Hogg Complains Clear Backpacks Infringe On His Constitutional Rights

Clear black bags will be declared unconstitutional. Warrantless search. Laugh if you want, but that is the way it will end up.
how come it works at airports? what's the difference?
You go to an airport voluntarily and agree on the search procedures. Kids don't have a choice. SCOTUS has ruled in T.L.O. vs. New Jersey that school officials can demand and implement a search, but they must have a probable suspicion of a rule violation or crime.

Yup. Same with lockers and student vehicles parked on the property district wide where I work. Teachers and staff can be shaken down on the spot just like the students.
Only because you have agreed to searches as a teacher or employees, or, you are giving away your rights. Students are just being stripped of their rights as far their cars go. Lockers are a different question. You may be giving away your rights for the use of parking on property.
Students also.

Probubly have, but the pay is stupid awesom so I just behave at work and all is good. Honestly, the only time things like this happen to kids is when they know exactly which locker to go to.
Clear black bags will be declared unconstitutional. Warrantless search. Laugh if you want, but that is the way it will end up.
how come it works at airports? what's the difference?
You go to an airport voluntarily and agree on the search procedures. Kids don't have a choice. SCOTUS has ruled in T.L.O. vs. New Jersey that school officials can demand and implement a search, but they must have a probable suspicion of a rule violation or crime.

Yup. Same with lockers and student vehicles parked on the property district wide where I work. Teachers and staff can be shaken down on the spot just like the students.
Only because you have agreed to searches as a teacher or employees, or, you are giving away your rights. Students are just being stripped of their rights as far their cars go. Lockers are a different question. You may be giving away your rights for the use of parking on property.
Students also.

Probubly have, but the pay is stupid awesom so I just behave at work and all is good. Honestly, the only time things like this happen to kids is when they know exactly which locker to go to.
Lockers are school property and could make a difference. Contraband and personal items may not be part of the deal for use. Also, SCOTUS ruling allows for probable suspicion and cause.
how come it works at airports? what's the difference?
You go to an airport voluntarily and agree on the search procedures. Kids don't have a choice. SCOTUS has ruled in T.L.O. vs. New Jersey that school officials can demand and implement a search, but they must have a probable suspicion of a rule violation or crime.

Yup. Same with lockers and student vehicles parked on the property district wide where I work. Teachers and staff can be shaken down on the spot just like the students.
Only because you have agreed to searches as a teacher or employees, or, you are giving away your rights. Students are just being stripped of their rights as far their cars go. Lockers are a different question. You may be giving away your rights for the use of parking on property.
Students also.

Probubly have, but the pay is stupid awesom so I just behave at work and all is good. Honestly, the only time things like this happen to kids is when they know exactly which locker to go to.
Lockers are school property and could make a difference. Contraband and personal items may not be part of the deal for use. Also, SCOTUS ruling allows for probable suspicion and cause.

Like I said, it really only happens typically, is when they know which locker to go to.
We should know by now that these kids are being manipulated and used as political tools by the fringes of the democrat party. I guarantee if you asked any one of the students specifically what federal law regarding firearms they want enacted or changed you will get gibberish, cliches, a CNN script or a blank stare.
These kids are not being manipulated.

They are being supported by vast numbers of their fellow Americans who want sensible nationwide controls on firearms ownership and usage.

Not grabbing guns... just improving the odds that bad guys and cuckoos can't get their hands on them or can't keep them.

This takes the form of nationwide standards, nationwide licensing and registration and background checks and transaction approvals, revocation warrants for those already in possession of firearms who are subsequently convicted of felonies or who have been institutionalized or otherwise diagnosed with dangerous mental health conditions.

The Devil is in the details, but that's the direction they're heading... not the Gun Grabber hysteria that the NRA and those in thrall to the NRA would have us believe.

And, given this latest foolhardy reaction from the Right, it will become Law, the next time the Dems take the Trifecta (Presidency, Congress, SCOTUS).

