Hmmm....girl shot in London...but they don't have the 2nd Amendment there....

Spot on, that's the "problem" in a nutshell. Incidents like this don't happen in the UK, because our gun owners tend not to be frightened of shadows and prone to over react.
Mom: Daughter mistaken for intruder by father, fatally shot

This woman is terrified......but in Britain, she just has to suffer.....

I try to recall through my panic the things I have done to mitigate the chances of an attack: the locks all double bolted, the keys taken out and placed far away so that if a person smashed through the glass they couldn’t easily open them. When I was terribly afraid one night I took a small sharp knife and hid it in a secret place accessible from where I sit in my bed. I can take it out without making much noise. There is another creak from the hallway, and I silently retrieve the blade from its hiding place and hold it in one hand and my phone in the other. I sit there like this, rigid with conviction and terror, for more than an hour. No thoughts pass through my head in this time apart from keen listening for the next noise and what direction it comes from, strategising my escape. Can I be sure they are coming from the area I think they are, or could they be coming from both sides? Is it wise to lock myself in a toilet? Am I strong and small enough to break through that window if necessary?

Eventually, I accept that I am too frightened to move to check whether someone is outside my bedroom door one way or the other, and that the elapsed time means that it is unlikely they are there. I put the knife back in its place and turn on the two lamps on either side of my bed, and a podcast so that it might sound to somebody outside that there are several people in this room. I lie back down and practise some breathing exercises to try to sleep. It’s now perhaps 4am and I have lost half of my allotted rest. I am useless and angry when I wake up, aware of the absurdity of my fear and that I have allowed it, by indulging, to ruin my day.

This happens two, three, sometimes four times a month. Twice as many times as that I am woken in the middle of the night with dreams that somebody is entering my window or sitting on my bed, terrors which are both more and less intense because they are unconscious, but which mean just the same that my sleep is robbed and fragmented, my body feeling as if it has been through a battle when it wakes in the morning.

Erm, technically they're not illegal if their barrels are over a certain length.
Take a look at the guns you can legally buy in the UK

Spot on, that's the "problem" in a nutshell. Incidents like this don't happen in the UK, because our gun owners tend not to be frightened of shadows and prone to over react.
Mom: Daughter mistaken for intruder by father, fatally shot

Hmmm....these Britons seem to be afraid too.....but again, they just have to live in fear, there is nothing they can do to not be afraid...

A nation-wide study into perceptions and experiences of crime in the UK, has revealed a staggering 73 percent of Brits believe that crime is on the increase in their area.
23 percent of Brits say they are sometimes kept awake at night with worries about being a victim of crime, with a further 28 percent saying they sometimes feel afraid in their own home.
According to the survey data, half of us worry about being broken into, 37 percent worry about being mugged or attacked in the street, and 24 percent worry about having our car broken into or stolen.
Meanwhile, the latest ONS statistics report that over 80 percent of people who've actually experienced burglary or had their car stolen suffer an emotional impact, ranging from anger and shock to fear and depression. A fifth of burglary victims (21 percent) report anxiety or panic attacks following the theft.

You know, before you make half ass comments, you should really do a little research....
The mentality I see with the gun nuts is to resolve everything by shooting it and shooting first.

Yeah...only an idiot like you would think that. We have over 600 million guns in private hands, and over 20 million Americans carry guns legally in public for self defense...

If law abiding people used their guns the way your insane dreams believe they do...we would have a lot more dead people here.

The reality is that the gun murders in this country are committed by criminals with long criminal histories of crime and violence......who cannot legally buy, own or carry guns.....Most of their victims are other criminals, and most of this shooting occurs in tiny areas of democrat party controlled cities....and the reason we have the levels we do is because leftists of the democrat party keep releasing the most violent, dangerous criminals back on to the streets, over and over again. If the democrats would stop releasing these criminals, our gun crime rates in democrat party controlled cities would be better than Europe, and we would still have armed civilians......
The reality is that the gun murders in this country are committed by criminals with long criminal histories of crime and violence......who cannot legally buy, own or carry guns.....Most of their victims are other criminals, and most of this shooting occurs in tiny areas
So that means you don't need guns for self defence. Thanks for destroying your own argument.
So that means you don't need guns for self defence.
Americans aren't serfs. We're free people. That means we don't have to need them.

If we choose to carry a gun for self defense, we do so.

Thanks for destroying your own argument.
His argument is holding up just fine.

Guns have defensive uses for the law abiding even if most shootings are criminal on criminal.
Oh, you are, you really are; slaves/serfs to a predatory wealthy class that manipulates you to think what they want you to think, while maintaining the illusion in your minds that you are a "free" people.
That is incorrect. We have the right to have guns.

The serfs are over in the UK.
So that means you don't need guns for self defence. Thanks for destroying your own argument.

Why would you say that......criminals also target normal people.......for robbery, rape, murders, beatings and stabbings....that they focus on each other doesn't mean they don't target law abiding people.....
Well, given she's mentally disturbed, she can get psychiatric help on the NHS, so, no, she doesn't have to suffer.

Until someone actually does break in, beat, rape and murder her.....except for that...
Oh, you are, you really are; slaves/serfs to a predatory wealthy class that manipulates you to think what they want you to think, while maintaining the illusion in your minds that you are a "free" people.

And you explain British life really well........bowing the knee to your lords, ladies and wealthy...
Until someone actually does break in, beat, rape and murder her.....except for that...
There is that very, very, very, remote possibility, agreed. However, in the UK the overwhelming majority of modern houses come with composite doors and highly secure locks such as ABS, which are all but immune to lockpicks, crowbars and even police "battering rams". There are equivalent windows too. Also a lot of people have video doorbells and security cameras. These measures tend to deter almost all burglars/housebreakers/rapists and murderers. Were she to retrofit these items to her home, they would still work out cheaper than a gun and ammunition, secure storage and necessary training.
There is that very, very, very, remote possibility, agreed. However, in the UK the overwhelming majority of modern houses come with composite doors and highly secure locks such as ABS, which are all but immune to lockpicks, crowbars and even police "battering rams". There are equivalent windows too. Also a lot of people have video doorbells and security cameras. These measures tend to deter almost all burglars/housebreakers/rapists and murderers. Were she to retrofit these items to her home, they would still work out cheaper than a gun and ammunition, secure storage and necessary training.

And this is the problem...where your self defense laws break down...

hese measures tend to deter almost all burglars/housebreakers/rapists and murderers.
There is that very, very, very, remote possibility, agreed. However, in the UK the overwhelming majority of modern houses come with composite doors and highly secure locks such as ABS, which are all but immune to lockpicks, crowbars and even police "battering rams". There are equivalent windows too. Also a lot of people have video doorbells and security cameras. These measures tend to deter almost all burglars/housebreakers/rapists and murderers. Were she to retrofit these items to her home, they would still work out cheaper than a gun and ammunition, secure storage and necessary training.

Also.....those doors and expensive windows ....they can't be carried around by the woman.....

Merseyside Police is investigating reports a woman was raped in Liverpool city centre.

Officers were called to a report of a rape in the city centre at around 3.30am on Sunday, February 6.

Hmm,.. criminals breaking the law and committing crimes,.. what a concept.

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