Homosexuals/Lesbians Still Party Despite Hurricane Katrina


If, as you say, you do not identify people by their sexual preferences because that is simply one aspect of who they are...then why did you start commenting on how much more cultured people who like to sleep with people of the same sex are than people who like to sleep with people of the opposite sex? Seems to me that you are most certainly, attributing traits to an entire group of people based upon their one shared characteristic, their sexual orientation.

You can't have it both ways...either gays are more cultured than straights....or some people are more cultured than other people...and some of those people just happen to be gay, and some of them are straight. You have simply chosen to express a commonly repeated bit of propaganda.

Just as it is a shame that some here can not discuss this issue without resorting to the worst sort of name-calling and vulgarity...it is also a shame that others can not discuss the topic without falling back on old talking points ("if you don't like homosexuality you must be a closet fag") and nonsense-rhetoric.
nucular said:
On the whole homosexuals are more cultured than the rest of us. They excell in art, music, design, fashion etc. They make a good contribution to society. I don't have a problem with them because I think society benefits from diversity. Gays have always been here and they always will, so why not enjoy what they have to offer?

Please. Homosexuals are about as cultured as the dog eating his own poop.

And society doesn't benefit from diversity. Diversity is what brings conflict into society.
GunnyL said:
I agree. I don't care what they do in their own homes, but I will not support legitimizing aberrant behavior.

The laws I want to see overturned are the ones allowing people displaying an obvious behavioral problem to adopt children and spread their crap. And anyone who thinks being reared in a homosexual household isn't going to influence a child just ain't thinking.

I know what you mean. Companies will pay millions of dollars for a 30 second advertisement during a Superbowl game. If 30 seconds can affect people enough to buy a product, I can't imagine what a life time influence of depravity can do.
nucular said:
I was referring to human diversity. Your examples are examples of behavior or institution.

It depends on whether you think gays are what they are or if they are what they do.

I think they are human beings and that their sex life is only one part of their individuality, just as mine or yours is not the summation of ourselves.

Um...homosexuality is a behavior so why would his examples of behavior be invalid?
Avatar4321 said:
Um...homosexuality is a behavior so why would his examples of behavior be invalid?

For the umpteenth time, it is only your opinion that homosexuality is a choice. Based on my personal revulsion at the idea of having sex with another man, it makes more sense that people are born homosexual. I will admit however that at this time, the issue of whether homosexuality is a choice or a mis-wiring of the brain remains an unanswered question.

I also understand why some are so loathe to consider the possibility that homosexuality is something someone is born with. It would probably cost a small fortune to replace all those H's with CRE's on all of those fliers, bumper stickers, T-Shirts, and picket signs.
MissileMan said:
For the umpteenth time, it is only your opinion that homosexuality is a choice. Based on my personal revulsion at the idea of having sex with another man, it makes more sense that people are born homosexual. I will admit however that at this time, the issue of whether homosexuality is a choice or a mis-wiring of the brain remains an unanswered question.

I also understand why some are so loathe to consider the possibility that homosexuality is something someone is born with. It would probably cost a small fortune to replace all those H's with CRE's on all of those fliers, bumper stickers, T-Shirts, and picket signs.

Any sexual activity is a choice. You may have desires to go sleep with a man or woman, but having those desires doesn't force us to act on them. Are you trying to argue that somehow because you believe homosexuals are born with their desires, that somehow homosexuality isnt a behavior? Choice really doesn't come into the scope of Behavior's definition.

My question is why you seem to think that if you are correct and people are born homosexual, that somehow makes it alright. Intolerance is natural and I don't see you advocating intolerance. Violence is natural too. Are you advocating that people should be violent? The whole "if it's natural, it's alright" argument is severely flawed because there are alot of natural things that are vices which civilized societies would not support. Truly civilized and good societies are based on virtue. And Virtue is something that isn't natural. It's something that has to be worked for in life.
Gem said:

If, as you say, you do not identify people by their sexual preferences because that is simply one aspect of who they are...then why did you start commenting on how much more cultured people who like to sleep with people of the same sex are than people who like to sleep with people of the opposite sex? Seems to me that you are most certainly, attributing traits to an entire group of people based upon their one shared characteristic, their sexual orientation.

