Hope everyone is preparing themselves to either fight or flee.

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Thats easily within my kill zone.

I guess you're just a boss then, asslips. With what gun?
M16A1. Expert in the army.

So you have one of those? :rolleyes: You own an m16a1?

How about a pic of your "Expert" pin with asslips on a sheet of paper in it?

Expert isn't..the tops..
Marksman Sharpshooter then Expert

Expert is the tops, but asslips has no pic of his.
You just said expert wasnt the top. :rolleyes:
Does you no good if said "Republican" is 150 yards away.
Thats easily within my kill zone.

I guess you're just a boss then, asslips. With what gun?
M16A1. Expert in the army.

So you have one of those? :rolleyes: You own an m16a1?

How about a pic of your "Expert" pin with asslips on a sheet of paper in it?

Expert isn't..the tops..
Maybe I do. Maybe I dont. One thing I bet is no one wants to find out. :rolleyes:

I dont have my medal anymore. Lost it somewhere. Expert was tops when I was in.

Oh! You lost it. How fucking convenient!
M16A1. Expert in the army.

So you have one of those? :rolleyes: You own an m16a1?

How about a pic of your "Expert" pin with asslips on a sheet of paper in it?

Expert isn't..the tops..
Marksman Sharpshooter then Expert

Expert is the tops, but asslips has no pic of his.
You just said expert wasnt the top. :rolleyes:

I was wrong about that. :dunno:
I cant say that I am shocked that you are wrong again. :rolleyes:
Thats easily within my kill zone.

I guess you're just a boss then, asslips. With what gun?
M16A1. Expert in the army.

So you have one of those? :rolleyes: You own an m16a1?

How about a pic of your "Expert" pin with asslips on a sheet of paper in it?

Expert isn't..the tops..
Maybe I do. Maybe I dont. One thing I bet is no one wants to find out. :rolleyes:

I dont have my medal anymore. Lost it somewhere. Expert was tops when I was in.

Oh! You lost it. How fucking convenient!
Doesnt do anything for me so its neither convenient nor inconvenient to me. I dont need to relive my past glory days. :rolleyes:




When I think of Republican Confederate Rednecks staging an armed insurrection, all I can think is, it's pure comedy gold.




When I think of Republican Confederate Rednecks staging an armed insurrection, all I can think is, it's pure comedy gold.

Almost perfect! :113:

rDerp, you have no fucking clue.

It's one thing to shoot unsuspecting animals out in a field and something else to shoot at people who shoot back.

The pig reminds me of when I was in the service out in the field at Grafenwöhr, Germany and we (German and American soldiers) were spending the night in sleeping bags under this observation place called Bleidorn Tower. It's right on the edge of a huge range where practice bombs are dropped from aircraft or shot from tanks. I was a forward observer.

So we are sleeping and the guy on guard duty falls asleep and since there isn't any door and sometimes people leave food in there, a family of pigs wondered in. So I wake up and it's really dark and I hear "what the fuk?" and the flashlights go on and there are these fully grown pigs and a bunch of baby pigs and they all become frantic and start looking for the way out running over everyone in sleeping bags. Finally they found the door and they ran out. One of the Germans was saying if he only had some rounds. Nothing is better than barbecue pig.

We were all laughing. Because when you wake up like that, it's totally freaky.
There are clearly a few here who simply can't get their heads around the fact that America is changing fairly quickly.

For better or worse, here it comes.

So they can be a part of it and contribute positively, or they can keep holding their breath until they turn blue as it all passes them by.

But holy crap, thread after thread. There are some seriously scared people here.




When I think of Republican Confederate Rednecks staging an armed insurrection, all I can think is, it's pure comedy gold.

Almost perfect! :113:

rDerp, you have no fucking clue.

It's one thing to shoot unsuspecting animals out in a field and something else to shoot at people who shoot back.

The pig reminds me of when I was in the service out in the field at Grafenwöhr, Germany and we (German and American soldiers) were spending the night in sleeping bags under this observation place called Bleidorn Tower. It's right on the edge of a huge range where practice bombs are dropped from aircraft or shot from tanks. I was a forward observer.

So we are sleeping and the guy on guard duty falls asleep and since there isn't any door and sometimes people leave food in there, a family of pigs wondered in. So I wake up and it's really dark and I hear "what the fuk?" and the flashlights go on and there are these fully grown pigs and a bunch of baby pigs and they all become frantic and start looking for the way out running over everyone in sleeping bags. Finally they found the door and they ran out. One of the Germans was saying if he only had some rounds. Nothing is better than barbecue pig.

We were all laughing. Because when you wake up like that, it's totally freaky.

You should go with Dick Cheney on his next hunting trip.
Fight or flight.
Flight comes before fight. Fight is the last thing you do.

LOL, My people are pretty tough, look at Gronkowski, Romanowski, Ditka, Gretzky, Pudzianowski, Golota, Michalczewski, Kownacki, etc. etc.

You better hope, that we don't go off on you, for being deplorables, against this White nation.
You'll bleed and die like the rest of them.

Whites are better armed, and better trained on arms....
We are the cornered animals. and since it is obvious that WE (include myself) are passively allowing these fucking scumbags to destroy America and everything America has stood for, and since we will be entering the new Feudalism (better known as socislism or strong central government), are we prepared for that ration system?
I have my ak 47 ready for any republican that gets within 10 yards of me
That’s about as accurate as that raggity mother fucker will shoot.
We are the cornered animals. and since it is obvious that WE (include myself) are passively allowing these fucking scumbags to destroy America and everything America has stood for, and since we will be entering the new Feudalism (better known as socislism or strong central government), are we prepared for that ration system?

You ain’t going to do jack shit short stack…
We are the cornered animals. and since it is obvious that WE (include myself) are passively allowing these fucking scumbags to destroy America and everything America has stood for, and since we will be entering the new Feudalism (better known as socislism or strong central government), are we prepared for that ration system?
I have my ak 47 ready for any republican that gets within 10 yards of me
That’s about as accurate as that raggity mother fucker will shoot.

I like it when the bullet at least touches where the other bullet went. Bottom right is a different, non dialed-in gun. I pulled wrong on the 2nd target. All groups are 5 shots.
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