Holocaust deniers

You have got to be kidding me.
You deny Germany started 2 world wars?

Here ever hear of this guy or Leon Trotsky?

Yagoda is widely known to be a brutal and ruthless killer in what is called the Holodomor in the Ukraine. It should also be noted that Yagoda was responsible for the deaths of an estimated 7 to 10 million Ukrainians of all faiths, including at least one hundred thousand Jews.[4]
Genrikh Yagoda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Two sweet jewish men, and read about the Holodomor.

And it still comes nowhere close to the 10s of millions of dead that the Germans are responsible for.
Not if you include the deaths from the two wars caused by German aggression, hate and bloodlust.

And, you need to look at the history of Germany as a whole. They are the most dangerous people known to the human race.

Well then take the history of Russia or China as a whole. Who has been involved in the most wars since WWII ?

There hasn't been a world war since WWII! You will never get the numbers to come close to the number of deaths caused by German hate and bloodlust. It is history, I don't know why you deny it or rationalize it by pointing your fingers at dictators. Why is it so hard to admit that Germany is responsible for the greatest atrocities in the 20th century? It is simple fact.

Germans haven't initiated a war in 70 some years. If they are such a warlike people WTF is going on ? Wars have been raging everywhere with Germans only peripherally involved if involved at all. How about Africa or the mid east? How peaceful have those people been ?
You deny Germany started 2 world wars?

Here ever hear of this guy or Leon Trotsky?

Yagoda is widely known to be a brutal and ruthless killer in what is called the Holodomor in the Ukraine. It should also be noted that Yagoda was responsible for the deaths of an estimated 7 to 10 million Ukrainians of all faiths, including at least one hundred thousand Jews.[4]
Genrikh Yagoda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Two sweet jewish men, and read about the Holodomor.

And it still comes nowhere close to the 10s of millions of dead that the Germans are responsible for.

Over 65 mil people died in WWII so this war is not all about the jews and hitler. You did not read the article or you would of seen that the planned starvation of millions was worst.
Well then take the history of Russia or China as a whole. Who has been involved in the most wars since WWII ?

There hasn't been a world war since WWII! You will never get the numbers to come close to the number of deaths caused by German hate and bloodlust. It is history, I don't know why you deny it or rationalize it by pointing your fingers at dictators. Why is it so hard to admit that Germany is responsible for the greatest atrocities in the 20th century? It is simple fact.

Germans haven't initiated a war in 70 some years. If they are such a warlike people WTF is going on ? Wars have been raging everywhere with Germans only peripherally involved if involved at all. How about Africa or the mid east? How peaceful have those people been ?

Those nations haven't started 2 world wars where 10's of millions of people died. Those nations aren't responsible for the attempted genocide of TWO peoples in the 20th century.

Yeah, it's been a little while since Germany has been able to quell her thirst for blood...but that is because the world raped her and stripped her of everything after defeating them in the last war. Regretfully, the world has removed its boot from Germany's neck. We can see a significant rise in anti-semitism, hate, and bloodlust. You should pay attention, Germany remains a threat...
Here ever hear of this guy or Leon Trotsky?

Yagoda is widely known to be a brutal and ruthless killer in what is called the Holodomor in the Ukraine. It should also be noted that Yagoda was responsible for the deaths of an estimated 7 to 10 million Ukrainians of all faiths, including at least one hundred thousand Jews.[4]
Genrikh Yagoda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Two sweet jewish men, and read about the Holodomor.

And it still comes nowhere close to the 10s of millions of dead that the Germans are responsible for.

Over 65 mil people died in WWII so this war is not all about the jews and hitler. You did not read the article or you would of seen that the planned starvation of millions was worst.

Exactly, Germans killed indiscriminately as they waged war throughout the world to satisfy their bloodlust. They are responsible for 2 world wars AND the attempted genocide of 2 peoples in the 20th century. No nation has such a horrid history. None.

