Holocaust deniers

There hasn't been a world war since WWII! You will never get the numbers to come close to the number of deaths caused by German hate and bloodlust. It is history, I don't know why you deny it or rationalize it by pointing your fingers at dictators. Why is it so hard to admit that Germany is responsible for the greatest atrocities in the 20th century? It is simple fact.

Germans haven't initiated a war in 70 some years. If they are such a warlike people WTF is going on ? Wars have been raging everywhere with Germans only peripherally involved if involved at all. How about Africa or the mid east? How peaceful have those people been ?

Those nations haven't started 2 world wars where 10's of millions of people died. Those nations aren't responsible for the attempted genocide of TWO peoples in the 20th century.

Yeah, it's been a little while since Germany has been able to quell her thirst for blood...but that is because the world raped her and stripped her of everything after defeating them in the last war. Regretfully, the world has removed its boot from Germany's neck. We can see a significant rise in anti-semitism, hate, and bloodlust. You should pay attention, Germany remains a threat...

Do you realize that Germany did not "start" WWI? While an oversimplification, it went something like this. Austria-Hungary had a bit of a dispute with the Serbs. Austria-Hungary put terms to the Serbs which were designed to force the Serbs to choose war or abdicate their will to Austria-Hungary. Russia, which seems to have penchant for disagreeable types like Serbs, took the Serbs' side. Things went to hell shortly thereafter. (-:
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BTW, the Holodomor never happened. It is a German propaganda ploy to justify their poor history.
Right. Good try.

No, no. I saw a video. It changed my life forever. To find out it was all just German propaganda! All I can think to myself, how can their be such a worldwide, universal conspiracy to deceive the people and make them think the Holodomor really happened. Disgusting.

:lol: Like I said, a perfect mix of deniers - those who deny the holocaust and those who deny German aggression, hate and bloodlust - Germany will threaten humanity again.

Germany is a great country and Germans are good people , same as the rest of us, I do think the time has come they are putting an end to the blackmail blackmail.
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Germans haven't initiated a war in 70 some years. If they are such a warlike people WTF is going on ? Wars have been raging everywhere with Germans only peripherally involved if involved at all. How about Africa or the mid east? How peaceful have those people been ?

Those nations haven't started 2 world wars where 10's of millions of people died. Those nations aren't responsible for the attempted genocide of TWO peoples in the 20th century.

Yeah, it's been a little while since Germany has been able to quell her thirst for blood...but that is because the world raped her and stripped her of everything after defeating them in the last war. Regretfully, the world has removed its boot from Germany's neck. We can see a significant rise in anti-semitism, hate, and bloodlust. You should pay attention, Germany remains a threat...

Do you realize that Germany did not "start" WWI?

:doubt: Denying the horrors caused by Germany throughout history is more dangerous than denying the holocaust.
Those nations haven't started 2 world wars where 10's of millions of people died. Those nations aren't responsible for the attempted genocide of TWO peoples in the 20th century.

Yeah, it's been a little while since Germany has been able to quell her thirst for blood...but that is because the world raped her and stripped her of everything after defeating them in the last war. Regretfully, the world has removed its boot from Germany's neck. We can see a significant rise in anti-semitism, hate, and bloodlust. You should pay attention, Germany remains a threat...

Do you realize that Germany did not "start" WWI?

:doubt: Denying the horrors caused by Germany throughout history is more dangerous than denying the holocaust.

Young black males are far more of a threat to Americans than Germany is.
Right. Good try.

No, no. I saw a video. It changed my life forever. To find out it was all just German propaganda! All I can think to myself, how can their be such a worldwide, universal conspiracy to deceive the people and make them think the Holodomor really happened. Disgusting.

:lol: Like I said, a perfect mix of deniers - those who deny the holocaust and those who deny German aggression, hate and bloodlust - Germany will threaten humanity again.

Germany is a great country and Germans are good people , same as the rest of us, I do think the time has come they are putting an end to the blackmail blackmail.

Germany is not a great country. The rest of your post makes no sense.
Do you realize that Germany did not "start" WWI?

