Holocaust deniers

OMG...I thought teapers were ridiculous...these Holocaust deniers take the cake. And a lot of them are teapers too. Wow! I wanna join that group of winners. :doubt:
It's no elephant in the room-----this entire " Germans are meticulous record keepers " is a joke in itself. How do we know they were even truthful when they wrote things down ?

Another vote for just plain fucking stupid. I'll tally them up later.

I didn't hear an answer there. This is evidence of the defense breaking down and resorting to name calling.

Holocaust deniers have many intriguing theories. I have a theory of my own: I believe that the mothers of Holocaust deniers were all abducted by aliens and used in diabolical breeding experiments.....with extremely unfortunate results.
Another vote for just plain fucking stupid. I'll tally them up later.

I didn't hear an answer there. This is evidence of the defense breaking down and resorting to name calling.

Holocaust deniers have many intriguing theories. I have a theory of my own: I believe that the mothers of Holocaust deniers were all abducted by aliens and used in diabolical breeding experiments.....with extremely unfortunate results.

More evidence of sabotaging any chance for a reasonable discussion. Thanks.
"Look at their pics and use your brain. "

There are no facts presented in this "argument". It cannot be considered a contribution to anything but ill-will.

Pictures.....there are still living witnesses. No doubt the deniers believe the witnesses are part of a massive conspiracy to cover up the truth.
I didn't hear an answer there. This is evidence of the defense breaking down and resorting to name calling.

Holocaust deniers have many intriguing theories. I have a theory of my own: I believe that the mothers of Holocaust deniers were all abducted by aliens and used in diabolical breeding experiments.....with extremely unfortunate results.

More evidence of sabotaging any chance for a reasonable discussion. Thanks.

There is no reasonable discussion to be had on hair brained theories.
Holocaust deniers have many intriguing theories. I have a theory of my own: I believe that the mothers of Holocaust deniers were all abducted by aliens and used in diabolical breeding experiments.....with extremely unfortunate results.

More evidence of sabotaging any chance for a reasonable discussion. Thanks.

There is no reasonable discussion to be had on hair brained theories.

It wasn't a theory. It was a simple question.
Two thirds of the entire Jewish population of Europe were exterminated. That's huge ratio.

How does that compare with other groups?

Think about it----what other group was there in such large numbers and living in the middle of the conflict ? In Poland alone and Poland was doomed with Russia AND Germany wanting it.

Polish historians say nearly 6 million Poles - mostly civilians and half of whom were Polish Jews - lost their lives. That was virtually the entire Jewish population of Poland ... EXTERMINATED. That should bring a smile to some here.
World War II casualties of Poland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Two thirds of the entire Jewish population of Europe were exterminated. That's huge ratio.

How does that compare with other groups?

Think about it----what other group was there in such large numbers and living in the middle of the conflict ? In Poland alone and Poland was doomed with Russia AND Germany wanting it.

Polish historians say nearly 6 million Poles - mostly civilians and half of whom were Polish Jews - lost their lives. That was virtually the entire Jewish population of Poland ... EXTERMINATED. That should bring a smile to some here.
World War II casualties of Poland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How many others ?

Approximately six million Polish citizens perished during World War II: about one fifth of the pre-war population.[1] Most were civilian victims of the war crimes and crimes against humanity during the occupation by Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. Statistics for Polish World War II casualties are divergent and contradictory

from your article
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This is the program- Human Lampshade: A Holocaust Mystery (TV Movie 2012) - IMDb

Watch it yourself and see this journalist's sad reaction to hearing the news that his find of "Nazi atrocity" is nothing more than a rancher's cheap decoration.

Heard that one years ago....funny, the same stories reappear. Also, the thousands of TONS of evidence introduced in the Nuremburg trials took more than 1 "forgery". And the old photgraphs my father saw in the 50s, the stench my law professor, who was in Germany throughout the 20's-40s, smelled, my uncle's memories of being five miles from one of the camps, seeing what looked like human bones, in a field; the German woman I met on a train (it derailed, I was "in charge" of her for a day and half until we got on another train) who swore the Polish killed the Jews and "Germany loved our Jews, the Polish took them away", and the room full of evidence at Harvard.......the Holocaust deniers grasp at straws, find a tiny piece and conclude since this is bit is false...it must be a lie.

