Home schooling is booming!

Randi Weingarten, the head of the American Federation of Teachers, took a break Sunday from championing radical causes to share an article to X detailing how the spike in home schooling that occurred during the pandemic wasn't a flash in the pan.

Weingarten made the mistake of captioning the post, "What's behind the increase in homeschooling," prompting concerned parents, conservatives, and other critics of her union's ruinous initiatives to read it as a question and provide their own answers, which the ATF boss later characterized as attacks.

While various commenters indicated leftist indoctrination efforts in the classroom helped drive the home schooling boom, the most common answer to Weingarten's unintended question appears to have been "you."

Whether it be parents concerned over never ending school violence, every day we see a story of children molested, every day we see stories of children transitioning into another sex or having an abortion without their parents knowing, every day we see children protesting guns, climate change, Israel, or any number of Left wing agendas instead of being in class, parents have had it.

It is time for a divorce. The government no longer represents the people, just radical Left-wing loons.

Don't look for government to save you, that is not why they are there.
Has CRT impacted this?
A lot. There’s plenty of parents out there that are not capable of homeschooling their kids and there’s basically zero accountability.
So what? We have kids graduating that cannot read, but they know being gay is okay. Time to do away with the federal education system.
Great, half a generation raised to be morons by people who think science is a conspiracy to lie to people.
You should be more concerned that US schools are getting the shit kicked out of it by other countries when it comes to science and math performance. Why is that?

My children went through one of the most liberal, wealthy school systems in the US (Montgomery County, MD) from 2006-2021. It’s been sad and concerning to see the school system incorporate social engineering and wokism into the science and math curriculums.
None which is why I am an unbiased observer.

Who has zero personal experience and is just going by hearsay.

You will forgive me for trusting my own experiences as well as those of my sister a retired teacher after more than 35 years of teaching, and my mother, a retired teacher after 20 years of teaching and my SIL currently a teacher.
Who has zero personal experience and is just going by hearsay.

You will forgive me for trusting my own experiences as well as those of my sister a retired teacher after more than 35 years of teaching, and my mother, a retired teacher after 20 years of teaching and my SIL currently a teacher.

How long ago did you go to public school and I'm sure nothing has changed since then right?

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