Hogg WILD!

These school shootings to me point out massive failures in our mental health professions (has giving all those kids all of those drugs for all of those years for ADD finally coming home to roost?) and how the authorities react to obviously troubled individuals! Gun control isn't the answer for either of those things.
Yet...isn't it odd that girls get those same drugs for ADD and they manage to not shoot up schools.
you may want to look up who did the shooting in Australia that spawned their gun control, spanky.
Yeah....ALLLLLLLLLLL those shootings in Australia.
Yes I am. Being on the internet is the way I relax. Not hurting anybody, not getting in the way, not causing anybody to lose money. Just harmlessly having discussion.

And you're different how? Because you post a little less?

Never said I was.
What I did say was that regardless of whether or not you agree with him, you have to admire the activism.
You disagreed which I think was more of a brainless reflex of yours rather than anything based on reason.

He can stand for whatever he wants. My only point is this kid really needs a job. You can learn a lot more by working than you can starting trouble. You can get further ahead in life by working than making a fool of yourself.

If this kid was doing the same thing only for more guns in school, I can just imagine what your stance would be on him then. The only reason you adore him and what he's doing is because he's anti-gun just like you are.

I think he needs a job too. I think rightwinger thinks he does too. RW said "trivial job".... Your reflex to disagree with everything someone who thinks a little differently apparently prevented you from seeing that.

He has some talent. He should develop it. But the only way to make sustainable change (unless you really re-invent the mousetrap) is to work within the system and effect it from the inside out.

He has a talent? And what might that be?

This kid is high on himself thanks to the Democrat party and their associates in the MSM. He is meaningless, it's just that he doesn't realize it yet. When he does, he will just get angrier and perhaps more desperate to maintain the attention.

If he really wants to make change, the best way to do it is study. As we became a more armed society, our gun violence and violence in general reduced as much as 50%. In countries that created bans, their violent crime rates increased because people didn't have the ability to protect themselves, and in some cases, the bad guys still had guns.

If the NRA closed down tomorrow, it wouldn't prevent the next mass shooting, or the next, or the next. This kid doesn't understand that. He's been brainwashed by the Democrats that the NRA is the problem when the NRA had nothing to do with one mass shooting in this country.

Non-sense. The NRA funds Congress who keeps us from passing common-sense gun laws that should have been passed after Columbine.

As for his talents...activism for one. Sort of like your buddy Zimmerman with a brain. Remember the RW hero Zimmerman? Are you guys still embracing him?

"The NRA funds Congress". Really?

The amount of money the NRA spends in Washington is a drop in the bucket compared to just about any major donor group you'd care to name. You really think $3 million over the course of a 30-year political career is enough to make that person "bought and paid for"? Idiot, please.

But the NRA and its members do work to keep Chicken Littles like you from passing "no-sense gun laws" that should NEVER be passed, that's true. Public policy should never be set by unmedicated lunatics.
These school shootings to me point out massive failures in our mental health professions (has giving all those kids all of those drugs for all of those years for ADD finally coming home to roost?) and how the authorities react to obviously troubled individuals! Gun control isn't the answer for either of those things.
Yet...isn't it odd that girls get those same drugs for ADD and they manage to not shoot up schools.
you may want to look up who did the shooting in Australia that spawned their gun control, spanky.
Yeah....ALLLLLLLLLLL those shootings in Australia.
i never said all fucktard. i said look who did the shooting that spawned their gun control.

but since you can't handle that point you gotta go make it something else.
It's all well and good to protest something but it helps if you have a viable alternative to what you have now. Hogg doesn't have that. As the shooting this week shows...getting rid of AR-15's won't stop school shootings...that was done with a pump shotgun and a .38. So unless he's asking for a total ban on all guns...and good luck getting compliance with THAT, Sparky!...what will his protest accomplish besides being divisive?

Unfortunately, what it will accomplish is stopping companies from giving money to GOP candidates.

