Homosexuality is in the bible.

Believe whatever the hell you want. I only have a problem when people use their beliefst o justify hatred and denying other people equal rights.

There is no hatred or denying of rights around here. If your beliefs are being challenged and that makes you uncomfortable, that doesn't mean anyone hates you.

People like you are the ones trying to keep gays from obtaining equal rights.

There is no such thing as "gay equal rights". Human rights are for everyone. Gays never cared about "marriage equality" until recently. If gays were being denied human rights, then certainly we would have heard about this centuries ago.
It's worth a shot occasionally someone will change their mind, if not I clearly demonstrate to holes in this line of reasoning to anyone reading along.

Does it bother you in some way that people believe in Jesus Christ? Are you a bigot?

Where is this coming from?

Religious loons aren't exactly known for their thinking skills. I'm just as confused about his/her responses as you are.
"same-sex marriage" has nothing to do with rights. It has everything to do with undermining the traditional Godly concept of marriage. People need to remember, EVERYTHING has to be destroyed before it can be rebuilt. This is the new-age progressive order.
Thanks for proving my point.
If you're wrong, you've wasted your whole life believing in bullshit.

Correct, but I haven't lost anything. If you're wrong, you have lost everything.

You've in fact lost your whole life believing in bullshit. Me, on the other hand, I don't want anything to do with a god who treats women as second class citizens. Anyways, we're all going to the same place when we die, no one has ever proven separate places like heaven and hell.
And Christophobes are haters.

Do you want to continue down that path or are you ready to display your intelligence and engage?

I don't hate you, but it's pretty damn obvious you can't think since you think Pascal's Wager is logical.

"same-sex marriage" has nothing to do with rights. It has everything to do with undermining the traditional Godly concept of marriage. People need to remember, EVERYTHING has to be destroyed before it can be rebuilt. This is the new-age progressive order.

Actually it does. Gay couples are denied tons of rights granted by the government for married couples in most states. Rights you and the rest of the religious bigots want to deny because you think it makes baby Jesus cry.

Marriage is not owned by Christians. It is a man made institution that has changed much throughout the years. In fact, the same arguments used against gay marriage now were used against interracial marriage 50 years ago. Take a look at the interracial marriage protests. That's what you are going to look like in about 40 years.

Gays never cared about "marriage equality" until recently.

And that changes their arguments for gaining equal rights how?

If gays were being denied human rights, then certainly we would have heard about this centuries ago.

Head over to the Middle East where gays are executed. And then there's the infamous "kill the gays" bill in Uganda(which thankfully, never got passed).

And then there's the fact that homosexuality used to be a criminal offense. Ever heard of Alan Turing?

Do some research before spewing forth your ignorance.

I know Islam isn't right. You don't. Political correctness in thought is what you have. Nothing more.

How do you know that? What the hell is "Political correctness in thought"? Sounds like a buzz phrase morons like you like to use to try to shut down any communication.
If you're wrong, you've wasted your whole life believing in bullshit.

Correct, but I haven't lost anything. If you're wrong, you have lost everything.

You've in fact lost your whole life believing in bullshit. Me, on the other hand, I don't want anything to do with a god who treats women as second class citizens. Anyways, we're all going to the same place when we die, no one has ever proven separate places like heaven and hell.

You believe Jesus treats women as second class citizens? How ignorant. Show me in the Bible where Jesus treats women as second class citizens.
And Christophobes are haters.

Do you want to continue down that path or are you ready to display your intelligence and engage?

I don't hate you, but it's pretty damn obvious you can't think since you think Pascal's Wager is logical.

"same-sex marriage" has nothing to do with rights. It has everything to do with undermining the traditional Godly concept of marriage. People need to remember, EVERYTHING has to be destroyed before it can be rebuilt. This is the new-age progressive order.

Actually it does. Gay couples are denied tons of rights granted by the government for married couples in most states. Rights you and the rest of the religious bigots want to deny because you think it makes baby Jesus cry.

Marriage is not owned by Christians. It is a man made institution that has changed much throughout the years. In fact, the same arguments used against gay marriage now were used against interracial marriage 50 years ago. Take a look at the interracial marriage protests. That's what you are going to look like in about 40 years.

