Mao...so did the British Royal Crown...so did the colonial French and German and Belgian...so have the Grand Muftis of Islam in calls for Jihad!....so has EVERY single culture, at some point in time.
YET....HITLER is the uuuuultimate EVIL!
You dont feel just a bit played...just an little?
Hitler is considered by more people to be the most evil person of all time.
Yes...because most people are educated by Humanists and Social Egalitarians such as yourself.
Scientific Humanists believe this phrase: "love Jews".
Can we agree that if Hitler had been a Scientific Humanist that the Holocaust of the Jews (the 6 million Jews, out of the 11 million total victims) would not have taken place, mi amigo?
I have my moments of flare/hotheaded from time to time. Having that peace given (the promise of the ownership of my own land aka given that a peace in the spirit that keeps me) and knowing that justice is a portion of being eternal beings born of Jesus Christ helps immensely in not becoming overheated so easily. Not to say that it can't be done as their are some things that really piss me off.
The Book of Jasher gives a hint to that ^ portion. Most people do not realize they are merely tenants in these human bodies (a garden where the spiritual portions grow), that we are charge with for this time to maintain in a manner set forth with the Commandments of God and his word.
Religious views of Adolf Hitler - Wikipedia

I've decided to dedicate an entire thread on the subject since I often hear people around here glibly say that Hitler was a Christian.

Who is in? We can start with the Wiki link above.

As near as I can tell, Hitler:

1. Thought that Jesus was fathered by an Arian Roman soldier, thus making him a non-Jew.
2. Thought that Jesus came to earth to fight the Jewish vermin. His favorite verse in the NT was Jesus driving out the Jewish money changers in the temple.
3. Did not believe in the after life, but somehow thought he might live eternally based upon his accomplishments.
4. Persecuted the church and planned to ultimately destroy it and replace it with "positive Christianity". However, publically he defended Christianity at every turn while privately lambasting it.
5. Thought that science and rational thinking would someday absolve all religion.
Hitler's other siblings turned out to be much much more reasonable people than Hitler did. Votto, assuming that Hitler's mother prayed for a good child (they were a religious family), just say, would you, if you had Jesus' alleged super-powers, have simply steered Hitler's sperm cell away from the egg, so that Hitler would not have been born? A different sperm cell other than Adolf's would have fertilized the egg - so instead of Hitler, a different sibling-like person would have been born. If Jesus magically helps us find our car keys, and answers other prayers, would you have done something that would have been far far better for the world - steering Hitler's sperm cell away from the egg, Votto?

A Scientific Humanist's purpose in life is to "help humanity", and do usually "what's best for the world", and steering Hitler's sperm cell would have accomplished both of those - a different sibling would have been born instead of Hitler. So therefore a 99.999999% chance that this other sibling would not be virtually the worst person to have ever lived. That's what's best for the world, and would have helped humanity the most. Can we agree, Votto?

Enjoy this new week.
Any HUMANIST'S goal in life is to muddie the lines between culture, race, religion in an attempt to erase thousands of years of progress and culture by certain groups in the hope of claiming the singularly important accomplishments of some to all of mankind.
Humanists are evil...
We do indeed want a "browning of the world" - for all races to merge more and more so that racism becomes much harder - if a child is born with many different races in them it's harder for them to be racist of course. It's also harder for someone to be racist towards that child if that that has part of the same race in them as the would-be racist themselves.

