Hoffa! Hoffa! Hoffa!

Especially when they threaten to take out people they disagree with politically and the President stands on the same stage and sanctions the rhetoric.
“We need to have your help for candidates like me. We need you to take out some of these bad guys.”Moochele Bachmann April 15, 2010

But it's different when she says it. </channeling RWNJ>

The left got so upset when Bachmann said now it's our turn to get upset. Fuck it, all this is doing is causing more division between the people of this country. Thats why I say obama is not an effective leader. A good leader would not allow this to happen.
“We need to have your help for candidates like me. We need you to take out some of these bad guys.”Moochele Bachmann April 15, 2010

But it's different when she says it. </channeling RWNJ>

The left got so upset when Bachmann said now it's our turn to get upset. Fuck it, all this is doing is causing more division between the people of this country. Thats why I say obama is not an effective leader. A good leader would not allow this to happen.

We did? Show us all the threads about her saying that. Look forward to running a comparison....if you dare.
What?........No proof of your claims yet again,

And what made up claims you came up with would those be?

Still have to roll over and show your inadequecies thru personal insults, eh? Not surprised that you still can't seem to step up like an adult.

How interesting. When did you make that up?

In due time, Butch!:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Another sign of FAIL by Lester Maddox Jr.
Your gig is just about up, Chester.:eusa_whistle:

I notice NO answer to my questions, just another personal insult.....more Fail from you. :lol::lol::lol:
Jimmy Hoffa declares War on TeaParty Sons of Bitches; Obama approves - YouTube


What do you guys think? I have much to say but can't post it

I'm curious.

Are you really so self-centered that you missed the bazillion other threads on this?

Honestly I didn't look I just signed in real fast to see what you guys THOUGHT OF IT.

I guess you just think its another excuse for you to do an utter fail of a troll?

You started this thread to run from the Hoffa thread where you took a beat-down when you posted the same video and claimed that it proved FAUX didn't lie by claiming a call for an army of voters to vote out the Tea Bag SOBs was a call to violence with their dishonest editing by removing all references to voting in their edited clip.


The reason this is a big deal is FOX spreading it all over, AND lying about what he said. They are a disgrace, like NO COMPROMISE Pubs, and the fools who support them....although the dupes are lovely people otherwise, and it's not their fault- Mega rich greedy Pubs and the bought off talking heads are great con men...turn off the BS please...

Looks like the one lying isn't fox news but whomever told you they were lying

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f65xilSDyso"]James Hoffa 'Let's Take These Son of a Bitches Out Video' RightFace.us - YouTube[/ame]
Well then, let's see how many references to VOTING are in the snippet you posted and then let's see just how many of them made it into the FOX edited GOP crapaganda. The parts in red are the parts FAUX edited together to make it look like it was the whole quote.

For CON$ who can't count, the answer is NONE.
We have to keep an eye on the battle we face — a war on workers. And you see it everywhere there is the Tea Party. And you know there is only one way to beat and win that war.
The one thing about working people is we like a good fight. And you know what, they’ve got a war, they’ve got a war with us and there is only going to be one winner. It is going to be the workers of Michigan and America – we are going to win that war. All the way.
But it starts with your involvement, it starts with next November. We’ve got a bunch of people there that don’t’ want the president to succeed, and they are called the Tea Party – the people who don’t want him to do anything right and he is working hard for us.
President Obama is frustrated by what’s going on. Well, guess what, we’ve got the vote. And the answer to what we say is, we remember in November. We will beat the Tea Party and give this country back to workers and America. We can do it together.”
We’ve also got to talk about jobs. I get so tired about people who …(inaudible) these big corporations that send our jobs to Mexico, they send our jobs to China, and they’ve got the audacity to say ‘where are the jobs?’
Well I’ve got news for you. It’s time to bring those jobs back to America and bring America back to work. That’s what we’ve got to do.
We are going to hear from President Obama in a few minutes, and I am so glad that he has come to Michigan because this is where he sees the real America. He looks out on this army of people and you know what I say? President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. President Obama, we want one thing: Jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs…(The crowd joins the chant.)
That’s what we are going to tell America…..When he sees what we are doing here, he will be inspired, but he needs help. And you know what? Everybody here has got a vote. If we go back, we keep the eye on the prize, lets take these sons-of-bitches out and give America back to America where we belong.”
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtlNuF74Fz0"]Jimmy Hoffa declares War on TeaParty Sons of Bitches; Obama approves - YouTube[/ame]
I think unions did serve an important function at one time, but today they are like a rent controlled apartment. Great if you luck into one, but no great help to the rest of us who have to carry the redistributed load.

There's some truth to that, of course. When unions were in their hayday, unions and union members could be awfully arrogant and selfish, that IS true.

However as the average income of American workers goes down, which is, in some part, thanks to this nation's open war on unionism, this nation will go down with those declining incomes.

Unions can run amuck, just like capital can run amuck.

In both cases it is the people and nation which suffer.

When there's some balance in power, when unions and management understand that it is in both their best interests to find compromise and some balance in sharing the profits, this nation does best.

Sadly, thanks to FREE TRADE, that balance is now so out of Kilter, I seriously doubt this nation will every gain be wha it was during my childhood and early years.

Some other nation, China, p[erhaps, will become the dominant economic power.

And as it does, expect to see that nation share the wealth with its own people.

Because when that wealth is not shared in some reasonable way, that economy won't last long.
The Tea Party members are the new black people. Fighting for their own personal rights, and being threatened by the government and thugs with violent rhetoric.
But it's different when she says it. </channeling RWNJ>

The left got so upset when Bachmann said now it's our turn to get upset. Fuck it, all this is doing is causing more division between the people of this country. Thats why I say obama is not an effective leader. A good leader would not allow this to happen.