Whether that be 2020 or 2024 or 2028 or whatever... but, rest assured, sanity is going to be imposed upon the Wild West... not Gun-Grabbing... merely Sanity.
These kids most certainly are being used. To deny that is to deny reality. You're never going to have complete control of idiots and evil people. Never. That's a pipe dream. Self defense is the only solution. Self defense is a God given right. Put armed citizens in the schools to kill the bad guy when he starts to kill innocents.
Self-defense is, indeed, a God-given right.

So defend yourself once you obtained a License, and Register your firearm, after having passed a vigorous Background Check.

At the Federal level, so that all firearms owners across the country are regulated by the same standards and controls.
We should know by now that these kids are being manipulated and used as political tools by the fringes of the democrat party. I guarantee if you asked any one of the students specifically what federal law regarding firearms they want enacted or changed you will get gibberish, cliches, a CNN script or a blank stare.
These kids are not being manipulated.

They are being supported by vast numbers of their fellow Americans who want sensible nationwide controls on firearms ownership and usage.

Not grabbing guns... just improving the odds that bad guys and cuckoos can't get their hands on them or can't keep them.

This takes the form of nationwide standards, nationwide licensing and registration and background checks and transaction approvals, revocation warrants for those already in possession of firearms who are subsequently convicted of felonies or who have been institutionalized or otherwise diagnosed with dangerous mental health conditions.

The Devil is in the details, but that's the direction they're heading... not the Gun Grabber hysteria that the NRA and those in thrall to the NRA would have us believe.

And, given this latest foolhardy reaction from the Right, it will become Law, the next time the Dems take the Trifecta (Presidency, Congress, SCOTUS).

Whether that be 2020 or 2024 or 2028 or whatever... but, rest assured, sanity is going to be imposed upon the Wild West... not Gun-Grabbing... merely Sanity.
These kids most certainly are being used. To deny that is to deny reality. You're never going to have complete control of idiots and evil people. Never. That's a pipe dream. Self defense is the only solution. Self defense is a God given right. Put armed citizens in the schools to kill the bad guy when he starts to kill innocents.
Self-defense is, indeed, a God-given right.

So defend yourself once you obtained a License, and Register your firearm, after having passed a vigorous Background Check.

At the Federal level, so that all firearms owners across the country are regulated by the same standards and controls.
Gee, can't find that part about registering my guns in the Constitution. Let's register backpacks.
Clear black bags will be declared unconstitutional. Warrantless search. Laugh if you want, but that is the way it will end up.
how come it works at airports? what's the difference?
You go to an airport voluntarily and agree on the search procedures. Kids don't have a choice. SCOTUS has ruled in T.L.O. vs. New Jersey that school officials can demand and implement a search, but they must have a probable suspicion of a rule violation or crime.
Dude, that’s so so stupid. I don’t go voluntarily anymore than they do! If she you want an education you go to school. I go on trips to make money or have fun! Why does that mean I’m willing to give up rights. What an idiot
...Gee, can't find that part about registering my guns in the Constitution...
You are part of the Militia of Last Resort of the United States - the People themselves.

Registering your guns would merely be an example of Regulating that Militia, Well... as found in the text of the Second.

...Let's register backpacks.
No problem.

The very minute you prove that 30,000+ people die from Backpacks annually, nationwide.
...Gee, can't find that part about registering my guns in the Constitution...
You are part of the Militia of Last Resort of the United States - the People themselves.

Registering your guns would merely be an example of Regulating that Militia, Well... as found in the text of the Second.

...Let's register backpacks.
No problem.

The very minute you prove that 30,000+ people die from Backpacks annually, nationwide.
There are gun shows all over this nation frequently, and I've never heard of a gun jumping up and killing anyone. Guns aren't the problem. When are we going to register knives? Knives are killing more people than guns. Knives Killed Five Times As Many People As Rifles Last Year
...Gee, can't find that part about registering my guns in the Constitution...
You are part of the Militia of Last Resort of the United States - the People themselves.

Registering your guns would merely be an example of Regulating that Militia, Well... as found in the text of the Second.

