Ho-hum. Another day, another right-wing terrorist arrested.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2012
Just another one of those people all the Trump-fans here say don't exist, and shouldn't be watched at all.

FBI arrests man in Myrtle Beach allegedly planning attack 'in the spirit of Dylann Roof'
MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WMBF) – A man with connections to a white supremacy group was arrested in Myrtle Beach Wednesday after purchasing a gun from an undercover FBI agent, apparently intending to commit an attack “in the spirit of Dylann Roof.”

We also had ricin guy. Not the brightest right-wing terrorist, as he poisoned himself with the ricin.

Ga. man with apparent white supremacy ties arrested for ricin
A Georgia man who has shown support for white supremacist groups is being investigated by the FBI after authorities say he drove himself to a hospital for exposure to ricin, a deadly toxin.

But hey, pay no attention to that. There's no such thing as right-wing terrorism. After all, the Trump-cultists say so. Who are you going to believe, them or your lying eyes?
Just another one of those people all the Trump-fans here say don't exist, and shouldn't be watched at all.

FBI arrests man in Myrtle Beach allegedly planning attack 'in the spirit of Dylann Roof'
MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WMBF) – A man with connections to a white supremacy group was arrested in Myrtle Beach Wednesday after purchasing a gun from an undercover FBI agent, apparently intending to commit an attack “in the spirit of Dylann Roof.”

We also had ricin guy. Not the brightest right-wing terrorist, as he poisoned himself with the ricin.

Ga. man with apparent white supremacy ties arrested for ricin
A Georgia man who has shown support for white supremacist groups is being investigated by the FBI after authorities say he drove himself to a hospital for exposure to ricin, a deadly toxin.

But hey, pay no attention to that. There's no such thing as right-wing terrorism. After all, the Trump-cultists say so. Who are you going to believe, them or your lying eyes?

I like the straw man and the end. You set it up and knocked it down perfectly. Now I'll get back to watching Chicago burn on the leftist utopia channel. Perhaps you should watch it too. It seems quite a few blacks are getting killed in bastions of leftist politics. Oh, but you want us to pay attention to an event that never went down by a guy so out of his mind he got caught before he could take action in order to make a polical point against an argument that no one is making? Bless your little leftist heart, that is, heart that claims to be outraged by white supremacists out to kill blacks but can't find any room for blacks in Obamaland.... or blacks right to choose their own schools ..... yeah, that too.
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I like the straw man and the end. You set it up and knocked it down perfectly.

What strawman?

Are you going to pretend that whole right wasn't ordered to say that islamic terrorism was the sole threat, and that law enforcement should not be wasting time on right-wing terrorism that doesn't exist?

That is, how big are you willing to lie to our faces? Do you have any limits in that regard?

Now I'll get back to watching Chicago burn on the leftist utopia channel. Perhaps you should watch it too.

Notice how the rest of the nation is _not_ melting down over Chicago? You Trump-thugs are the only wusses who are for some reason hysterical over Chicago. Everyone else considers you, correctly, to be bedwetters for that reason.

Anyways, nice attempt and fail at changing the topic. If you can find your courage, address my topic, which would be why most of your side says we're supposed to ignore right-wing terrorism because it doesn't exist, even though it clearly does exist.
Just another one of those people all the Trump-fans here say don't exist, and shouldn't be watched at all.

FBI arrests man in Myrtle Beach allegedly planning attack 'in the spirit of Dylann Roof'
MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WMBF) – A man with connections to a white supremacy group was arrested in Myrtle Beach Wednesday after purchasing a gun from an undercover FBI agent, apparently intending to commit an attack “in the spirit of Dylann Roof.”

We also had ricin guy. Not the brightest right-wing terrorist, as he poisoned himself with the ricin.

Ga. man with apparent white supremacy ties arrested for ricin
A Georgia man who has shown support for white supremacist groups is being investigated by the FBI after authorities say he drove himself to a hospital for exposure to ricin, a deadly toxin.

But hey, pay no attention to that. There's no such thing as right-wing terrorism. After all, the Trump-cultists say so. Who are you going to believe, them or your lying eyes?

I like the straw man and the end. You set it up and knocked it down perfectly. Now I'll get back to watching Chicago burn on the leftist utopia channel. Perhaps you should watch it too. It seems quite a few blacks are getting killed in bastions of leftist politics. Oh, but you want us to pay attention to an event that never went down by a guy so out of his mind he got caught before he could take action in order to make a polical point against an argument that no one is making? Bless your little leftist heart, that is, heart that claims to be outraged by white supremacists out to kill blacks but can't find any room for blacks in Obamaland.... or blacks right to choose their own schools ..... yeah, that too.

It's what makes him a phony.
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\It what makes him a phony.

Would you care to address the actual topic, Sir Chickenshit?

