Holocaust deniers

Do you realize that Germany did not "start" WWI?

:doubt: Denying the horrors caused by Germany throughout history is more dangerous than denying the holocaust.

Young black males are far more of a threat to Americans than Germany is.

WHICH 'young black males'? You surely don't mean all the millions of them in Africa, Latin America and everywhere else in the world?

The biggest threat to Americans is all the American racists - of whatever race.
You have a very strange obsession with Germany. I know German people and they are no different than anyone else.

Your chances of getting shanked and raped by a black male today is about 100,000,000 times more likely than you getting gassed by a Nazi.

Unless you look at reality and find out it is indeed more likely you will get shanked by a neo-nazi hate monger of German ancestry (or who praises Hitler and the German way of hate and bloodlust).

I won't even get into neo-nazi German heritage assholes who go around shooting innocent people.

I get the sense you were passed over for some professional position because of a German who had much higher skills than you.

And your own obsession with MacDonald? Should we all suppose some Nordic beauty turned you down for a Jewish fellow?

How is anyone supposed to take arguments seriously when posted in between such asinine and idiotic attempts to troll another poster?
You are assuming that the Wiki info is correct, but it is merely supposition. Look, if you are not interested in a different point of view, that's one thing. But shunning it out of whole cloth is silly.

So according to you, anti-semtism exists because people just hate Jews. Jews have had problems since time began, just because it's fun to be mean to Jews. That's what we are left with, and frankly it's myopic and delusional.

And you are assuming that the Wiki info is NOT correct, but have submitted no facts to support your contention.

Again, this is not a matter of 'belief' and 'opinion' - but of facts. And you have not produced relevant facts to explain your beliefs. You went on & on about the video, for example - but neglected to mention any number of eyewitness accounts from 'residents' of the camps, staff of same - and US/Allied troops who liberated those camps.

In order to believe the 'revisionists' - it is necessary to DIS believe all the evidence given at the Nuremberg trials, as well as all the accounts written by survivors and liberators both.

And thus far, the 'revisionist theory' involves a huge conspiracy: that has yet to be supported to any extent, let alone "proven".
:doubt: Denying the horrors caused by Germany throughout history is more dangerous than denying the holocaust.

Young black males are far more of a threat to Americans than Germany is.

WHICH 'young black males'? You surely don't mean all the millions of them in Africa, Latin America and everywhere else in the world?

The biggest threat to Americans is all the American racists - of whatever race.

I think he missed the point that WWI started with a dispute between Austria-Hungary (this did not include Germany or Prussia which had fought a war with Austria Hungary about 50 years prior to WWI) and Russia concerning relations with Serbia.
Unless you look at reality and find out it is indeed more likely you will get shanked by a neo-nazi hate monger of German ancestry (or who praises Hitler and the German way of hate and bloodlust).

I won't even get into neo-nazi German heritage assholes who go around shooting innocent people.

I get the sense you were passed over for some professional position because of a German who had much higher skills than you.

I know history. I pay attention to current events. It is almost as if Germans have a hate and bloodlust gene that they can't shut off. We need to pay attention to Germany or there will be another holocaust type event. You can see the mood brewing in Germany, you should pay attention.

Yes I do as well, every day, and no I know people stationed in Germany from the states and they love it there. Germany has been a good country. If there is a problem with it its probably due to Zionist infestation.
Kevin MacDonald is an interesting highly intelligent and learned man. His books are real eye-openers and perfectly sensible in their conclusions. At first, they can be somewhat jarring because they go against the mainstream of public discourse, but you will note that his detractors will never argue his logic and scholarship, but can only attack him personally. If your mind is closed, his work is a waste of your time. If your mind is truly open and you seek truth and knowledge, his work is enlightening.

Being intelligent and learned is no vaccination against being a hate-filled racist POS. Charles Lindberg was a genuine American hero in several ways - and yet he was a hate-filled racist POS who was also extremely anti-American and would cheerfully have shit all over the US Constitution because he worshipped Fascism and hated democracy.

