Hogg Complains Clear Backpacks Infringe On His Constitutional Rights

It's much easier to inspect the backpacks than to do what the facility is supposed to do - teach kids and to oversee that they are doing mentally well. They seem to be doing the opposite - driving people insane.

20 people die every year of school shootings - more people die in bath tubs, and no inspections. The leftists are using this as theater "look, here is what we have to do because of the constitution - better repeal it". Because as we know, no school shootings take place in countries with tough gun laws. UnAmerican pieces of feces.
Yeah. Imagine that, having to have a clear backpack where everyone can see your stuff because we can't keep crazy people from getting guns. we have laws in place, not that facts bother you.

We don't have effective laws, that's the problem.

Rest of the world has figured this out, which is why they don't have school shootings.

Like we have to watch a safety film of "What to do if a crazy person starts shooting up the theater" while trying to enjoy a new movie. this, of course, has never happened.

Actually, it did. When I went to go see "Star Trek: Into Darkness" right after the Aurora Shooting, they had this film.

Now, I haven't seen it since, but I usually don't go to that theater chain.

Yup, the gun nuts are making all of our lives a lot more of pain.your life sucks b/c your the most involved person in it.

No, the gun nuts are doing that by making it an armed camp. Frankly, I would LOVE to not turn on the radio and hear about another school shooting. i would love to walk past flags that aren't at half-mast because there was another mass shooting and they had only put them back up from the last one.

But I can always tell when I've won an argument when they try to make it about me.
you will, of course, post proof that a shooting occurred in a school with these clear backpacks or admit you lied.

I don't have to.

We've had more school shootings since the 1990's... case closed.

You lie. They just get more press now. Mass killings at schools are and were common as far back as the 1800’s. Even across the pond. You would think guns would be what they all have in common but it’s not.

I’m going to need to see a citation for that allegation.

I’m also going to need to see your personal definition of the word “common.”

Hit the link and go look then. I can even get you one where a home made flame thrower was used in a school massacre. It’s intresting shit when you don’t take someone’s word for it and to look.
since when is standing up for the Constitution being a bully?

so far left you think tyranny is good and the Constitution is bad.

I think misreading the militia amendment as a right to guns is just crazy.

I don't think that we should take the word of slave rapists who shit in chamber pots as holy writ.

The rest of the industrial democracies limit gun ownership, and they are just as free or freer than we are.
the lie about the misreading is a modern lie, if it had even a sliver of merit it would have come up long long ago.

other countries arrest you for speaking freely, so no, another joeb lie.
Yeah. Imagine that, having to have a clear backpack where everyone can see your stuff because we can't keep crazy people from getting guns.

Just like we all have to walk through multiple checkpoints at our jobs, past security guards and key pad locks and metal detectors, because we can't keep people from getting guns.

Like we have to watch a safety film of "What to do if a crazy person starts shooting up the theater" while trying to enjoy a new movie.

Yup, the gun nuts are making all of our lives a lot more of pain.

Maybe we should make theirs more of a pain.
It was liberal policy that let the crazy person get a gun. So suck it up butter cup.
Yeah. Imagine that, having to have a clear backpack where everyone can see your stuff because we can't keep crazy people from getting guns. we have laws in place, not that facts bother you.

We don't have effective laws, that's the problem.

Rest of the world has figured this out, which is why they don't have school shootings.

Like we have to watch a safety film of "What to do if a crazy person starts shooting up the theater" while trying to enjoy a new movie. this, of course, has never happened.

Actually, it did. When I went to go see "Star Trek: Into Darkness" right after the Aurora Shooting, they had this film.

Now, I haven't seen it since, but I usually don't go to that theater chain.

Yup, the gun nuts are making all of our lives a lot more of pain.your life sucks b/c your the most involved person in it.

No, the gun nuts are doing that by making it an armed camp. Frankly, I would LOVE to not turn on the radio and hear about another school shooting. i would love to walk past flags that aren't at half-mast because there was another mass shooting and they had only put them back up from the last one.

But I can always tell when I've won an argument when they try to make it about me.
you will, of course, post proof that a shooting occurred in a school with these clear backpacks or admit you lied.

I don't have to.

We've had more school shootings since the 1990's... case closed.

You lie. They just get more press now. Mass killings at schools are and were common as far back as the 1800’s. Even across the pond. You would think guns would be what they all have in common but it’s not.

I’m going to need to see a citation for that allegation.

I’m also going to need to see your personal definition of the word “common.”

Hit the link and go look then. I can even get you one where a home made flame thrower was used in a school massacre. It’s intresting shit when you don’t take someone’s word for it and to look.

I already went to the link. Most of them were not mass school shootings, and there were years in between the shootings therefore. Your point does not stand.
Well son, we can’t actually keep someone from bringing an AR 15 into your school

But we did buy you this nice clear backpack
since when is standing up for the Constitution being a bully?

so far left you think tyranny is good and the Constitution is bad.

I think misreading the militia amendment as a right to guns is just crazy.