:doubt: Denying the horrors caused by Germany throughout history is more dangerous than denying the holocaust.

Young black males are far more of a threat to Americans than Germany is.

:lol: PW, I am impressed. Somehow how you were able to infuse your racism with your anti-semitism.

:lol: I've got apples, you got oranges. I can't make a pie with both...choose a topic and stick with it - we are talking about Germans, not blacks. But the Germans killed their fair share of blacks too.
No, no. I saw a video. It changed my life forever. To find out it was all just German propaganda! All I can think to myself, how can their be such a worldwide, universal conspiracy to deceive the people and make them think the Holodomor really happened. Disgusting.

:lol: Like I said, a perfect mix of deniers - those who deny the holocaust and those who deny German aggression, hate and bloodlust - Germany will threaten humanity again.

Germany is a great country and Germans are good people , same as the rest of us, I do think the time has come they are putting an end to the blackmail blackmail.

Germany is not a great country. The rest of your post makes no sense.

Yes they are, and they have been put through hell from this holocaust hoax, time for it to end. The lies perpetrated by a race of people to get money and sympathy at the expense of other people is the crime of the century.
:doubt: Denying the horrors caused by Germany throughout history is more dangerous than denying the holocaust.

Young black males are far more of a threat to Americans than Germany is.

:lol: PW, I am impressed. Somehow how you were able to infuse your racism with your anti-semitism.

:lol: I've got apples, you got oranges. I can't make a pie with both...choose a topic and stick with it - we are talking about Germans, not blacks. But the Germans killed their fair share of blacks too.

You have a very strange obsession with Germany. I know German people and they are no different than anyone else.

Your chances of getting shanked and raped by a black male today is about 100,000,000 times more likely than you getting gassed by a Nazi.
You have got to be kidding me.
You deny Germany started 2 world wars?

Here ever hear of this guy or Leon Trotsky?

Yagoda is widely known to be a brutal and ruthless killer in what is called the Holodomor in the Ukraine. It should also be noted that Yagoda was responsible for the deaths of an estimated 7 to 10 million Ukrainians of all faiths, including at least one hundred thousand Jews.[4]
Genrikh Yagoda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Two sweet jewish men, and read about the Holodomor.

OH again with that "HOLODOMOR HOAX" ------and some bolshoivik followers of
the eastern orthodox priest josef stalin ----yagoda who had a
jewish uncle.

for those who want to know------stalin created a famine in UKRAINE in order to get the KULAKS--
under control----the KULAKS were something like a "middle class"----of small landowners----
who resisted collectivism --------yagoda was a minor official who had a jewish uncle-----stalin had
once been a student in an eastern orthodox divinity school-----but he like yagoda converted to
communism. Adolf Hitler was brought up Catholic as were Josef and Madga Goebbels---they
were all ardent Nazis. -----Magda was so ardent that she shoved cyanide down the throats of
hear own five toddlers (or six---I am not sure) She left a writing indicating that in view
of that which her fellow Nazis had done----her children had no future. She had been a religious
Catholic ---but somehow did not mention it in her final writings----

Some very interesting medical information did come out of the Nazi murder of jews-----
Jewish doctors in the concentration camps---managed to scribble, on bits and pieces---
that which they observed regarding the manners of deaths of their fellow inmates.----
Some of the best stuff available on death by starvation came from their scribbled
observations. --------nothing of value came of the EXPERIMENTS of Penelope's fellow
Nazis. Even Mengele really came up with NOTHING
Germany is a great country and Germans are good people , same as the rest of us, I do think the time has come they are putting an end to the blackmail blackmail.

Germany is not a great country. The rest of your post makes no sense.

Yes they are, and they have been put through hell from this holocaust hoax, time for it to end. The lies perpetrated by a race of people to get money and sympathy at the expense of other people is the crime of the century.

Ya know, it just ain't the holocaust that defines Germany as a virus against humanity. They are some pretty nasty people.
Young black males are far more of a threat to Americans than Germany is.

:lol: PW, I am impressed. Somehow how you were able to infuse your racism with your anti-semitism.