We did? Show us all the threads about her saying that. Look forward to running a comparison....if you dare.
Well, since we've been accused already, I may as well make the first one! :lol:

Last edited:
I think unions did serve an important function at one time, but today they are like a rent controlled apartment. Great if you luck into one, but no great help to the rest of us who have to carry the redistributed load.

There's some truth to that, of course. When unions were in their hayday, unions and union members could be awfully arrogant and selfish, that IS true.

However as the average income of American workers goes down, which is, in some part, thanks to this nation's open war on unionism, this nation will go down with those declining incomes.

Unions can run amuck, just like capital can run amuck.

In both cases it is the people and nation which suffer.

When there's some balance in power, when unions and management understand that it is in both their best interests to find compromise and some balance in sharing the profits, this nation does best.

Sadly, thanks to FREE TRADE, that balance is now so out of Kilter, I seriously doubt this nation will every gain be wha it was during my childhood and early years.

Some other nation, China, p[erhaps, will become the dominant economic power.

And as it does, expect to see that nation share the wealth with its own people.

Because when that wealth is not shared in some reasonable way, that economy won't last long.

The only reason the average wage is going down is because fewer people have jobs and the reason China is becoming an economic power is because Democrats and unions are making sure it happens.
I think unions did serve an important function at one time, but today they are like a rent controlled apartment. Great if you luck into one, but no great help to the rest of us who have to carry the redistributed load.

There's some truth to that, of course. When unions were in their hayday, unions and union members could be awfully arrogant and selfish, that IS true.

However as the average income of American workers goes down, which is, in some part, thanks to this nation's open war on unionism, this nation will go down with those declining incomes.

Unions can run amuck, just like capital can run amuck.

In both cases it is the people and nation which suffer.

When there's some balance in power, when unions and management understand that it is in both their best interests to find compromise and some balance in sharing the profits, this nation does best.

Sadly, thanks to FREE TRADE, that balance is now so out of Kilter, I seriously doubt this nation will every gain be wha it was during my childhood and early years.

Some other nation, China, p[erhaps, will become the dominant economic power.

And as it does, expect to see that nation share the wealth with its own people.

Because when that wealth is not shared in some reasonable way, that economy won't last long.

The only reason the average wage is going down is because fewer people have jobs and the reason China is becoming an economic power is because Democrats and unions are making sure it happens.

Democrats and Unions are sending jobs to China?
What hoffnuts did was singel out a specific group and those politicans they support.

Whose name did he name?
Doesn't matter, dipshit......Dem's were TARGETING repub's and their constituents, looooong before Palin made her map.

Btw, did your stupid ass ever come up with that proof that Palin's map caused Giffords shooting, Chester?

Here's the challenge I give to you. Show that I in any time, in any way accused Palin and/or her map of causing Gifford's shooting.

If you can show that I did that at any time, I will self ban myself from USMB for 30 days, and will post the signature of YOUR CHOICE for another 30 days.

If you cannot find and show any evidence of me saying such a thing within, let's say, a week....YOU self ban for 30 days and then have a signature of my choice for 30 days.

Time to put your money where your mouth is, so to speak.

Well? Step up.
The Tea Party members are the new black people. Fighting for their own personal rights, and being threatened by the government and thugs with violent rhetoric.
Play that perpetual VICTIM card, crybaby! It's just the Teabaggers reaping what they have sown!!!

“We need to have your help for candidates like me. We need you to take out some of these bad guys
-Moochele Bachmann April 15, 2010
The Tea Party members are the new black people. Fighting for their own personal rights, and being threatened by the government and thugs with violent rhetoric.
Play that perpetual VICTIM card, crybaby! It's just the Teabaggers reaping what they have sown!!!

“We need to have your help for candidates like me. We need you to take out some of these bad guys
-Moochele Bachmann April 15, 2010

So I guess you support the bullying of a kid who loves food and is way overweight? Afterall, he has reaped what he has sown.

It is disheartening that you find it appropriate to laden those that think differently than you with hate rhetoric...
But it's different when she says it. </channeling RWNJ>

The left got so upset when Bachmann said now it's our turn to get upset. Fuck it, all this is doing is causing more division between the people of this country. Thats why I say obama is not an effective leader. A good leader would not allow this to happen.

We did? Show us all the threads about her saying that. Look forward to running a comparison....if you dare.

You know you're a fucking hack you no better than that. You for one when gifford was shot was blaming Palin and her target signs. You are also one of those that have attacked bachman for saying something like what hooffnuts did. So blow it out your ass you fucking hack.
I don't understand the fuss...

Hoffa is obviously encouraging teamsters to date Tea Baggers
The left got so upset when Bachmann said now it's our turn to get upset. Fuck it, all this is doing is causing more division between the people of this country. Thats why I say obama is not an effective leader. A good leader would not allow this to happen.

We did? Show us all the threads about her saying that. Look forward to running a comparison....if you dare.

You know you're a fucking hack you no better than that. You for one when gifford was shot was blaming Palin and her target signs. You are also one of those that have attacked bachman for saying something like what hooffnuts did. So blow it out your ass you fucking hack.

Not seeing those links, little one. Talk is cheap. Show us all those "left got so upset" threads about Bachman and her comments.
Jimmy Hoffa declares War on TeaParty Sons of Bitches; Obama approves - YouTube


What do you guys think? I have much to say but can't post it

Fuck hoffa the unions and the dude who walked out right behind that dumbass speech and didn't say jack shit about being "civil" fuck them all.

good to see you coming up to speed on this whole civility thing, willow

I don't believe in you libtards kind of civillity but if you dish it I'm gonna dish it back..

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