And that changes their arguments for gaining equal rights how?

If gays were being denied human rights, then certainly we would have heard about this centuries ago.

Head over to the Middle East where gays are executed. And then there's the infamous "kill the gays" bill in Uganda(which thankfully, never got passed).

And then there's the fact that homosexuality used to be a criminal offense. Ever heard of Alan Turing?

Do some research before spewing forth your ignorance.

I know Islam isn't right. You don't. Political correctness in thought is what you have. Nothing more.

How do you know that? What the hell is "Political correctness in thought"? Sounds like a buzz phrase morons like you like to use to try to shut down any communication.

Same old tired liberal horse puckey. Marriage is a man and a woman and always has been. No one ever cried about "rights" until the homos demanded to get married. Idiot.
And Christophobes are haters.

Do you want to continue down that path or are you ready to display your intelligence and engage?

I don't hate you, but it's pretty damn obvious you can't think since you think Pascal's Wager is logical.

Actually it does. Gay couples are denied tons of rights granted by the government for married couples in most states. Rights you and the rest of the religious bigots want to deny because you think it makes baby Jesus cry.

Marriage is not owned by Christians. It is a man made institution that has changed much throughout the years. In fact, the same arguments used against gay marriage now were used against interracial marriage 50 years ago. Take a look at the interracial marriage protests. That's what you are going to look like in about 40 years.

And that changes their arguments for gaining equal rights how?

Head over to the Middle East where gays are executed. And then there's the infamous "kill the gays" bill in Uganda(which thankfully, never got passed).

And then there's the fact that homosexuality used to be a criminal offense. Ever heard of Alan Turing?

Do some research before spewing forth your ignorance.

I know Islam isn't right. You don't. Political correctness in thought is what you have. Nothing more.

How do you know that? What the hell is "Political correctness in thought"? Sounds like a buzz phrase morons like you like to use to try to shut down any communication.

Same old tired liberal horse puckey. Marriage is a man and a woman and always has been. No one ever cried about "rights" until the homos demanded to get married. Idiot.

Not any more, in my state. (WA)
I don't hate you, but it's pretty damn obvious you can't think since you think Pascal's Wager is logical.

Actually it does. Gay couples are denied tons of rights granted by the government for married couples in most states. Rights you and the rest of the religious bigots want to deny because you think it makes baby Jesus cry.

Marriage is not owned by Christians. It is a man made institution that has changed much throughout the years. In fact, the same arguments used against gay marriage now were used against interracial marriage 50 years ago. Take a look at the interracial marriage protests. That's what you are going to look like in about 40 years.

And that changes their arguments for gaining equal rights how?

Head over to the Middle East where gays are executed. And then there's the infamous "kill the gays" bill in Uganda(which thankfully, never got passed).

And then there's the fact that homosexuality used to be a criminal offense. Ever heard of Alan Turing?

Do some research before spewing forth your ignorance.

How do you know that? What the hell is "Political correctness in thought"? Sounds like a buzz phrase morons like you like to use to try to shut down any communication.

Same old tired liberal horse puckey. Marriage is a man and a woman and always has been. No one ever cried about "rights" until the homos demanded to get married. Idiot.

Not any more, in my state. (WA)

Yes. The law was changed. Now what are you going to do to the people who don't accept the law? Lock them up?
Correct, but I haven't lost anything. If you're wrong, you have lost everything.

You've in fact lost your whole life believing in bullshit. Me, on the other hand, I don't want anything to do with a god who treats women as second class citizens. Anyways, we're all going to the same place when we die, no one has ever proven separate places like heaven and hell.

You believe Jesus treats women as second class citizens? How ignorant. Show me in the Bible where Jesus treats women as second class citizens.

2:22 Eve created from Adam’s rib.
3:16 Eve cursed with painful childbirth and domination by husband.
4:19 Man marries two wives.
12:13-19 Abraham prostitutes wife.
19:1-8 Rape virgin daughters instead of male angels.
19:26 Lot’s wife turned into pillar of salt for disobeying god.
19:30-38 Lot impregnates his two daughters while drunk.
20:2-12 Abraham prostitutes wife – again.
25:1-6 Keeping many concubines is OK.