You can deny German aggression all you want. You can deny the holocaust. You cannot not deny the nightmare the Germans have presented this planet throughout the history of mankind.
Penelope: "Yes its horrible of course, we all know that now. But it didn't begin with Hitler, The US and Churchill before him, and the OT was into purity of race. Its unfair to say Hitler made this up and was the first to do it, as the US or Britain was, heck all the battles of old did the same.

Don't forget this book Germany Must Perish in 1941, that talks about sterilizing all the German people. I wondered where he got it from and it had started in the US , then Hitler did it, then Hitler was blamed for it, and the US quit doing it so it goes. "

You seem to be unable to understand your own words, Penelope. "Where it started" does not matter. That others took Darwin's work and sought to apply it to human beings for the advancement of their political aims, does not either invalidate Darwin's work nor make it (nor him) evil.

As to 'the OT was into purity of race' - that is plain and simple hogwash. If "race" were oh-so-important, then proselytes would never have been accepted - and yet Ruth the proselyte becomes the great-grandmother of no less than King David, from whose line the Messiah is to come.

But all of that is irrelevant: only your words which I've bolded are what matters. The book you keep ranting about, incidentally, was *privately published* - which means no legit publisher would touch it, which means it had NO mass appeal nor relevance. The author was nobody in particular: he had no standing in the Jewish community nor in the larger American community. There's no indication that any number of copies were ever actually sold, nor that anyone even noticed the book existed. So trying to claim it was 'influential' in any way is utterly ridiculous.

The fact that tens of millions of people may have had 'ideas' about 'purity of race' in no way excuses anyone's acting on it.

You stated it yourself: Hitler did it, then Hitler was blamed for it - I can't think of any reason NOT to blame someone for what they (freely choose to) do.

And the US never approached such actions in the 20th C, not even in forcing Native American children into 'schools' to 'Americanize' them...... (not that others doing worse excuses such behavior).

It makes no difference whether the 'chosen victims' were Jews or Roma or Basques or Ainu or Ouighur or Rohingya or Tlingit or Tsahlagi or anyone else. "What Hitler did" was ordered the deliberate murder of millions of civilians" it remains wrong and evil and there is no 'explanation'.
Prove to me you exist. I dare you, we can question anything brought up here, which begs the point. This isn't purely an intellectual exercise. The internet isn't reality, you guys know that, right? Life transcends this ugly digital cesspit. The Holocaust happened in real time. It's been branded and made into a cause now, let alone been trivialized and questioned. But, excuse me, Nazis did mechanize a huge death machine to slaughter Jews. I know this because it happened. That's HOW. Any more questions?

Just one----Why do you only mention the Jews ? Millions of others were slaughtered

You redflag and important point duck. If you read the holocaust denier literature---
you will find that holocaust DENIERS concentrate on jews and their concept that the holocaust
itself is a hoax perpeturated ONLY BY JEWS (and their supporters) sometimes they call it
a "Zionist plot" Interestingly it is not jews who concentrate on the jewish issue in the
holocaust so much as the DENIERS thereof. In fact on the issue of GENOCIDE in human
history-----it is generally jews who focus on it more than ---other people. <<<< a general
comment only-----certainly not universally true. I believe that if one would sample the entire
USA population-----with questions on issues regarding genocides in the past 100 years ---from the
Armenian genocide (1915) to the genocide in the Ukraine----1940s to the Nazi to the Cambodian
----to the Biafran 1971 east Pakistan 1971----etc etc and then analyzed the date----chances
are IN THE USA -----jews are more knowledgeable on the subject than are non jews (in general---not

Also----it is generally true that people do focus on THEIR OWN family legacies----Irish people in
the USA give more thought to the irish famine which they tend to blame on the British----than
the genocide of biafrans in 1971. Greeks have a big issue---sometimes with turks.
This is a great video which explains why the so call gas chambers are nothing by a myth. ... :cool:

Auschwitz: Holohoax , Why The Gas Chambers Are A Myth - YouTube

I'd like someone to debunk this video, because when I watched it for the first time long ago, I was aghast and disgusted. If the contentions made especially on the design of the building are true, it makes absolutely ZERO sense that it was a gas chamber. ZERO sense.