Try anti-psychotics deniers, strong ones.
"Look at their pics and use your brain. "

There are no facts presented in this "argument". It cannot be considered a contribution to anything but ill-will.

Pictures.....there are still living witnesses. No doubt the deniers believe the witnesses are part of a massive conspiracy to cover up the truth.

Which includes six people I knew, only two of which ever met each other.................
Begs the questions: Exactly how purposefully ignorant are holocaust deniers? Are they completely disingenuous all the time or just plain stupid?

Personally I think anyone who believe the Jewish holocaust story is ignorant, or just disingenuous or just plain stupid.

But you absolutely nothing on which to base your half witted opinions.

Half witted is too much, .00000001% witted.
Prove to me you exist. I dare you, we can question anything brought up here, which begs the point. This isn't purely an intellectual exercise. The internet isn't reality, you guys know that, right? Life transcends this ugly digital cesspit. The Holocaust happened in real time. It's been branded and made into a cause now, let alone been trivialized and questioned. But, excuse me, Nazis did mechanize a huge death machine to slaughter Jews. I know this because it happened. That's HOW. Any more questions?

Just one----Why do you only mention the Jews ? Millions of others were slaughtered

Poles, Jehovah's Witnesses, those born with severe disabilities, some gay humans, priests and other clergy, the list is long.
Prove to me you exist. I dare you, we can question anything brought up here, which begs the point. This isn't purely an intellectual exercise. The internet isn't reality, you guys know that, right? Life transcends this ugly digital cesspit. The Holocaust happened in real time. It's been branded and made into a cause now, let alone been trivialized and questioned. But, excuse me, Nazis did mechanize a huge death machine to slaughter Jews. I know this because it happened. That's HOW. Any more questions?

Just one----Why do you only mention the Jews ? Millions of others were slaughtered

Poles, Jehovah's Witnesses, those born with severe disabilities, some gay humans, priests and other clergy, the list is long.

I'm aware of that---I'd be surprised if there was anyone left alive in Poland after the Nazi's and Russians leveled it. Killing fields for ANYONE there.
I know history. I pay attention to current events. It is almost as if Germans have a hate and bloodlust gene that they can't shut off. We need to pay attention to Germany or there will be another holocaust type event. You can see the mood brewing in Germany, you should pay attention.

Yes I do as well, every day, and no I know people stationed in Germany from the states and they love it there. Germany has been a good country. If there is a problem with it its probably due to Zionist infestation.

LOL...you make my point.

But the German woman on the train that derailed outside of DC told me the POLISH PEOPLE killed the Jews! Then she sang DUA, and I wanted to retch, could not slap an 70+ year old woman.... "the children were so beautiful, we sang together, all the children were nice, not like America, those Poles destroyed Germany.............". First denier I ever met, but not the last............................only two more I knew personally, thank God.
Think about it----what other group was there in such large numbers and living in the middle of the conflict ? In Poland alone and Poland was doomed with Russia AND Germany wanting it.

Polish historians say nearly 6 million Poles - mostly civilians and half of whom were Polish Jews - lost their lives. That was virtually the entire Jewish population of Poland ... EXTERMINATED. That should bring a smile to some here.
World War II casualties of Poland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How many others ?

Approximately six million Polish citizens perished during World War II: about one fifth of the pre-war population.[1] Most were civilian victims of the war crimes and crimes against humanity during the occupation by Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. Statistics for Polish World War II casualties are divergent and contradictory

from your article

Yeah ... some say 5.47 million and some say 5.67 million, half of whom were Jews. You have other numbers?
The Polish Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) estimates total deaths under the German occupation at 5,470,000 to 5.670,000 Jews and Poles, 2,770,000 Poles, 2.7 to 2.9 million Jews According to IPN research there were also 150,000 victims of Soviet repression.
World War II casualties of Poland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Polish historians say nearly 6 million Poles - mostly civilians and half of whom were Polish Jews - lost their lives. That was virtually the entire Jewish population of Poland ... EXTERMINATED. That should bring a smile to some here.
World War II casualties of Poland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How many others ?

