Homosexuals/Lesbians Still Party Despite Hurricane Katrina

Like Madonna, I would guess that both of these women have learned a lot of their taky habits from their dancers. . . most are homosexuals.

Actually, Britney Spears was a Louisianna trailer-dweller and was well versed in the ways of trash long before she ever met any of her "evil-homo-backup dancers." And the slutty image she portrays in public is something that has been created by a person called a "publicist" to help her sell records. Can you say "PUB-LI-CIST?" The same goes for Madonna, J-Lo, Aguilera and all of them. They were all poor and destined for sluttiness before they became famous and took some publicist's image prescription. It has nothing to do with homos and everything to do with what marketing people call a "midriff." Like its male counter-part, the "mook," the "midriff" is a charicature designed to appeal to young, impressionable girls and serve as a means of increasing the sale of records and other merchandise.
Nuc said:
True, but it's not just a gay thing. Look at all the unfortunate women in Africa being infected with HIV, in many cases by their own husbands. Ignorance and recklessness cross all lines.

and where pray tell did their husbands get it? did the wind blow?
Hagbard Celine said:
Actually, Britney Spears was a Louisianna trailer-dweller and was well versed in the ways of trash long before she ever met any of her "evil-homo-backup dancers." And the slutty image she portrays in public is something that has been created by a person called a "publicist" to help her sell records. Can you say "PUB-LI-CIST?" The same goes for Madonna, J-Lo, Aguilera and all of them. They were all poor and destined for sluttiness before they became famous and took some publicist's image prescription...

This post may just be the single biggest bunch of bs I have ever read on this board. In your feeble attempt to champion gay rights, you have revealed that you have no idea what you are talking about. I grew up in the same neighborhood as one of the people you mentioned, and I was not "destined for sluttiness", as you so charmingly put it, and have never even been close to being a slut. As for being destined to be poor, as you say, it's all what you make of it as an individual. I chose to go to college and law school and chose to work my way through each, making lots of sacrifices along the way. Anyone with a brain can choose to do the same.

Oh, wait, you libs don't even begin to understand that concept.

An while we are at it, how's about you back up your statement that "Britney Spears was a Louisianna trailer-dweller and was well versed in the ways of trash long before she ever met any of her evil-homo-backup dancers." I am no fan of Ms. Spears, but this sounds like another made-up argument. In fact, her younger sister Jamie is a wholesome-acting girl who does a show on Nickelodeon. Destined for sluttiness?

Btw, I am sure that there are many people who lead good lives and happen to live in trailers. Would you care to dispute that too?
Abbey Normal said:
This post may just be the single biggest bunch of bs I have ever read on this board. In your feeble attempt to champion gay rights, you have revealed that you have no idea what you are talking about. I grew up in the same neighborhood as one of the people you mentioned, and I was not "destined for sluttiness", as you so charmingly put it, and have never even been close to being a slut. As for being destined to be poor, as you say, it's all what you make of it as an individual. I chose to go to college and law school and chose to work my way through each, making lots of sacrifices along the way. Anyone with a brain can choose to do the same.

Oh, wait, you libs don't even begin to understand that concept.

An while we are at it, how's about you back up your statement that "Britney Spears was a Louisianna trailer-dweller and was well versed in the ways of trash long before she ever met any of her evil-homo-backup dancers." I am no fan of Ms. Spears, but this sounds like another made-up argument. In fact, her younger sister Jamie is a wholesome-acting girl who does a show on Nickelodeon. Destined for sluttiness?

Btw, I am sure that there are many people who lead good lives and happen to live in trailers. Would you care to dispute that too?

was not Brittney one of the "new mousketeers" I preferred the old mousketeers...my buddies Annette,Karen and Cubby O'Brien...they did not go on to a career in "Hey look at me" then again Brittney is just fodder for the Gays to bash!...sigh.... :smoke:

and while we are at it...what is up with these idiots who always refer to "Trailer Trash" some of the nicest people I have met have lived in trailers"Mobile Homes" and some of the biggest jerks lived in mansions! :2guns:
Abbey Normal said:
This post may just be the single biggest bunch of bs I have ever read on this board. In your feeble attempt to champion gay rights, you have revealed that you have no idea what you are talking about. I grew up in the same neighborhood as one of the people you mentioned, and I was not "destined for sluttiness", as you so charmingly put it, and have never even been close to being a slut. As for being destined to be poor, as you say, it's all what you make of it as an individual. I chose to go to college and law school and chose to work my way through each, making lots of sacrifices along the way. Anyone with a brain can choose to do the same.

Oh, wait, you libs don't even begin to understand that concept.

An while we are at it, how's about you back up your statement that "Britney Spears was a Louisianna trailer-dweller and was well versed in the ways of trash long before she ever met any of her evil-homo-backup dancers." I am no fan of Ms. Spears, but this sounds like another made-up argument. In fact, her younger sister Jamie is a wholesome-acting girl who does a show on Nickelodeon. Destined for sluttiness?

Btw, I am sure that there are many people who lead good lives and happen to live in trailers. Would you care to dispute that too?