Corporate CEO's and boards are running scared from these protest threats. They need to remember that the majority of people in this country lean conservative...not liberal. When corporations cave in to people like Hogg they anger more people than they placate. Why? Because we all know that far left liberals are never satisfied when they get a concession! They always demand more.

the problem is that Conservatives aren't as active as the left is. We have jobs, families, responsibilities and we aren't as irrationally angry.
I love that excuse.....it never gets old....:lol:
So I have a dilemma now. I fully supported Publix when I first heard about this idiot's boycott. I not only went there just because (and had rotissary chicken for lunch), but I emailed the company and told them not to give in to the fascists and that I supported them. Then I hear they gave in to the bully. I emailed them again and informed them of my disappointment and that I wouldn't shop there again. BUT, that idiot Hogg called for further boycotting Publix. Now I can't boycott Publix because I'd be on Hogg's side.
You’ve internalized your politics. It never ends well.

Been fine for me so far. I'm getting ready to start my 5th year of boycotting the NFL and I have gained the added benefit of getting more things done. I've been boycotting NBC for almost 10 years and have gained the added benefit of not watching so much TV.

So far, it's ended very well.
Never said I was.
What I did say was that regardless of whether or not you agree with him, you have to admire the activism.
You disagreed which I think was more of a brainless reflex of yours rather than anything based on reason.

He can stand for whatever he wants. My only point is this kid really needs a job. You can learn a lot more by working than you can starting trouble. You can get further ahead in life by working than making a fool of yourself.

If this kid was doing the same thing only for more guns in school, I can just imagine what your stance would be on him then. The only reason you adore him and what he's doing is because he's anti-gun just like you are.

I think he needs a job too. I think rightwinger thinks he does too. RW said "trivial job".... Your reflex to disagree with everything someone who thinks a little differently apparently prevented you from seeing that.

He has some talent. He should develop it. But the only way to make sustainable change (unless you really re-invent the mousetrap) is to work within the system and effect it from the inside out.

He has a talent? And what might that be?

This kid is high on himself thanks to the Democrat party and their associates in the MSM. He is meaningless, it's just that he doesn't realize it yet. When he does, he will just get angrier and perhaps more desperate to maintain the attention.

If he really wants to make change, the best way to do it is study. As we became a more armed society, our gun violence and violence in general reduced as much as 50%. In countries that created bans, their violent crime rates increased because people didn't have the ability to protect themselves, and in some cases, the bad guys still had guns.

If the NRA closed down tomorrow, it wouldn't prevent the next mass shooting, or the next, or the next. This kid doesn't understand that. He's been brainwashed by the Democrats that the NRA is the problem when the NRA had nothing to do with one mass shooting in this country.

Non-sense. The NRA funds Congress who keeps us from passing common-sense gun laws that should have been passed after Columbine.

As for his talents...activism for one. Sort of like your buddy Zimmerman with a brain. Remember the RW hero Zimmerman? Are you guys still embracing him?

"The NRA funds Congress". Really?

The amount of money the NRA spends in Washington is a drop in the bucket compared to just about any major donor group you'd care to name. You really think $3 million over the course of a 30-year political career is enough to make that person "bought and paid for"? Idiot, please.

But the NRA and its members do work to keep Chicken Littles like you from passing "no-sense gun laws" that should NEVER be passed, that's true. Public policy should never be set by unmedicated lunatics.

The NRA isn't even in the top 50 organizations that donated to 2016 election campaigns.

Top Organization Contributors | OpenSecrets
He can stand for whatever he wants. My only point is this kid really needs a job. You can learn a lot more by working than you can starting trouble. You can get further ahead in life by working than making a fool of yourself.

If this kid was doing the same thing only for more guns in school, I can just imagine what your stance would be on him then. The only reason you adore him and what he's doing is because he's anti-gun just like you are.

I think he needs a job too. I think rightwinger thinks he does too. RW said "trivial job".... Your reflex to disagree with everything someone who thinks a little differently apparently prevented you from seeing that.

He has some talent. He should develop it. But the only way to make sustainable change (unless you really re-invent the mousetrap) is to work within the system and effect it from the inside out.

He has a talent? And what might that be?

This kid is high on himself thanks to the Democrat party and their associates in the MSM. He is meaningless, it's just that he doesn't realize it yet. When he does, he will just get angrier and perhaps more desperate to maintain the attention.

If he really wants to make change, the best way to do it is study. As we became a more armed society, our gun violence and violence in general reduced as much as 50%. In countries that created bans, their violent crime rates increased because people didn't have the ability to protect themselves, and in some cases, the bad guys still had guns.