The KKK does not like this. That's a good thing, then. Scientific Humanism is likely the least racist, and most anti-racist overall belief system in the world today. Let's move beyond racism to a more Scientific Humanist world. Let's have this century be the century that we finally see an end to racism! Your grandchildren will thank you.
You're GD right you believe in a "browning of the world". Yet you are too inane and in love with your idealism and the smell of your own methane to actually EXAMINE this "brown world" that you are extracting these people from.
What have these brown people done in their world? What advancements have these lovely brown people made? Where are all of the technology and medical advancement coming from?
What role DOES IQ play? You are a rather disgusting and dangerous bunch of ideologues.
"Separate but equal" never is, my friend.
I have my moments of flare/hotheaded from time to time. Having that peace given (the promise of the ownership of my own land aka given that a peace in the spirit that keeps me) and knowing that justice is a portion of being eternal beings born of Jesus Christ helps immensely in not becoming overheated so easily. Not to say that it can't be done as their are some things that really piss me off.
The Book of Jasher gives a hint to that ^ portion. Most people do not realize they are merely tenants in these human bodies (a garden where the spiritual portions grow), that we are charge with for this time to maintain in a manner set forth with the Commandments of God and his word.
You checked the "funny" box for my post #36. I'd love to know how you consider that very serious post "funny". I respect your opinion, I just think that you might have racist tendencies if you think that post was "funny". If you have racist tendencies then let's work to end that.
Religious views of Adolf Hitler - Wikipedia

I've decided to dedicate an entire thread on the subject since I often hear people around here glibly say that Hitler was a Christian.

Who is in? We can start with the Wiki link above.

As near as I can tell, Hitler:

1. Thought that Jesus was fathered by an Arian Roman soldier, thus making him a non-Jew.
2. Thought that Jesus came to earth to fight the Jewish vermin. His favorite verse in the NT was Jesus driving out the Jewish money changers in the temple.
3. Did not believe in the after life, but somehow thought he might live eternally based upon his accomplishments.
4. Persecuted the church and planned to ultimately destroy it and replace it with "positive Christianity". However, publically he defended Christianity at every turn while privately lambasting it.
5. Thought that science and rational thinking would someday absolve all religion.
Hitler's other siblings turned out to be much much more reasonable people than Hitler did. Votto, assuming that Hitler's mother prayed for a good child (they were a religious family), just say, would you, if you had Jesus' alleged super-powers, have simply steered Hitler's sperm cell away from the egg, so that Hitler would not have been born? A different sperm cell other than Adolf's would have fertilized the egg - so instead of Hitler, a different sibling-like person would have been born. If Jesus magically helps us find our car keys, and answers other prayers, would you have done something that would have been far far better for the world - steering Hitler's sperm cell away from the egg, Votto?

A Scientific Humanist's purpose in life is to "help humanity", and do usually "what's best for the world", and steering Hitler's sperm cell would have accomplished both of those - a different sibling would have been born instead of Hitler. So therefore a 99.999999% chance that this other sibling would not be virtually the worst person to have ever lived. That's what's best for the world, and would have helped humanity the most. Can we agree, Votto?

Enjoy this new week.
Any HUMANIST'S goal in life is to muddie the lines between culture, race, religion in an attempt to erase thousands of years of progress and culture by certain groups in the hope of claiming the singularly important accomplishments of some to all of mankind.
Humanists are evil...
We do indeed want a "browning of the world" - for all races to merge more and more so that racism becomes much harder - if a child is born with many different races in them it's harder for them to be racist of course. It's also harder for someone to be racist towards that child if that that has part of the same race in them as the would-be racist themselves.

The KKK does not like this. That's a good thing, then. Scientific Humanism is likely the least racist, and most anti-racist overall belief system in the world today. Let's move beyond racism to a more Scientific Humanist world. Let's have this century be the century that we finally see an end to racism! Your grandchildren will thank you.
You're GD right you believe in a "browning of the world". Yet you are too inane and in love with your idealism and the smell of your own methane to actually EXAMINE this "brown world" that you are extracting these people from.
What have these brown people done in their world? What advancements have these lovely brown people made? Where are all of the technology and medical advancement coming from?
What role DOES IQ play? You are a rather disgusting and dangerous bunch of ideologues.
"Separate but equal" never is, my friend.
All are created equal but not All reach that point in knowing it and the ability to handle liberty at the same time. In that there must be boundaries.
Religious views of Adolf Hitler - Wikipedia

I've decided to dedicate an entire thread on the subject since I often hear people around here glibly say that Hitler was a Christian.