There are no more patriotic and fervently dedicated Americans than all those 'other' Americans, the ones Lindberg and others of his ilk see as 'mongrels' or whatever: they understand quite thoroughly that some 'Americans' would like to relegate the rest to 'second class' status.

And the only safety and protection ANY American has from the bigots and racists is that afforded by the Constitutional protection of our 'inalienable' rights as citizens.

The Constitution is the basis and foundation of the American civilization: anyone who attacks it or seeks to circumvent its provisions is an 'enemy of the State' in a very literal way. And attack the US Constitution is EXACTLY what at least one of the "revisionist" posters has done in this thread.
You claimed his detractors never argue his logic or scholarship but they clearly do :dunno:

Well, of the two if us, I am the only one who has read his work and the criticisms of it. None of the rabid Zionists around here believe it, but I was once among their ranks, and it did not give me any pleasure to find myself questioning all that I had been taught my whole life. It's not uncommon that people who think outside the box are scorned and ridiculed, rather it's pretty much expected.

There is no other explanation for understanding Jewish prejudice than what MacDonald has surmised. Either the whole world is full of people who simply dislike Jews for no good reason, or there has been an evolutionary path of the Jewish people that has played a role in the issue.

When a person uses descriptors like 'rabid' to refer to those who do not share their views - it is 'unprofessional', an indication such a one is 'arguing' emotion rather than facts or logic.

The whole world, BTW, is filled with people who simply dislike 'others' - not only Jews - for no good reason. Jews are hardly the *only* group of people to have been so demonized in all of history.

As an example of 'causeless hatred': it's well known that members of the 'Society of Friends' sect of Christianity are both 'plain' folk and pacifists. They settled Pennsylvania and featured very prominently in Colonial politics. Yet there was a law on the books of at least one place invoking the death penalty for a 'Quaker' to merely set foot on its land. And that place was another of the English colonies: Massachusetts.

Well, with Jews and the Holocaust there are a myrid of factors, and McDonald tends to morph traits that may be societal into some genetic theory not bought by others. Early on in Europe, Jews served as money lenders to Christians. Martin Luther's anti-Semitism is epic. Jews were prohibited from owning land at times (or outside the Pale). They were relegated to merchant classes. It gets easy to hate the folks you owe money to and who collect the rent.

Then you mix in a dose of Nietzsche's racial superman view of Germans. What the hell are you gonna do with all these Jews who don't fit the racial profile of supermen?

None of that isn't to say Zionists have the capacity to be equally inhumane to their fellow man and any other group.
I get the sense you were passed over for some professional position because of a German who had much higher skills than you.

I know history. I pay attention to current events. It is almost as if Germans have a hate and bloodlust gene that they can't shut off. We need to pay attention to Germany or there will be another holocaust type event. You can see the mood brewing in Germany, you should pay attention.

Yes I do as well, every day, and no I know people stationed in Germany from the states and they love it there. Germany has been a good country. If there is a problem with it its probably due to Zionist infestation.

"infestation"? creepy. Where is this infestation occurring?
I am fascinated----how do the jews go about "destroying" people? can you provide
examples of this singular ability to DESTROY? Long ago I lived in a place -----
where a nearby river, now and then, gave up body parts. On investigation----they
turned out to be the fragments of persons shot, weighted and and dumped in the nearby
river. ---MAFIA . How do the jews go about it?

Ask Dr Kevin MacDonald.

Campaign Against Me by the Southern Poverty Law Center

Woo... evidently your boy is the darling of the goose-stepping types:

MacDonald's colleagues at the Cal State Long Beach University psychology department, "as well as the Cal State Long Beach academic senate have formally dissociated themselves from his work. The academic senate described his views as anti-Semitic."

MacDonald writes: "achieving parity between Jews and other ethnic groups would entail a high level of discrimination against individual Jews for admission to universities or access to employment opportunities and even entail a large taxation on Jews to counter the Jewish advantage in the possession of wealth..."

In an April 28, 2008 statement, the CSULB anthropology department noted that it had no wish to interfere with MacDonald's First Amendment rights. However, it noted in the statement that "we have the right, if not the obligation, to denounce his writings on race, ethnicity and intelligence that promote intolerance, as not only inaccurate, but as professionally irresponsible and morally untenable."