If the NRA closed down tomorrow, it wouldn't prevent the next mass shooting, or the next, or the next. This kid doesn't understand that. He's been brainwashed by the Democrats that the NRA is the problem when the NRA had nothing to do with one mass shooting in this country.

Non-sense. The NRA funds Congress who keeps us from passing common-sense gun laws that should have been passed after Columbine.

As for his talents...activism for one. Sort of like your buddy Zimmerman with a brain. Remember the RW hero Zimmerman? Are you guys still embracing him?

Why shouldn't we? He's a person who used deadly force in self-defense after being attacked.
You guys never seem to mention him anymore. Now that he's a confirmed wife beater, I would imagine you guys would be recommending him for saint-hood.

More like YOU GUYS never mention him, because you took your lynch mob off elsewhere. Don't project your desperate need for personality politics onto everyone else. You passionately hated him, because he was the "eeeevil racist" du jour; that didn't mean WE were required to be equally unhinged about him in the opposite direction.

This just in: Nothing he has done since shooting Martin, and nothing he ever will do from this point, has made or will make his shooting of Martin any less justified. You can dig up shit and sling it at him like the zoo monkey you are forever, and it will not change the basic facts of the story, and it won't make you any more able to crucify him to your Great God, Racial Identity Politics.
Anyone under 25 is a kid to me
He's an adult according to our laws.
Irrelevant to my personal opinion.
Nope. Your personal opinion is just that, an opinion. The TRUTH is that Hogg is an adult and subject to the laws of our society as an adult, not a juvenile.

He's a High School student whose school was shot up and his friends were killed. Doesn't matter how old he is.

He's as much of a survivor of this shooting as I am. He wasn't there. Hogg wasn't there.

One mega difference though. I didn't capitalize on the deaths of fellow students like David has.
He was there...you sure as hell were not.
Irrelevant to my personal opinion.
Nope. Your personal opinion is just that, an opinion. The TRUTH is that Hogg is an adult and subject to the laws of our society as an adult, not a juvenile.

He's a High School student whose school was shot up and his friends were killed. Doesn't matter how old he is.

He's as much of a survivor of this shooting as I am. He wasn't there. Hogg wasn't there.

One mega difference though. I didn't capitalize on the deaths of fellow students like David has.
He was there and you should be ashamed for promoting the lie that he was not.
Lots of students were there, but they aren't using the event to promote a political agenda. Shame on you for defending the Marxist miscreant.
So...this is the stand of the trumpanzees....Sit down and shut up and take it when your school gets shot up and your friends killed.
The beanpole bully is behind a "lay in" at his local Publix grocery store. Seems the company made a contribution to a politician Hogg doesn't like. So his band of dingoes lay on the floor of the store like they are dead. And the customers ignore them, do their shopping and maybe "accidentally" step on one's head.


His charisma quickly fading, Hogg will be driven to plot more strange events like this one and eventually will fade from sight, becoming a violent alcoholic....well, as violent as an 80 pound pile of bones can be.

Shoppers Step Over Bodies at Hogg-Led Publix Protests
That kid is taking up way too much space in your head.

More like he's taking up way to much space in the fruit and veggies section at the supermarket.
Lol, like I told the other guy "keep up the good work".

I find it hilarious that leftist have hooked their wagon to a little kid.
Yeah...it's really funny when little kids have to live thru shootings at their schoools.

Who said that?
He's an adult according to our laws.
Irrelevant to my personal opinion.
Nope. Your personal opinion is just that, an opinion. The TRUTH is that Hogg is an adult and subject to the laws of our society as an adult, not a juvenile.

He's a High School student whose school was shot up and his friends were killed. Doesn't matter how old he is.

He's as much of a survivor of this shooting as I am. He wasn't there. Hogg wasn't there.

One mega difference though. I didn't capitalize on the deaths of fellow students like David has.
He was there...you sure as hell were not.
Matters not. One does not need to be directly involved in something to Express an opinion on it.
David Hogg was the same as EVERY OTHER TEENAGER who took a stand against guns.

Yes he is. They all deserve to be mugged, assaulted, and beaten with no chance to defend themselves. They're Socialist lemming and zombies. Wastes of flesh and oxygen.
Of course....living that violence vicariously while hiding behind an anonymous nic on the internet. Nice and safe.
David Hogg was the same as EVERY OTHER TEENAGER who took a stand against guns.

