Holocaust deniers

The gas chamber myth is indoctrinated into western people from grade school to the grave.

And most American's accept the official story without question.

Kinda sad when you think about it......... :doubt:

There's significant evidence and documentation for the exhistence and use of gas chambers - it's no more a myth than bombing Hiroshima.

I'm not going to watch a 49 minute video - I prefer to read (easier to verify). The most common claims made by those denying the exhistence of gas chambers are easily refuted.

For example: the claim that they were used for other purposes such as delousing and disinfection or that they were built after the war for "show".

The first rests on a paper by Fred Leuchter that claims only traces of cyanide were found in the Auschwitz gas chambers and thus they could not have been used as gas chambers to exterminate people. That test was re-done more carefully, in 1994, and the results contradicted Leuchter's claims, finding high concentrations of cyanide. Institute for Forensic Research, Cracow: Post-Leuchter Report

I don't think there is any so-called evidence denying the existance and use of gas chambers that can stand scrutiny.

Instead of sitting at home tonight and watching a DORA THE EXPLORER marathon whilst gobbling down Pringles and HoHo's, take the time to watch the video. There are things in it you will not see or read of anywhere else, and frankly, I'd like to hear what you think of it either way since it appears you are one who has no agenda.


I agree watch the video.
The gas chamber myth is indoctrinated into western people from grade school to the grave.

And most American's accept the official story without question.

Kinda sad when you think about it......... :doubt:

There's significant evidence and documentation for the exhistence and use of gas chambers - it's no more a myth than bombing Hiroshima.

I'm not going to watch a 49 minute video - I prefer to read (easier to verify). The most common claims made by those denying the exhistence of gas chambers are easily refuted.

For example: the claim that they were used for other purposes such as delousing and disinfection or that they were built after the war for "show".

The first rests on a paper by Fred Leuchter that claims only traces of cyanide were found in the Auschwitz gas chambers and thus they could not have been used as gas chambers to exterminate people. That test was re-done more carefully, in 1994, and the results contradicted Leuchter's claims, finding high concentrations of cyanide. Institute for Forensic Research, Cracow: Post-Leuchter Report

I don't think there is any so-called evidence denying the existance and use of gas chambers that can stand scrutiny.

Instead of sitting at home tonight and watching a DORA THE EXPLORER marathon whilst gobbling down Pringles and HoHo's, take the time to watch the video. There are things in it you will not see or read of anywhere else, and frankly, I'd like to hear what you think of it either way since it appears you are one who has no agenda.


Pringles and HoHo's? What planet are you from? Chocolate and Cheetos are the only real food and it's Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Aside from that - there are tons of youtube videos. Anyone can publish anything and claim anything on the internet and it is particularly hard to verify videos where things can be edited, photoshopped, and citations are often lacking. It's kind of like insisting that a person watch and hour long video purporting to show that the moon landing was a hoax. I am sure they can make a very believable case.
Well, I did. The numbers of how many were actually gassed was always uncertain. But the fact remains there were concentration camps, and Hitler killed something around 6 million Jews, give or take a million or so ... I mean once you get past a few million ... you're just talking numbers ... and he killed a few million more who weren't Jews.

It comes back to trying to say "the holocaust wasn't really that bad to necessitate a Jewish state." I'm happy to concede in retrospect that the Eisenhower Admin was probably right, and Israel was a mistake. And, I'm happy to say that morally its difficult to distinguish Likud from Hamas ... at times.

But holocaust deniers have no less an agenda than Zionists.
There's significant evidence and documentation for the exhistence and use of gas chambers - it's no more a myth than bombing Hiroshima.

I'm not going to watch a 49 minute video - I prefer to read (easier to verify). The most common claims made by those denying the exhistence of gas chambers are easily refuted.

For example: the claim that they were used for other purposes such as delousing and disinfection or that they were built after the war for "show".

The first rests on a paper by Fred Leuchter that claims only traces of cyanide were found in the Auschwitz gas chambers and thus they could not have been used as gas chambers to exterminate people. That test was re-done more carefully, in 1994, and the results contradicted Leuchter's claims, finding high concentrations of cyanide. Institute for Forensic Research, Cracow: Post-Leuchter Report

I don't think there is any so-called evidence denying the existance and use of gas chambers that can stand scrutiny.