...Let's register backpacks.
No problem.

The very minute you prove that 30,000+ people die from Backpacks annually, nationwide.
There are gun shows all over this nation frequently, and I've never heard of a gun jumping up and killing anyone. Guns aren't the problem. When are we going to register knives? Knives are killing more people than guns. Knives Killed Five Times As Many People As Rifles Last Year
You don't seem to understand.

The country at-large has reached a Tipping Point with respect to the status quo.

You are going to see more and more evidence of this over the course of the next election or two.

Wordplay and simplistic bumper-sticker -caliber pro-Gun slogans are not going to prove to be an adequate defense for what's coming.

Believe it.


Or suffer the consequences.

You have been warned.

And you're running out of time.
...Gee, can't find that part about registering my guns in the Constitution...
You are part of the Militia of Last Resort of the United States - the People themselves.

Registering your guns would merely be an example of Regulating that Militia, Well... as found in the text of the Second.

...Let's register backpacks.
No problem.

The very minute you prove that 30,000+ people die from Backpacks annually, nationwide.
There are gun shows all over this nation frequently, and I've never heard of a gun jumping up and killing anyone. Guns aren't the problem. When are we going to register knives? Knives are killing more people than guns. Knives Killed Five Times As Many People As Rifles Last Year
You don't seem to understand.

The country at-large has reached a Tipping Point with respect to the status quo.

You are going to see more and more evidence of this over the course of the next election or two.

Wordplay and simplistic bumper-sticker -caliber pro-Gun slogans are not going to prove to be an adequate defense for what's coming.

Believe it.


Or suffer the consequences.

You have been warned.

And you're running out of time.
Oh, cut the crap. I just showed you that guns aren't the problem and that knives kill more people than guns. You're the one not getting it. Run along now, Skippy.
...Gee, can't find that part about registering my guns in the Constitution...
You are part of the Militia of Last Resort of the United States - the People themselves.

Registering your guns would merely be an example of Regulating that Militia, Well... as found in the text of the Second.

...Let's register backpacks.
No problem.

The very minute you prove that 30,000+ people die from Backpacks annually, nationwide.
There are gun shows all over this nation frequently, and I've never heard of a gun jumping up and killing anyone. Guns aren't the problem. When are we going to register knives? Knives are killing more people than guns. Knives Killed Five Times As Many People As Rifles Last Year
You don't seem to understand.

The country at-large has reached a Tipping Point with respect to the status quo.

You are going to see more and more evidence of this over the course of the next election or two.

Wordplay and simplistic bumper-sticker -caliber pro-Gun slogans are not going to prove to be an adequate defense for what's coming.

Believe it.


Or suffer the consequences.

You have been warned.

And you're running out of time.
Oh, cut the crap. I just showed you that guns aren't the problem and that knives kill more people than guns. You're the one not getting it. Run along now, Skippy.

...Gee, can't find that part about registering my guns in the Constitution...
You are part of the Militia of Last Resort of the United States - the People themselves.

Registering your guns would merely be an example of Regulating that Militia, Well... as found in the text of the Second.

...Let's register backpacks.
No problem.

The very minute you prove that 30,000+ people die from Backpacks annually, nationwide.
There are gun shows all over this nation frequently, and I've never heard of a gun jumping up and killing anyone. Guns aren't the problem. When are we going to register knives? Knives are killing more people than guns. Knives Killed Five Times As Many People As Rifles Last Year
You don't seem to understand.

The country at-large has reached a Tipping Point with respect to the status quo.

You are going to see more and more evidence of this over the course of the next election or two.

Wordplay and simplistic bumper-sticker -caliber pro-Gun slogans are not going to prove to be an adequate defense for what's coming.

Believe it.


Or suffer the consequences.

You have been warned.

And you're running out of time.
Oh, cut the crap. I just showed you that guns aren't the problem and that knives kill more people than guns. You're the one not getting it. Run along now, Skippy.

Your bumper-sticker "Guns don't kill people... people kill people" defense is old and worn and threadbare and no longer signifies outside of your own political domain.

