Hogg Complains Clear Backpacks Infringe On His Constitutional Rights

You deliberately lied, that's the matter. You're just another lying leftist piece of trash. He's an adult, not a kid. Therefore, he's fair game. I know you and your ilk want to keep him an untouchable, but ain't gonna happen. If you enter the arena, you're fair game. You're trash.
did you get that burr up yer ass while reading this thread or just a natural inclination to hate?
I hate liars. You really can't help yourself. You're like a moth drawn to the flame. You keep trying.
I just guessed I thought he was

Don't have a cow man...
This isn't a guessing game. This is reality and life and death. Idiot.
Really, if it's so damned important then why didn't you know?
Man, you're really stupid. Why do lawyers ask questions when they already know the answers?
Are you guys really sure you want to make fun of teenage kids reacting to a horrific, bloody slaughter at their school?

Is this really a good idea?

Yeah ... Don't you people know the children are in charge now.
Their right to privacy is way more important than your right to defend the free state from tyrants throwing temper tantrums.

What exactly is your goal with the attacks on the high school kids?

And do you see any potential downside?

Serious questions.
Are you guys really sure you want to make fun of teenage kids reacting to a horrific, bloody slaughter at their school?

Is this really a good idea?

Yeah ... Don't you people know the children are in charge now.
Their right to privacy is way more important than your right to defend the free state from tyrants throwing temper tantrums.

What exactly is your goal with the attacks on the high school kids?

And do you see any potential downside?

Serious questions.
The goal is to expose the agenda the left is hiding behind the school kids. The kids are a prop.
What exactly is your goal with the attacks on the high school kids?

And do you see any potential downside?

Serious questions.

If you think their ideas should go unchallenged ... Then no one is asking your opinion ... :thup:

If they want to play in the arena of reality ... Express their views (for whatever reason) ...
That doesn't mean they shouldn't be questioned or challenged.

You are not doing the children any favors.

If your intent is to supply them with the false notion they have any better ideas or any more moral authority ...
Because they are emotionally invested in nonsense ... That's just irresponsible and damaging.

Don't ask me why I challenge their misguided proposals ... Tell me why the hell you aren't willing to.

If the best answer you can come up with is that you don't want to hurt someone's feelings ...
That's not how we handle responsible legislation ... Neither your nor their feelings have anything to do with policy.

Are you guys really sure you want to make fun of teenage kids reacting to a horrific, bloody slaughter at their school?

Is this really a good idea?

Yeah ... Don't you people know the children are in charge now.
Their right to privacy is way more important than your right to defend the free state from tyrants throwing temper tantrums.

What exactly is your goal with the attacks on the high school kids?

And do you see any potential downside?

Serious questions.
The goal is to expose the agenda the left is hiding behind the school kids. The kids are a prop.
If the Left is using the kids, why aren't you just going after the Left instead mocking the kids?

Do you see a downside to that strategy?
What exactly is your goal with the attacks on the high school kids?

And do you see any potential downside?

Serious questions.

If you think their ideas should go unchallenged ... Then no one is asking your opinion ... :thup:

If they want to play in the arena of reality ... Express their views (for whatever reason) ...
That doesn't mean they shouldn't be questioned or challenged.

You are not doing the children any favors.

If your intent is to supply them with the false notion they have any better ideas or any more moral authority ...
Because they are emotionally invested in nonsense ... That's just irresponsible and damaging.

Don't ask me why I challenge their misguided proposals ... Tell me why the hell you aren't willing to.

If the best answer you can come up with is that you don't want to hurt someone's feelings ...
That's not how we handle responsible legislation ... Neither your nor their feelings have anything to do with policy.

I just don't know what your goal is.

My guess is that you really don't have one. You're just trained by talk radio to attack, and that's what you're doing, without any thought whatsoever to the downside.
Yeah. Imagine that, having to have a clear backpack where everyone can see your stuff because we can't keep crazy people from getting guns.

Just like we all have to walk through multiple checkpoints at our jobs, past security guards and key pad locks and metal detectors, because we can't keep people from getting guns.

Like we have to watch a safety film of "What to do if a crazy person starts shooting up the theater" while trying to enjoy a new movie.

Yup, the gun nuts are making all of our lives a lot more of pain.