Instead of sitting at home tonight and watching a DORA THE EXPLORER marathon whilst gobbling down Pringles and HoHo's, take the time to watch the video. There are things in it you will not see or read of anywhere else, and frankly, I'd like to hear what you think of it either way since it appears you are one who has no agenda.


Pringles and HoHo's? What planet are you from? Chocolate and Cheetos are the only real food and it's Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Aside from that - there are tons of youtube videos. Anyone can publish anything and claim anything on the internet and it is particularly hard to verify videos where things can be edited, photoshopped, and citations are often lacking. It's kind of like insisting that a person watch and hour long video purporting to show that the moon landing was a hoax. I am sure they can make a very believable case.

You can pretend, but we know it's DORA. You are correct there are tons of videos on youtube (duh, it's a video service :eusa_clap:), but you claim to be interested in the subject, so what's the harm? I have been trying to find someone to debunk it since I saw it, and have yet to do so. It's actually very well made and interesting. Save BUFFY (yeah, right) and eat the snacks with the video. I would love nothing more than to read your comments debunking the contentions made. And really Coyote, I ask so little of you.
There are no points addressed in the book. History is not totally exact. And actually, recent access to Nazi records stored in Germany has caused the genuine professional historians to revise the numbers UPwards.

And again: if the author didn't have the guts to put its name on its work, then that 'work' isn't worth considering to begin with. The US has no laws against Holocaust denial/
revision'/Nazi apologetics
for any author to be concerned about.

And whatever it is that Rense and its ilk are pimping - it sure as Hell isn't 'the truth'.

The number for Auschwitz has been revised downward, by a huge amount. I don't whether or not the author used a pen name, but if that is the case, it doesn't take threat of prison to ruin a man's life, and the only group more vindictive against anyone THEY perceive as an enemy other than homosexuals, is Jews. the ADL and SPLC will seek to destroy anyone who does not tow the line.

I am fascinated----how do the jews go about "destroying" people? can you provide
examples of this singular ability to DESTROY? Long ago I lived in a place -----
where a nearby river, now and then, gave up body parts. On investigation----they
turned out to be the fragments of persons shot, weighted and and dumped in the nearby
river. ---MAFIA . How do the jews go about it?
There are no points addressed in the book. History is not totally exact. And actually, recent access to Nazi records stored in Germany has caused the genuine professional historians to revise the numbers UPwards.

And again: if the author didn't have the guts to put its name on its work, then that 'work' isn't worth considering to begin with. The US has no laws against Holocaust denial/
revision'/Nazi apologetics
for any author to be concerned about.

And whatever it is that Rense and its ilk are pimping - it sure as Hell isn't 'the truth'.

The number for Auschwitz has been revised downward, by a huge amount. I don't whether or not the author used a pen name, but if that is the case, it doesn't take threat of prison to ruin a man's life, and the only group more vindictive against anyone THEY perceive as an enemy other than homosexuals, is Jews. the ADL and SPLC will seek to destroy anyone who does not tow the line.

I am fascinated----how do the jews go about "destroying" people? can you provide
examples of this singular ability to DESTROY? Long ago I lived in a place -----
where a nearby river, now and then, gave up body parts. On investigation----they
turned out to be the fragments of persons shot, weighted and and dumped in the nearby
river. ---MAFIA . How do the jews go about it?

:dunno: they point a finger and death ray comes out?
There are no points addressed in the book. History is not totally exact. And actually, recent access to Nazi records stored in Germany has caused the genuine professional historians to revise the numbers UPwards.

And again: if the author didn't have the guts to put its name on its work, then that 'work' isn't worth considering to begin with. The US has no laws against Holocaust denial/
revision'/Nazi apologetics
for any author to be concerned about.

And whatever it is that Rense and its ilk are pimping - it sure as Hell isn't 'the truth'.