Who is in? We can start with the Wiki link above.

As near as I can tell, Hitler:

1. Thought that Jesus was fathered by an Arian Roman soldier, thus making him a non-Jew.
2. Thought that Jesus came to earth to fight the Jewish vermin. His favorite verse in the NT was Jesus driving out the Jewish money changers in the temple.
3. Did not believe in the after life, but somehow thought he might live eternally based upon his accomplishments.
4. Persecuted the church and planned to ultimately destroy it and replace it with "positive Christianity". However, publically he defended Christianity at every turn while privately lambasting it.
5. Thought that science and rational thinking would someday absolve all religion.
Furious Flurry of Fuhrer Fodder

The latest gas from Stormfart is even more desperate:

"Esau, Abraham's grandson who was condemned by God to lose his birthright, swore vengeance against the chosen Jews. After the death of Solomon, his descendants invaded Israel and killed practically all the Jews there. The surviving Jacobean Jews became the first Christians, so all the Jews since then have been these false Jews cursed by God. Both Trump and Putin are Satanic Jews. They want to start a new Cold War to kill off both the Russian and American Christians in it."
Hitler's other siblings turned out to be much much more reasonable people than Hitler did. Votto, assuming that Hitler's mother prayed for a good child (they were a religious family), just say, would you, if you had Jesus' alleged super-powers, have simply steered Hitler's sperm cell away from the egg, so that Hitler would not have been born? A different sperm cell other than Adolf's would have fertilized the egg - so instead of Hitler, a different sibling-like person would have been born. If Jesus magically helps us find our car keys, and answers other prayers, would you have done something that would have been far far better for the world - steering Hitler's sperm cell away from the egg, Votto?

A Scientific Humanist's purpose in life is to "help humanity", and do usually "what's best for the world", and steering Hitler's sperm cell would have accomplished both of those - a different sibling would have been born instead of Hitler. So therefore a 99.999999% chance that this other sibling would not be virtually the worst person to have ever lived. That's what's best for the world, and would have helped humanity the most. Can we agree, Votto?

Enjoy this new week.
Any HUMANIST'S goal in life is to muddie the lines between culture, race, religion in an attempt to erase thousands of years of progress and culture by certain groups in the hope of claiming the singularly important accomplishments of some to all of mankind.
Humanists are evil...
We do indeed want a "browning of the world" - for all races to merge more and more so that racism becomes much harder - if a child is born with many different races in them it's harder for them to be racist of course. It's also harder for someone to be racist towards that child if that that has part of the same race in them as the would-be racist themselves.

The KKK does not like this. That's a good thing, then. Scientific Humanism is likely the least racist, and most anti-racist overall belief system in the world today. Let's move beyond racism to a more Scientific Humanist world. Let's have this century be the century that we finally see an end to racism! Your grandchildren will thank you.
You're GD right you believe in a "browning of the world". Yet you are too inane and in love with your idealism and the smell of your own methane to actually EXAMINE this "brown world" that you are extracting these people from.
What have these brown people done in their world? What advancements have these lovely brown people made? Where are all of the technology and medical advancement coming from?
What role DOES IQ play? You are a rather disgusting and dangerous bunch of ideologues.
"Separate but equal" never is, my friend.
All are created equal but not All reach that point in knowing it and the ability to handle liberty at the same time. In that there must be boundaries.
Scientific Humanism believes in humanity (surprise, "human" is in the name of the belief system :) ) more than you do - hopefully you will one day believe in all races enough so that you'll believe in humanity as much as we do.
I have my moments of flare/hotheaded from time to time. Having that peace given (the promise of the ownership of my own land aka given that a peace in the spirit that keeps me) and knowing that justice is a portion of being eternal beings born of Jesus Christ helps immensely in not becoming overheated so easily. Not to say that it can't be done as their are some things that really piss me off.
The Book of Jasher gives a hint to that ^ portion. Most people do not realize they are merely tenants in these human bodies (a garden where the spiritual portions grow), that we are charge with for this time to maintain in a manner set forth with the Commandments of God and his word.
You checked the "funny" box for my post #36. I'd love to know how you consider that very serious post "funny". I respect your opinion, I just think that you might have racist tendencies if you think that post was "funny". If you have racist tendencies then let's work to end that.
Your persistence for one I find amusing. The second would be that justice is hard for a humanist or a non-believer to see. Most never consider that when people have these thoughts of dividing people by race, supposed birth rights of the worldly sense, cult beliefs or any other device that humans come up with are a measure of humankind subjecting themselves or putting themselves into subjection. That spirit of Isaac, he laughs ya' know.
Any HUMANIST'S goal in life is to muddie the lines between culture, race, religion in an attempt to erase thousands of years of progress and culture by certain groups in the hope of claiming the singularly important accomplishments of some to all of mankind.
Humanists are evil...
We do indeed want a "browning of the world" - for all races to merge more and more so that racism becomes much harder - if a child is born with many different races in them it's harder for them to be racist of course. It's also harder for someone to be racist towards that child if that that has part of the same race in them as the would-be racist themselves.