People have stopped listening to that.

The sooner you(r side) figures that out and moves to find a Middle Ground, the more likely it is that the Second will survive or not be heavily undermined.

Because that's the alternative, if you(r side) doesn't come to grips with that looming Reality while there is still time to salvage the core of the Second.

But it is the Fate of Man, that they fail to learn from the past, or to adapt to circumstances that threaten to overwhelm them.

So be it.

Go ahead and waste what little time is left to you(r side), to Fix, rather than risk it being Bulldozed down to the ground.

Your choice.
...Gee, can't find that part about registering my guns in the Constitution...
You are part of the Militia of Last Resort of the United States - the People themselves.

Registering your guns would merely be an example of Regulating that Militia, Well... as found in the text of the Second.

...Let's register backpacks.
No problem.

The very minute you prove that 30,000+ people die from Backpacks annually, nationwide.
There are gun shows all over this nation frequently, and I've never heard of a gun jumping up and killing anyone. Guns aren't the problem. When are we going to register knives? Knives are killing more people than guns. Knives Killed Five Times As Many People As Rifles Last Year
You don't seem to understand.

The country at-large has reached a Tipping Point with respect to the status quo.

You are going to see more and more evidence of this over the course of the next election or two.

Wordplay and simplistic bumper-sticker -caliber pro-Gun slogans are not going to prove to be an adequate defense for what's coming.

Believe it.


Or suffer the consequences.

You have been warned.

And you're running out of time.
Oh, cut the crap. I just showed you that guns aren't the problem and that knives kill more people than guns. You're the one not getting it. Run along now, Skippy.

Knives Killed Five Times As Many People As Rifles Last Year
...Gee, can't find that part about registering my guns in the Constitution...
You are part of the Militia of Last Resort of the United States - the People themselves.

Registering your guns would merely be an example of Regulating that Militia, Well... as found in the text of the Second.

...Let's register backpacks.
No problem.

The very minute you prove that 30,000+ people die from Backpacks annually, nationwide.
There are gun shows all over this nation frequently, and I've never heard of a gun jumping up and killing anyone. Guns aren't the problem. When are we going to register knives? Knives are killing more people than guns. Knives Killed Five Times As Many People As Rifles Last Year
You don't seem to understand.

The country at-large has reached a Tipping Point with respect to the status quo.

You are going to see more and more evidence of this over the course of the next election or two.

Wordplay and simplistic bumper-sticker -caliber pro-Gun slogans are not going to prove to be an adequate defense for what's coming.

Believe it.


Or suffer the consequences.

You have been warned.

And you're running out of time.
Oh, cut the crap. I just showed you that guns aren't the problem and that knives kill more people than guns. You're the one not getting it. Run along now, Skippy.

Your bumper-sticker "Guns don't kill people... people kill people" defense is old and worn and threadbare and no longer signifies outside of your own political domain.

People have stopped listening to that.

The sooner you(r side) figures that out and moves to find a Middle Ground, the more likely it is that the Second will survive or not be heavily undermined.

Because that's the alternative, if you(r side) doesn't come to grips with that looming Reality while there is still time to salvage the core of the Second.

But it is the Fate of Man, that they fail to learn from the past, or to adapt to circumstances that threaten to overwhelm them.

So be it.

Go ahead and waste what little time is left to you(r side), to Fix, rather than risk it being Bulldozed down to the ground.

Your choice.
Yep, my choice. Go peddle your guilt trip on some naïve college kids.
...Gee, can't find that part about registering my guns in the Constitution...
You are part of the Militia of Last Resort of the United States - the People themselves.

Registering your guns would merely be an example of Regulating that Militia, Well... as found in the text of the Second.

...Let's register backpacks.
No problem.

The very minute you prove that 30,000+ people die from Backpacks annually, nationwide.
There are gun shows all over this nation frequently, and I've never heard of a gun jumping up and killing anyone. Guns aren't the problem. When are we going to register knives? Knives are killing more people than guns. Knives Killed Five Times As Many People As Rifles Last Year
You don't seem to understand.