The number for Auschwitz has been revised downward, by a huge amount. I don't whether or not the author used a pen name, but if that is the case, it doesn't take threat of prison to ruin a man's life, and the only group more vindictive against anyone THEY perceive as an enemy other than homosexuals, is Jews. the ADL and SPLC will seek to destroy anyone who does not tow the line.

I am fascinated----how do the jews go about "destroying" people? can you provide
examples of this singular ability to DESTROY? Long ago I lived in a place -----
where a nearby river, now and then, gave up body parts. On investigation----they
turned out to be the fragments of persons shot, weighted and and dumped in the nearby
river. ---MAFIA . How do the jews go about it?

Ask Dr Kevin MacDonald.
What we see is piles of dead bodies, or skinny men, now how did they die? Must of been illness or starvation. A person of skin and bones like that does not walk into a gas chamber and stand there, and then gets pulled out and put in a pile. I imagine when they were not in a rush they did bury the bodies or mass burn them, dead bodies lying around cause more disease. You can see these pictures in Soviet camps as well as Japanese camps. What would be the use of gassing skin and bones.

Photo is a one image frozen in time. But photos aren't all we go by in recording history. The Germans themselves were meticulous record keepers. In addition, we have first hand documentation from people who were involved.

And still...they could have released those people. They weren't POW's. They were civilians rounded up in as a result of a pre-War strategy. A decision was made to kill them. A decision was made to experiement on them in horrific ways. Decisions were consciously made each step of the way to genocide.

Yes - war is war, but Germany began the war, and Germany chose to not just cleanse Jews from his country but from every country they touched. Agree - Germany suffered badly under the armistace agreement and subsequent Depression (major mistakes were made in hindsight that led to conditions being ripe for a person like Hitler to rise)...

I have no doubt there were abuses and starvation. American citizens were interned in camps, lost their property and livelyhood, because they were of Japanese or German descent. There are many atrocities that come about as a RESULT of war but the Holocaust was not the result of war - it was interwoven into the conflict from the day the first laws were made seperating Jews out of the mainstream.

There is a difference when you look at the big picture.

I'm sorry if that site is questionable, as wiki doesn't have much. I have been following Wiki for a long time and things have changed to where I have to question everything. WWII and Wiki never leaves out extermination camps or holocaust and has become very bias. What do we do. These other sites are JUST as valid if not more so in my opinion.

I once read a wiki site and it was about he holocaust or WWII and the footnotes all pertained to a book wrote by a Jewish person, it was like a book review.

Yes the big picture needs to of course begin at the beginning way back with Egypt, etc, but even more so before WWI and what led up to that, the Russian revolution, Ukraine etc, We know after WWI Germany got heavily penalized.

Why did he see the Jews as enemies, because they were, one does keep an eye on their enemies inside their country or even potential enemies. The Jewish had many rebel groups. Its a sad thing, not saying its not, but yes he did see the Jews as a threat. We also have to realize that many countries had an issue with the Jewish people was well.

A bad rap, I don't know, without merit , hard to say, but we do know that the Jewish people do seem to strive for control of every country they are in, and the question of wealth also comes into place, how did so many become so rich and in control of media and Hollywood, and now the internet.

One has to remember Hitler was out to win a war as well. Here Wiki one : Rheinwiesenlager - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You assume those who died in the concentration camps did so "from illness or starvation."
You assume that "a person of skin and bones like that does not walk into a gas chamber and stand there, and then gets pulled out and put in a pile."
You assume "The Jewish had many rebel groups."
You assume "the Jewish people do seem to strive for control of every country they are in."
You assume all Jews are "rich and in control of media and Hollywood, and now the internet."
You seemed genuinely pissed that "Wiki never leaves out extermination camps or holocaust" and assume it "has become very bias."

It all sounds like a typical Nazi POV but you never seem to attribute your "facts" to any source.
As such, I must assume you are smart enough to be ashamed of your sources but not smart enough to reject the assumptions they publish. :cool:
The number for Auschwitz has been revised downward, by a huge amount. I don't whether or not the author used a pen name, but if that is the case, it doesn't take threat of prison to ruin a man's life, and the only group more vindictive against anyone THEY perceive as an enemy other than homosexuals, is Jews. the ADL and SPLC will seek to destroy anyone who does not tow the line.

