Hogg WILD!

Force businesses and politicians to choose sides

In my experience, Conservatives are far more likely to undertake and maintain boycotts than Liberals are.

There's a difference. Conservatives just say, "Well, fuck you, then", and go shop somewhere else for the duration. Leftists insist on making a huge, reality-show, drama-queen scene out of it, so that they can be applauded for how "brave" they are.
Quote some liberal on this board embracing them then. I've shown where posters here have embraced GZ....it's your turn.
and? just because a few assholes embrace an asshole doesn't make public policy for an entire side.
Well, I was debunking a specific lie....see below....

Nobody embraced him. They stood behind his actions and were rewarded by getting to watch the racist left show it's true colors.
Why don't you stick to the facts and stop making shit up ?

Quite clearly, 3 prominent posters did just that. I could have quoted probably a dozen but it wasn't worth the effort.

if you're liberal (and you are) do you now also wear black, a mask and set trash cans on fire?
What liberal did that?

are you going to pick up a gun and start shooting at congressmen playing softball? i mean, it's what liberals do, isn't it?
Moronic post.

stop finding the worst example of us all and trying to pretend that we're all like that. it's old, stupid, and where a lot of our divide comes from.
Perhaps you should preach to your own choir...
1 - that's just it - we are individuals, not all stereotypes walking around in unison checking what to say before we say it.

zimmerman - he's an asshole that confronted someone he should not have. but that someone has a huge criminal past and all accounts do show he was under life threatening force. shooting self defense.

even assholes get the same rights under the law as people we like. or do you disagree?
Again, the message I was addressing said “nobody embraced him.” I showed 3 examples out of several. Not sure what is wrong with that. You’re the first conservative here that I have seen say one derogatory thing about him…I have not read every message so I’m sure you could show others but it was borderline infatuation during that whole episode.

antifa - the masked outfit of liberals showing people what's what and burning trash cans on major college campuses all across the country.
Must have missed it. Sorry.

moronic post? yes. but so is your own line of thinking here and *to me* it's the same thing. make a loose association of a known ass and pretend they are a valid representation of the OTHER side. you're doing that here with zimmerman, so i'll do it with other liberals who have taken shots and killed people who they didn't like.
Whatever. It was moronic in the extreme.

they represent you and your views? if not, then stop thinking people who recognize zimmerman gets the same benefit of the laws as WE ALL DO are backing him being an asshole as well. not that simple unless you have no other point to make. doesn't sound like you do.

and again - not my choir we're all individuals yet some people can't help but do "group hate" and you seem to be in that crowd.

Not sure what you want from me. I didn’t cite the “he was found innocent” matter-of-fact posts. I cited the ones that welcomed him to Texas, called him a “hero” etc… Agreeing that someone went through due process is one thing, welcoming the “asshole” with open arms and calling him a “hero” is something different….would you agree?

great. then go get in the faces of those who did it. what you are doing here (and yes both sides can and do) is taking the worst example of someone and pretending they represent the entire side.
Oh my God. Sun Devil made the charge. I proved him wrong. He hasn’t been back since. That is debate.

you're "attacks" are hitting people who do not see zimmerman in this way, but they are conservatives so YOU put a link there and think you've done something clever.

stupid isn't clever in most instances.

it's still moronic and you're still doing it.

Uh no. I hate to say this but either you’re being lazy in your research or are just being incredibly dishonest.
I quoted posters ON THIS BOARD who were not cheering the verdict or the action but talking about Zimmerman himself.
Instead of talking about it on a message board, he is actually out doing something about his issues. Irregardless of whether you agree with his politics or not, you should admire him for standing in front of the slings and arrows that are coming his way.

I do like how the right wing is trying to claim victory on this. It’s redefining the term pathetic.

Yes, instead of finding a mature outlet for his political interests, whatever that might be, he's out "actually doing something" . . . if by that, you mean making a childish ass out of himself for empty publicity.

Only leftists, who are all developmentally stunted enough to be at the same emotional level as Hogg, would think there's something admirable about the public equivalent of coming to Thanksgiving dinner in full Goth wear, just to piss off your parents.

"Slings and arrows", my ass. You think this spoonfed leftist shill EVER lets himself hear anything but the likes of you, telling him how "brave" and "meaningful" he is for lying in the floor of a supermarket, aka the exact same thing a 3-year-old does when you won't buy him candy? Let this carping little nancyboy actually try his shit in front of the people he targets, instead of hurling invective from the safe distance of the fawning media, and THEN we'll talk about "standing in front of".


The fact that you know who he is, expressing irrational outrage, and are so angry is proof of his effectiveness.

Depends on whether you define effectiveness as "actually accomplishing something substantial" or "being Internet famous and feeling important".

Yes, I know who he is. That's not impressive, since every time he takes a dump, the media feel the need to write puff pieces exalting his "courage". Unlike leftists, conservatives can't isolate themselves entirely from opposing viewpoints.