20:17 Wife as property.
21:4 Wife and children belong to master.
21:7-11 OK to sell daughters. Female slaves can be used for sex. Polygamy permitted. Unwanted female slaves can be set “free” without payment of money.
22:18 Kill witches.

12:1-8 Childbirth unclean, Women need to make atonement after childbirth.
15:19-32 Menstruating women are unclean.
20:10-16 Death penalty for homosexuality and various sexual transgressions.
21:7 Priests must not marry prostitutes or divorcees.
21:9 Burn daughters.
21:13-14 Priest must marry virgin, not “used” woman.

1:2 Census lists only men – women do not count.
5:11-31 Fidelity test for women only.
30:1-16 Woman’s vow invalid unless approved by her father or husband.
31:17-18 Kill all except virgins. Keep virgins for yourselves.
12 Miriam punished for rebuking Moses.

20:14 Take women, livestock as plunder.
22:13-21 Stone non-virgin bride.
22:23-24 Stone rapist and rape victim.
22:28 Rape victim must marry rapist; rape victim’s father compensated for depreciation of his property.
25:11-12 Cut woman’s hand for touching foe’s penis.
24:1-5 Man can “send” wife from HIS house. Man must not marry “used” woman.
28:18 The FRUIT of your womb will be cursed – eclectic “pro-life” verse!

5:30 Women are spoils of war.
14:20 Samson gives wife to another man.
16:1 Samson visits prostitute.
CH 19 Concubine pack-raped and butchered.
21:10-12 Slaughtered all inc. women and children. Saved virgins for wives.
21:21 Abducted girls for wives.

15:2-3 Attack Amalekites, kill men, women, children and livestock.
22:19 Kill all inc. infants and livestock.
21:4-5 Men avoid defilement with women.

5:13 David took many wives and concubines.
CH 13 Ammon rapes his own sister.
16:21-22 Absalom sleeps with his father’s concubines.
6:20-23 Mischal punished with bareness.

11:3 Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines.

9:30-37 Brutal murder of Jezebel.

15:13 Put to death unbelievers.
11:21 Hoards of wives and concubines.

CH 1-2 Queen Vashti dethroned for disobedience; setting “bad” example to all other women.

51:5 Sinful since conception.
127:3 Sons are heritage from god.
137:9 Seizes infants and dashes them against rocks.

CH 5 Beware of wicked women!
CH 7 More of the above.
6:24 As above.
31:3 Do not waste strength on women.

3:16-26 Lord punishes haughty women.
4:4 Filthy women.
13:16 Ravish wives, dash infants.
19:16 Will be like women! (insult to Egyptians)

9:6-7 Slaughter all including children.
CH 16 Prostitutes, stoning, promiscuity…
CH 23 Tale of two adulterous sisters – reads like the script of a pornographic film. I bet you weren’t told this story at Sunday school!

13:16 Rip pregnant women, dash little ones. (Another “pro-life” verse!)

3:4… wanton lust of a harlot… prostitution… witchcraft.
3:5 I will lift your skirts over your face!
3:13… Your troops are all women. (insult to Nineveh)

5:32 Husband can divorce wife for adultery. Can wife divorce husband for the same?
CH 25 Sexist tale of ten virgins.

2:22 Mary must be purified after birth of Jesus.
2:49 Jesus rebukes his mother.

11:2-10… Woman created for man.
14:34 Women must be silent in churches.

5:22-24 Wives must submit to husbands in everything.

3:18 Wives submit to husbands.
3:22 Slaves must obey masters in everything.

2:11-15 Woman must not have authority – she must be silent. Women can be saved with childbearing.
5:9-10 Widows should be faithful to husband and must wash saints’ feet.

2:18 Slaves submit to masters, even masters who are harsh.
3:1 Wives submit.
3:5-6 Sarah calls husband master.