Of course you won't. That would take honesty, intelligence and courage.

Face it. You cucks are crying at me because you've been skewered. Everyone sees it. I'm laughing my ass off. Go on, cry at me more. That will show them all.
I like the straw man and the end. You set it up and knocked it down perfectly.

What strawman?

Are you going to pretend that whole right wasn't ordered to say that islamic terrorism was the sole threat, and that law enforcement should not be wasting time on right-wing terrorism that doesn't exist?

That is, how big are you willing to lie to our faces? Do you have any limits in that regard?

Now I'll get back to watching Chicago burn on the leftist utopia channel. Perhaps you should watch it too.

Notice how the rest of the nation is _not_ melting down over Chicago? You Trump-thugs are the only wusses who are for some reason hysterical over Chicago. Everyone else considers you, correctly, to be bedwetters for that reason.

Anyways, nice attempt and fail at changing the topic. If you can find your courage, address my topic, which would be why most of your side says we're supposed to ignore right-wing terrorism because it doesn't exist, even though it clearly does exist.

I like how it is noted "What straw man" followed by the straw man. Why do I need courage to face your topic? I'll admit there's crazies of all stripes out there. And we see how concerned you are about Chicago. What.... black deaths are only politically useful when a white man does it? Oh, I see your reasoning now. It must be ok then. I don't know whether to call it a fallacy or a mental disorder but take my advise and double your time at your therapist. Now I'm done having fun at the expense of the mentally disabled. Off to bring stunning clarity to leftist logic elsewhere.
Just another one of those people all the Trump-fans here say don't exist, and shouldn't be watched at all.

FBI arrests man in Myrtle Beach allegedly planning attack 'in the spirit of Dylann Roof'
MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WMBF) – A man with connections to a white supremacy group was arrested in Myrtle Beach Wednesday after purchasing a gun from an undercover FBI agent, apparently intending to commit an attack “in the spirit of Dylann Roof.”

We also had ricin guy. Not the brightest right-wing terrorist, as he poisoned himself with the ricin.

Ga. man with apparent white supremacy ties arrested for ricin
A Georgia man who has shown support for white supremacist groups is being investigated by the FBI after authorities say he drove himself to a hospital for exposure to ricin, a deadly toxin.

But hey, pay no attention to that. There's no such thing as right-wing terrorism. After all, the Trump-cultists say so. Who are you going to believe, them or your lying eyes?

To the RWNJ traitors, these are not terrorists.

They are heroes.

Just like Pooting is one of their heroes and why they're happy to have a Russian operative in the Oval Office.
\It what makes him a phony.

Would you care to address the actual topic, Sir Chickenshit?

Of course you won't. That would take honesty, intelligence and courage.

Face it. You cucks are crying at me because you've been skewered. Everyone sees it. I'm laughing my ass off. Go on, cry at me more. That will show them all.

Ever notice how people at the losing end of an argument in a political forum always portray emotions of laughter? So as to paint a picture of calm? That's how you know you're getting to them. Why would they do such a thing on such a serious topic? Oh wait it isn't really serious, it's just a political point. I get it now! Black lives matter only when white people kill them. I get it! A little advice for you. If someone kills or plans to kill someone and your first thought is "how can we constrew this toward our political advantage" you have a mental disorder.
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I'll admit there's crazies of all stripes out there.

That's still running from the issue. It appears I will have to break it down into very small words, as you seem to have trouble with reading comprehension.

Almost the entire right here was saying that Islamic terrorism was the sole threat, and that law enforcement should not be wasting any time on right-wing terrorism, because that was clearly liberal PC persecution of the right, being how right-wing terrorism did not exist.

Yet right wing terrorism clearly does exist.

That means almost the entire right here was spouting a colossal load of horseshit. And almost all of them will still spout it, even though they know it's horseshit. They literally don't care if right-wing terrorist attacks succeed. They want those right-wing terrorist attacks to succeed, because the targets are people they want dead.

That is not a strawman in any way, as it accurately describes what was going on. You claiming it was a strawman was a gutless evasion on your part.

And you stating "crazies exist" does not address the issue, which is that almost your entire side swears right-wing crazies don't exist, and still swears it, because their party commands them to.

And we see how concerned you are about Chicago. What.... black deaths are only politically useful when a white man does it?

When you just whined about strawmen, tossing out a strawman as big as that makes you look particularly hypocritical. And the race-baiting your tacked on to it was particularly ugly. Try thinking like a liberal, color-blind.

Crime goes up some cities. It goes down in other cities. Why aren't you celebrating the drop in crime overall? Hypocrite. You must not care about blacks. Like your idiot logic tossed back at you?

Oh, I see your reasoning now.

I clearly see your reasoning. You can't address what I say, so you make up stories about what I supposedly mean.