I am fascinated----how do the jews go about "destroying" people? can you provide
examples of this singular ability to DESTROY? Long ago I lived in a place -----
where a nearby river, now and then, gave up body parts. On investigation----they
turned out to be the fragments of persons shot, weighted and and dumped in the nearby
river. ---MAFIA . How do the jews go about it?

Ask Dr Kevin MacDonald.

Campaign Against Me by the Southern Poverty Law Center
Photo is a one image frozen in time. But photos aren't all we go by in recording history. The Germans themselves were meticulous record keepers. In addition, we have first hand documentation from people who were involved.

And still...they could have released those people. They weren't POW's. They were civilians rounded up in as a result of a pre-War strategy. A decision was made to kill them. A decision was made to experiement on them in horrific ways. Decisions were consciously made each step of the way to genocide.

Yes - war is war, but Germany began the war, and Germany chose to not just cleanse Jews from his country but from every country they touched. Agree - Germany suffered badly under the armistace agreement and subsequent Depression (major mistakes were made in hindsight that led to conditions being ripe for a person like Hitler to rise)...

I have no doubt there were abuses and starvation. American citizens were interned in camps, lost their property and livelyhood, because they were of Japanese or German descent. There are many atrocities that come about as a RESULT of war but the Holocaust was not the result of war - it was interwoven into the conflict from the day the first laws were made seperating Jews out of the mainstream.

There is a difference when you look at the big picture.

I'm sorry if that site is questionable, as wiki doesn't have much. I have been following Wiki for a long time and things have changed to where I have to question everything. WWII and Wiki never leaves out extermination camps or holocaust and has become very bias. What do we do. These other sites are JUST as valid if not more so in my opinion.

I once read a wiki site and it was about he holocaust or WWII and the footnotes all pertained to a book wrote by a Jewish person, it was like a book review.

Yes the big picture needs to of course begin at the beginning way back with Egypt, etc, but even more so before WWI and what led up to that, the Russian revolution, Ukraine etc, We know after WWI Germany got heavily penalized.

Why did he see the Jews as enemies, because they were, one does keep an eye on their enemies inside their country or even potential enemies. The Jewish had many rebel groups. Its a sad thing, not saying its not, but yes he did see the Jews as a threat. We also have to realize that many countries had an issue with the Jewish people was well.

A bad rap, I don't know, without merit , hard to say, but we do know that the Jewish people do seem to strive for control of every country they are in, and the question of wealth also comes into place, how did so many become so rich and in control of media and Hollywood, and now the internet.

One has to remember Hitler was out to win a war as well. Here Wiki one : Rheinwiesenlager - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You assume those who died in the concentration camps did so "from illness or starvation."
You assume that "a person of skin and bones like that does not walk into a gas chamber and stand there, and then gets pulled out and put in a pile."
You assume "The Jewish had many rebel groups."
You assume "the Jewish people do seem to strive for control of every country they are in."
You assume all Jews are "rich and in control of media and Hollywood, and now the internet."
You seemed genuinely pissed that "Wiki never leaves out extermination camps or holocaust" and assume it "has become very bias."

It all sounds like a typical Nazi POV but you never seem to attribute your "facts" to any source.
As such, I must assume you are smart enough to be ashamed of your sources but not smart enough to reject the assumptions they publish. :cool:

Look at their pics and use your brain.
Kevin MacDonald is an interesting highly intelligent and learned man. His books are real eye-openers and perfectly sensible in their conclusions. At first, they can be somewhat jarring because they go against the mainstream of public discourse, but you will note that his detractors will never argue his logic and scholarship, but can only attack him personally. If your mind is closed, his work is a waste of your time. If your mind is truly open and you seek truth and knowledge, his work is enlightening.
Kevin MacDonald is an interesting highly intelligent and learned man. His books are real eye-openers and perfectly sensible in their conclusions. At first, they can be somewhat jarring because they go against the mainstream of public discourse, but you will note that his detractors will never argue his logic and scholarship, but can only attack him personally. If your mind is closed, his work is a waste of your time. If your mind is truly open and you seek truth and knowledge, his work is enlightening.

