Home schooling: the best and worst examples I've seen personally.

Thank Goodness we spend on Education.
You believe it ( the spending $$$$ ) is bad? or NOT?

Does China and India Educate and Measure ALL of their citizens, like the US does?

This is important^^^^^^^.

Care to discuss?
Almost all countries we are compared with use tracking and ONLY test out their college bound track. The US tests everyone the same including special ed.
The same with many government school districts. You're actually making the case for homeschooling, because the parents would not be under the same meat grinder type of pressure government schools are under to push the child through the system, no matter how much he/she learns or doesn't learn. At any rate, you're presenting an extreme case as if it informs on the mainstream. Should we shut down homeschooling because a miniscule percentage of students need more than their parents alone can give them, or should we shut down government schools because some districts can't provide for the needs of those with learning disabilities? Heck, we took our son OUT of government school when they wanted to short bus him because his anxiety and Assbergers got too intense for him to focus in the classroom. We put him on an online curriculum at home and he thrived. Today, they can handle Assbergers better in class, but there are many issues kids have that they can't.

Nonsense, I've already mentioned online curricula that can teach courses at whatever advanced levels they need to (you have heard of online college courses, haven't you?), and how many government school districts have access to highly advanced computer labs? Not that many. Again, our son learned Spanish by online interaction with teachers that could hear his pronunciations of words and who could help him say them right, so foreign languages are not a problem.

Again, you're presenting things you think are weaknesses of homeschooling without realizing that many apply to government schools as well. Do I take them as evidence that government schools need to be shut down or opposed at every turn?

I'll say it again, homeschooling is an excellent option for parents who want their kids to have the best educational opportunities.
Nothing wrong when parents want to homeschool Let them. Let's hope it's not to cover up abuse tho.
I am VERY glad my daughter is, at least for now, home schooling her daughter.
She is only 3, knows her ABCs and can recognize numbers up to 10.
There is a great number teaching "toy" out there that is 10 plastic locks with 10 different keys.
On the locks is dots. On the keys is the numbers 1-10. In order to open the lock, you have to be able to count the dots and use the right key.
That is incorrect. Check out Khan Academy for an example. I have a degree in Electrical Engineering and I am totally impressed with the content and presentation of advanced math and science topics.
I used Khan Academy to supplement my class instruction when I was not there and had a substitute in my advanced math classes. I do not like on-line instruction in other areas as I proved that was ineffective when my school district had a team of teachers evaluate its efficacy. Khan Academy was outstanding, but other areas of instruction, such as history for example, were a mile wide and one inch deep.
That was the minimum requirement to teach. Do you think all those conspiracy theory nuts claiming to home school their kids have those qualifications?
No, they all do not, but many do. For example, my granddaughter could easily be homeschooled if we chose to do it because I have teaching certifications in math and social studies and could easily teach many areas in science, My daughter (her aunt) has a degree in biology and the chemistry associated with it, while my wife has a degree in sociology, but has a double minor in Spanish. The parents are both capable of teaching language arts and literature as they are both outstanding writers. I would be hard pressed to find that situation with most homeschooled kids.
How many public school teachers are worthless trope teaching morons waiting for their pension?
I wish people really knew how ridiculously low teacher retirements are for most of the teachers. For me, I could retire with 30 years' service and received 48% of my highest 3 years' salary that was one of the lowest in the nation. My medical insurance premium would come out of that payment. People who retired in Florida had to immediately go back to work until they could draw social security.

I left Florida after 10 years. My retirement comes to less than $450 a month. I worked another 11 years in Kentucky. I had to take my retirement out as a lump sum because the state was screwing the system and trying to make teacher's pay more for their own retirement. The money I received came out of my paychecks over those 11 years, so I do not draw a dime from my second retirement.

This is par for the course in every big blue shithole city:

At 13 Baltimore City high schools, zero students tested proficient on 2023 state math exam
It's not a teacher problem. because it is a student problem. What could be done to change that big blue shithole city? You ever hear the expression that you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink?

Teachers don't control whether their students stayed up all night playing XBOX and falling asleep in class. Teachers don't control that the last time the kid ate anything was yesterday's school lunch provided by the government. That is even if they ever show up for instruction. Truancy is running rampant in most public schools. Parents cannot manage the outside distractions and lack of parenting.