CH 17 Destroy great prostitute.
14:4…they did not DEFILE themselves with women but kept themselves pure.
You've in fact lost your whole life believing in bullshit. Me, on the other hand, I don't want anything to do with a god who treats women as second class citizens. Anyways, we're all going to the same place when we die, no one has ever proven separate places like heaven and hell.

You believe Jesus treats women as second class citizens? How ignorant. Show me in the Bible where Jesus treats women as second class citizens.

2:22 Eve created from Adam’s rib.
3:16 Eve cursed with painful childbirth and domination by husband.
4:19 Man marries two wives.
12:13-19 Abraham prostitutes wife.
19:1-8 Rape virgin daughters instead of male angels.
19:26 Lot’s wife turned into pillar of salt for disobeying god.
19:30-38 Lot impregnates his two daughters while drunk.
20:2-12 Abraham prostitutes wife – again.
25:1-6 Keeping many concubines is OK.

20:17 Wife as property.
21:4 Wife and children belong to master.
21:7-11 OK to sell daughters. Female slaves can be used for sex. Polygamy permitted. Unwanted female slaves can be set “free” without payment of money.
22:18 Kill witches.

12:1-8 Childbirth unclean, Women need to make atonement after childbirth.
15:19-32 Menstruating women are unclean.
20:10-16 Death penalty for homosexuality and various sexual transgressions.
21:7 Priests must not marry prostitutes or divorcees.
21:9 Burn daughters.
21:13-14 Priest must marry virgin, not “used” woman.

1:2 Census lists only men – women do not count.
5:11-31 Fidelity test for women only.
30:1-16 Woman’s vow invalid unless approved by her father or husband.
31:17-18 Kill all except virgins. Keep virgins for yourselves.
12 Miriam punished for rebuking Moses.

20:14 Take women, livestock as plunder.
22:13-21 Stone non-virgin bride.
22:23-24 Stone rapist and rape victim.
22:28 Rape victim must marry rapist; rape victim’s father compensated for depreciation of his property.
25:11-12 Cut woman’s hand for touching foe’s penis.
24:1-5 Man can “send” wife from HIS house. Man must not marry “used” woman.
28:18 The FRUIT of your womb will be cursed – eclectic “pro-life” verse!

5:30 Women are spoils of war.
14:20 Samson gives wife to another man.
16:1 Samson visits prostitute.
CH 19 Concubine pack-raped and butchered.
21:10-12 Slaughtered all inc. women and children. Saved virgins for wives.
21:21 Abducted girls for wives.

15:2-3 Attack Amalekites, kill men, women, children and livestock.
22:19 Kill all inc. infants and livestock.
21:4-5 Men avoid defilement with women.

5:13 David took many wives and concubines.
CH 13 Ammon rapes his own sister.
16:21-22 Absalom sleeps with his father’s concubines.
6:20-23 Mischal punished with bareness.

11:3 Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines.

9:30-37 Brutal murder of Jezebel.

15:13 Put to death unbelievers.
11:21 Hoards of wives and concubines.

CH 1-2 Queen Vashti dethroned for disobedience; setting “bad” example to all other women.

51:5 Sinful since conception.
127:3 Sons are heritage from god.
137:9 Seizes infants and dashes them against rocks.

CH 5 Beware of wicked women!
CH 7 More of the above.
6:24 As above.
31:3 Do not waste strength on women.

3:16-26 Lord punishes haughty women.
4:4 Filthy women.
13:16 Ravish wives, dash infants.
19:16 Will be like women! (insult to Egyptians)

9:6-7 Slaughter all including children.
CH 16 Prostitutes, stoning, promiscuity…
CH 23 Tale of two adulterous sisters – reads like the script of a pornographic film. I bet you weren’t told this story at Sunday school!

13:16 Rip pregnant women, dash little ones. (Another “pro-life” verse!)

3:4… wanton lust of a harlot… prostitution… witchcraft.
3:5 I will lift your skirts over your face!
3:13… Your troops are all women. (insult to Nineveh)

5:32 Husband can divorce wife for adultery. Can wife divorce husband for the same?
CH 25 Sexist tale of ten virgins.

2:22 Mary must be purified after birth of Jesus.
2:49 Jesus rebukes his mother.

