Hogg Complains Clear Backpacks Infringe On His Constitutional Rights

Yeah. Imagine that, having to have a clear backpack where everyone can see your stuff because we can't keep crazy people from getting guns.

Just like we all have to walk through multiple checkpoints at our jobs, past security guards and key pad locks and metal detectors, because we can't keep people from getting guns.

Like we have to watch a safety film of "What to do if a crazy person starts shooting up the theater" while trying to enjoy a new movie.

Yup, the gun nuts are making all of our lives a lot more of pain.

Maybe we should make theirs more of a pain.

can't tell if funny, ironic, sad, boring, ignorant, stewpud, dumb, fucking domb or just painful to watch.

how the fuck do you demand the removal of the 2nd but get all pissy about clear backpacks?

Because you can't kill someone with a backpack?
gee, where would be a great place to hide a weapon?

Don’t know that a back pack makes much of a difference. Looking back, it seems most of the kids who did the shootings never used pack packs. They had better made plans.

But the kids are learning a valuable lesson here. Sure, go on and push to have other people’s rights taken away, but realize that when you do that, you give up a shit ton of your rights as well. Just l ook at the airports and the TSA after 9/11. After 9/11 nothing changed as far as airline security go’s except for the fact that the government put an organization there to rub your bathing suit parts and dig through your shit between you and your gate. TSA has a 99% fail rate yet here they are. Same will happen in schools and all the other little kids who hate it can thank David Hogg for their new back packs.

I haven't flown since the 90s, have no plans to, either. So much for the "Jet Set" aye?

Now, you got Bubba groping grandma so she can go see the chilluns at Christmas time.
Are you guys really sure you want to make fun of teenage kids reacting to a horrific, bloody slaughter at their school?

Is this really a good idea?
Notice the use of the Rules for Radicals?

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
. "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules. You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity."
Once the idiots opened themselves up with a political slant and wanted their 10 minutes of FAME, they must now face the repercussion for their agenda. They have a right to say what ever they want, We have the right to say what ever we want..
Of course you do. You have every right to play right into their hands. The Dems are loving this, you're going after traumatized kids.

You are assuming that people have bought into the leftist agenda. That's certainly not the case, this time they swallowed a piece too big.
since when is standing up for the Constitution being a bully?

so far left you think tyranny is good and the Constitution is bad.

I think misreading the militia amendment as a right to guns is just crazy.

I don't think that we should take the word of slave rapists who shit in chamber pots as holy writ.

The rest of the industrial democracies limit gun ownership, and they are just as free or freer than we are.

I think you should leave the country they founded and take your ass to Cuba or Venezuela, where the government was founded by more "progressive" people in line with your views. :)
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We should know by now that these kids are being manipulated and used as political tools by the fringes of the democrat party. I guarantee if you asked any one of the students specifically what federal law regarding firearms they want enacted or changed you will get gibberish, cliches, a CNN script or a blank stare.
Are you guys really sure you want to make fun of teenage kids reacting to a horrific, bloody slaughter at their school?

Is this really a good idea?
Notice the use of the Rules for Radicals?

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
. "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules. You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity."
Once the idiots opened themselves up with a political slant and wanted their 10 minutes of FAME, they must now face the repercussion for their agenda. They have a right to say what ever they want, We have the right to say what ever we want..
Of course you do. You have every right to play right into their hands. The Dems are loving this, you're going after traumatized kids.
The Demonrats are USING traumatized kids for their agenda. Kids have been used as props by the left for years.
We should know by now that these kids are being manipulated and used as political tools by the fringes of the democrat party. I guarantee if you asked any one of the students specifically what federal law regarding firearms they want enacted or changed you will get gibberish, cliches, a CNN script or a blank stare.
These kids are not being manipulated.

They are being supported by vast numbers of their fellow Americans who want sensible nationwide controls on firearms ownership and usage.

Not grabbing guns... just improving the odds that bad guys and cuckoos can't get their hands on them or can't keep them.

This takes the form of nationwide standards, nationwide licensing and registration and background checks and transaction approvals, revocation warrants for those already in possession of firearms who are subsequently convicted of felonies or who have been institutionalized or otherwise diagnosed with dangerous mental health conditions.

The Devil is in the details, but that's the direction they're heading... not the Gun Grabber hysteria that the NRA and those in thrall to the NRA would have us believe.

And, given this latest foolhardy reaction from the Right, it will become Law, the next time the Dems take the Trifecta (Presidency, Congress, SCOTUS).

Whether that be 2020 or 2024 or 2028 or whatever... but, rest assured, sanity is going to be imposed upon the Wild West... not Gun-Grabbing... merely Sanity.
Due to only being kids...

can't tell if funny, ironic, sad, boring, ignorant, stewpud, dumb, fucking domb or just painful to watch.

how the fuck do you demand the removal of the 2nd but get all pissy about clear backpacks?
We should know by now that these kids are being manipulated and used as political tools by the fringes of the democrat party. I guarantee if you asked any one of the students specifically what federal law regarding firearms they want enacted or changed you will get gibberish, cliches, a CNN script or a blank stare.
These kids are not being manipulated.

They are being supported by vast numbers of their fellow Americans who want sensible nationwide controls on firearms ownership and usage.

Not grabbing guns... just improving the odds that bad guys and cuckoos can't get their hands on them or can't keep them.

This takes the form of nationwide standards, nationwide licensing and registration and background checks and transaction approvals, revocation warrants for those already in possession of firearms who are subsequently convicted of felonies or who have been institutionalized or otherwise diagnosed with dangerous mental health conditions.

The Devil is in the details, but that's the direction they're heading... not the Gun Grabber hysteria that the NRA and those in thrall to the NRA would have us believe.

And, given this latest foolhardy reaction from the Right, it will become Law, the next time the Dems take the Trifecta (Presidency, Congress, SCOTUS).

Whether that be 2020 or 2024 or 2028 or whatever... but, rest assured, sanity is going to be imposed upon the Wild West... not Gun-Grabbing... merely Sanity.
These kids most certainly are being used. To deny that is to deny reality. You're never going to have complete control of idiots and evil people. Never. That's a pipe dream. Self defense is the only solution. Self defense is a God given right. Put armed citizens in the schools to kill the bad guy when he starts to kill innocents.
Lets expand background checks since the FBI and police are goddamn idiots! :cuckoo:
I think it depends on their maturity level, but most today are as you say, kids.
Infringing on lawful, responsible people is OK. Clear back packs? No fucking way!
Stupid fucking kids

They are school-children, in their final year of school; a mixture of adult and teenage mindsets, aspirations, priorities, etc.

Lighten up, Francis.
17 year old kids are still kids.
It is amazing how naive people are. Like we DONT need self protection anymore?
Has our species become enlightened? LMFAO
I mean, i get it though. Who needs a semi auto BLACK gun to defend against multiple assailants? I mean, its not like humans gang rape or tag team on robbing a home.. Right you fucking cuck pussies?
If clear back packs are a violation of privacy (lol) then i guess window tint laws are unconstitutional? :rofl:

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