Failure rates in my mostly white, suburban high school in Florida was about 25% and that was in the early 2000s. Kentucky was even worse! Yet people think it is a teacher problem.
Like other public sector unions they are nothing more than political pressure orgs that make city governments borrow now to pay now AND later through crazy contracts and retirement benefits that are left underfunded and terribly run.

You want to compare private non union schools on average in NYC vs. their unionized public schools with regards to performance?
Private non-union schools pay their teachers what they are worth, which is very little. Many public school teachers are former private school teachers who had their state certificate and would take the lousy public school pay as a mere improvement over the peanuts they were getting paid in private schools, which while I was teaching in Florida was barely above minimum wage.
NOPE, I've taught for 40 years.
I've seen HS re-enter the Public School.
I speak from Experience.

What experience do you have?

I don't MOCK Home Schoolers.
I just believe that Many that try to discuss Home Schoolers actually have ZERO experience with Home Schoolers. These people are basing their thoughts about Home Schooling on 'what they have read' or 'What they want to believe'

So, the question is.......Do you have any REAL experience with Home Schooled Students?
I can certainly say I do.
I will Certainly say that MOST experiences I have had are POSITIVE, the parents just ran out of resources, and sent them back to public school for Algebra and Higher.
I had the opposite experience. I had homeschooled students dropped into my algebra classes that did not know how to multiply. I also had parents take students out of my class to homeschool them when they were failing every subject in school just so they could dodge mandatory attendance laws. I had one girl that was a freshman on an IEP taken out to homeschool by parents who didn't graduate from high school themselves!

I do not recall a single student who was passing my class ever leave to homeschool in 21 years. If they refuse to learn in school, do you really think they will learn from an unqualified teacher at home.
The Illegals are flooding into Washington State and that is fucking up the schools big time.

Just like California had the best school system in the nation back when Conservatives were in charge but now they ranked at the bottom because of the Illegals electing Democrats that fuck everything up.

The same thing is happening to Washington State and many other states.

The US use to be Number One in education in the world but thanks to the Liberals and their obsession with desegregation and making sure all the Negroes graduate and the damn Illegals get in school we are far down the list.

Shitty and unsafe diversity public schools through out the nation are the reason that private schools are doing so well and parents are homeschooling their kids.

My wife is a retired school teacher. Taught for 30 years. She said there is no way she would teach in the public schools nowadays. Her retired teacher friends say the same thing.

The way to help this crisis in education is to have a voucher system so the parents can chose where to educate their childre and the free market would sort everything out. However, the despicable stupid Liberals hate the idea. They would rather kiss the ass of the filthy Teacher's Union than provide quality education.

School voucher programs have tried this for the past 3 decades and the results are mixed at best. The free market does not respond because it cannot. Private schools are already full, and you take years to build and operate a decent private high school. About 20 years ago in Jacksonville Florida, the Catholic Diocese decided to build a second Catholic high school on the west side of town. It took years to find suitable land and years to build. In fact, they only opened with 9th and 10th graders the first year. due to construction delays. The hilarious part is, the waiting list for the school was full before it ever opened!

In one of the Kentucky counties where I taught, there were two public high schools, one very large and the other very small. They were located at opposite ends of the county. The reason for the smaller school was the town had a medium sized population and was located 15 miles west at the end of the county on the river. There was ONE private school in the whole county, and it was a parochial school with only grades K-8. One a student went to 9th grade, he came to my school. Where would these kids go if they were given a voucher? The closest Catholic high school was 60 miles away. Even my town's Catholic kids went there and it was about 30 miles for them!

How do you propose vouchers for those students?
I had the opposite experience. I had homeschooled students dropped into my algebra classes that did not know how to multiply. I also had parents take students out of my class to homeschool them when they were failing every subject in school just so they could dodge mandatory attendance laws. I had one girl that was a freshman on an IEP taken out to homeschool by parents who didn't graduate from high school themselves!

I do not recall a single student who was passing my class ever leave to homeschool in 21 years. If they refuse to learn in school, do you really think they will learn from an unqualified teacher at home.
Not sure why you are attempting to attack me on some stance about home school.

I’ve mentioned before, I’ve never had a homeschool student enter my public school classroom and be the Top Student in the classroom.

Most do fine
2 years ago I had two from the same lesbian family. 7th graders, One did well, the other didn’t know multiplication tables.

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