But hey, if shoving himself into people's awareness so that they can spit on him makes him - and you - feel like you've accomplished something, far be it from me to deny either of you the only meaning your lives will ever have.
Instead of talking about it on a message board, he is actually out doing something about his issues. Irregardless of whether you agree with his politics or not, you should admire him for standing in front of the slings and arrows that are coming his way.

I do like how the right wing is trying to claim victory on this. It’s redefining the term pathetic.

Slings and arrows? This kid is loving every second of this.

People with jobs don't have time for this nonsense.
Yet here you are...

By the time you get home, have dinner, relax for an hour or two, it's getting late already and you have to get ready for work the next day.

People that do these things only demonstrate one thing, and that is they have too much free time on their hands.

Unlike those who post 10,000 messages a year on an obscure message board.

Have you noticed that NONE of your lame attempts to convince people to self-censor are having any effect? It's almost like no one gives a shit what you think, or something.
Yet here you are...

Yes I am. Being on the internet is the way I relax. Not hurting anybody, not getting in the way, not causing anybody to lose money. Just harmlessly having discussion.

Unlike those who post 10,000 messages a year on an obscure message board.

And you're different how? Because you post a little less?

Never said I was.
What I did say was that regardless of whether or not you agree with him, you have to admire the activism.
You disagreed which I think was more of a brainless reflex of yours rather than anything based on reason.

We "have to admire the activism"? Exactly WHY do we "have to admire the activism"? Because pathetic nothings like you demand that it be admirable?

Smarten up, sister. You don't have to work nearly that hard to puzzle out a reason that normal, sane people - people who aren't you, in other words - look at you and your pubescent "hero" as though you're dogshit on their shoes. It's because, in the real world of actual adults, you ARE dogshit on our shoes. No one outside your little leftist head bubble thinks harassing and annoying everyday people going about their daily lives is "admirable" or "effective" . . . or "activism", for that matter. We view it pretty much the same way we view a screaming tantrum by a three-year-old . . . SOMEONE ELSE'S three-year-old: "Take that ill-mannered brat home and stop inflicting him on the rest of us".
The beanpole bully is behind a "lay in" at his local Publix grocery store. Seems the company made a contribution to a politician Hogg doesn't like. So his band of dingoes lay on the floor of the store like they are dead. And the customers ignore them, do their shopping and maybe "accidentally" step on one's head.


His charisma quickly fading, Hogg will be driven to plot more strange events like this one and eventually will fade from sight, becoming a violent alcoholic....well, as violent as an 80 pound pile of bones can be.

Shoppers Step Over Bodies at Hogg-Led Publix Protests

I wish it was the 60’s. What I wouldent give to feed faggits like Hogg to a few Belgian Malinois whilst hosing his and his friends ass’s with pepper spray and whaling on them with night sticks. Little bitch needs such a lesson.
As a nation, we need to understand that our politicians will not lift a finger to try to curtail gun violence.

Much like with cigarettes, the change will have to come from within. The public will have to look down on gun ownership, wives will need to say.... I don’t want guns in my house, children will not want their fathers guns
Those who politically support guns will have to answer for it, businesses that support gun ownership will lose business
The beanpole bully is behind a "lay in" at his local Publix grocery store. Seems the company made a contribution to a politician Hogg doesn't like. So his band of dingoes lay on the floor of the store like they are dead. And the customers ignore them, do their shopping and maybe "accidentally" step on one's head.


His charisma quickly fading, Hogg will be driven to plot more strange events like this one and eventually will fade from sight, becoming a violent alcoholic....well, as violent as an 80 pound pile of bones can be.

Shoppers Step Over Bodies at Hogg-Led Publix Protests
That kid is taking up way too much space in your head.

Yep. And every time someone post about him on an Internet forum, he is winning

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Winning what?
The little puke will be found behind a dumpster with a needle in his arm.
Is that how you trumpanzees will silence him?
politicians dont want to get shot in the guts, and that's what will happen if they try a gun-grab. You aint getting our guns.
Instead of talking about it on a message board, he is actually out doing something about his issues. Irregardless of whether you agree with his politics or not, you should admire him for standing in front of the slings and arrows that are coming his way.

I do like how the right wing is trying to claim victory on this. It’s redefining the term pathetic.

Slings and arrows? This kid is loving every second of this.

I think it would be a good idea for his parents to insist he get a job. People with jobs don't have time for this nonsense. By the time you get home, have dinner, relax for an hour or two, it's getting late already and you have to get ready for work the next day.

People that do these things only demonstrate one thing, and that is they have too much free time on their hands.

His work is too important to waste time on a trivial job

He is making an impact now, no time to divert his attention

He's making an impact? On who.....what?

Did the NRA go out of business? Are there less school shootings? Are any new anti-constitutional laws being drawn up for vote?

He's too important to get a job? Seems that's a theme among liberals regardless of popularity. Hey! Maybe he's collecting food stamps and on Medicaid too.