Approximately six million Polish citizens perished during World War II: about one fifth of the pre-war population.[1] Most were civilian victims of the war crimes and crimes against humanity during the occupation by Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. Statistics for Polish World War II casualties are divergent and contradictory

from your article

Yeah ... some say 5.47 million and some say 5.67 million, half of whom were Jews. You have other numbers?
The Polish Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) estimates total deaths under the German occupation at 5,470,000 to 5.670,000 Jews and Poles, 2,770,000 Poles, 2.7 to 2.9 million Jews According to IPN research there were also 150,000 victims of Soviet repression.
World War II casualties of Poland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No---do you ?
Polish historians say nearly 6 million Poles - mostly civilians and half of whom were Polish Jews - lost their lives. That was virtually the entire Jewish population of Poland ... EXTERMINATED. That should bring a smile to some here.
World War II casualties of Poland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How many others ?

Approximately six million Polish citizens perished during World War II: about one fifth of the pre-war population.[1] Most were civilian victims of the war crimes and crimes against humanity during the occupation by Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. Statistics for Polish World War II casualties are divergent and contradictory

from your article

Yeah ... some say 5.47 million and some say 5.67 million, half of whom were Jews. You have other numbers?
The Polish Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) estimates total deaths under the German occupation at 5,470,000 to 5.670,000 Jews and Poles, 2,770,000 Poles, 2.7 to 2.9 million Jews According to IPN research there were also 150,000 victims of Soviet repression.
World War II casualties of Poland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Statistics diverge because near the end, many Germans tried to destroy records.....I just remembered. When I was 6 and my father brought home a GERMAN from a ship that came to Norfolk, I questioned him, harshly............................none of "his family" had been Nazis of couse, HIS family were scared, the Nazis would kill anyone, he SAID....then my father explaining to me "you'll never meet a German that admits they were Nazis honey".......
Two thirds of the entire Jewish population of Europe were exterminated. That's huge ratio.

How does that compare with other groups?

I'm not sure that no. is correct but lets say it is, they were not all killed by the Germans, many many were killed by Russian and by Jews themselves . Many fought in wars and died as well.

I bet more died at the hands of Russians than by Germans.

Again, there is nothing to really discuss in the post above since it contains not a single documented fact.

The percentage overall was about 2/3: Jewish populations in different nations sustained very different losses. In Poland, the largest Jewish population (about 3.3 million) was about 90% wiped out. In Denmark, virtually all the 5,000 Jews survived (because the Danes collected them and shipped them to safety away from the Nazis). In Italy, which was an ally for half the war and not 'occupied', there weren't any organized round-ups of Jews until the Germans came into Italy.... In some areas - Croatia, Romania - the local 'auxiliaries' of the Nazi party joined in the mass murders of Jews and Roma.

As far as the 'many many' Jews being alleged as killed by Russians during WW2 : where is the documentation for that? Which historians are claiming the Russians carried out wholesale shootings, etc of Jews?

"Many were killed by Jews themselves" - Exactly how did that supposedly happen?

"Many fought in wars and died as well" - exactly how many of any European nation's military were actually Jews who hadn't been raised as Christians? Of course such numbers would never be included in the casualty figures for CIVILIANS - which is to what the '6 million' number refers.

And incidentally, the estimate is that one-quarter of those were children under 16.

"I bet......."

One more time: history is not about 'feelings' and 'beliefs'. Or "bets".

The Russians were not the ones setting up camps all over Poland and shipping Jews, Roma, Sinta, everyone else there by the millions: it was ONLY the Nazis.
Two thirds of the entire Jewish population of Europe were exterminated. That's huge ratio.

How does that compare with other groups?

Begs the questions: Exactly how purposefully ignorant are holocaust deniers? Are they completely disingenuous all the time or just plain stupid?

Personally I think anyone who believe the Jewish holocaust story is ignorant, or just disingenuous or just plain stupid, and you know what, after what I just had to watch on
Tv the last few weeks, I frankly couldn't care less.

Evidently you don't realize, Penelope, that people will only be impressed by what a poster purportedly 'thinks' in direct proportion to that poster's credibility.

And, as 'Discombobulated' has accurately observed, you've got a complete void in that suit....but debate or discussion is not a bridge game.
How many others ?
from your article

Yeah ... some say 5.47 million and some say 5.67 million, half of whom were Jews. You have other numbers?
The Polish Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) estimates total deaths under the German occupation at 5,470,000 to 5.670,000 Jews and Poles, 2,770,000 Poles, 2.7 to 2.9 million Jews According to IPN research there were also 150,000 victims of Soviet repression.
World War II casualties of Poland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No---do you ?

I gather that's your white flag. :cool:

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