
Oops, another childish non-sequitur fallacy.

Maybe you shouldn't be talking about logic until you read up a bit.

I don't see it. Will you promise to pay the bill if it turns out we should have taken care of this when it only cost $76 trillion?
You come up with the $76T, if you are so concerned, and stay out of my pocket. You are over reacting and wanting to throw money at something that could be fixed simply by telling your corporate bosses to quit clear cutting rain forests. God put this earth together in a way that it could take care of itself until you arrogant bastards came along and figured you could strip it of all its protections in all of your liberal wisdom.

Oh yeah, you still couldn't get that one, either. Bummer.
Any deniers out there have an explanation for Ms Foote's findings re "carbonic acid gas"?
Because that's what happens when people are too stupid or too frightened to do what they ought to do, particularly with regard to time-sensitive problems. I should have thought you would have learned something similar to that just growing up.
You mean like you should have learned to mind your own business and stop telling people what they ought to do?
I can't believe you're even bothering to argue this with me. Do you really think that any problem is cheaper to fix late than early? Where have EVER found that to be the case?
I can't believe you're even bothering to argue this with me. Do you really think that any problem is cheaper to fix late than early? Where have EVER found that to be the case?
In order to convince people to invest in fixing the problem, you first have to prove there's a problem, not just say there is.

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