The KKK does not like this. That's a good thing, then. Scientific Humanism is likely the least racist, and most anti-racist overall belief system in the world today. Let's move beyond racism to a more Scientific Humanist world. Let's have this century be the century that we finally see an end to racism! Your grandchildren will thank you.
You're GD right you believe in a "browning of the world". Yet you are too inane and in love with your idealism and the smell of your own methane to actually EXAMINE this "brown world" that you are extracting these people from.
What have these brown people done in their world? What advancements have these lovely brown people made? Where are all of the technology and medical advancement coming from?
What role DOES IQ play? You are a rather disgusting and dangerous bunch of ideologues.
"Separate but equal" never is, my friend.
All are created equal but not All reach that point in knowing it and the ability to handle liberty at the same time. In that there must be boundaries.
Scientific Humanism believes in humanity (surprise, "human" is in the name of the belief system :) ) more than you do - hopefully you will one day believe in all races enough so that you'll believe in humanity as much as we do.
Scientific Humanism would infer that you employ the Scientific Method. Please enlighten me as to what end? Do you wish to draw a correlation between the number of Haitians and crime? Or the number of Salvadoreans in a population and the teenage birth rate?
What exactly makes your movement scientific?
A better question might be, why didn't the Catholic church excommunicate him? Obviously, he had it coming.

The Church doesn't do that so no, it's not "obvious".

No, Hitler was not about the publically disavow Christianity in a predominantly Christian influenced culture.

That's not even an English sentence. Make it one and we'll go from there.

According to Wiki and various historians, Darwin played a far larger role in his beliefs than Christ.

Irrelevant. You asked about his religion. Everybody has 'influences'.

This is what Hitler said in private.

According to Speer, Hitler stated in private, "The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"[233]

Does this sound like a practicing Christian or someone who is simply using the faith for his own political purposes?
So silly...why even quote such things? You degrade your arguments.

Admit it, you only love Hitler for his legs.

Swishy Swastickers

After World War I, Dear Adolf made his living as a Gayist prostitute in Vienna. One of his rich clients got him into what would later become the Nazi Party. His main sidekick in the beginning was Ernst Rohm, who flaunted his perversion, as did all the other Brownshirts.
Hitler's other siblings turned out to be much much more reasonable people than Hitler did. Votto, assuming that Hitler's mother prayed for a good child (they were a religious family), just say, would you, if you had Jesus' alleged super-powers, have simply steered Hitler's sperm cell away from the egg, so that Hitler would not have been born? A different sperm cell other than Adolf's would have fertilized the egg - so instead of Hitler, a different sibling-like person would have been born. If Jesus magically helps us find our car keys, and answers other prayers, would you have done something that would have been far far better for the world - steering Hitler's sperm cell away from the egg, Votto?