Writing in the Journal of Church and State, Professor George Michael noted that MacDonald's work "has been well received by those in the racialist right, as it amounts to a theoretically sophisticated justification for anti-Semitism," and that on the far right MacDonald "has attained a near reverential status and is generally considered beyond reproach."

...MacDonald is now a member of the publication's [The Occidental Quarterly] Editorial Advisory Board as well as the main contributor to its website and editor of its blog. In October 2004, he accepted the Jack London Literary Prize from The Occidental Quarterly, using the award ceremony as an occasion to argue for the need for a "white ethnostate" to maintain high racial birthrates. In his acceptance speech, he stated, "The best way to preserve ethnic interests is to defend an ethnostate—a nation that is explicitly intended to preserve the ethnic interests of its citizens." According to MacDonald, one of the functions of such a state would be to exclude non-European immigrants who are attracted to the state by its wealth and prosperity.

Unless you look at reality and find out it is indeed more likely you will get shanked by a neo-nazi hate monger of German ancestry (or who praises Hitler and the German way of hate and bloodlust).

I won't even get into neo-nazi German heritage assholes who go around shooting innocent people.

I get the sense you were passed over for some professional position because of a German who had much higher skills than you.

And your own obsession with MacDonald? Should we all suppose some Nordic beauty turned you down for a Jewish fellow?

How is anyone supposed to take arguments seriously when posted in between such asinine and idiotic attempts to troll another poster?

I think he has dick envy. Quit trolling me PW! :lmao:

Seriously, are you really denying the horrors caused by Germany...and fine if you deny the holocaust or even the Germans attempt to exterminate Africans...those numbers are moot compared to the total war numbers these assholes inflicted on humankind.
I get the sense you were passed over for some professional position because of a German who had much higher skills than you.

I know history. I pay attention to current events. It is almost as if Germans have a hate and bloodlust gene that they can't shut off. We need to pay attention to Germany or there will be another holocaust type event. You can see the mood brewing in Germany, you should pay attention.

Yes I do as well, every day, and no I know people stationed in Germany from the states and they love it there. Germany has been a good country. If there is a problem with it its probably due to Zionist infestation.

LOL...you make my point.
I get the sense you were passed over for some professional position because of a German who had much higher skills than you.

And your own obsession with MacDonald? Should we all suppose some Nordic beauty turned you down for a Jewish fellow?

How is anyone supposed to take arguments seriously when posted in between such asinine and idiotic attempts to troll another poster?

I think he has dick envy. Quit trolling me PW! :lmao:

Seriously, are you really denying the horrors caused by Germany...and fine if you deny the holocaust or even the Germans attempt to exterminate Africans...those numbers are moot compared to the total war numbers these assholes inflicted on humankind.

When was the last time we saw their " blood lust " ? Haven't they been slacking a bit ?
And your own obsession with MacDonald? Should we all suppose some Nordic beauty turned you down for a Jewish fellow?

How is anyone supposed to take arguments seriously when posted in between such asinine and idiotic attempts to troll another poster?

I think he has dick envy. Quit trolling me PW! :lmao:

Seriously, are you really denying the horrors caused by Germany...and fine if you deny the holocaust or even the Germans attempt to exterminate Africans...those numbers are moot compared to the total war numbers these assholes inflicted on humankind.

When was the last time we saw their " blood lust " ? Haven't they been slacking a bit ?

The German government hides stats on hate related violent crimes. You will never realize how bad the Germans are until you open your eyes and see the truth. There is a link around here somewhere if you don't believe me.
I think he has dick envy. Quit trolling me PW! :lmao:

Seriously, are you really denying the horrors caused by Germany...and fine if you deny the holocaust or even the Germans attempt to exterminate Africans...those numbers are moot compared to the total war numbers these assholes inflicted on humankind.

When was the last time we saw their " blood lust " ? Haven't they been slacking a bit ?

The German government hides stats on hate related violent crimes. You will never realize how bad the Germans are until you open your eyes and see the truth. There is a link around here somewhere if you don't believe me.

