Homosexual love

Yep, we're backward in some things.

Never could figure out why people think that not allowing homos to marry is somehow backwards?

Seems to me, that legalizing the homos animalistic behavior is going backwards.

I don't care if it's legal, if they can find a church to do it, or a state that will allow the civil ceremonies.

My only problem is the fact that the gay lobbyists want to FORCE churches to perform gay marriage ceremonies. And THAT is where separation of church and state needs to be enforced.

I thought lying was against the 10 Commandments....that is a lie.

Go ahead and legalize it, I don't care. But DON'T make it a case of "you're denying a couple's civil rights if your baptist minister refuses to marry a homosexual couple" or if you declare the recitation of biblical passages which condemn homosexual behavior and/or sermons which do the same as "hate speech".

That's the problem.
And these people are NOT muslims. Period.

Deny, deny, deny.

They are muslim.

Declaring oneself a Muslim while flagrantly and happily violating a tenet of Islam seems a bit ridiculous to me.

Will you come to men lustfully rather than women? Nay, you are a people who act ignorantly. - 27:55​

While there is no legal punishment for homosexuality in the Qur'an, it is clearly incompatible with Islam.
And these people are NOT muslims. Period.

Deny, deny, deny.

They are muslim.

Declaring oneself a Muslim while flagrantly and happily violating a tenet of Islam seems a bit ridiculous to me.

Will you come to men lustfully rather than women? Nay, you are a people who act ignorantly. - 27:55​

While there is no legal punishment for homosexuality in the Qur'an, it is clearly incompatible with Islam.

Its incompatible with Christianity too. But there are plenty of Christian homosexuals.

Its all in how you interpret it.
So show me a state in which giving legal, documentary PoA concerning someone who is medically incapacitated would not hold up in court.

Nope, the original assertion, unproven, belongs to MM. He needs to provide evidence that such a POA supposedly will hold up. Then I can go from there.

I don't think that he's going to post the language of his PoA on here. But he said that his lawyer knows it will hold up. And under the general description that has been provided it certainly seems that it would hold up.

So give us an example or a state in which the PoA, as described in the thread, would not hold up.

Nope, he gave an opinion of what his attorney said. rdean and I gave our opinions that he get another attorney. His turn? Whatta ya doin', rmatl: are you his attorney?:eusa_angel:
Does anyone have any credible evidence that gays and lesbians want to force churches to marry them, when the church and the clergy disagree?

I have seen this repeated many times but have never seen any evidence. Somebody post it, please, if it exists.
Deny, deny, deny.

They are muslim.

Declaring oneself a Muslim while flagrantly and happily violating a tenet of Islam seems a bit ridiculous to me.

Will you come to men lustfully rather than women? Nay, you are a people who act ignorantly. - 27:55​

While there is no legal punishment for homosexuality in the Qur'an, it is clearly incompatible with Islam.

Its incompatible with Christianity too. But there are plenty of Christian homosexuals.

Its all in how you interpret it.

There may be fags that proclaim themselves to be Christian, but there are no Christian faggots, period, the homosexual lifestyle is not compatible with bible teaching, therefore a homosexual cannot be Christian, their lifestyle has nil to do with the bible teaching.
Declaring oneself a Muslim while flagrantly and happily violating a tenet of Islam seems a bit ridiculous to me.

Will you come to men lustfully rather than women? Nay, you are a people who act ignorantly. - 27:55​

While there is no legal punishment for homosexuality in the Qur'an, it is clearly incompatible with Islam.

Its incompatible with Christianity too. But there are plenty of Christian homosexuals.

Its all in how you interpret it.

There may be fags that proclaim themselves to be Christian, but there are no Christian faggots, period, the homosexual lifestyle is not compatible with bible teaching, therefore a homosexual cannot be Christian, their lifestyle has nil to do with the bible teaching.

If it's incompatible, why do you consider yourself Christian then?
Seriously Luissa, I live in a nice family neighborhood where children can play outside in safety.

If a homo moved in next door the whole neighborhood would change.

Parents would be afraid to let their children play outside unsupervised.

Plus people couldn't sell their house because no new family would want to move to a neighborhood with homos.

Well this is interesting. The safety of the children is used to justify a homophobic position. Is it realized the majority of child molesters are heterosexuals or is this another situation where demonizing gays is more important than accurate information?

The really sick part is realizing these myths enable molesters and actually help put children in more danger. Why is it more important to demonize gays versus protecting kids? Why do you think molesters join the church groups and boy scouts, etc.?

