Hologram Hunters: American Diseases(?)


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Sep 22, 2013
Does capitalism remind you of doctors?


"Ajay Satan was a self-proclaimed Internet-blogging democracy-defending 'neo-vigilante' who dressed up in unusual costumes/masks and made posts about pornography/censorship in the modern age of media/consumerism. He met a beautiful actress named Isabel who was equally interested in censorship-oriented issues in modern society. The two struck up an unlikely relationship and began sharing with each other their comparable admiration of radical political philosophers, including Frantz Fanon and Che Guevara."


"Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise were two super-celebrities of America/Hollywood who had made box-office blockbuster films which came to be sociocultural trophies/symbols of civilization ethos, including Dragnet, Minority Report, The Ladykillers, Rain Man, You Are My Friend, and American Made. Hanks and Cruise were comparable peers and towers of American cinema/media and had therefore become associates/friends. They were perusing Internet message boards together one day and came across a blog co-written by Ajay and Isabel about the esoteric appeal of Playboy magazine among Americans afflicted with AIDS and how such a 'clinical subculture' created idealism 'holograms' in American dialogue. Hanks/Cruise wanted to meet Ajay/Isabel and discuss more about this metaphysical intrigue surrounding 'symbolic holograms' in America/civilization."


"Hanks/Cruise met with Ajay/Isabel at a southern California beach in the summer of 2019. Ajay shared his computer-image notes about Ebola virus molecule graphics and Star Wars hologram figurines depicting galactic warriors in great distress. Ajay suggested that these virus computer renderings of devastating organic substances and Star Wars images of warrior-holograms revealed an American 'fascination' with mortality and traffic idolization. Hanks/Cruise suggested to Ajay/Isabel that they travel to Europe and study with old-world magicians to learn about the deep metaphysical intrigue surrounding holograms, computer graphics, and social dynamics."


"Hanks/Cruise and Ajay/Isabel traveled to Amsterdam (Netherlands) and then to Transylvania (Romania) and then to Budapest (Hungary) where they engaged with bohemians, gypsies, mystics, shamans, fortune-tellers, amateur witches, and of course magicians. They saw stage-magic shows involving magicians hypnotizing and suspending beautiful maidens in trance-like states inducing levitation-like consciousness. Hanks/Cruise and Ajay/Isabel called themselves the 'Fantastic Four' and wanted to understand/appreciate how superstitions, mysticism, and holographic imagination yielded insights into the nature of human curiosity towards immortality, transcendence, and of course, illusions."


"The 'Fantastic Four' encountered a science-fiction mystic in Hungary named Dr. Rolfe who wanted to show the curious quartet his personal modern paintings of incredible futuristic 'holographic-imagination friendly' super-cities perhaps someday to be constructed on the moon as escape-havens (in the event that humans destroyed Earth's natural ecosystems!). Dr. Rolfe believed his futurama-city paintings represented a human fascination with reinventing habitation and consciousness itself. He also showed the Fantastic Four his collection of incredible holograms (of dinosaurs, octopus, Nazi soldiers, artists, and even robots). The Fantastic Four began wondering if holograms primed the human mind towards a greater appreciation of Utopia."


"When the Fantastic Four returned to the USA, they began working together on various media platforms to hype the sociological value of civilization-symbolic holograms of items/relics such as alien-invasion shuttles, fairies/ghosts, biological virus molecules, advanced/futuristic weapons, and cryptic creatures/dragons. The Fantastic Four were claiming that hologram-advertising should 'complement' our modern age traffic/consumerism related mass obsession with Facebook, Wall Street, and Apple iPhones. Without proper reflection, human civilization was in danger of becoming spiritually vain."


"A comic book writer/artist named William Gibson came across the hologram-presentations/rhetoric of the 'Fantastic Four' and decided to feature their work in a new issue for his comic company (Archangel Comics) titled The Imaginarium Four: New Age Patriotism. In the issue, Gibson described the work of the ambitious Fantastic Four as representative of a modern era human fascination with constructing Golems and totems of traffic mastery (e.g., The Wolf of Wall Street). Suddenly, the Fantastic Four were pseudo-political 'celebrities' being offered strange advertisement-friendly toys such as experimental Salk Institute (California) home-entertainment/educational hologram-toys with interactive features. The Fantastic Four had become 'toy-testers' for American consumers(!)."


"One weekend, the Fantastic Four decided to travel together to the Grand Canyon in Arizona where they began making humanoid hologram projections in the cavern walls to celebrate their newfound investment/appreciation of consumerism/bazaar imagination. Hanks wondered if the Fantastic Four had simply become another 'pawn-group' in the modern 'matrix' of capitalism flowery (e.g., 'TrumpUSA'), but Cruise believed the quartet had stumbled upon something truly special --- an intellectual fascination with cognition. Could capitalism be a function of vitality cognition?"


"Apple Computers presented the Fantastic Four with a splendid diamond-prism which was fitted onto a custom-made Internet-connected iPhone which would continuously flash Internet-trolled images of holograms from around the world and then shine them through the diamond-prism, rendering 3D images of glowing phenomena(!). Ajay told a CNN journalist that the 'Diamond Hologram iPhone' was a symbol of capitalism achievement and would be cherished by the Fantastic Four. President Trump tweeted, 'The Fantastic Four are like the Know-Nothings of the 21st Century --- we love them, but their role is beneficially ambiguous!'."


HANKS: Did we learn anything special about holograms?
CRUISE: We know the dollar-sign is the ultimate hologram!
AJAY: Maybe American bazaars are like comic book adventures.
ISABEL: Where's the real treasure hunt?

HANKS: When I see a hologram, I think of immortality.
CRUISE: I think of illusions!
AJAY: I'm reminded of superstitions of time (and space).
ISABEL: I think of Isaac Asimov and Dr. Who...

HANKS: Maybe holograms are to capitalism what Morse was to WWII.
CRUISE: Yes, an 'imaginarium blessing.'
AJAY: Maybe holograms will lead us to intimations of abnormal psychology!
ISABEL: I'd like to see Valentine's Day holograms promoting dinner-dates.

HANKS: An Olive Garden hologram about pasta reminds us of optimism.
CRUISE: Americans have to coordinate imagination with research.
AJAY: How did John Nash (Princeton University) revolutionize economics?
ISABEL: I want to see a Cupid hologram of 'love-cures.'



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