That was not my point. I am not saying that all homosexuals are more cultured than all hetrosexuals. I'm not making a blanket generalization about homosexuals. No doubt many of them are very boring people.

I just think on a percentage basis gays are probably more artistic and creative than straights. If 10% of the population are gay, maybe 20% of artists, musicians, actors and other creative people are gay.
nucular said:
That was not my point. I am not saying that all homosexuals are more cultured than all hetrosexuals. I'm not making a blanket generalization about homosexuals. No doubt many of them are very boring people.

I just think on a percentage basis gays are probably more artistic and creative than straights. If 10% of the population are gay, maybe 20% of artists, musicians, actors and other creative people are gay.

whatever 100% of m take it in the ass
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nucular said:
On the whole homosexuals are more cultured than the rest of us. They excell in art, music, design, fashion etc. They make a good contribution to society. I don't have a problem with them because I think society benefits from diversity. Gays have always been here and they always will, so why not enjoy what they have to offer?

On the whole, Nazi leadership was more cultured than most Americans. I guess we should embrace them too.

The FACT that homosexuality is abnormal and deviant is so obvious, but the obvious eludes present day liberals.

And its not so much that they can enjoy what they do enjoy, but how in the hell can anyone in their right mind say that there isnt something wrong when a guy cant get an erection from seeing a naked Mariah Carey, Halle Berry, Ja lo, or Jennifer Anston (spelling?), take your pick.
LuvRPgrl said:
but how in the hell can anyone in their right mind say that there isnt something wrong when a guy cant get an erection from seeing a naked Mariah Carey, Halle Berry, Ja lo, or Jennifer Anston (spelling?), take your pick.
Avatar4321 said:
Any sexual activity is a choice. You may have desires to go sleep with a man or woman, but having those desires doesn't force us to act on them. Are you trying to argue that somehow because you believe homosexuals are born with their desires, that somehow homosexuality isnt a behavior? Choice really doesn't come into the scope of Behavior's definition.

My question is why you seem to think that if you are correct and people are born homosexual, that somehow makes it alright. Intolerance is natural and I don't see you advocating intolerance. Violence is natural too. Are you advocating that people should be violent? The whole "if it's natural, it's alright" argument is severely flawed because there are alot of natural things that are vices which civilized societies would not support. Truly civilized and good societies are based on virtue. And Virtue is something that isn't natural. It's something that has to be worked for in life.

My argument is, and always has been, that if indeed homosexuals are born that way, then that is their nature and their "norm". As long as they maintain their relationships within the legal bounds of two consenting adults, I don't have a problem with it.

As far as your "natural" argument, we ALL do unnatural things every day. Getting into an airplane and flying thousands of miles isn't natural, riding a car to work isn't natural, living in a climate-controlled house with electricity and the latest gadgets isn't natural. The list goes on and on.
MissileMan said:
My argument is, and always has been, that if indeed homosexuals are born that way, then that is their nature and their "norm". As long as they maintain their relationships within the legal bounds of two consenting adults, I don't have a problem with it.

As far as your "natural" argument, we ALL do unnatural things every day. Getting into an airplane and flying thousands of miles isn't natural, riding a car to work isn't natural, living in a climate-controlled house with electricity and the latest gadgets isn't natural. The list goes on and on.

What people do in the privacy of their homes is their business, so long as it doesn't violate any laws.

However, we aren't talking about something happening in the confines of a home. We started this thread with a public parade with open displays of sexual deviancy e.g. men dressed up as women. This just offends most people's ideas of decency. Then, to expect people to just accept such public displays is going beyond reasonable expectations.