Maybe we should make theirs more of a pain.
There's no Constitutional right to an opaque backpack with compartments to conceal illegal stuff. if they have nothing to hide, why do they care.

Besides it's better if they start getting use to be directed and controlled 24/7 just like in every other Progressive Utopia.
Are you guys really sure you want to make fun of teenage kids reacting to a horrific, bloody slaughter at their school?

Is this really a good idea?

I would generally agree. But the question, nobody wants to address is what turned this child into a Monster. Experts have chimed in and I have yet to see a 60 minute segment devoted to it:

Secondly, one of the factors in many of these shootings is that the shooter was bullied a lot, in this case by the same student body that claims the NRA are bullies:

LINK: Editorial: ‘Bullied a lot...’

"Marolo Alvarez, an 11th grade student at Parkland, remembers students taunting Nikolas Cruz.

Speaking to reporters at a vigil last month for the shooting victims and reported in the TC Palm of the USA Today network, he said he wished he had said something earlier.

“I could have said something to administrators, that ‘Hey this kid gets bullied a lot, please help him, please reach out to him.’ I kind of regret not doing that,” said Mr. Alvarez."

Seems reasonable to question the reasoning of those staging the protest.

Secondly, no one wants to place the blame on a link that is WIDELY associated with these killings, that is the use that nearly every shooter had to Antidepressants and mood altering drugs used in the treatment of ADHD.


Antidepressants Are a Prescription for Mass Shootings – Citizens Commission on Human Rights, CCHR

"Psychiatrists generally will tell you that these people were mentally ill and they weren’t treated in time or didn’t get enough help to prevent the tragedy. However, Dr. Peter Breggin, who is a psychiatrist, stated that depression rarely leads to violence and that it’s only since the SSRI’s came on the market that such mass shootings have taken place.

In a study of thirty-one drugs that are disproportionately linked to reports of violence toward others, five of the top ten are antidepressants. These are Prozac, Paxil, Luvox, Effexor and Pristiq. Two other drugs that are for treating ADHD are also in the top ten which means these are being given to children who could then become violent. One could conclude from this study alone that antidepressants cause both suicidal thoughts and violent behavior. This is a prescription for mass shootings.

No one can talk their way out of explaining how a person who is previously non-violent and given antidepressants suddenly becomes violent or suicidal. There are multiple cases of children who have committed suicide days after starting to take an antidepressant. In a YouTube video, various parents tell their story about what the antidepressants did to their kids."

You combine these drugs that change the reasoning in a developing brain, with a kid that has endured bullying for many years, and you create monsters.

It won't matter if you ban assault rifles, hand guns and sling shots, you have a young man (these prescriptions are given on a disproportional basis to boys, who by the way, are far more likely to become violent then females) who will believe that nothing will stop the bullying, that they are doomed to be harassed the rest of their lives, and they will act out violently. Either by taking their own lives, or those that he perceives as his enemy.

If it's not a gun, it will be a bomb, or a car. The tool is not important really, it is the resulting carnage and what we must do to stop it.

I just don't know what your goal is.

My guess is that you really don't have one. You're just trained by talk radio to attack, and that's what you're doing, without any thought whatsoever to the downside.

My goal is the same it always is ... Limited government, protected liberties and personal freedoms.

If anyone challenges those ideas for any reason ... They have chosen to make that challenge.
Whatever their emotional response is, towards whatever they have experienced ... Has no bearing on the validity of their challenge.

If you don't want us talking about it ...
If you don't want us discussing the actual goals involved with respects to legislations and policy ...
If you think you are owed any courteousness ... While you attempt to assault my liberties ...

I don't give a flying fuck if it hurts your feelings ... And you can go cry in your pillow too ... :thup:

Are you guys really sure you want to make fun of teenage kids reacting to a horrific, bloody slaughter at their school?

Is this really a good idea?

Yeah ... Don't you people know the children are in charge now.
Their right to privacy is way more important than your right to defend the free state from tyrants throwing temper tantrums.

What exactly is your goal with the attacks on the high school kids?

And do you see any potential downside?

Serious questions.
The goal is to expose the agenda the left is hiding behind the school kids. The kids are a prop.
If the Left is using the kids, why aren't you just going after the Left instead mocking the kids?