The country at-large has reached a Tipping Point with respect to the status quo.

You are going to see more and more evidence of this over the course of the next election or two.

Wordplay and simplistic bumper-sticker -caliber pro-Gun slogans are not going to prove to be an adequate defense for what's coming.

Believe it.


Or suffer the consequences.

You have been warned.

And you're running out of time.
Oh, cut the crap. I just showed you that guns aren't the problem and that knives kill more people than guns. You're the one not getting it. Run along now, Skippy.

Your bumper-sticker "Guns don't kill people... people kill people" defense is old and worn and threadbare and no longer signifies outside of your own political domain.

People have stopped listening to that.

The sooner you(r side) figures that out and moves to find a Middle Ground, the more likely it is that the Second will survive or not be heavily undermined.

Because that's the alternative, if you(r side) doesn't come to grips with that looming Reality while there is still time to salvage the core of the Second.

But it is the Fate of Man, that they fail to learn from the past, or to adapt to circumstances that threaten to overwhelm them.

So be it.

Go ahead and waste what little time is left to you(r side), to Fix, rather than risk it being Bulldozed down to the ground.

Your choice.
"they fail to learn from the past"
Thats why ignorant statists are out BEGGING the govt to take our rights away. Its fucking pathetic. And cowardly.
"i need someone else to defend my family WWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH"
Go watch some cuck porn, faggots.
You are part of the Militia of Last Resort of the United States - the People themselves.

Registering your guns would merely be an example of Regulating that Militia, Well... as found in the text of the Second.

No problem.

The very minute you prove that 30,000+ people die from Backpacks annually, nationwide.
There are gun shows all over this nation frequently, and I've never heard of a gun jumping up and killing anyone. Guns aren't the problem. When are we going to register knives? Knives are killing more people than guns. Knives Killed Five Times As Many People As Rifles Last Year
You don't seem to understand.

The country at-large has reached a Tipping Point with respect to the status quo.

You are going to see more and more evidence of this over the course of the next election or two.

Wordplay and simplistic bumper-sticker -caliber pro-Gun slogans are not going to prove to be an adequate defense for what's coming.

Believe it.


Or suffer the consequences.

You have been warned.

And you're running out of time.
Oh, cut the crap. I just showed you that guns aren't the problem and that knives kill more people than guns. You're the one not getting it. Run along now, Skippy.

Knives Killed Five Times As Many People As Rifles Last Year
Why do conservatives struggle so much with reading comprehension?
Is it a lack of intellect or the result of excessive inbreeding?

You make a statement that knives kill more than guns
I call BS
You respond with a link that says knives kill more than rifles
Why is it that no one realizes Cruz was let into the school by a student even though he (Cruz) had absolutely no business being on school grounds never mind in the building?
No clear backpack is going to prevent that
There are gun shows all over this nation frequently, and I've never heard of a gun jumping up and killing anyone. Guns aren't the problem. When are we going to register knives? Knives are killing more people than guns. Knives Killed Five Times As Many People As Rifles Last Year
You don't seem to understand.

The country at-large has reached a Tipping Point with respect to the status quo.

You are going to see more and more evidence of this over the course of the next election or two.

Wordplay and simplistic bumper-sticker -caliber pro-Gun slogans are not going to prove to be an adequate defense for what's coming.

Believe it.


Or suffer the consequences.

You have been warned.

And you're running out of time.
Oh, cut the crap. I just showed you that guns aren't the problem and that knives kill more people than guns. You're the one not getting it. Run along now, Skippy.

Knives Killed Five Times As Many People As Rifles Last Year
Why do conservatives struggle so much with reading comprehension?
Is it a lack of intellect or the result of excessive inbreeding?

You make a statement that knives kill more than guns
I call BS
You respond with a link that says knives kill more than rifles
You wanna talk about comprehension? How come we have a local gun show here every year with thousands of GUNS, and no one gets shot at the gun show? Tell me why.

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