This isn't a civil rights issue. No one is denying gays the right to vote, the right to participate in the political process, the to express their personal opinions, to worship at the church, temple, synagogue of their choice or to peaceably assemble to air their grievances, the right to own property, hold a job or public office, or associate with other gays in a personal or public manner....

We are talking about the bounds of common decency....

Gays, straights and others do not have the right to force their personal sexual preferences into our faces....

Gays and straights do not have the right to expect that special laws should be passed that give them preferential treatment on the basis of their sexual orientation.

Gays and straights still have to live within the norms of society at least in a public setting.

THAT is the issue here.

Equating sexual behavior with, say ethnicity, is ludicrous. Black people are genetically born black. Even if gay people are "born that way", they still have free will and a free to act or not act upon those desires as they see fit. Many blacks take umbrage that gays are equating the black struggle for real civil rights with what they feel is something owed them (i.e. the so called "right" to marry, adopt kids, more funding for AIDS/HIV, educating school children on the acceptability of homosexuality even in direct contradiction of the values of the children's' parents or care givers)

In our culture, sexual matters are private. USMB Board members don't talk about their sexual peccadilloes, the sexual acts they performed and with whom. I don't discuss my sexual life with my co-workers nor do they discuss theirs with me. Gays don't seem to understand, or more accurately, don't seem to accept the fact that sex on a personal level is something people don't normally feel comfortable talking about.

If gays want to be accepted by Mr and Mrs. Joe Average, they had better learn that parading around in a pink tutu in public isn't the way to go about doing it. Mr and Mrs. Joe Average will tolerate Mr and Mr Gay or Ms and Ms Lesbian when they stop insisting that Mr and Mrs Joe Average teach their kids that the gay lifestyle is acceptable, that Mr and Mrs Joe Average start giving up their rights or giving preferential treatment to them, that Mr and Mrs Joe Average pay extra money in taxes or insurance premiums to compensate for irresponsible and promiscuous sexual behavior amongst some gays. And most of all, the gays had better learn to stop labelling Mr and Mrs Joe Average "homophobic", "bigoted", "neantherdal" just because they don't agree with the gay agenda or lifestyle..... Gays had better start to learn that tolerance does not equate to buy in.....

Otherwise, gays can expect Mr and Mrs Joe Average to refuse to accept them.

That is what is known as "fair play" and "the same rules apply to everyone" and if they don't like it ..... tough.... grow up..... society and the World in general doesn't owe gays a damn thing
im going to start straight pride. no scratch that, straight white pride. see how far i get with that
Johnney said:
im going to start straight pride. no scratch that, straight white pride. see how far i get with that
Here's something to get you started......


  • $straight_pride.jpg
    11.2 KB · Views: 69
LuvRPgrl said:
And its not so much that they can enjoy what they do enjoy, but how in the hell can anyone in their right mind say that there isnt something wrong when a guy cant get an erection from seeing a naked Mariah Carey, Halle Berry, Ja lo, or Jennifer Anston (spelling?), take your pick.

Good point here, except if Mariah Carey starts singing while we are doing the deed, my boner will surely wilt.
I don't think anyone can deny that both hetero AND homosexuals have both been shoving thier own brand of sexuality in our faces. TV, movies ,fashion, etc. Personally I liked it when it was a personal, private and intimate issue. Oh ya--that makes me a prude right ? :teeth:
dilloduck said:
I don't think anyone can deny that both hetero AND homosexuals have both been shoving thier own brand of sexuality in our faces. TV, movies ,fashion, etc. Personally I liked it when it was a personal, private and intimate issue. Oh ya--that makes me a prude right ? :teeth:

Now that's a good point. The reason our 10-14 year old girls are prancing around looking like prostitutes is not because of the gays, it's because of the likes of Britney Spears and J Lo, and the climate that encourages that kind of stuff.

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