Hoffa! Hoffa! Hoffa!

Jimmy Hoffa declares War on TeaParty Sons of Bitches; Obama approves - YouTube


What do you guys think? I have much to say but can't post it

It's stupid rhetoric to use.

Of course he's talking about a war at the ballot box but yeah dumb choice of words.

“President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march… Everybody here’s got a vote…Let’s take these sons of bitches out and give America back to an America where we belong,”

It's hypocritical for a President that was once, just a short nine months ago, imploring everyone to change the tone lest we incite violence, and the media fell over themselves to chastise the right for anything that could be interpreted as incorrect rhetoric.

Sheriff dumbass, I can't remember his name, was on the news the day after Rep. Giffords was shot speculating during a open investigation that it was Palin's fault. Putting up cross hairs on a map of contested congressional elections we were told inspired the Uncle Fester looking punk to go out and shoot her.

This is the kind of shallow, narrow-minded hypocrisy that is leading this country. It was unpresidential to take the stage after these classless remarks.
I don't understand the fuss...

Hoffa is obviously encouraging teamsters to date Tea Baggers

Shocking, you don't see the point. Is it really that difficult?

To you Palin putting up cross hairs on a map of contested congressional races was responsible for attempted assassination of a US congresswoman, but this is fine. This is something that the president of the United States should endorse and take the stage minutes after being said.

You don't understand and that is obvious.
The problem with liberals and unions is they are all mouth. Alot of talk and no action on the things that matter. If the left wants a war as Hoffa suggests, I say bring it on.
The teabaggers should be wary of organized labor. They push back.

Yeah, we know all about organized labor (how often have they been involved with organized crime, again?) and their goons. Well, other people can push back, too! I would suggest the Left be very, very careful what it wishes for, because it just might get it. In the meantime, I think we ought to bust ALL the damn unions, permanently. I think we ought to have right-to-work laws in EVERY state, and put Jimmy Hoffa and the crest of the corrupt union bosses in the unemployment line-it'll be a new experience for them. And while we're at it, let's investigate, arrest, prosecute and lock up every union criminal goon. They can still practice their "profession"-on each other, in the prison yard, where they belong! It's become pretty obvious that organized labor has chosen to be the enemy of the rest of us. Fine. Then let's deal with them as such, and destroy them!
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The hypocracy of the left continues. Cross-hairs on a map is directly responsible for the shooting of a Congressman, but this sort of rhetoric from a union piss-ant; the comments made by the Congressional Black Caucus; and of course the race mongers such as Jesse Jackson and the Reverand Al Sharpton are all just political speech. But then of course, the left makes statements nationally and on this board that "Democratic politicians NEVER engage in such hurtful personal speech."

As a member of the Tea Party I can tell you that all I can do is sit and smile. Two miles from my house a new plant opened up. It used to be in Michigan. I've golfed with the plant manager. Naturally, Oklahoma is a right-to-work state. His workers used to be members of the AFL-CIO. The owners shut down the plant in Michigan and declared bankruptcy. The union demanded pensions and benefits that were so unreasonable that they couldn't expand and couldn't compete in the global market, not to mention requiring them to turn over part of the plant for union offices. Once everything got hammered out in bankruptcy, they open a new plant in Oklahoma under a new name. Their overhead costs dropped by 85%. When they began advertising for employees, they had 10,000 applications for a little over 275 jobs. Since opening, they've expanded twice and are so much more competitive they can't even fill all of their orders.

Yep. No doubt all those union thugs are a good thing... for Oklahoma!
Jimmy Hoffa declares War on TeaParty Sons of Bitches; Obama approves - YouTube


What do you guys think? I have much to say but can't post it

It's stupid rhetoric to use.

Of course he's talking about a war at the ballot box but yeah dumb choice of words.