I don't think that we should take the word of slave rapists who shit in chamber pots as holy writ.

The rest of the industrial democracies limit gun ownership, and they are just as free or freer than we are.
If you don't like it, leave.
you will, of course, post proof that a shooting occurred in a school with these clear backpacks or admit you lied.

I don't have to.

We've had more school shootings since the 1990's... case closed.
Yep, and schools have been going down hill since God was taken out.
society has been going down since we have been forced to do what leftist say is better.

10,000 years of shit working and now it's not.
Yeah. Imagine that, having to have a clear backpack where everyone can see your stuff because we can't keep crazy people from getting guns. we have laws in place, not that facts bother you.

We don't have effective laws, that's the problem.

Rest of the world has figured this out, which is why they don't have school shootings.

Like we have to watch a safety film of "What to do if a crazy person starts shooting up the theater" while trying to enjoy a new movie. this, of course, has never happened.

Actually, it did. When I went to go see "Star Trek: Into Darkness" right after the Aurora Shooting, they had this film.

Now, I haven't seen it since, but I usually don't go to that theater chain.

Yup, the gun nuts are making all of our lives a lot more of pain.your life sucks b/c your the most involved person in it.

No, the gun nuts are doing that by making it an armed camp. Frankly, I would LOVE to not turn on the radio and hear about another school shooting. i would love to walk past flags that aren't at half-mast because there was another mass shooting and they had only put them back up from the last one.

But I can always tell when I've won an argument when they try to make it about me.
you will, of course, post proof that a shooting occurred in a school with these clear backpacks or admit you lied.

I don't have to.

We've had more school shootings since the 1990's... case closed.

You lie. They just get more press now. Mass killings at schools are and were common as far back as the 1800’s. Even across the pond. You would think guns would be what they all have in common but it’s not.

I’m going to need to see a citation for that allegation.

I’m also going to need to see your personal definition of the word “common.”

Hit the link and go look then. I can even get you one where a home made flame thrower was used in a school massacre. It’s intresting shit when you don’t take someone’s word for it and to look.

I already went to the link. Most of them were not mass school shootings, and there were years in between the shootings therefore. Your point does not stand.

Says a JoeB sock. What you say only matters to you. But at least we know where you stand. It’s okay to kill kids at school as long as lots of years pass between them and old guns were used.

Cologne school massacre - Wikipedia

The Cologne school massacre was a mass murder that occurred at the Catholic elementary school (katholische Volksschule) located in the suburb of Volkhoven in Cologne, West Germany on 11 June 1964. The perpetrator, Walter Seifert, attacked the people at the school with a home-made flamethrower and a lance, killing eight pupils and two teachers, and wounding twenty-two others. When police arrived at the scene he fled from the school compound and poisoned himself. He was taken to a hospital, where he died the same evening.

But you also say it doesn’t count if guns weren’t used. Okay, so these kids don’t matter either

Man Wielding Knife Kills One and Injures Three at University of Texas

But that happened back in 2017. Sadly, you are a slave. It it don’t make national news and have the ability to accept a 30 round magazine you just can’t comprehend.
can't tell if funny, ironic, sad, boring, ignorant, stewpud, dumb, fucking domb or just painful to watch.

how the fuck do you demand the removal of the 2nd but get all pissy about clear backpacks?
you're 17.
We don't have effective laws, that's the problem.

Rest of the world has figured this out, which is why they don't have school shootings.

Actually, it did. When I went to go see "Star Trek: Into Darkness" right after the Aurora Shooting, they had this film.

Now, I haven't seen it since, but I usually don't go to that theater chain.

No, the gun nuts are doing that by making it an armed camp. Frankly, I would LOVE to not turn on the radio and hear about another school shooting. i would love to walk past flags that aren't at half-mast because there was another mass shooting and they had only put them back up from the last one.

But I can always tell when I've won an argument when they try to make it about me.
I don't have to.

We've had more school shootings since the 1990's... case closed.

You lie. They just get more press now. Mass killings at schools are and were common as far back as the 1800’s. Even across the pond. You would think guns would be what they all have in common but it’s not.

I’m going to need to see a citation for that allegation.

I’m also going to need to see your personal definition of the word “common.”

Hit the link and go look then. I can even get you one where a home made flame thrower was used in a school massacre. It’s intresting shit when you don’t take someone’s word for it and to look.

I already went to the link. Most of them were not mass school shootings, and there were years in between the shootings therefore. Your point does not stand.

Says a JoeB sock. What you say only matters to you. But at least we know where you stand. It’s okay to kill kids at school as long as lots of years pass between them and old guns were used.

Cologne school massacre - Wikipedia

The Cologne school massacre was a mass murder that occurred at the Catholic elementary school (katholische Volksschule) located in the suburb of Volkhoven in Cologne, West Germany on 11 June 1964. The perpetrator, Walter Seifert, attacked the people at the school with a home-made flamethrower and a lance, killing eight pupils and two teachers, and wounding twenty-two others. When police arrived at the scene he fled from the school compound and poisoned himself. He was taken to a hospital, where he died the same evening.