:lol: I've got apples, you got oranges. I can't make a pie with both...choose a topic and stick with it - we are talking about Germans, not blacks. But the Germans killed their fair share of blacks too.

You have a very strange obsession with Germany. I know German people and they are no different than anyone else.

Your chances of getting shanked and raped by a black male today is about 100,000,000 times more likely than you getting gassed by a Nazi.

Unless you look at reality and find out it is indeed more likely you will get shanked by a neo-nazi hate monger of German ancestry (or who praises Hitler and the German way of hate and bloodlust).

I won't even get into neo-nazi German heritage assholes who go around shooting innocent people.
:lol: PW, I am impressed. Somehow how you were able to infuse your racism with your anti-semitism.

:lol: I've got apples, you got oranges. I can't make a pie with both...choose a topic and stick with it - we are talking about Germans, not blacks. But the Germans killed their fair share of blacks too.

You have a very strange obsession with Germany. I know German people and they are no different than anyone else.

Your chances of getting shanked and raped by a black male today is about 100,000,000 times more likely than you getting gassed by a Nazi.

Unless you look at reality and find out it is indeed more likely you will get shanked by a neo-nazi hate monger of German ancestry (or who praises Hitler and the German way of hate and bloodlust).

I won't even get into neo-nazi German heritage assholes who go around shooting innocent people.

I get the sense you were passed over for some professional position because of a German who had much higher skills than you.
You have a very strange obsession with Germany. I know German people and they are no different than anyone else.

Your chances of getting shanked and raped by a black male today is about 100,000,000 times more likely than you getting gassed by a Nazi.

Unless you look at reality and find out it is indeed more likely you will get shanked by a neo-nazi hate monger of German ancestry (or who praises Hitler and the German way of hate and bloodlust).

I won't even get into neo-nazi German heritage assholes who go around shooting innocent people.

I get the sense you were passed over for some professional position because of a German who had much higher skills than you.

I know history. I pay attention to current events. It is almost as if Germans have a hate and bloodlust gene that they can't shut off. We need to pay attention to Germany or there will be another holocaust type event. You can see the mood brewing in Germany, you should pay attention.
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You have got to be kidding me.
You deny Germany started 2 world wars?

Here ever hear of this guy or Leon Trotsky?

Yagoda is widely known to be a brutal and ruthless killer in what is called the Holodomor in the Ukraine. It should also be noted that Yagoda was responsible for the deaths of an estimated 7 to 10 million Ukrainians of all faiths, including at least one hundred thousand Jews.[4]
Genrikh Yagoda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Two sweet jewish men, and read about the Holodomor.

Two points:

Do Ukrainian lives matter more than those of Roma, Sinta, trade unionists, etc? Does Russian Communist evil change the fact that Hitler's planne genocides (plural) were evil?

And the bolded phrase: whenever a poster adds in such attacks, it leaches all credibility from their 'arguments' - JMHO.
No he did not deliberately murder millions of civilians, that is where we differ, nor do I believe it was premeditated .

I refer you to Gen 27:46 and Deut 7:2 (the chapter) , just to name a few.

In battle be sure to kill and slaugher all the people and animals. Now and then the men could take a female for a wife, but they were ordered not to have sex with them till after 30 days to make sure they had a period and if not they must be pg so they should be killed.

Facts are true: one doesn't have the option of 'believing' them. You have asserted that tens of millions of people 'died' and there was no intent to murder them - where is the evidence for such an assertion? How many of the Nazis on trial at Nuremberg claimed that there was no such intent to kill all those people?

As to assorted verses in the 'OT': the technique is called 'quote mining', and it is not a legitimate form of exegesis. It's also irrelevant - because nothing in the 'OT' is any excuse for killing millions of civilians. Hitler chose to push certain policies: the result of said policies was WW2 and the murder - not 'death' but 'murder' - of millions of civilians.

Hitler actually invaded other nations and removed their Jewish, Roma, other citizens from their homes and shipped them to concentration camps: there was NO reason to do so, and the Germans had no right to do so.
Right. Good try.

