Holocaust deniers

It's no elephant in the room-----this entire " Germans are meticulous record keepers " is a joke in itself. How do we know they were even truthful when they wrote things down ?

Another vote for just plain fucking stupid. I'll tally them up later.

I didn't hear an answer there. This is evidence of the defense breaking down and resorting to name calling.

How do you presume to know the Germans - especially the military! - were NOT 'meticulous record-keepers'? There are entire warehouses full of filing cabinets with records of Nazi military activity during the war.

Where is your support for the premise that those writing the records were not seeking to be accurate?
Some people are just a little bit too stupid to realize that the Nazis kept extensive detailed records of all their activities. The Holocaust is no mystery, we know who was killed, where, when, and by whom.

...and there stands the elephant in the room that they keep tiptoeing around :lol:
And yet there is not even 1 single entry in any of those hundreds of thousands of pages of records that says there were gas chambers or that anyone was ever gassed.

If there was such a record. It would be the smoking gun evidence to prove the holocaust gas chamber story and shut the deniers up for good.

But there isn't......and the whole gas chamber story is just farce cooked up by the victorious allies to further demonize the defeated germans. ... :cool:
Begs the questions: Exactly how purposefully ignorant are holocaust deniers? Are they completely disingenuous all the time or just plain stupid?

Personally I think anyone who believe the Jewish holocaust story is ignorant, or just disingenuous or just plain stupid, and you know what, after what I just had to watch on
Tv the last few weeks, I frankly couldn't care less.

Evidently you don't realize, Penelope, that people will only be impressed by what a poster purportedly 'thinks' in direct proportion to that poster's credibility.

And, as 'Discombobulated' has accurately observed, you've got a complete void in that suit....but debate or discussion is not a bridge game.

Same as you Think
Same as the poster before me did think

Read some history. Start with the 1880's or there about , Russia. I left enough links for you to learn something. I think based on what I have read, you know "think" comprehend, grasp the meaning of, from what I know I "think". Just like based on what you know you "think".
Obviously you don't realize Mary, people think when they read. Is automatic for some people, and if they read with an OPEN mind, they can actually realize some things are not what they had thought.
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Some people are just a little bit too stupid to realize that the Nazis kept extensive detailed records of all their activities. The Holocaust is no mystery, we know who was killed, where, when, and by whom.

...and there stands the elephant in the room that they keep tiptoeing around :lol:
And yet there is not even 1 single entry in any of those hundreds of thousands of pages of records that says there were gas chambers or that anyone was ever gassed.

If there was such a record. It would be the smoking gun evidence to prove the holocaust gas chamber story and shut the deniers up for good.

But there isn't......and the whole gas chamber story is just farce cooked up by the victorious allies to further demonize the defeated germans. ... :cool:

They would not of had to had a court case about it years later. If only there were proof besides pictures and some far fetch stories. We know how gossip and stories travel. The fish story grows, and grows till its made the news, the bigger the fish the better.
So once again we are left with "Jews are discriminated against, because people hate Jews".

That makes so much more sense, than the possibility that Jews have been uniquely tribal throughout their history, thereby alienating other groups and feeding into hostility toward them. Which is not even claiming that this is some cabal of exclusion toward goyim, but simply an effort to remain a tight knit group which favors others of the same group. Anyone who ever worked in certain industries will tell you it's true and impossible to not see unless one is willfully ignorant.

It's just like race baiters who will never ask minorities to take a long hard look at their own communities before pointing the finger toward the White Devil.
Yeah ... some say 5.47 million and some say 5.67 million, half of whom were Jews. You have other numbers?
The Polish Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) estimates total deaths under the German occupation at 5,470,000 to 5.670,000 Jews and Poles, 2,770,000 Poles, 2.7 to 2.9 million Jews According to IPN research there were also 150,000 victims of Soviet repression.
World War II casualties of Poland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No---do you ?

I gather that's your white flag. :cool:

In your dreams---didn't these obsessive record keepers have the numbers for people other than Jews ?
No---do you ?

I gather that's your white flag. :cool:

In your dreams---didn't these obsessive record keepers have the numbers for people other than Jews ?

You can't possibly be so dim. Once more for the terminally stupid:
The Polish Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) estimates total deaths under the German occupation at 5,470,000 to 5,670,000, half of whom were Jewish.
I gather that's your white flag. :cool:

In your dreams---didn't these obsessive record keepers have the numbers for people other than Jews ?

You can't possibly be so dim. Once more for the terminally stupid:
The Polish Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) estimates total deaths under the German occupation at 5,470,000 to 5,670,000, half of whom were Jewish.

and what is the breakdown of the other half ?
90% of the Jews in Poland were exterminated, and Poland was a country with a pretty significant Jewish minority.
90% of the Jews in Poland were exterminated, and Poland was a country with a pretty significant Jewish minority.

deaths under the German occupation at 5,470,000 to 5,670,000, half of whom were Jewish.

what is the racial, religious, ethnic, etc breakdown of the OTHER half who died ?
"Look at their pics and use your brain. "

There are no facts presented in this "argument". It cannot be considered a contribution to anything but ill-will.

Pictures.....there are still living witnesses. No doubt the deniers believe the witnesses are part of a massive conspiracy to cover up the truth.

