Home schooling is booming!

Randi Weingarten, the head of the American Federation of Teachers, took a break Sunday from championing radical causes to share an article to X detailing how the spike in home schooling that occurred during the pandemic wasn't a flash in the pan.

Weingarten made the mistake of captioning the post, "What's behind the increase in homeschooling," prompting concerned parents, conservatives, and other critics of her union's ruinous initiatives to read it as a question and provide their own answers, which the ATF boss later characterized as attacks.

While various commenters indicated leftist indoctrination efforts in the classroom helped drive the home schooling boom, the most common answer to Weingarten's unintended question appears to have been "you."

Whether it be parents concerned over never ending school violence, every day we see a story of children molested, every day we see stories of children transitioning into another sex or having an abortion without their parents knowing, every day we see children protesting guns, climate change, Israel, or any number of Left wing agendas instead of being in class, parents have had it.

It is time for a divorce. The government no longer represents the people, just radical Left-wing loons.

Don't look for government to save you, that is not why they are there.
Home schooling is a groomers paradise.
Who can't read or write because the teachers are more worried about personal pronouns
Imagine sending your kids to a school where they are not allowed to beat up gay and transgendered students
Those kids have no hope anyway.

They will be useless lemmings for the Left either way.
And stay inside your fortified compound.

Can you imagine sending your child to a school where they might make friends with someone who is gay, black, Mexican and has not accepted Jesus Christ as their savior?

Imagine if your child actually DATED someone like that?

Thank God for Homeschool
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Did I mention US schools rank around 40th in the world in math and science, two fields that propel the economy of a country?

Knowing this, what the hell do we have to lose? Home school your kids.

How many parents out there are capable of teaching their kids Calculus or Chemistry or Physics?
how does that help when the kid is confused and needs someone to explain things to them?

so you think all home school parents are just little islands unto themselves?

I know people who have home schooled and they had a network of people to reach out to and at times several families would pitch in to hire a grad student from the local college to teach a small group of kids chemistry and physics

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