No, no. I saw a video. It changed my life forever. To find out it was all just German propaganda! All I can think to myself, how can their be such a worldwide, universal conspiracy to deceive the people and make them think the Holodomor really happened. Disgusting.

:lol: Like I said, a perfect mix of deniers - those who deny the holocaust and those who deny German aggression, hate and bloodlust - Germany will threaten humanity again.

Germany is a great country and Germans are good people , same as the rest of us, I do think the time has come they are putting an end to the blackmail blackmail.

There is no 'blackmail'. It is certainly time and past time to stop abusing the German people of today for the Holocaust of the past, absolutely.

But it was for the German people and government to decide to offer reparations: to assert that they were 'blackmailed' into doing so is, I believe, a further outrage. For shame!

It disgusts me to see a person make positive comments about the German people - and then turn around and disparage their doing what was right and proper, in trying to make amends.
This is a great video which explains why the so call gas chambers are nothing by a myth. ... :cool:

Auschwitz: Holohoax , Why The Gas Chambers Are A Myth - YouTube

I'd like someone to debunk this video, because when I watched it for the first time long ago, I was aghast and disgusted. If the contentions made especially on the design of the building are true, it makes absolutely ZERO sense that it was a gas chamber. ZERO sense.

I would honestly prefer this video to be wrong, because there's no way a person can watch it and not be nauseated that the stories we have been told all our lives are lies. The first time I watched it I scratched my head, then got angry. So please, someone show that this is untrue.
The gas chamber myth is indoctrinated into western people from grade school to the grave.

And most American's accept the official story without question.

Kinda sad when you think about it......... :doubt:

There's significant evidence and documentation for the exhistence and use of gas chambers - it's no more a myth than bombing Hiroshima.

I'm not going to watch a 49 minute video - I prefer to read (easier to verify). The most common claims made by those denying the exhistence of gas chambers are easily refuted.

For example: the claim that they were used for other purposes such as delousing and disinfection or that they were built after the war for "show".

The first rests on a paper by Fred Leuchter that claims only traces of cyanide were found in the Auschwitz gas chambers and thus they could not have been used as gas chambers to exterminate people. That test was re-done more carefully, in 1994, and the results contradicted Leuchter's claims, finding high concentrations of cyanide. Institute for Forensic Research, Cracow: Post-Leuchter Report

I don't think there is any so-called evidence denying the existance and use of gas chambers that can stand scrutiny.
I'd like someone to debunk this video, because when I watched it for the first time long ago, I was aghast and disgusted. If the contentions made especially on the design of the building are true, it makes absolutely ZERO sense that it was a gas chamber. ZERO sense.

I would honestly prefer this video to be wrong, because there's no way a person can watch it and not be nauseated that the stories we have been told all our lives are lies. The first time I watched it I scratched my head, then got angry. So please, someone show that this is untrue.
The gas chamber myth is indoctrinated into western people from grade school to the grave.

And most American's accept the official story without question.

Kinda sad when you think about it......... :doubt:

There's significant evidence and documentation for the exhistence and use of gas chambers - it's no more a myth than bombing Hiroshima.

I'm not going to watch a 49 minute video - I prefer to read (easier to verify). The most common claims made by those denying the exhistence of gas chambers are easily refuted.

For example: the claim that they were used for other purposes such as delousing and disinfection or that they were built after the war for "show".

The first rests on a paper by Fred Leuchter that claims only traces of cyanide were found in the Auschwitz gas chambers and thus they could not have been used as gas chambers to exterminate people. That test was re-done more carefully, in 1994, and the results contradicted Leuchter's claims, finding high concentrations of cyanide. Institute for Forensic Research, Cracow: Post-Leuchter Report

I don't think there is any so-called evidence denying the existance and use of gas chambers that can stand scrutiny.

Instead of sitting at home tonight and watching a DORA THE EXPLORER marathon whilst gobbling down Pringles and HoHo's, take the time to watch the video. There are things in it you will not see or read of anywhere else, and frankly, I'd like to hear what you think of it either way since it appears you are one who has no agenda.


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