You can never expect liberals to understand the concept that every human being has a god given will to make it through any given situation. No one person is 'destined' to act in a certain way, everyone has a choice. This also happens to be the reason some liberals are in favor of abortion, because they assume that babies of females that aren't 'ready' to have a baby (i.e they are poor) will grow up in miserable conditions and are somehow destined to a miserable existance, thus getting an abortion is somehow saving the kid from that existance. I am usually dumbfounded when people tell me this in their arguements for abortion (members of my own family no less), all I can ever say back is "I guess I'd rather be born into a poor family than not born at all."
manu1959 said:
and where pray tell did their husbands get it? did the wind blow?

Well obviously they got it from their friends' wives!!!!!!!!
theHawk said:
You can never expect liberals to understand the concept that every human being has a god given will to make it through any given situation. No one person is 'destined' to act in a certain way, everyone has a choice. This also happens to be the reason some liberals are in favor of abortion, because they assume that babies of females that aren't 'ready' to have a baby (i.e they are poor) will grow up in miserable conditions and are somehow destined to a miserable existance, thus getting an abortion is somehow saving the kid from that existance. I am usually dumbfounded when people tell me this in their arguements for abortion (members of my own family no less), all I can ever say back is "I guess I'd rather be born into a poor family than not born at all."

some of the wealthist in our country are bankrupt in morality and true love...while some of the poorest financially are the richist in love and morality...just food for thought!
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Bullypulpit said:
And Dubbyuh strummed guitar while New Orleans drowned. Our American Nero.

I'm curious bully, what should he have done as the President? What do you think Geena Davis would do, or Martin Sheen?
sitarro said:
I'm curious bully, what should he have done as the President? What do you think Geena Davis would do, or Martin Sheen?

well geena would cry and martin would have a seizure
manu1959 said:
well geena would cry and martin would have a seizure

Well we already know what Bubba Clinton woukd have been doing, I wonder what the ring gauge of those cigars he pinch hit with last time. :smoke:
Bullypulpit said:
And Dubbyuh strummed guitar while New Orleans drowned. Our American Nero.

Now let's see...

The Mayor and Governor were working against each other and in many cases would not allow relief into besieged NO and reports were that there were murders and rapes in the Superdome... Therefore Bush should have rushed in and FEMA should have sent in all those unarmed volunteers?

Please... At least give blame where it is actually due, you are smarter than this Bully. Schadenfreude feels good but it isn't always accurate when reality rears its ugly head.

We all know that FEMA doesn't have any responders, they are bureaucrats. The responders are volunteer organizations and the National Guard (that wasn't called up by the Governor who wouldn't sign the Posse forms that would allow Bush to send in other State's guards until Thursday at the earliest) that weren't allowed into the city by order of the State's agency of National Security and were specifically kept from the Superdome. FEMA is not allowed to send in volunteer responders into situations where their life will be in danger from direct attack, therefore those reports kept them from responding as well.

The President was doing as much as he could do while strumming the guitar as he could have on the actual scene.

It is amazing that the FEMA director was up to the task of over 100 emergencies where the State and local governments were not working against him, but in this case it is his fault when those governments failed to do their jobs. It is disingenuous at the least and purposefully ignorant at the most to consider the Federal Government responsible for the inaction of State and local government agencies and their lack of planning or, as in this case, not even attempting to follow the plans that were put in place.

Attempting to redefine FEMA and its role in emergencies should not be done in the middle of an emergency. They have no time to hire the responders and no constitutional authority to take charge from the State and local governments.

Clearly you want so bad for Bush to be at fault that even when all the evidence points to the fact that the Governor and Mayor were clearly elected to positions beyond their competency level and that this caused the problems in NO and LA you ignore reality in favor of your schadenfreude.
Most people who have never worked for the government have no idea how it really works. FEMA had little authority or resources to handle this problem. The bad thing is the entire organization is getting a bad rap. Alot of people are just volunteers....I just learned my dad volunteered to work for FEMA temporarily (probably for about a year). Its easy to sit here and bitch and complain about the situation there, why don't you try something other than laying blame for a natural disaster. First its Bush not doing enough, then during Rita it was 'Bush is just getting in the way', make up your minds Bush-haters. BTW when the Pres stopped by my base he didn't get in the way of us setting up a rescue operations center...

:chains: mindless bush-haters
theHawk said:
Most people who have never worked for the government have no idea how it really works. FEMA had little authority or resources to handle this problem. The bad thing is the entire organization is getting a bad rap. Alot of people are just volunteers....I just learned my dad volunteered to work for FEMA temporarily (probably for about a year). Its easy to sit here and bitch and complain about the situation there, why don't you try something other than laying blame for a natural disaster. First its Bush not doing enough, then during Rita it was 'Bush is just getting in the way', make up your minds Bush-haters. BTW when the Pres stopped by my base he didn't get in the way of us setting up a rescue operations center...

:chains: mindless bush-haters

You have shown that the Bushphobics have already made up their minds; they will continue to find the President wrong no matter what he does. All this crying wolf about him by the phobics has left them with a huge credibility gap. A gap that will only keep widening right up until the next Presidential election. :thup:
Bullypulpit said:
And Dubbyuh strummed guitar while New Orleans drowned. Our American Nero.

sounds good to me, he shoulda played a little longer....

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