Do you see a downside to that strategy?
Polly want a cracker? Squawk.
Are you guys really sure you want to make fun of teenage kids reacting to a horrific, bloody slaughter at their school?

Is this really a good idea?

I would generally agree. But the question, nobody wants to address is what turned this child into a Monster. Experts have chimed in and I have yet to see a 60 minute segment devoted to it:

Secondly, one of the factors in many of these shootings is that the shooter was bullied a lot, in this case by the same student body that claims the NRA are bullies:

LINK: Editorial: ‘Bullied a lot...’

"Marolo Alvarez, an 11th grade student at Parkland, remembers students taunting Nikolas Cruz.

Speaking to reporters at a vigil last month for the shooting victims and reported in the TC Palm of the USA Today network, he said he wished he had said something earlier.

“I could have said something to administrators, that ‘Hey this kid gets bullied a lot, please help him, please reach out to him.’ I kind of regret not doing that,” said Mr. Alvarez."

Seems reasonable to question the reasoning of those staging the protest.

Secondly, no one wants to place the blame on a link that is WIDELY associated with these killings, that is the use that nearly every shooter had to Antidepressants and mood altering drugs used in the treatment of ADHD.


Antidepressants Are a Prescription for Mass Shootings – Citizens Commission on Human Rights, CCHR

"Psychiatrists generally will tell you that these people were mentally ill and they weren’t treated in time or didn’t get enough help to prevent the tragedy. However, Dr. Peter Breggin, who is a psychiatrist, stated that depression rarely leads to violence and that it’s only since the SSRI’s came on the market that such mass shootings have taken place.

In a study of thirty-one drugs that are disproportionately linked to reports of violence toward others, five of the top ten are antidepressants. These are Prozac, Paxil, Luvox, Effexor and Pristiq. Two other drugs that are for treating ADHD are also in the top ten which means these are being given to children who could then become violent. One could conclude from this study alone that antidepressants cause both suicidal thoughts and violent behavior. This is a prescription for mass shootings.

No one can talk their way out of explaining how a person who is previously non-violent and given antidepressants suddenly becomes violent or suicidal. There are multiple cases of children who have committed suicide days after starting to take an antidepressant. In a YouTube video, various parents tell their story about what the antidepressants did to their kids."

You combine these drugs that change the reasoning in a developing brain, with a kid that has endured bullying for many years, and you create monsters.

It won't matter if you ban assault rifles, hand guns and sling shots, you have a young man (these prescriptions are given on a disproportional basis to boys, who by the way, are far more likely to become violent then females) who will believe that nothing will stop the bullying, that they are doomed to be harassed the rest of their lives, and they will act out violently. Either by taking their own lives, or those that he perceives as his enemy.

If it's not a gun, it will be a bomb, or a car. The tool is not important really, it is the resulting carnage and what we must do to stop it.
I'm glad you bring this up, and in fact I recently started a thread (CDZ - Guns, Culture & Politics) that pointed out that this is not just about guns, but our very culture. I'd put our dependence on medications in that category.

What I find interesting is that conservatives are demonstrating virtually zero (0) capacity to multi-task on this issue. All they know to do is attack without remorse or thought of the downsides of their attacks.

If they had the capacity to multi-task, they'd see this as an opportunity to indict our popular culture as part of the problem here. The Regressive Left wants to avoid that conversation at all costs, since the state/condition of our popular culture is largely their doing.

All they know to do is attack, and not think. That's a wasted opportunity.
I just don't know what your goal is.

My guess is that you really don't have one. You're just trained by talk radio to attack, and that's what you're doing, without any thought whatsoever to the downside.

My goal is the same it always is ... Limited government, protected liberties and personal freedoms.

If anyone challenges those ideas for any reason ... They have chosen to make that challenge.
Whatever their emotional response is, towards whatever they have experienced ... Has no bearing on the validity of their challenge.

If you don't want us talking about it ...
If you don't want us discussing the actual goals involved with respects to legislations and policy ...
If you think you are owed any courteousness ... While you attempt to assault my liberties ...

I don't give a flying fuck if it hurts your feelings ... And you can go cry in your pillow too ... :thup:

And I don't give a flying fuck if you're triggered by my posts. Which you clearly are.

Tough shit.