A Scientific Humanist's purpose in life is to "help humanity", and do usually "what's best for the world", and steering Hitler's sperm cell would have accomplished both of those - a different sibling would have been born instead of Hitler. So therefore a 99.999999% chance that this other sibling would not be virtually the worst person to have ever lived. That's what's best for the world, and would have helped humanity the most. Can we agree, Votto?

Enjoy this new week.
Any HUMANIST'S goal in life is to muddie the lines between culture, race, religion in an attempt to erase thousands of years of progress and culture by certain groups in the hope of claiming the singularly important accomplishments of some to all of mankind.
Humanists are evil...
We do indeed want a "browning of the world" - for all races to merge more and more so that racism becomes much harder - if a child is born with many different races in them it's harder for them to be racist of course. It's also harder for someone to be racist towards that child if that that has part of the same race in them as the would-be racist themselves.

The KKK does not like this. That's a good thing, then. Scientific Humanism is likely the least racist, and most anti-racist overall belief system in the world today. Let's move beyond racism to a more Scientific Humanist world. Let's have this century be the century that we finally see an end to racism! Your grandchildren will thank you.
You're GD right you believe in a "browning of the world". Yet you are too inane and in love with your idealism and the smell of your own methane to actually EXAMINE this "brown world" that you are extracting these people from.
What have these brown people done in their world? What advancements have these lovely brown people made? Where are all of the technology and medical advancement coming from?
What role DOES IQ play? You are a rather disgusting and dangerous bunch of ideologues.
"Separate but equal" never is, my friend.
All are created equal but not All reach that point in knowing it and the ability to handle liberty at the same time. In that there must be boundaries.
No...we are not all created equal. That is an oft cited known untruth.
We do indeed want a "browning of the world" - for all races to merge more and more so that racism becomes much harder - if a child is born with many different races in them it's harder for them to be racist of course. It's also harder for someone to be racist towards that child if that that has part of the same race in them as the would-be racist themselves.

The KKK does not like this. That's a good thing, then. Scientific Humanism is likely the least racist, and most anti-racist overall belief system in the world today. Let's move beyond racism to a more Scientific Humanist world. Let's have this century be the century that we finally see an end to racism! Your grandchildren will thank you.
You're GD right you believe in a "browning of the world". Yet you are too inane and in love with your idealism and the smell of your own methane to actually EXAMINE this "brown world" that you are extracting these people from.
What have these brown people done in their world? What advancements have these lovely brown people made? Where are all of the technology and medical advancement coming from?
What role DOES IQ play? You are a rather disgusting and dangerous bunch of ideologues.
"Separate but equal" never is, my friend.
All are created equal but not All reach that point in knowing it and the ability to handle liberty at the same time. In that there must be boundaries.
Scientific Humanism believes in humanity (surprise, "human" is in the name of the belief system :) ) more than you do - hopefully you will one day believe in all races enough so that you'll believe in humanity as much as we do.
Scientific Humanism would infer that you employ the Scientific Method. Please enlighten me as to what end? Do you wish to draw a correlation between the number of Haitians and crime? Or the number of Salvadoreans in a population and the teenage birth rate?
What exactly makes your movement scientific?
For one, we bring forward good stuff like "love your neighbor", etc., but can't bring forward Genesis or Adam/Eve because the geneologies add up to about a 6000 year-old earth. We can't bring forward unscientific teachings, such as "angels" or "jinns", or a magic guy who lives in the sky for 2000 years (but we do indeed bring forward the good parts, the parts that PHILOSOPHER Jesus said, just not the magic/unscientific Jesus stuff like "heaven/hell" of the Bible, as such.)
Any HUMANIST'S goal in life is to muddie the lines between culture, race, religion in an attempt to erase thousands of years of progress and culture by certain groups in the hope of claiming the singularly important accomplishments of some to all of mankind.
Humanists are evil...
We do indeed want a "browning of the world" - for all races to merge more and more so that racism becomes much harder - if a child is born with many different races in them it's harder for them to be racist of course. It's also harder for someone to be racist towards that child if that that has part of the same race in them as the would-be racist themselves.