11:2-10… Woman created for man.
14:34 Women must be silent in churches.

5:22-24 Wives must submit to husbands in everything.

3:18 Wives submit to husbands.
3:22 Slaves must obey masters in everything.

2:11-15 Woman must not have authority – she must be silent. Women can be saved with childbearing.
5:9-10 Widows should be faithful to husband and must wash saints’ feet.

2:18 Slaves submit to masters, even masters who are harsh.
3:1 Wives submit.
3:5-6 Sarah calls husband master.

CH 17 Destroy great prostitute.
14:4…they did not DEFILE themselves with women but kept themselves pure.

Two things:

First, did you even read the question?

Second, you really, REALLY hate being female, don't you?
Homosexuality is abnormal behaviour and not always but often homosexuals exaggerate their preferences into perversions. I dont need the Bible to see that, but the one who wrote the Bible was a wise man 5000 years ago.

Im also afraid we might head towards a society where homosexuality is not viewn as abnormal sexual behaviour anymore and doable on occassion also for heterosexuals like in ancient greece.

Homophobic Attitude is also wrong, we need to see it with sober-mind
Old Jewish law had laws with women having to be submissive to men.
And Paul spoke about that also and was caving into the Jews on that.
Same as old Jewish law condemned gay folk and Paul also caved in on that to the Jews.
But not Jesus. He never really said much about either and never in a negative way.
I hope one day Christians will can all the BS in the Old Testament and get off this gay boogeyman stupidity along with the many other ignorant 2000 year old "laws" that the Jews had.
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Homosexuality is abnormal behaviour and not always but often homosexuals exaggerate their preferences into perversions. I dont need the Bible to see that, but the one who wrote the Bible was a wise man 5000 years ago.

Im also afraid we might head towards a society where homosexuality is not viewn as abnormal sexual behaviour anymore and doable on occassion also for heterosexuals like in ancient greece.

Homophobic Attitude is also wrong, we need to see it with sober-mind

Could anyone force you into homosexual behavior?
Same with gays as they do not choose who to be attracted to.
No one could make me gay, or you and that is the same with no one can make gays be straight.
Homosexuals fall in love with other homosexuals. Abnormal to me and you but love is love.
Homosexuality is abnormal behaviour and not always but often homosexuals exaggerate their preferences into perversions. I dont need the Bible to see that, but the one who wrote the Bible was a wise man 5000 years ago.

Im also afraid we might head towards a society where homosexuality is not viewn as abnormal sexual behaviour anymore and doable on occassion also for heterosexuals like in ancient greece.

Homophobic Attitude is also wrong, we need to see it with sober-mind

Christianity is abnormal. Most people in the world are non-Christian.
Same old tired liberal horse puckey. Marriage is a man and a woman and always has been. No one ever cried about "rights" until the homos demanded to get married. Idiot.

Translation: I have no rational response so I'm gonna just insult and hope you don't call me out on it.

You refuted nothing. Tell me why "they said nothing before" makes their arguments for having equal rights invalid. Hell, I'm willing to bet that the only reason they started demanding rights now is because before assholes like you would want them hanged or beaten.

You said you had never heard about gay's human rights being violated. I showed you were wrong. Why did you ignore that?

And if you really think marriage has always been between one man and one woman, you're dumber than I thought.

Oh, and tell me why you know Islam is false and what you mean by "political correctness in thought".

Now let's watch as you ignore what I say and try to insult me again.
You've in fact lost your whole life believing in bullshit. Me, on the other hand, I don't want anything to do with a god who treats women as second class citizens. Anyways, we're all going to the same place when we die, no one has ever proven separate places like heaven and hell.

You believe Jesus treats women as second class citizens? How ignorant. Show me in the Bible where Jesus treats women as second class citizens.

2:22 Eve created from Adam’s rib.
3:16 Eve cursed with painful childbirth and domination by husband.
4:19 Man marries two wives.
12:13-19 Abraham prostitutes wife.
19:1-8 Rape virgin daughters instead of male angels.
19:26 Lot’s wife turned into pillar of salt for disobeying god.
19:30-38 Lot impregnates his two daughters while drunk.
20:2-12 Abraham prostitutes wife – again.
25:1-6 Keeping many concubines is OK.