The same reason pedophiles marry women with children so they can "get to the children". The truth is, girls as probably 10 times more likely to be molested than boys. A child molester likes children. If they can't get a girl child, they will settle for a boy. But it's the fact that it's a child that is their "fetish". For the most part, their orientation is straight, but their "fetish" is children.

This is why the religious are so dangerous. They want to spew bile and falsehoods. They are terrible people.

Most gays don't spend any time around children. The vast majority of child molesters are "married". Actually, read the FBI profile of a child molester.

I just get tired of ignorant lies from the religious. It's no surprise that many people are turning away from religion. It's because so many that "practice" it are dirty. And lie.

Pedophile and Child Molester Statistics - Yello Dyno

A pedophile who prefers boys will usually not molest girls, and vice versa. There is an 11:1 ratio of heterosexual pedophiles to homosexual ones.

Sex Crime Investigation

First of all, he's married, just like 77 percent of the more than 4000 child sexual abusers in the Child Molestation Prevention Study. George is religious, like 93 percent of the abusers. He's educated. More than 46 percent had some college education and another 30 percent were high school graduates. Like 65 percent of the admitted abusers, George was working. Numerous studies of adult victims have sought to link child molestation victims to lower social class and lower family income. All have failed. Child victims and their abusers exist equally in families of all income levels and classes. And, now from the study, we know that child molesters are as equally married, educated, employed, and religious as any other Americans.

Child Molestation Research & Prevention Institute
Declaring oneself a Muslim while flagrantly and happily violating a tenet of Islam seems a bit ridiculous to me.

Will you come to men lustfully rather than women? Nay, you are a people who act ignorantly. - 27:55​

While there is no legal punishment for homosexuality in the Qur'an, it is clearly incompatible with Islam.

Its incompatible with Christianity too. But there are plenty of Christian homosexuals.

Its all in how you interpret it.

There may be fags that proclaim themselves to be Christian, but there are no Christian faggots, period, the homosexual lifestyle is not compatible with bible teaching, therefore a homosexual cannot be Christian, their lifestyle has nil to do with the bible teaching.

Wow, you speak for God. You must be important.
First of all, he's married, just like 77 percent of the more than 4000 child sexual abusers in the Child Molestation Prevention Study. George is religious, like 93 percent of the abusers. He's educated. More than 46 percent had some college education and another 30 percent were high school graduates. Like 65 percent of the admitted abusers, George was working.
Child Molestation Research & Prevention Institute

You learn something new every day...
RadiomanATL, I think rdean has the right of it, and MM is simply being stubborn at being called on the issue. A POA cannot override the laws of the state where it is issued. rdean (and I agree with him) suggests that MM get a second opinion. That just makes sense.

My POA's were written abiding by the state laws where I live.
Try again dumbass.
Personally I think marriage derived more from Lucifer than Jehovah (the burned out bush fire).

Mind you that is not derogatory of marriage, Lucifer gets all the best lines in Milton, I would rather spend time in a marriage with him than Jehovah (the bad plumber who committed our first genocide).

But to do that it would have to be a homosexual marriage, and the religious can't have that now, can they?
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RadiomanATL, I think rdean has the right of it, and MM is simply being stubborn at being called on the issue. A POA cannot override the laws of the state where it is issued. rdean (and I agree with him) suggests that MM get a second opinion. That just makes sense.

So show me a state in which giving legal, documentary PoA concerning someone who is medically incapacitated would not hold up in court.

Nope, the original assertion, unproven, belongs to MM. He needs to provide evidence that such a POA supposedly will hold up. Then I can go from there.

As soon as I become medically incapacitated and my POA kicks in, I'll prove it.
Notice how you only hear about people that don't have a medical POA when you look at the news? Terri Schiavo type situations.

Seems you just want to be an obstinate asshole.
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"Traditional" marriage?

Okay, let's protect "traditional" marriage.

Now what about "non-traditional" marriage? Can we manage to envisage it?

as long as the 2 getting married are human....i have no problem....Chris and Midcant do make a cute couple....
Homosexual love? Whata a damn joke, two men shaggin each other up the butthole is love? Since when did same sex anal sexual intercourse become love? Can you faggots and faggot lover please quit trying to force acceptance of your lifestyle on others?
Did you notice how most of the people who are against gay marriage in this thread didn't use biggoted insults to make their point? Maybe you should do the same.

your talking to Chuckie Minnow Luissa....a real live Octoroon....who knows all about getting shagged in the Coulou....
Seriously Luissa, I live in a nice family neighborhood where children can play outside in safety.

If a homo moved in next door the whole neighborhood would change.