But you also say it doesn’t count if guns weren’t used. Okay, so these kids don’t matter either

Man Wielding Knife Kills One and Injures Three at University of Texas

But that happened back in 2017. Sadly, you are a slave. It it don’t make national news and have the ability to accept a 30 round magazine you just can’t comprehend.

This is the second time I’ve been called Joe’s sock. If your point is indefensible, fine; whatever. But don’t make me the subject.
can't tell if funny, ironic, sad, boring, ignorant, stewpud, dumb, fucking domb or just painful to watch.

how the fuck do you demand the removal of the 2nd but get all pissy about clear backpacks?
The survivor-activists of the Parkland school shooting are demanding repeal of the Second?

Show me.
can't tell if funny, ironic, sad, boring, ignorant, stewpud, dumb, fucking domb or just painful to watch.

how the fuck do you demand the removal of the 2nd but get all pissy about clear backpacks?

Because you can't kill someone with a backpack?
gee, where would be a great place to hide a weapon?

Don’t know that a back pack makes much of a difference. Looking back, it seems most of the kids who did the shootings never used pack packs. They had better made plans.

But the kids are learning a valuable lesson here. Sure, go on and push to have other people’s rights taken away, but realize that when you do that, you give up a shit ton of your rights as well. Just l ook at the airports and the TSA after 9/11. After 9/11 nothing changed as far as airline security go’s except for the fact that the government put an organization there to rub your bathing suit parts and dig through your shit between you and your gate. TSA has a 99% fail rate yet here they are. Same will happen in schools and all the other little kids who hate it can thank David Hogg for their new back packs.
to me, this is simply doing something for the sake of doing something. you take actions to stop the actions you don't like, ie the shootings. to date, NO ONE has used a clear backpack to get guns or anything onto campus.

next up - limit plastic forks in the cafeteria and you have to check them back in. hey, doing something, it just doesn't address the issue.
Speaking of feces, your post is complete, unmitigated bullshit.

The usual response when a leftist comes into contact with the truth. No arguments, just the tried and true old screechy venom. Thankfully I didn't have to sit through and read how you are a nasty woman (although I have no doubts about it).

The anti-Americans are at it again, with their vision laid clear. Repeal the 2nd amendment.

What can you do? I was going to lecture about presenting the reality of the situation, but screw it. The obvious answer is:
Donate | NRA

Even making a small donation for the common cause should make these guys trigger as if it was November 9th, 2016. It's our civil duty... Just donated.
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We don't have effective laws, that's the problem.

Rest of the world has figured this out, which is why they don't have school shootings.

Actually, it did. When I went to go see "Star Trek: Into Darkness" right after the Aurora Shooting, they had this film.

Now, I haven't seen it since, but I usually don't go to that theater chain.

No, the gun nuts are doing that by making it an armed camp. Frankly, I would LOVE to not turn on the radio and hear about another school shooting. i would love to walk past flags that aren't at half-mast because there was another mass shooting and they had only put them back up from the last one.

But I can always tell when I've won an argument when they try to make it about me.
I don't have to.

We've had more school shootings since the 1990's... case closed.

You lie. They just get more press now. Mass killings at schools are and were common as far back as the 1800’s. Even across the pond. You would think guns would be what they all have in common but it’s not.

I’m going to need to see a citation for that allegation.

I’m also going to need to see your personal definition of the word “common.”

Hit the link and go look then. I can even get you one where a home made flame thrower was used in a school massacre. It’s intresting shit when you don’t take someone’s word for it and to look.

I already went to the link. Most of them were not mass school shootings, and there were years in between the shootings therefore. Your point does not stand.

Says a JoeB sock. What you say only matters to you. But at least we know where you stand. It’s okay to kill kids at school as long as lots of years pass between them and old guns were used.

Cologne school massacre - Wikipedia

The Cologne school massacre was a mass murder that occurred at the Catholic elementary school (katholische Volksschule) located in the suburb of Volkhoven in Cologne, West Germany on 11 June 1964. The perpetrator, Walter Seifert, attacked the people at the school with a home-made flamethrower and a lance, killing eight pupils and two teachers, and wounding twenty-two others. When police arrived at the scene he fled from the school compound and poisoned himself. He was taken to a hospital, where he died the same evening.

But you also say it doesn’t count if guns weren’t used. Okay, so these kids don’t matter either

Man Wielding Knife Kills One and Injures Three at University of Texas

But that happened back in 2017. Sadly, you are a slave. It it don’t make national news and have the ability to accept a 30 round magazine you just can’t comprehend.

Oh, no. I get it. Nothing’s changed with school shootings just like nothing has changed with global warming or climate change. We even change the name to try to get through to you and you still can’t hear, comprehend, or understand. So one thing I do know; it is senseless to waste anymore time trying to get through to somebody who can’t hear me.

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