Around 50% of Jews classify themselves as Secular

Jewish secularism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

State of Israel[edit]
The creation of the State of Israel in 1948 is often seen as secular Judaism’s greatest achievement, with Hebrew as a spoken language rather than a language of prayer, and the majority of the population living secular Jewish lives. Some 2000 secular Israeli schools exist, where children study Jewish history and literature and celebrate the holidays without prayer or religion.
Institutes for higher education in Israel have not lagged behind. Oranim College and Meitar College for Judaism as Culture are some of the colleges established to further the study of secular Jewish culture.
Kevin MacDonald is an interesting highly intelligent and learned man. His books are real eye-openers and perfectly sensible in their conclusions. At first, they can be somewhat jarring because they go against the mainstream of public discourse, but you will note that his detractors will never argue his logic and scholarship, but can only attack him personally. If your mind is closed, his work is a waste of your time. If your mind is truly open and you seek truth and knowledge, his work is enlightening.

According to this, his critics are arguing his scholarship: Kevin B. MacDonald - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

John Tooby, the founder of MacDonald's field of evolutionary psychology, criticized MacDonald in an article for Salon.com in 2000. He wrote, "MacDonald's ideas — not just on Jews — violate fundamental principles of the field." Tooby said MacDonald is not an evolutionary psychologist, and advocates models incorporating group-selection theory, a view of natural selection whose importance is disputed.[21]

MacDonald has also been accused of employing scapegoating techniques that resemble classical Nazism.[22] Steven Pinker, while acknowledging that he had "not plowed through MacDonald's trilogy and therefore run the complementary risks of being unfair to his arguments, and of not refuting them resoundingly enough to distance them from my own views on evolutionary psychology", states that MacDonald's theses are unable to pass the threshold of attention-worthiness or peer-approval, and contain a "consistently invidious portrayal of Jews, couched in value-laden, disparaging language."[23] Reviewing MacDonald’s A People That Shall Dwell Alone, Sander Gilman describes MacDonald's argument about a Jewish group evolutionary strategy as a "bizarre" one which "recasts all of the hoary old myths about Jewish psychological difference and its presumed link to Jewish superior intelligence in contemporary sociobiological garb."[24] Eugen Schoenfeld states the book contains "sloppy scholarship" and that MacDonald's comparison of Jewish collectivism during the biblical period with eighteenth- and nineteenth-century English individualism "indicates a total ignorance of the impact of industrialization on Western societies."[25]

John Hartung, an anesthetist and theorist of human behavioral ecology, at first interested in his work, said MacDonald's The Culture of Critique was "quite disturbing, seriously misinformed about evolutionary genetics, and suffering from a huge blind spot about the nature of Christianity."[26]

MacDonald has particularly been accused by other academics of academic fraud, saying that he has promoted anti-Semitic propaganda under the guise of what he says is a legitimate and academic search for truth.[27] He has also been accused of misrepresenting the sources he uses in that regard. Fenris State University professor Dr. Barry Mehler cited for example a quote from a 1969 dissertation by Sheldon Morris Neuringer titled American Jewry and United States immigration policy, 1881-1953 where MacDonald surmised that when Neuringer noted Jewish opposition in 1921 and 1924 to the anti-immigration legislation at the time was due more to it having the “taint of discrimination and anti-Semitism” as opposed to how it would limit Jewish immigration, MacDonald wrote, “…Jewish opposition to the 1921 and 1924 legislation was motivated less by a desire for higher levels of Jewish immigration than by opposition to the implicit theory that America should be dominated by individuals with northern and western European ancestry.” “It seems to me Mr. MacDonald is misrepresenting Mr. Neuringer in this case and I posted my query hoping that a historian familiar with the literature might have a judgment on MacDonald's use of the historical data,” Mehler wrote, citing other examples.[28]