I would honestly prefer this video to be wrong, because there's no way a person can watch it and not be nauseated that the stories we have been told all our lives are lies. The first time I watched it I scratched my head, then got angry. So please, someone show that this is untrue.
You have got to be kidding me.
You deny Germany started 2 world wars?

Here ever hear of this guy or Leon Trotsky?

Yagoda is widely known to be a brutal and ruthless killer in what is called the Holodomor in the Ukraine. It should also be noted that Yagoda was responsible for the deaths of an estimated 7 to 10 million Ukrainians of all faiths, including at least one hundred thousand Jews.[4]
Genrikh Yagoda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Two sweet jewish men, and read about the Holodomor.

BTW, the Holodomor never happened. It is a German propaganda ploy to justify their poor history.
This is a great video which explains why the so call gas chambers are nothing by a myth. ... :cool:

Auschwitz: Holohoax , Why The Gas Chambers Are A Myth - YouTube

I'd like someone to debunk this video, because when I watched it for the first time long ago, I was aghast and disgusted. If the contentions made especially on the design of the building are true, it makes absolutely ZERO sense that it was a gas chamber. ZERO sense.

I would honestly prefer this video to be wrong, because there's no way a person can watch it and not be nauseated that the stories we have been told all our lives are lies. The first time I watched it I scratched my head, then got angry. So please, someone show that this is untrue.
The gas chamber myth is indoctrinated into western people from grade school to the grave.

And most American's accept the official story without question.

Kinda sad when you think about it......... :doubt:
Penelope: "Yes its horrible of course, we all know that now. But it didn't begin with Hitler, The US and Churchill before him, and the OT was into purity of race. Its unfair to say Hitler made this up and was the first to do it, as the US or Britain was, heck all the battles of old did the same.

Don't forget this book Germany Must Perish in 1941, that talks about sterilizing all the German people. I wondered where he got it from and it had started in the US , then Hitler did it, then Hitler was blamed for it, and the US quit doing it so it goes. "

You seem to be unable to understand your own words, Penelope. "Where it started" does not matter. That others took Darwin's work and sought to apply it to human beings for the advancement of their political aims, does not either invalidate Darwin's work nor make it (nor him) evil.

As to 'the OT was into purity of race' - that is plain and simple hogwash. If "race" were oh-so-important, then proselytes would never have been accepted - and yet Ruth the proselyte becomes the great-grandmother of no less than King David, from whose line the Messiah is to come.

But all of that is irrelevant: only your words which I've bolded are what matters. The book you keep ranting about, incidentally, was *privately published* - which means no legit publisher would touch it, which means it had NO mass appeal nor relevance. The author was nobody in particular: he had no standing in the Jewish community nor in the larger American community. There's no indication that any number of copies were ever actually sold, nor that anyone even noticed the book existed. So trying to claim it was 'influential' in any way is utterly ridiculous.

The fact that tens of millions of people may have had 'ideas' about 'purity of race' in no way excuses anyone's acting on it.

You stated it yourself: Hitler did it, then Hitler was blamed for it - I can't think of any reason NOT to blame someone for what they (freely choose to) do.

And the US never approached such actions in the 20th C, not even in forcing Native American children into 'schools' to 'Americanize' them...... (not that others doing worse excuses such behavior).

It makes no difference whether the 'chosen victims' were Jews or Roma or Basques or Ainu or Ouighur or Rohingya or Tlingit or Tsahlagi or anyone else. "What Hitler did" was ordered the deliberate murder of millions of civilians" it remains wrong and evil and there is no 'explanation'.

No he did not deliberately murder millions of civilians, that is where we differ, nor do I believe it was premeditated .

I refer you to Gen 27:46 and Deut 7:2 (the chapter) , just to name a few.

In battle be sure to kill and slaugher all the people and animals. Now and then the men could take a female for a wife, but they were ordered not to have sex with them till after 30 days to make sure they had a period and if not they must be pg so they should be killed.
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Prove to me you exist. I dare you, we can question anything brought up here, which begs the point. This isn't purely an intellectual exercise. The internet isn't reality, you guys know that, right? Life transcends this ugly digital cesspit. The Holocaust happened in real time. It's been branded and made into a cause now, let alone been trivialized and questioned. But, excuse me, Nazis did mechanize a huge death machine to slaughter Jews. I know this because it happened. That's HOW. Any more questions?