Yes he is. They all deserve to be mugged, assaulted, and beaten with no chance to defend themselves. They're Socialist lemming and zombies. Wastes of flesh and oxygen.
Of course....living that violence vicariously while hiding behind an anonymous nic on the internet. Nice and safe.
so i take it "bodecca" is on your birth certificate?
David Hogg was the same as EVERY OTHER TEENAGER who took a stand against guns.

Yes he is. They all deserve to be mugged, assaulted, and beaten with no chance to defend themselves. They're Socialist lemming and zombies. Wastes of flesh and oxygen.
Of course....living that violence vicariously while hiding behind an anonymous nic on the internet. Nice and safe.
so i take it "bodecca" is on your birth certificate?
She isn't making threats. BIG difference
And you'd like to dispute it.

I realize that as a left winger, you assume everyone thinks you know what you are talking about.

When in reality, we laugh at you...all the while wondering just how it is you could have fucked up in 2016.

Zimmerman is a serial wife/girlfriend beater. Its not hard if you do some research....and you guys embrace him.

Weinstein, Lauer, Rose, Oreskes, Halperin, Affleck & Hoffman? They're all libs and they're all serial sexual predators. You on the left "embraced" all of them far more than we on the right ever embraced Zimmerman! Like I said, Candy...you progressives need to find a new narrative to run on because claiming the right "hates women" when what so many of your prominent liberals have been doing makes that FARCE!

Quote some liberal on this board embracing them then. I've shown where posters here have embraced GZ....it's your turn.

I simply pointed out that your usual claim that conservatives "hate women"...a claim that you on the left have been making for the last two election cycles...becomes laughably farcical when so many of your liberal icons have been exposed as serial sexual predators. It's your turn to address that...

Liberal Icons like who? TV morning show hosts? A Hollywood producer? A night time PBS host? Basically anyone on TV is suddenly a Liberal Icon? I don’t know their politics and neither do you.

As long as Trump who calls women pigs, as long as Trump who cheats on his wife with whores, as long as Trump, the pussy grabber, as long as Trump who insinuates women who have the temerity to question him are on their period is in office, the women’s vote isn’t going anywhere.

You don't know their politics? Amusing, Candy...

You seem to know who they are...and the jobs that they held. Funny how you suddenly don't have a clue as to what their politics are!

So you think the women's vote should go to the Democratic Party? That would be the Party who had people like Harvey Weinstein up on stage when they knew damned well he was a serial sexual predator? Why would women want to vote for a Party that was THAT two faced?
As for the modus operandi of killing, I’d be willing to take my chances with smaller mag sizes and more stringent background checks also involving the immediate family of those applying.

Screw Hogg...he's a little bitch with a taste of fame that will be fleeting. It may surprise my pals to know I mostly agree with candycorn on this. In combat, the only way to stay focused on something is to count your shots...you won't be able to hear them because it's so loud around you, (in a major "guns up", it's like being underwater) you can only go by the kicks against your shoulder. I don't see why a civilian needs more than a 10-round magazine....one center-mass round, maybe a double-tap, does the job. That means some loser trying to shoot up a school or a concert has to work the weapon twice as often than with the standard 20 round mag. That means down time, more chances of a fumbled mag, more chances to rush and disarm him. I think a short survey of family members might be a good idea but not the sole criteria. If in unison they shriek "PLEASE NO!" he doesn't get a permit. The Japanese quiz family members, co-workers, and significant others before issuing a firearms permit. We might do well to emulate them, not only in their firearms laws, but in their civility toward each other too.
Thank you for talking about Hogg some more.
As a nation, we need to understand that our politicians will not lift a finger to try to curtail gun violence.

Much like with cigarettes, the change will have to come from within. The public will have to look down on gun ownership, wives will need to say.... I don’t want guns in my house, children will not want their fathers guns
Those who politically support guns will have to answer for it, businesses that support gun ownership will lose business
so - you're saying "fuck the constitution, i don't like guns so they must go".

this country is not here to bend to your terms, or any singular line of vision. you are free to look down on gun owners all you like. that is part of this country just as the guns are. but you are not free to tell me what i can and can't legally have.
There is a LOT of flexibility when it comes to the second amendment

Background checks, registration, licensing, limits on semi automatics

ALL Constitutional

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