There. I lowered myself to your level there. For just a moment.
Are you guys really sure you want to make fun of teenage kids reacting to a horrific, bloody slaughter at their school?

Is this really a good idea?

Yeah ... Don't you people know the children are in charge now.
Their right to privacy is way more important than your right to defend the free state from tyrants throwing temper tantrums.

What exactly is your goal with the attacks on the high school kids?

And do you see any potential downside?

Serious questions.
The goal is to expose the agenda the left is hiding behind the school kids. The kids are a prop.
If the Left is using the kids, why aren't you just going after the Left instead mocking the kids?

Do you see a downside to that strategy?
Polly want a cracker? Squawk.
Yeah, I wasn't expecting a thoughtful answer.
And I don't give a flying fuck if you're triggered by my posts. Which you clearly are.

Tough shit.

There. I lowered myself to your level there. For just a moment.

If you think someone telling you that your nonsense is nonsense means they are triggered ...
Then you have false perceptions as to the degree of emotional investment required for someone to tell someone else their ideas suck.

That's exactly what I am talking about ... I am not a puddle of raw emotion.
I don't have to be triggered to tell you to ... Go Pound Sand ... :thup:

Last edited:
And I don't give a flying fuck if you're triggered by my posts. Which you clearly are.

Tough shit.

There. I lowered myself to your level there. For just a moment.

If you think someone telling you that your nonsense is nonsense means they are triggered ...
The you have false perceptions as to the degree of emotional investment required for someone to tell someone else their ideas suck.

That's exactly what I am talking about ... I am not a puddle of raw emotion.
I don't have to be triggered to tell you to ... Go Pound Sand ... :thup:

Still on this, huh?


Yeah ... Don't you people know the children are in charge now.
Their right to privacy is way more important than your right to defend the free state from tyrants throwing temper tantrums.

What exactly is your goal with the attacks on the high school kids?

And do you see any potential downside?

Serious questions.
The goal is to expose the agenda the left is hiding behind the school kids. The kids are a prop.
If the Left is using the kids, why aren't you just going after the Left instead mocking the kids?

Do you see a downside to that strategy?
Polly want a cracker? Squawk.
Yeah, I wasn't expecting a thoughtful answer.

I just don't know what your goal is.

My guess is that you really don't have one. You're just trained by talk radio to attack, and that's what you're doing, without any thought whatsoever to the downside.

My goal is the same it always is ... Limited government, protected liberties and personal freedoms.

If anyone challenges those ideas for any reason ... They have chosen to make that challenge.
Whatever their emotional response is, towards whatever they have experienced ... Has no bearing on the validity of their challenge.

If you don't want us talking about it ...
If you don't want us discussing the actual goals involved with respects to legislations and policy ...
If you think you are owed any courteousness ... While you attempt to assault my liberties ...

I don't give a flying fuck if it hurts your feelings ... And you can go cry in your pillow too ... :thup:

And I don't give a flying fuck if you're triggered by my posts. Which you clearly are.

Tough shit.

There. I lowered myself to your level there. For just a moment.
Oh, m
I just don't know what your goal is.

My guess is that you really don't have one. You're just trained by talk radio to attack, and that's what you're doing, without any thought whatsoever to the downside.

My goal is the same it always is ... Limited government, protected liberties and personal freedoms.

If anyone challenges those ideas for any reason ... They have chosen to make that challenge.
Whatever their emotional response is, towards whatever they have experienced ... Has no bearing on the validity of their challenge.

If you don't want us talking about it ...
If you don't want us discussing the actual goals involved with respects to legislations and policy ...
If you think you are owed any courteousness ... While you attempt to assault my liberties ...

I don't give a flying fuck if it hurts your feelings ... And you can go cry in your pillow too ... :thup:

And I don't give a flying fuck if you're triggered by my posts. Which you clearly are.

Tough shit.

There. I lowered myself to your level there. For just a moment.
Are you really going to use inflammatory words like "triggered". Aren't you afraid some nut might hear that word and grab a gun and start murdering kids?
Are you really going to use inflammatory words like "triggered".
Aren't you afraid some nut might hear that word and grab a gun and start murdering kids?

He is just assigning the same level of emotional minutia to everyone.
A concept that makes just about as much sense as thinking long-term legislation should be based on emotional reactions to immediate concerns.


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