Which includes six people I knew, only two of which ever met each other.................

I knew a man who was among the first US soldiers to liberate a concentration camp. The Holocaust is no great mystery, no secret hidden history, no conspiracy to cover up the truth, everyone knows all about it in graphic detail. The only people who say they have doubts about the historical record are either completely ignorant or absolutely dishonest. There's no need to argue with Holocaust deniers as if they argued from an equal position.
Some people are just a little bit too stupid to realize that the Nazis kept extensive detailed records of all their activities. The Holocaust is no mystery, we know who was killed, where, when, and by whom.

...and there stands the elephant in the room that they keep tiptoeing around :lol:
And yet there is not even 1 single entry in any of those hundreds of thousands of pages of records that says there were gas chambers or that anyone was ever gassed.

If there was such a record. It would be the smoking gun evidence to prove the holocaust gas chamber story and shut the deniers up for good.

But there isn't......and the whole gas chamber story is just farce cooked up by the victorious allies to further demonize the defeated germans. ... :cool:

Here's a good example of purposeful ignorance.
Pictures.....there are still living witnesses. No doubt the deniers believe the witnesses are part of a massive conspiracy to cover up the truth.

Which includes six people I knew, only two of which ever met each other.................

I knew a man who was among the first US soldiers to liberate a concentration camp. The Holocaust is no great mystery, no secret hidden history, no conspiracy to cover up the truth, everyone knows all about it in graphic detail. The only people who say they have doubts about the historical record are either completely ignorant or absolutely dishonest. There's no need to argue with Holocaust deniers as if they argued from an equal position.

There's no doubt that when the allies liberated a camp they were horrified at the number of dead and dying that they came across. Seeing thousands of emaciated and dead bodies and smelling the stench had to be traumatizing. I haven't heard anyone denying that.
Some people are just a little bit too stupid to realize that the Nazis kept extensive detailed records of all their activities. The Holocaust is no mystery, we know who was killed, where, when, and by whom.

...and there stands the elephant in the room that they keep tiptoeing around :lol:
And yet there is not even 1 single entry in any of those hundreds of thousands of pages of records that says there were gas chambers or that anyone was ever gassed.

If there was such a record. It would be the smoking gun evidence to prove the holocaust gas chamber story and shut the deniers up for good.

But there isn't......and the whole gas chamber story is just farce cooked up by the victorious allies to further demonize the defeated germans. ... :cool:

You have first-hand accounts from Nazi's who actually participated in gassings - hundreds of accounts. Not one has come forth and said he was coerced and not one has altered his testimony.

You have entries in Goebbels diaries:

Beginning with Lublin, the Jews in the General Government are now being evacuated eastward. The procedure is a pretty barbaric one and not to be described here more definitely. Not much will remain of the Jews. On the whole it can be said that about 60 per cent of them will have to be liquidated whereas only about 40 per cent can be used for forced labor.

[By General Government is meant German-occupied Poland. It is obvious from this entry that Goebbels knew of the gas-chamber atrocities, but it is significant that there was any form of human depravity which he would recognize as barbaric when resorted to by Nazis.]

The former Gauleiter of Vienna, who is to carry this measure through, is doing it with considerable circumspection and according to a method that does not attract too much attention. A judgment is being visited upon the Jews that, while barbaric, is fully deserved by them. The prophesy which the Fuehrer made about them for having brought on a new world war is beginning to come true in a most terrible manner. One must not be sentimental in these matters. If we did not fight the Jews, they would destroy us. It's a life-and-death struggle between the Aryan race and the Jewish bacillus. No other government and no other regime would have the strength for such a global solution of this question. Here, too, the Fuehrer is the undismayed champion of a radical solution necessitated by conditions and therefore inexorable. Fortunately a whole series of possibilities presents itself for us in wartime that would be denied us in peacetime. We shall have to profit by this.

[Hitler in a Reichstag speech on January 30, 1939, prophesied that the outbreak of another world war would mean the end of the Jews in Europe. He then said: "I want today once again to make a prophecy: In case the international Jewish financiers within and outside Europe succeed once more in hurling the peoples into a world war, the result will be, not the Bolshevization of the world and with it a victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe."]

The ghettoes that will be emptied in the cities of the General Government now will be refilled with Jews thrown out of the Reich. This process is to be repeated from time to time. There is nothing funny in it for the Jews, and the fact that Jewry's representatives in England and America are today organizing and sponsoring the war against Germany must be paid for dearly by its representatives in Europe - and that's only right.

April 29, 1942 (p. 195)

The SD gave me a police report on conditions in the East. The danger of the Partisans continues to exist in unmitigated intensity in the occupied areas. The Partisans have, after all, caused us very great difficulties during the winter, and these difficulties have by no means ceased with the beginning of spring. Short shrift is made of the Jews in all eastern occupied areas. Tens of thousands of them are liquidated.

Repeatedly, throughout the diaries, are references to "liquidated". Liquidated means killed - not stashed in camps. Not exported to other countries.

There also top secret letters found (from multiple people) talking about the pre-cursor to the gas chambers: gassing vans, where people were packed in to be killed and slips which occured, ways to improve them, etc.

That's just a beginning.

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