It must be ok then. I don't know whether to call it a fallacy or a mental disorder but take my advise and double your time at your therapist. Now I'm done having fun at the expense of the mentally disabled. Off to bring stunning clarity to leftist logic elsewhere.

A declare-victory-and-retreat speech so soon? I whupped you good.
Ever notice how people at the losing end of an argument in a political forum always portray emotions of laughter? So as to paint a picture of calm? That's how you know you're getting to them. Why would they do such a thing on such a serious topic? Oh wait it isn't really serious, it's just a political point. I get it now! Black lives matter only when white people kill them. I get it! A little advice for you. If someone kills or plans to kill someone and your first thought is "how can we constrew this toward our political advantage" you have a mental disorder.

Some free advice for you ...

In order to pull off the condescending act, you have to actually be smart.

I can do it.

You're a brainless political hack, so you can't.

And some more advice ...

Stop making every single thing about race. Put your well-worn deck of race cards away, and try to debate with out them. If you can. But we all know you can't.
Well ok...

Over 30,000 deadly Moslem terror attacks since 9/11. I'll bet the farm you never started a thread addressing ONE such attack.

That's not the topic, chickenshit. The topic is why the right here excuses right wing terror attacks by claiming they don't exist

You don't see the liberals here saying Islamic terrorism should not be investigated, do you? No.

Liberals, consistent. We say all terrorists should be investigated.

Conservatives, inconsistent. They say right-wing terrorists should get a free pass.

Why do you justify that inconsistency?
Ever notice how people at the losing end of an argument in a political forum always portray emotions of laughter? So as to paint a picture of calm? That's how you know you're getting to them. Why would they do such a thing on such a serious topic? Oh wait it isn't really serious, it's just a political point. I get it now! Black lives matter only when white people kill them. I get it! A little advice for you. If someone kills or plans to kill someone and your first thought is "how can we constrew this toward our political advantage" you have a mental disorder.

Some free advice for you ...

In order to pull off the condescending act, you have to actually be smart.

I can do it.

You're a brainless political hack, so you can't.

And some more advice ...

Stop making every single thing about race. Put your well-worn deck of race cards away, and try to debate with out them. If you can. But we all know you can't.

Im not smart so you've taken valuable time out of your day to argue with me? I'm going to count that excuse as another trigger alert!

I'll admit there's crazies of all stripes out there.

That's still running from the issue. It appears I will have to break it down into very small words, as you seem to have trouble with reading comprehension.

Almost the entire right here was saying that Islamic terrorism was the sole threat, and that law enforcement should not be wasting any time on right-wing terrorism, because that was clearly liberal PC persecution of the right, being how right-wing terrorism did not exist.

Yet right wing terrorism clearly does exist.

That means almost the entire right here was spouting a colossal load of horseshit. And almost all of them will still spout it, even though they know it's horseshit. They literally don't care if right-wing terrorist attacks succeed. They want those right-wing terrorist attacks to succeed, because the targets are people they want dead.

That is not a strawman in any way, as it accurately describes what was going on. You claiming it was a strawman was a gutless evasion on your part.

And you stating "crazies exist" does not address the issue, which is that almost your entire side swears right-wing crazies don't exist, and still swears it, because their party commands them to.

And we see how concerned you are about Chicago. What.... black deaths are only politically useful when a white man does it?

When you just whined about strawmen, tossing out a strawman as big as that makes you look particularly hypocritical. And the race-baiting your tacked on to it was particularly ugly. Try thinking like a liberal, color-blind.

Crime goes up some cities. It goes down in other cities. Why aren't you celebrating the drop in crime overall? Hypocrite. You must not care about blacks. Like your idiot logic tossed back at you?

Oh, I see your reasoning now.

I clearly see your reasoning. You can't address what I say, so you make up stories about what I supposedly mean.

It must be ok then. I don't know whether to call it a fallacy or a mental disorder but take my advise and double your time at your therapist. Now I'm done having fun at the expense of the mentally disabled. Off to bring stunning clarity to leftist logic elsewhere.

A declare-victory-and-retreat speech so soon? I whupped you good.

Man what a long reply. Do I (A) take the time to read it and respond in kind or (B) ignore the blabber and save myself some time best spent elsewhere? Imma choose (B).

Im not smart so you've taken valuable time out of your day to argue with me?

So your "logic" there would be if a smart person skewers a dumb person, it shows the smart person isn't smart.

I guess dumb people have to justify being dumb somehow.
Im not smart so you've taken valuable time out of your day to argue with me?

So your "logic" there would be if a smart person skewers a dumb person, it shows the smart person isn't smart.

I guess dumb people have to justify being dumb somehow.

I don't know about you but I don't seek out the mentally disabled to have a riveting debate with them. Although, should I happen across one I might have a little fun at their expense. Case in point ^

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