20:17 Wife as property.
21:4 Wife and children belong to master.
21:7-11 OK to sell daughters. Female slaves can be used for sex. Polygamy permitted. Unwanted female slaves can be set “free” without payment of money.
22:18 Kill witches.

12:1-8 Childbirth unclean, Women need to make atonement after childbirth.
15:19-32 Menstruating women are unclean.
20:10-16 Death penalty for homosexuality and various sexual transgressions.
21:7 Priests must not marry prostitutes or divorcees.
21:9 Burn daughters.
21:13-14 Priest must marry virgin, not “used” woman.

1:2 Census lists only men – women do not count.
5:11-31 Fidelity test for women only.
30:1-16 Woman’s vow invalid unless approved by her father or husband.
31:17-18 Kill all except virgins. Keep virgins for yourselves.
12 Miriam punished for rebuking Moses.

20:14 Take women, livestock as plunder.
22:13-21 Stone non-virgin bride.
22:23-24 Stone rapist and rape victim.
22:28 Rape victim must marry rapist; rape victim’s father compensated for depreciation of his property.
25:11-12 Cut woman’s hand for touching foe’s penis.
24:1-5 Man can “send” wife from HIS house. Man must not marry “used” woman.
28:18 The FRUIT of your womb will be cursed – eclectic “pro-life” verse!

5:30 Women are spoils of war.
14:20 Samson gives wife to another man.
16:1 Samson visits prostitute.
CH 19 Concubine pack-raped and butchered.
21:10-12 Slaughtered all inc. women and children. Saved virgins for wives.
21:21 Abducted girls for wives.

15:2-3 Attack Amalekites, kill men, women, children and livestock.
22:19 Kill all inc. infants and livestock.
21:4-5 Men avoid defilement with women.

5:13 David took many wives and concubines.
CH 13 Ammon rapes his own sister.
16:21-22 Absalom sleeps with his father’s concubines.
6:20-23 Mischal punished with bareness.

11:3 Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines.

9:30-37 Brutal murder of Jezebel.

15:13 Put to death unbelievers.
11:21 Hoards of wives and concubines.

CH 1-2 Queen Vashti dethroned for disobedience; setting “bad” example to all other women.

51:5 Sinful since conception.
127:3 Sons are heritage from god.
137:9 Seizes infants and dashes them against rocks.

CH 5 Beware of wicked women!
CH 7 More of the above.
6:24 As above.
31:3 Do not waste strength on women.

3:16-26 Lord punishes haughty women.
4:4 Filthy women.
13:16 Ravish wives, dash infants.
19:16 Will be like women! (insult to Egyptians)

9:6-7 Slaughter all including children.
CH 16 Prostitutes, stoning, promiscuity…
CH 23 Tale of two adulterous sisters – reads like the script of a pornographic film. I bet you weren’t told this story at Sunday school!

13:16 Rip pregnant women, dash little ones. (Another “pro-life” verse!)

3:4… wanton lust of a harlot… prostitution… witchcraft.
3:5 I will lift your skirts over your face!
3:13… Your troops are all women. (insult to Nineveh)

5:32 Husband can divorce wife for adultery. Can wife divorce husband for the same?
CH 25 Sexist tale of ten virgins.

2:22 Mary must be purified after birth of Jesus.
2:49 Jesus rebukes his mother.

11:2-10… Woman created for man.
14:34 Women must be silent in churches.

5:22-24 Wives must submit to husbands in everything.

3:18 Wives submit to husbands.
3:22 Slaves must obey masters in everything.

2:11-15 Woman must not have authority – she must be silent. Women can be saved with childbearing.
5:9-10 Widows should be faithful to husband and must wash saints’ feet.

2:18 Slaves submit to masters, even masters who are harsh.
3:1 Wives submit.
3:5-6 Sarah calls husband master.

CH 17 Destroy great prostitute.
14:4…they did not DEFILE themselves with women but kept themselves pure.

That's a big list. Tell me which one you want to discuss first.

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