Homophobes cheer their hideous hero

Philanderer? Adulterer? Communist? These were lies that Democrats sent out as propaganda to turn morality based voters against MLK. It's time we stop accepting it as settled truth.
These lies provided by none other than the Kennedy brothers. If anyone thinks democrats are incapable of pushing such an idea like this, let's remember that Hillary Clinton was behind the birther movement aimed at Obama.
Which means it's misused almost all the time. The pro-gay people are liars.
When conservatives demagogue about gay marriage destroying our society, they are playing to fear.

Since there is no rational basis for that fear, that fits the definition of homophobia.
Look, genius. The words fear and phobia have different meanings. Anyone using the terms interchangeably is either an idiot or a propagandizer. Or both. I don't see the right deliberately misusing language to demonize any opposition. There's nothing honest about your disagreement.

  1. an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.
    "he had a phobia about being under water"
    synonyms: fear, irrational fear, obsessive fear, dread, horror, terror, hatred, loathing,detestation, aversion, antipathy, revulsion; More
Exactly. Now prove your point that she has a phobia. Other than the fact that your lofty ass disagrees with her.

Her only known reason for refusing to issue the licenses is that she fears God will punish her. Like it or not that is irrational.
. To a fucking atheist like you.
Bodeca is okay. No need to insult her just because you hate her chosen lifestyle.[/QUOTE]

Bodey is a complete liar. I dont care about her lifestyle, she can munch rugs all day for all I care, I find her personally disgusting.
She's afraid of homosexual people?

Link it.
Is it not obvious?
No. Do you know what the word fear means? It's like the pro-gay crowd has their own dictionary.
"an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat."
Davis believes that by issuing the licenses she’ll be condemned to Hell. Of course her perceived biblical trespass is ridiculously cherrypicked, as it always is. Homophobes like Davis seem to only zero-in on Leviticus and a few letters written by the apostle Paul. (Regarding the latter, and briefly put, Paul was merely recruiting pagan gentiles to the ascetic Christian lifestyle. Paganism often included sex acts in temple rituals, so naturally converts would have to reject those old forms of worship. Paul, by the way, in Romans, also expressly forbid debating, boasting, deception, being unmerciful and wine-drinking. That’d be a quintuple Hell-worthy condemnation for John Boehner. It’s also worth noting that the terms “homosexuality” and “same-sex marriage” were anachronistic in the ancient world, making it impossible for the Bible to explicitly condemn either.)

Incidentally, it’s come to light that Davis has been divorced three times and married four. So much for the sanctity of marriage. And in the various video clips and photos of Davis, she’s clearly wearing two types of cloth at the same time, which is a direct violation of God’s decree in Leviticus 19:19.
The only pain is two queers fudge packing each other. That's between them, but they want me to know all about it. Sick
Poop noodles are disgusting.
That doesn't make her afraid of someone who is homosxual. How do you figure that?

She believes marriage is one man/one woman and to marry two same-sex people is a sin. She might fear going to hell but where's the proof that she hates homosexuals?
She wont step down even after gay marriage is legal in all 50 states? She purposefully denies licenses? She is planning to go back and do the same thing, according to her words.


Link to where she is afraid of homosexuals.
She's afraid of letting them marry and wants to keep her job to deny them licenses. She refuses to step down because she is "doing god's work".
""She loves God, she loves people, she loves her work, and she will not betray any of those three," Staver said. "She'll do her job good. She'll serve the people ... and she'll also be loyal to God, and she's not going to violate her conscience.""

She's not afraid of homosexuals and she's not afraid to marry them. She believes s/s marriage is a sin. She fears the repercussions of marrying them (burning in hell) but that does not mean she hates homosexuals, no matter how many times you state otherwise.

Homophobe is just another leftists tactic to bash someone whose pov differs. So much for diversity.

Her fear is irrational because it has no basis other than her superstitions. She is afraid to marry them because she fears punishment from the supernatural being she believes in.

She has no right to demand that gay people in her jurisdiction accept the dictates of her religion because her religion is not the legitimate governmental authority.

Oh, so because YOU claim her fear of burning in hell is irrational, that makes it so. Thanks for clearing that up for us, skippy.

<blink, blink>

Once again, liberals are anything but.

You guys call her a homophobe -- definition being that she is afraid of homosexuals. Please link to where this woman is afraid of homosexuals.
Actually a phobia is an "irrational" fear of something or someone. The inability to get into an airplane, even though it's the safest form of transportation or to be paralyzed with fear when encountering a spider or other insect. Those are examples of phobias. An more accurate observation of those who are against homosexuals/lesbians is probably best described as,
homo-repulsion, homo-disgust, or homo-hatred. But, homophobia is completely inaccurate. I don know that the homosexual community has totally ruined the word gay. It used to mean, happy. Now you can no longer use it to reference yourself as happy.
An more accurate observation of those who are against homosexuals/lesbians is probably best described as, homo-repulsion, homo-disgust, or homo-hatred.
That's the lie the left loves so much. The truth is most people don't give a fuck about their personal lives but don't want to be forced into accepting it as normal when they don't think it is. That isn't a phobia, hatred or even intolerance. It's the freedom and ability to say this is normal and this isn't normal. You go do your abnormal thing but leave us out of it.
Personally, I don't give a rats derriere about homosexuals or lesbians and whether they marry or not. If they get married, it isn't affecting me at all, I can still marry the woman I'm dating, if I choose to, so they aren't threatening marriage. Although, I have to admit, the flamers do give me the creeps. Even women aren't that feminine acting.
Lots of guys aren't as masculine as some of the butch lesbos around here. Angry, ugly, twisted hate etched deep in their faces. They look at you like they would love a fight.

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