Just one----Why do you only mention the Jews ? Millions of others were slaughtered

You redflag and important point duck. If you read the holocaust denier literature---
you will find that holocaust DENIERS concentrate on jews and their concept that the holocaust
itself is a hoax perpeturated ONLY BY JEWS (and their supporters) sometimes they call it
a "Zionist plot" Interestingly it is not jews who concentrate on the jewish issue in the
holocaust so much as the DENIERS thereof. In fact on the issue of GENOCIDE in human
history-----it is generally jews who focus on it more than ---other people. <<<< a general
comment only-----certainly not universally true. I believe that if one would sample the entire
USA population-----with questions on issues regarding genocides in the past 100 years ---from the
Armenian genocide (1915) to the genocide in the Ukraine----1940s to the Nazi to the Cambodian
----to the Biafran 1971 east Pakistan 1971----etc etc and then analyzed the date----chances
are IN THE USA -----jews are more knowledgeable on the subject than are non jews (in general---not

Also----it is generally true that people do focus on THEIR OWN family legacies----Irish people in
the USA give more thought to the irish famine which they tend to blame on the British----than
the genocide of biafrans in 1971. Greeks have a big issue---sometimes with turks.

I'm not speaking in regards to jews defending the holocaust in response to deniers. I'm speaking in regards to when Jews speak of the holocaust in general. I'm sorry but those killed by the Nazi regime is not a legacy that belongs only to the Jews.
This is a great video which explains why the so call gas chambers are nothing by a myth. ... :cool:

Auschwitz: Holohoax , Why The Gas Chambers Are A Myth - YouTube

I'd like someone to debunk this video, because when I watched it for the first time long ago, I was aghast and disgusted. If the contentions made especially on the design of the building are true, it makes absolutely ZERO sense that it was a gas chamber. ZERO sense.

I would honestly prefer this video to be wrong, because there's no way a person can watch it and not be nauseated that the stories we have been told all our lives are lies. The first time I watched it I scratched my head, then got angry. So please, someone show that this is untrue.

I think its suppose to be an accurate depiction : Photographs of Gatehouse at Birkenau - The Gate of Death

Yes at first when one realizes it, it makes one angry. Taken for a ride.
You deny Germany started 2 world wars?

Here ever hear of this guy or Leon Trotsky?

Yagoda is widely known to be a brutal and ruthless killer in what is called the Holodomor in the Ukraine. It should also be noted that Yagoda was responsible for the deaths of an estimated 7 to 10 million Ukrainians of all faiths, including at least one hundred thousand Jews.[4]
Genrikh Yagoda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Two sweet jewish men, and read about the Holodomor.

BTW, the Holodomor never happened. It is a German propaganda ploy to justify their poor history.
Right. Good try.
Here ever hear of this guy or Leon Trotsky?

Yagoda is widely known to be a brutal and ruthless killer in what is called the Holodomor in the Ukraine. It should also be noted that Yagoda was responsible for the deaths of an estimated 7 to 10 million Ukrainians of all faiths, including at least one hundred thousand Jews.[4]
Genrikh Yagoda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Two sweet jewish men, and read about the Holodomor.

BTW, the Holodomor never happened. It is a German propaganda ploy to justify their poor history.
Right. Good try.

No, no. I saw a video. It changed my life forever. To find out it was all just German propaganda! All I can think to myself, how can their be such a worldwide, universal conspiracy to deceive the people and make them think the Holodomor really happened. Disgusting.

:lol: Like I said, a perfect mix of deniers - those who deny the holocaust and those who deny German aggression, hate and bloodlust - Germany will threaten humanity again.
Another question that occurred to me quickly upon seeing more to "the holocaust" than I was taught, why didn't Hitler simply gather all the Jews and obliterate them with munitions when it was clear all was lost? Certainly orders could have been given to execute the many inmates that still lived. Why leave any? It doesn't make sense.

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