Is their violent crime rate the worst in the world ?
When was the last time we saw their " blood lust " ? Haven't they been slacking a bit ?

The German government hides stats on hate related violent crimes. You will never realize how bad the Germans are until you open your eyes and see the truth. There is a link around here somewhere if you don't believe me.

Is their violent crime rate the worst in the world ?

We don't know. Perhaps you missed the part about Germany hiding violent hate crime statistics.

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Well, of the two if us, I am the only one who has read his work and the criticisms of it. None of the rabid Zionists around here believe it, but I was once among their ranks, and it did not give me any pleasure to find myself questioning all that I had been taught my whole life. It's not uncommon that people who think outside the box are scorned and ridiculed, rather it's pretty much expected.

There is no other explanation for understanding Jewish prejudice than what MacDonald has surmised. Either the whole world is full of people who simply dislike Jews for no good reason, or there has been an evolutionary path of the Jewish people that has played a role in the issue.

There are certain things that raise a red "conspiracy theory" flag - use of language, faulty linkages, misrepresentations, etc and honestly - these arguments seem full of it. It's not a matter of thinking outside the box - it's a matter of logic.

You are assuming that the Wiki info is correct, but it is merely supposition. Look, if you are not interested in a different point of view, that's one thing. But shunning it out of whole cloth is silly.

If Wiki were my only source, you would have a point, but it's not. I remember my history classes, and I read a lot. I know how to look for original sources - and, wiki links to a good many sources as well.

I'm interested in different points of view - but I don't take seriously arguments that aren't well founded. I just gave one example with the cyanide claim. There are probably countless others that are as easily refuted.

So according to you, anti-semtism exists because people just hate Jews. Jews have had problems since time began, just because it's fun to be mean to Jews. That's what we are left with, and frankly it's myopic and delusional.

According to me? You've never asked me my opinion on this so you don't know what I think.

Anti-semitism exists for the same reasons Islamophobia, racism, ethnic bigotry, you name it. There are a lot of reasons. People fear what they don't understand, and that fear leads to a ready belief in conspiracy theories and misinformation and a tendancy to scapegoat. Have a scapegoat unites people as well under one cause, however misbegoten. Scapegoats can be blamed for economic woes, bad situations, cultural decadence - whatever you want. It doesn't have to be true it just has to sound "plausible". If the scapegoats give the appearence of benefiting economically - even better.

I think it's important to note that scapegoats are usually a minority, yet they get blamed for everything way out of proportion to numbers.
There are certain things that raise a red "conspiracy theory" flag - use of language, faulty linkages, misrepresentations, etc and honestly - these arguments seem full of it. It's not a matter of thinking outside the box - it's a matter of logic.

You are assuming that the Wiki info is correct, but it is merely supposition. Look, if you are not interested in a different point of view, that's one thing. But shunning it out of whole cloth is silly.

If Wiki were my only source, you would have a point, but it's not. I remember my history classes, and I read a lot. I know how to look for original sources - and, wiki links to a good many sources as well.

I'm interested in different points of view - but I don't take seriously arguments that aren't well founded. I just gave one example with the cyanide claim. There are probably countless others that are as easily refuted.

So according to you, anti-semtism exists because people just hate Jews. Jews have had problems since time began, just because it's fun to be mean to Jews. That's what we are left with, and frankly it's myopic and delusional.

According to me? You've never asked me my opinion on this so you don't know what I think.

Anti-semitism exists for the same reasons Islamophobia, racism, ethnic bigotry, you name it. There are a lot of reasons. People fear what they don't understand, and that fear leads to a ready belief in conspiracy theories and misinformation and a tendancy to scapegoat. Have a scapegoat unites people as well under one cause, however misbegoten. Scapegoats can be blamed for economic woes, bad situations, cultural decadence - whatever you want. It doesn't have to be true it just has to sound "plausible". If the scapegoats give the appearence of benefiting economically - even better.

I think it's important to note that scapegoats are usually a minority, yet they get blamed for everything way out of proportion to numbers.

Nazi's are now scapegoats for the Jews

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