While I think this kid is a little twerp, I kind of feel sorry for him in a way. Much like the minorities in this country, he fails to realize the Democrat party is using him like an old washrag. See if anybody even remembers his name in a year from today.

Some twerp

Bringing politicians, news commentators and major corporations to their knees

He got a corporation to change a long-time policy. We all should be so active in whatever we endorse. I used to think of my self as "the shit" when I got a radio station to play my request of Bohemian Rhapsody (coming to a theater near you).

Bullying people - and with someone else's power - is not a "talent", a "skill", or in any way admirable. If he had scheduled a meeting with them and convinced them their policy was wrong and needed to be changed, THAT would be accomplishing something impressive. THIS is just something they're gonna flip-flop on the second this erratic little hormone bomb aims himself in another direction.

We can't "all be so active", because anyone with adult maturity is rightly embarrassed to behave like a spoiled jackass in public.
As a nation, we need to understand that our politicians will not lift a finger to try to curtail gun violence.

Much like with cigarettes, the change will have to come from within. The public will have to look down on gun ownership, wives will need to say.... I don’t want guns in my house, children will not want their fathers guns
Those who politically support guns will have to answer for it, businesses that support gun ownership will lose business
so - you're saying "fuck the constitution, i don't like guns so they must go".

this country is not here to bend to your terms, or any singular line of vision. you are free to look down on gun owners all you like. that is part of this country just as the guns are. but you are not free to tell me what i can and can't legally have.
These school shootings to me point out massive failures in our mental health professions (has giving all those kids all of those drugs for all of those years for ADD finally coming home to roost?) and how the authorities react to obviously troubled individuals! Gun control isn't the answer for either of those things.
Yet...isn't it odd that girls get those same drugs for ADD and they manage to not shoot up schools.
The kid is an ego inflated wind bag. He will one day get into the face of the wrong person.
Would that be you? Or, like most of the rest of the trumpanzees here, you only live your violence vicariously thru internet posting?
The beanpole bully is behind a "lay in" at his local Publix grocery store. Seems the company made a contribution to a politician Hogg doesn't like. So his band of dingoes lay on the floor of the store like they are dead. And the customers ignore them, do their shopping and maybe "accidentally" step on one's head.


His charisma quickly fading, Hogg will be driven to plot more strange events like this one and eventually will fade from sight, becoming a violent alcoholic....well, as violent as an 80 pound pile of bones can be.

Shoppers Step Over Bodies at Hogg-Led Publix Protests

It would be fun to push carts into them, step on them, fart, and drop food on them (like a quart of cottage cheese. - oops).
I must admit....this thread sure brings out that lust for violence lived vicariously (and safely) thru the internet in our resident trumpanzees.
These school shootings to me point out massive failures in our mental health professions (has giving all those kids all of those drugs for all of those years for ADD finally coming home to roost?) and how the authorities react to obviously troubled individuals! Gun control isn't the answer for either of those things.
Yet...isn't it odd that girls get those same drugs for ADD and they manage to not shoot up schools.
you may want to look up who did the shooting in Australia that spawned their gun control, spanky.
The beanpole bully is behind a "lay in" at his local Publix grocery store. Seems the company made a contribution to a politician Hogg doesn't like. So his band of dingoes lay on the floor of the store like they are dead. And the customers ignore them, do their shopping and maybe "accidentally" step on one's head.


His charisma quickly fading, Hogg will be driven to plot more strange events like this one and eventually will fade from sight, becoming a violent alcoholic....well, as violent as an 80 pound pile of bones can be.

Shoppers Step Over Bodies at Hogg-Led Publix Protests
That kid is taking up way too much space in your head.

More like he's taking up way to much space in the fruit and veggies section at the supermarket.
Lol, like I told the other guy "keep up the good work".

I find it hilarious that leftist have hooked their wagon to a little kid.
Yeah...it's really funny when little kids have to live thru shootings at their schoools.
The beanpole bully is behind a "lay in" at his local Publix grocery store. Seems the company made a contribution to a politician Hogg doesn't like. So his band of dingoes lay on the floor of the store like they are dead. And the customers ignore them, do their shopping and maybe "accidentally" step on one's head.


His charisma quickly fading, Hogg will be driven to plot more strange events like this one and eventually will fade from sight, becoming a violent alcoholic....well, as violent as an 80 pound pile of bones can be.

Shoppers Step Over Bodies at Hogg-Led Publix Protests
That kid is taking up way too much space in your head.

More like he's taking up way to much space in the fruit and veggies section at the supermarket.
Lol, like I told the other guy "keep up the good work".

I find it hilarious that leftist have hooked their wagon to a little kid.
Yeah...it's really funny when little kids have to live thru shootings at their schoools.
he said nothing about the trauma caused to the kids.

he said the left is hooking their wagon to one of 'em and using him like a budweiser clydesdale to get their political agenda some sympathy.

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