Reviewing MacDonald's Separation and Its Discontents in 2000, Zev Garber writes that MacDonald works from the assumption that the dual Torah is the blueprint of the eventual Jewish dominion over the world, and that he sees contemporary antisemitism, the Holocaust, and attacks against Israel as "provoked by Jews themselves." Garber concludes that MacDonald's "rambling who-is-who-isn't roundup of Jews responsible for the 'Jewish Problem' borders on the irrational and is conducive to misrepresentation."[29]

In 2001, David Lieberman, a Holocaust researcher at Brandeis University, wrote a paper entitled Scholarship as an Exercise in Rhetorical Strategy: A Case Study of Kevin MacDonald's Research Techniques, where he noted how one of MacDonald’s sources, author Jaff Schatz, objected to how MacDonald used his writings to further his premise that Jewish self-identity validates anti-Semitic sentiments and actions. “At issue, however, is not the quality of Schatz's research, but MacDonald's use of it, a discussion that relies less on topical expertise than on a willingness to conduct close comparative readings," Lieberman wrote.[30]

Lieberman has also written that MacDonald even dishonestly made up lines from the work of British Holocaust denier David Irving. Citing Irving's Uprising which was published in 1981 for the twenty-fifth anniversary of Hungary's failed anti-Communist revolution in 1956, MacDonald asserted in the Culture of Critique, "The domination of the Hungarian communist Jewish bureaucracy thus appears to have had overtones of sexual and reproductive domination of gentiles in which Jewish males were able to have disproportionate sexual access to gentile females." Lieberman, who also noted that MacDonald is not a historian, debunked those assertions, concluding, "(T)he passage offers not a shred of evidence that, as MacDonald would have it, "Jewish males enjoyed disproportionate sexual access to gentile females."[31
There is nothing there but supposition, Coyote. Read the work and the man's history and studies. Or go where you are most comfortable, which is the road most traveled.
There is nothing there but supposition, Coyote. Read the work and the man's history and studies. Or go where you are most comfortable, which is the road most traveled.

You claimed his detractors never argue his logic or scholarship but they clearly do :dunno:
There is nothing there but supposition, Coyote. Read the work and the man's history and studies. Or go where you are most comfortable, which is the road most traveled.

You claimed his detractors never argue his logic or scholarship but they clearly do :dunno:

Well, of the two if us, I am the only one who has read his work and the criticisms of it. None of the rabid Zionists around here believe it, but I was once among their ranks, and it did not give me any pleasure to find myself questioning all that I had been taught my whole life. It's not uncommon that people who think outside the box are scorned and ridiculed, rather it's pretty much expected.

There is no other explanation for understanding Jewish prejudice than what MacDonald has surmised. Either the whole world is full of people who simply dislike Jews for no good reason, or there has been an evolutionary path of the Jewish people that has played a role in the issue.
I'm sorry if that site is questionable, as wiki doesn't have much. I have been following Wiki for a long time and things have changed to where I have to question everything. WWII and Wiki never leaves out extermination camps or holocaust and has become very bias. What do we do. These other sites are JUST as valid if not more so in my opinion.

I once read a wiki site and it was about he holocaust or WWII and the footnotes all pertained to a book wrote by a Jewish person, it was like a book review.

Yes the big picture needs to of course begin at the beginning way back with Egypt, etc, but even more so before WWI and what led up to that, the Russian revolution, Ukraine etc, We know after WWI Germany got heavily penalized.

Why did he see the Jews as enemies, because they were, one does keep an eye on their enemies inside their country or even potential enemies. The Jewish had many rebel groups. Its a sad thing, not saying its not, but yes he did see the Jews as a threat. We also have to realize that many countries had an issue with the Jewish people was well.

A bad rap, I don't know, without merit , hard to say, but we do know that the Jewish people do seem to strive for control of every country they are in, and the question of wealth also comes into place, how did so many become so rich and in control of media and Hollywood, and now the internet.

One has to remember Hitler was out to win a war as well. Here Wiki one : Rheinwiesenlager - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You assume those who died in the concentration camps did so "from illness or starvation."
You assume that "a person of skin and bones like that does not walk into a gas chamber and stand there, and then gets pulled out and put in a pile."
You assume "The Jewish had many rebel groups."
You assume "the Jewish people do seem to strive for control of every country they are in."
You assume all Jews are "rich and in control of media and Hollywood, and now the internet."
You seemed genuinely pissed that "Wiki never leaves out extermination camps or holocaust" and assume it "has become very bias."