The KKK does not like this. That's a good thing, then. Scientific Humanism is likely the least racist, and most anti-racist overall belief system in the world today. Let's move beyond racism to a more Scientific Humanist world. Let's have this century be the century that we finally see an end to racism! Your grandchildren will thank you.
You're GD right you believe in a "browning of the world". Yet you are too inane and in love with your idealism and the smell of your own methane to actually EXAMINE this "brown world" that you are extracting these people from.
What have these brown people done in their world? What advancements have these lovely brown people made? Where are all of the technology and medical advancement coming from?
What role DOES IQ play? You are a rather disgusting and dangerous bunch of ideologues.
"Separate but equal" never is, my friend.
All are created equal but not All reach that point in knowing it and the ability to handle liberty at the same time. In that there must be boundaries.
No...we are bot all created equal. That is a oft cited known untruth.
Born with all the same elements both in spirit and of flesh but all with various things to learn and overcome in this world. Does your physical body have boundaries in it? If your head was attached to your ass would it have the same function?

That wasn't said to be mean just the extreme for you can see the point.
Any HUMANIST'S goal in life is to muddie the lines between culture, race, religion in an attempt to erase thousands of years of progress and culture by certain groups in the hope of claiming the singularly important accomplishments of some to all of mankind.
Humanists are evil...
We do indeed want a "browning of the world" - for all races to merge more and more so that racism becomes much harder - if a child is born with many different races in them it's harder for them to be racist of course. It's also harder for someone to be racist towards that child if that that has part of the same race in them as the would-be racist themselves.

The KKK does not like this. That's a good thing, then. Scientific Humanism is likely the least racist, and most anti-racist overall belief system in the world today. Let's move beyond racism to a more Scientific Humanist world. Let's have this century be the century that we finally see an end to racism! Your grandchildren will thank you.
You're GD right you believe in a "browning of the world". Yet you are too inane and in love with your idealism and the smell of your own methane to actually EXAMINE this "brown world" that you are extracting these people from.
What have these brown people done in their world? What advancements have these lovely brown people made? Where are all of the technology and medical advancement coming from?
What role DOES IQ play? You are a rather disgusting and dangerous bunch of ideologues.
"Separate but equal" never is, my friend.
All are created equal but not All reach that point in knowing it and the ability to handle liberty at the same time. In that there must be boundaries.
No...we are not all created equal. That is an oft cited known untruth.
Racism is very harmful for the world, as we are seeing every day.
Scientific Humanist try to "be colorblind". Try it, you might like it.
You're GD right you believe in a "browning of the world". Yet you are too inane and in love with your idealism and the smell of your own methane to actually EXAMINE this "brown world" that you are extracting these people from.
What have these brown people done in their world? What advancements have these lovely brown people made? Where are all of the technology and medical advancement coming from?
What role DOES IQ play? You are a rather disgusting and dangerous bunch of ideologues.
"Separate but equal" never is, my friend.
All are created equal but not All reach that point in knowing it and the ability to handle liberty at the same time. In that there must be boundaries.
Scientific Humanism believes in humanity (surprise, "human" is in the name of the belief system :) ) more than you do - hopefully you will one day believe in all races enough so that you'll believe in humanity as much as we do.
Scientific Humanism would infer that you employ the Scientific Method. Please enlighten me as to what end? Do you wish to draw a correlation between the number of Haitians and crime? Or the number of Salvadoreans in a population and the teenage birth rate?
What exactly makes your movement scientific?
For one, we bring forward good stuff like "love your neighbor", etc., but can't bring forward Genesis or Adam/Eve because the geneologies add up to about a 6000 year-old earth. We can't bring forward unscientific teachings, such as "angels" or "jinns", or a magic guy who lives in the sky for 2000 years (but we do indeed bring forward the good parts, the parts that PHILOSOPHER Jesus said, just not the magic/unscientific Jesus stuff like "heaven/hell" of the Bible, as such.)
You are at best lemmings...at worst knowing co-conspirators. I tend to side with the latter.
We do indeed want a "browning of the world" - for all races to merge more and more so that racism becomes much harder - if a child is born with many different races in them it's harder for them to be racist of course. It's also harder for someone to be racist towards that child if that that has part of the same race in them as the would-be racist themselves.

