Horrible Mistake: U.S. Air Force launches push to recruit more Women and Minorities

So being the brightest and the best is no longer a requirement? We need to remind troops on the ground that when they call in close support, they may not be getting the best pilots in the world but the politically correct ones? NUTS

U.S. Air Force launches push to recruit more women and minorities

I would organize military bases, prisons and teaching hospitals along the border.
And once the developments are secure, those communities for business, education, and social services
can be used to train leaders for govt, especially women and minorities to gain experience in order to run for office.

But to get it started, I would organize experienced and/or retired military to set up community campus
facilities and provide security. That way this creates jobs for experienced veterans while training new recruits.
With special emphasis on recruiting more muslims.
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So being the brightest and the best is no longer a requirement? We need to remind troops on the ground that when they call in close support, they may not be getting the best pilots in the world but the politically correct ones? NUTS

U.S. Air Force launches push to recruit more women and minorities
white males now only make up less then 31 % of the population , . They see the handwriting on the wall with the demographic shift :ack-1:

And only 1-2% of that population is made up of those willing to serve.
Female fighter pilots are better than their male counterparts. Old scientific reality. They multitask better than we do.

The problem then exists in interacting with male counterparts.
Females in combat related roles (mostly pilots) have to work extra hard to overcome the idea the only reason they are there is because of a quota.

It is all doable ... Just a bunch of unnecessary bullshit attached with quotas.
The position and MOS requirements for pilots are the same no matter the gender ... And in a lot of cases women do fly better than men.

Good. Let them weaken the military. Its the reason my father didn't reenlist in the early 80's told his Sgt he was the wrong color for this man's army...more non whites in the military the more it loses its edge and professionalism..better for those that can't wait for this country to collapse. Easier to defeat an enemy that is busy holding their pants up off their ass while trying to shoot and is to ignorant to be a serious threat when it comes to logistics and tactics.
So being the brightest and the best is no longer a requirement? We need to remind troops on the ground that when they call in close support, they may not be getting the best pilots in the world but the politically correct ones? NUTS

U.S. Air Force launches push to recruit more women and minorities

Female fighter pilots are better than their male counterparts. Old scientific reality. They multitask better than we do.
Tell my son that...he'd laugh in your face...or maybe kick your ass.
Tell my son that...he'd laugh in your face...or maybe kick your ass.

Your son can look me up any day ... And tell him to bring his ass-kicking boots as well ... He starts that shit with me and he will need them.
One more won't send me to Hell any quicker.
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So being the brightest and the best is no longer a requirement? We need to remind troops on the ground that when they call in close support, they may not be getting the best pilots in the world but the politically correct ones? NUTS

U.S. Air Force launches push to recruit more women and minorities

Female fighter pilots are better than their male counterparts. Old scientific reality. They multitask better than we do.
Tell my son that...he'd laugh in your face...or maybe kick your ass.

Many have tried. :) Last who did last I heard could hobble around a little bit. ;)
So being the brightest and the best is no longer a requirement? We need to remind troops on the ground that when they call in close support, they may not be getting the best pilots in the world but the politically correct ones? NUTS

U.S. Air Force launches push to recruit more women and minorities

Female fighter pilots are better than their male counterparts. Old scientific reality. They multitask better than we do.
Tell my son that...he'd laugh in your face...or maybe kick your ass.

He could do both and women would still be better pilots.

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