“President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march… Everybody here’s got a vote…Let’s take these sons of bitches out and give America back to an America where we belong,”

It's hypocritical for a President that was once, just a short nine months ago, imploring everyone to change the tone lest we incite violence, and the media fell over themselves to chastise the right for anything that could be interpreted as incorrect rhetoric.

Sheriff dumbass, I can't remember his name, was on the news the day after Rep. Giffords was shot speculating during a open investigation that it was Palin's fault. Putting up cross hairs on a map of contested congressional elections we were told inspired the Uncle Fester looking punk to go out and shoot her.

This is the kind of shallow, narrow-minded hypocrisy that is leading this country. It was unpresidential to take the stage after these classless remarks.
Yeah, everybody knows VOTING is so classless! :cuckoo:
War by politics?

Sounds about normal to me.

Politics is war. Barry H and the Left are carrying it to a whole new level. Did you actually think he would leave peacefully if voted out? Ask the people who opposed Pol Pot, Kim Jung Il, Adolph H, Joe Stalin and Mao tse tung how that went. Taking America back to the rule of law is not going to be peaceful. This ain't Jimmy Carter we're dealing with. The entire Revolutionary Left is lining up in back of him in order to maintain their lawless grip on power.
Amnesty by fiat, the rape of the Chrysler bondholders, the now illegal but continuing de facto ban on drilling in the Gulf of Mexico......

Remember to spay and neuter your....self
The problem with liberals and unions is they are all mouth. Alot of talk and no action on the things that matter. If the left wants a war as Hoffa suggests, I say bring it on.

Ahh the war against unions and such has been going on for quite a while. Someone finally just had the balls to call it what it is and call the union side to arms (so to speak).
I don't understand the fuss...

Hoffa is obviously encouraging teamsters to date Tea Baggers

Shocking, you don't see the point. Is it really that difficult?

To you Palin putting up cross hairs on a map of contested congressional races was responsible for attempted assassination of a US congresswoman, but this is fine. This is something that the president of the United States should endorse and take the stage minutes after being said.

You don't understand and that is obvious.

Hoffa spoke directly about VOTING

Where on Palins assassination list did she reference voting?
Whose name did he name?
Doesn't matter, dipshit......Dem's were TARGETING repub's and their constituents, looooong before Palin made her map.

Btw, did your stupid ass ever come up with that proof that Palin's map caused Giffords shooting, Chester?

Here's the challenge I give to you. Show that I in any time, in any way accused Palin and/or her map of causing Gifford's shooting.

If you can show that I did that at any time, I will self ban myself from USMB for 30 days, and will post the signature of YOUR CHOICE for another 30 days.

If you cannot find and show any evidence of me saying such a thing within, let's say, a week....YOU self ban for 30 days and then have a signature of my choice for 30 days.

Time to put your money where your mouth is, so to speak.

Well? Step up.
Keeping an eye on this thread to see if he takes you up on the challenge.
Doesn't matter, dipshit......Dem's were TARGETING repub's and their constituents, looooong before Palin made her map.

Btw, did your stupid ass ever come up with that proof that Palin's map caused Giffords shooting, Chester?

Here's the challenge I give to you. Show that I in any time, in any way accused Palin and/or her map of causing Gifford's shooting.

If you can show that I did that at any time, I will self ban myself from USMB for 30 days, and will post the signature of YOUR CHOICE for another 30 days.

If you cannot find and show any evidence of me saying such a thing within, let's say, a week....YOU self ban for 30 days and then have a signature of my choice for 30 days.

Time to put your money where your mouth is, so to speak.

Well? Step up.
Keeping an eye on this thread to see if he takes you up on the challenge.

Taking side bets via PM whether he is even man enough to do so.
The reason this is a big deal is FOX spreading it all over, AND lying about what he said. They are a disgrace, like NO COMPROMISE Pubs, and the fools who support them....although the dupes are lovely people otherwise, and it's not their fault- Mega rich greedy Pubs and the bought off talking heads are great con men...turn off the BS please...

There is video, you stupid fuck.

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