The KKK does not like this. That's a good thing, then. Scientific Humanism is likely the least racist, and most anti-racist overall belief system in the world today. Let's move beyond racism to a more Scientific Humanist world. Let's have this century be the century that we finally see an end to racism! Your grandchildren will thank you.
You're GD right you believe in a "browning of the world". Yet you are too inane and in love with your idealism and the smell of your own methane to actually EXAMINE this "brown world" that you are extracting these people from.
What have these brown people done in their world? What advancements have these lovely brown people made? Where are all of the technology and medical advancement coming from?
What role DOES IQ play? You are a rather disgusting and dangerous bunch of ideologues.
"Separate but equal" never is, my friend.
All are created equal but not All reach that point in knowing it and the ability to handle liberty at the same time. In that there must be boundaries.
Scientific Humanism believes in humanity (surprise, "human" is in the name of the belief system :) ) more than you do - hopefully you will one day believe in all races enough so that you'll believe in humanity as much as we do.
Scientific Humanism would infer that you employ the Scientific Method. Please enlighten me as to what end? Do you wish to draw a correlation between the number of Haitians and crime? Or the number of Salvadoreans in a population and the teenage birth rate?
What exactly makes your movement scientific?
Are the Salvadoreans Catholics?? If so, then the traditional Catholic aversion to family planning/birth control might be the real problem. Scientific Humanism is likely the most birth-control-friendly overall belief system in the world today. The earth's population is reaching it's tipping point in regards to available food, so birth-control advocacy is a good thing over the next decades, to be sure.

Love this forum!
Hitler had one major flaw.

He tried to take Russia.

WTF was he thinking? :dunno:

He was thinking that they were racially inferior, so taking them over would be no big deal.

Then they kicked his ass.
Draw Play

Stalin purposely let the Nazi troops run through western Russia like a knife through butter. The war would have been over by December 1941 if that Russian retreat hadn't been faked. Believing Stalin's trick, the United States had to get into the war because, as all misinformation seemed to point to, Germany would soon have overwhelming superiority from capturing the Russian oilfields.
We do indeed want a "browning of the world" - for all races to merge more and more so that racism becomes much harder - if a child is born with many different races in them it's harder for them to be racist of course. It's also harder for someone to be racist towards that child if that that has part of the same race in them as the would-be racist themselves.

The KKK does not like this. That's a good thing, then. Scientific Humanism is likely the least racist, and most anti-racist overall belief system in the world today. Let's move beyond racism to a more Scientific Humanist world. Let's have this century be the century that we finally see an end to racism! Your grandchildren will thank you.
You're GD right you believe in a "browning of the world". Yet you are too inane and in love with your idealism and the smell of your own methane to actually EXAMINE this "brown world" that you are extracting these people from.
What have these brown people done in their world? What advancements have these lovely brown people made? Where are all of the technology and medical advancement coming from?
What role DOES IQ play? You are a rather disgusting and dangerous bunch of ideologues.
"Separate but equal" never is, my friend.
All are created equal but not All reach that point in knowing it and the ability to handle liberty at the same time. In that there must be boundaries.
No...we are bot all created equal. That is a oft cited known untruth.
Born with all the same elements both in spirit and of flesh but all with various things to learn and overcome in this world. Does your physical body have boundaries in it? If your head was attached to your ass would it have the same function?
No. I do not agree.

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