Parents would be afraid to let their children play outside unsupervised.

Plus people couldn't sell their house because no new family would want to move to a neighborhood with homos.

Sunni if those Homos made a LOT of money and are more Successful than you....after they improve their house,YOUR house may be dragging their homes value down.....
And these people are NOT muslims. Period.

Deny, deny, deny.

They are muslim.

Declaring oneself a Muslim while flagrantly and happily violating a tenet of Islam seems a bit ridiculous to me.

Will you come to men lustfully rather than women? Nay, you are a people who act ignorantly. - 27:55​

While there is no legal punishment for homosexuality in the Qur'an, it is clearly incompatible with Islam.

it just says they are ignorant people.....where does it state its wrong and should not be tolerated?.....hence violates a tenant....
Declaring oneself a Muslim while flagrantly and happily violating a tenet of Islam seems a bit ridiculous to me.

Will you come to men lustfully rather than women? Nay, you are a people who act ignorantly. - 27:55​

While there is no legal punishment for homosexuality in the Qur'an, it is clearly incompatible with Islam.

Its incompatible with Christianity too. But there are plenty of Christian homosexuals.

Its all in how you interpret it.

There may be fags that proclaim themselves to be Christian, but there are no Christian faggots, period, the homosexual lifestyle is not compatible with bible teaching, therefore a homosexual cannot be Christian, their lifestyle has nil to do with the bible teaching.
how about some links Chuckie.....and i dont mean Sausage...

Through the careful drafting of wills and trusts, a gay couple can ensure that burial decisions, property rights, inheritance rights and other protections are offered to a surviving partner. It is imperative for a gay Texas couple to keep their wills current. The only way to provide for your partner after your death is through a will. If there is no will, some judges will grant a blood relative more rights than a partner. This may hold true even if the relative is distant and estranged. Without a properly drafted will, a partner of thirty years may hold fewer rights than a relative that has been absent for just as long. Due to not being excluded from estate taxes and gift taxes like a heterosexual widow or widower would be, trusts are extremely important for homosexual couples. Although trusts cannot provide the same benefits as marriage, they do provide substantial tax and other benefits. Be sure to discuss all these options with a "family law lawyer."

Houston Domestic Partnerships Attorneys - Houston Civil Unions Lawyers

Janet visitation rightsIn a Divorce or custody action, permission granted by the court to a noncustodial parent to visit his or her child or children. Custody may also refer to visitation rights extended to grandparents.
..... Click the link for more information., as it might for a divorcing married couple. But when Virginia passed its Marriage Affirmation Act, which declared same-sex "civil unions ... and any rights created thereby ... void and unenforceable," Lisa appealed to Virginia to, in effect, declare that Janet was just a nice lady who once lived with Mommy. Frederick County Circuit Court Judge John Prosser did just that, and the case is now in the hands of the Virginia Court of Appeals.

All happy families: the looming battle over gay parenting. - Free Online Library

Serving Gay Clients

With unmarried couples, a deceased's family may also challenge jointly held property.

Holding property as tenants in common can backfire, too. When one partner dies, that person's share of the property becomes part of the estate and is disbursed according to the will or state laws. If there is no will, the survivor may now own a house with the deceased partner's mother.

Gay Wills & Trusts

A Last Will can, and frequently is, contested by the biological family of the decedent, especially if they have not come to terms with choices during life. In addition to family members interfering with your partner’s rights, now the state and federal governments have taken an interest in thwarting our wishes to benefit our partner when we die.

Unlike a Last Will and Testament, a Living Trust is less likely to be successfully challenged by disgruntled family members and/or others. With the laws becoming increasingly hard on same-sex couples, this may be the most important reason of all to have a Trust in place.

Law Offices of Afshin A. Asher, Inc. - Estate Planning for Gay and Lesbian Couples

There are two major drawbacks to using a simple will as your primary estate planning device. First, ANY PROPERTY PASSING TO YOUR PARTNER, FAMILY, FRIENDS OR OTHER BENEFICIARY PURSUANT TO A WILL IS SUBJECT TO THE COSTLY AND TIME-CONSUMING PROCESS OF PROBATE. Secondly, a will can be, and frequently is, contested by the family of the decedent, especially if they have not come to terms with the decedent's choices during life. In addition, a will is public, which means that anyone can go to the courthouse and see your will after you die.

There are so many hoops gays have to jump through. It's a shame. No matter how many hoops, it's never "for sure". A judge could rule for the "biological mother or father" at any time. Or even for a brother or sister. It's never 100%,
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