It all sounds like a typical Nazi POV but you never seem to attribute your "facts" to any source.
As such, I must assume you are smart enough to be ashamed of your sources but not smart enough to reject the assumptions they publish. :cool:

Look at their pics and use your brain.

A person can be quite emaciated and still walk and work (look at pictures from so called work or re-education camps in NK or Soviet Union). In addition...if you can stomach it - google for photos of gas chamber victims. They are not all as you describe.
There is nothing there but supposition, Coyote. Read the work and the man's history and studies. Or go where you are most comfortable, which is the road most traveled.

You claimed his detractors never argue his logic or scholarship but they clearly do :dunno:

Well, of the two if us, I am the only one who has read his work and the criticisms of it. None of the rabid Zionists around here believe it, but I was once among their ranks, and it did not give me any pleasure to find myself questioning all that I had been taught my whole life. It's not uncommon that people who think outside the box are scorned and ridiculed, rather it's pretty much expected.

There is no other explanation for understanding Jewish prejudice than what MacDonald has surmised. Either the whole world is full of people who simply dislike Jews for no good reason, or there has been an evolutionary path of the Jewish people that has played a role in the issue.

There are certain things that raise a red "conspiracy theory" flag - use of language, faulty linkages, misrepresentations, etc and honestly - these arguments seem full of it. It's not a matter of thinking outside the box - it's a matter of logic.
You claimed his detractors never argue his logic or scholarship but they clearly do :dunno:

Well, of the two if us, I am the only one who has read his work and the criticisms of it. None of the rabid Zionists around here believe it, but I was once among their ranks, and it did not give me any pleasure to find myself questioning all that I had been taught my whole life. It's not uncommon that people who think outside the box are scorned and ridiculed, rather it's pretty much expected.

There is no other explanation for understanding Jewish prejudice than what MacDonald has surmised. Either the whole world is full of people who simply dislike Jews for no good reason, or there has been an evolutionary path of the Jewish people that has played a role in the issue.

There are certain things that raise a red "conspiracy theory" flag - use of language, faulty linkages, misrepresentations, etc and honestly - these arguments seem full of it. It's not a matter of thinking outside the box - it's a matter of logic.

You are assuming that the Wiki info is correct, but it is merely supposition. Look, if you are not interested in a different point of view, that's one thing. But shunning it out of whole cloth is silly.

So according to you, anti-semtism exists because people just hate Jews. Jews have had problems since time began, just because it's fun to be mean to Jews. That's what we are left with, and frankly it's myopic and delusional.
There is nothing there but supposition, Coyote. Read the work and the man's history and studies. Or go where you are most comfortable, which is the road most traveled.

You claimed his detractors never argue his logic or scholarship but they clearly do :dunno:

Well, of the two if us, I am the only one who has read his work and the criticisms of it. None of the rabid Zionists around here believe it, but I was once among their ranks, and it did not give me any pleasure to find myself questioning all that I had been taught my whole life. It's not uncommon that people who think outside the box are scorned and ridiculed, rather it's pretty much expected.

There is no other explanation for understanding Jewish prejudice than what MacDonald has surmised. Either the whole world is full of people who simply dislike Jews for no good reason, or there has been an evolutionary path of the Jewish people that has played a role in the issue.

When a person uses descriptors like 'rabid' to refer to those who do not share their views - it is 'unprofessional', an indication such a one is 'arguing' emotion rather than facts or logic.

The whole world, BTW, is filled with people who simply dislike 'others' - not only Jews - for no good reason. Jews are hardly the *only* group of people to have been so demonized in all of history.

As an example of 'causeless hatred': it's well known that members of the 'Society of Friends' sect of Christianity are both 'plain' folk and pacifists. They settled Pennsylvania and featured very prominently in Colonial politics. Yet there was a law on the books of at least one place invoking the death penalty for a 'Quaker' to merely set foot on its land. And that place was another of the English colonies: Massachusetts.

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