Horror at largest solar farm in Mojave Desert frys birds flying over

When the rightie kooks show some concern over the thousands of glass-paned office buildings that kill birds by the millions, then people might start paying attention to their hysterical hypocrisy. As usual, consistency points to the liberals for not going hysterical over either case.

Go live and work underground.

Enviro-nuts have a litany of 'acceptable" risks associated with the Green movement, yet give ZERO ground to even the most minimal of risks associated with hydrocarbons.

Conversely, pollution-lovers are always saying that the benefits of oil production outweigh the risks to wildlife. So...
Might I point out that the temperatures over this vast array of mirrors aren't the least bit extraordinary till you close in on the top of the tower. Flying over the mirrors or - as FCT suggests - down to the mirrors thinking they are water, will harm NOTHING. I can't recall who suggested the system would be a risk to aircraft, but, jesus people, put on your thinking caps for at least a few minutes a day.
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Might I point out that the temperatures over this vast array of mirrors aren't the least bit extraordinary till you close in on the top of the tower. Flying over the mirrors or - as FCT suggests - down to the mirrors thinking they are water, will harm NOTHING. I can't recall who suggested the system would be a risk to aircraft, but, jesus people, put on your thinking caps for at least a few minutes a day.

"Some biologists speculate that birds flying above the facility mistake the vast array of mirrors for a shimmering lake, then get burned when they fly too close to the installation."

Birds Fly or Fry at Solar Energy Plant | Ivanpah Solar | LiveScience
When the rightie kooks show some concern over the thousands of glass-paned office buildings that kill birds by the millions, then people might start paying attention to their hysterical hypocrisy. As usual, consistency points to the liberals for not going hysterical over either case.

Go live and work underground.

Enviro-nuts have a litany of 'acceptable" risks associated with the Green movement, yet give ZERO ground to even the most minimal of risks associated with hydrocarbons.

Conversely, pollution-lovers are always saying that the benefits of oil production outweigh the risks to wildlife. So...

Syn, with all due respect I don't know one Canuck who is in favor of risking the environment or its inhabitants be they feathered or furry for oil production.

That's why we have such strict environmental regulations AND this is a biggie strict enforcement of those regulations.

I mean the government lays a huge smackdown on any company that screws up. It's a big deal. They are put thru the wringer. And not just financially. In one instance a company was fined three million dollars for duck deaths at one of their tailings ponds.

Now some have said that's just a slap on the wrist but they are the radicals that wanted the death penalty for all the executives of the company, but they miss the bigger part of the government's punishment that they doled out.

Syncrude was required to completely overhaul their systems to prevent this from happening in the future. This was the federal and the provincial government going after the company. It was a big big big deal.

I've been a member of Ducks Unlimited for decades. I was right in there campaigning for a mega fine.

This is one of the reasons I do promote ethical oil from Canada. Really tough regulations not only on the environment but also for the work forces that are paid exceptionally well and have fabulous benefits.

Think Canada vs Nigeria in oil production. Or Canada vs Brazil. See where I'm going?

What disturbs me the most is that the wind farms and solar panel facilities have been allowed by American environmental agencies to get a free pass. This is crazy to a conservationist.

Wind farms in migratory paths killing raptors and bats at such an alarming rate is actually being allowed?

This new solar facility was allowed to build in one of the most sensitive areas of the Mojave where the desert tortoise is considered endangered?

And this will blow your mind. The company was allowed to move the desert tortoises to other areas of the Mojave but conservationists are claiming the tortoises died from the stress of the move. How crazy is this?

I mean aye carumba!:eek: I have nothing against green and renewable energy but it seems to me that how this is being handled is we're trading in big oil (who are regulated)for big green who are getting a free pass all in the name of renewable energy. .

It's just flat out wrong.

AND that pisses me off. I've got a mega income tax rebate coming and I'm going to donate, join and become very active in fighting certain projects up and coming.

And with 10 months of winter and two months of bad skating also known as summer, I have a lot of time on my hands for activism.:eusa_angel:
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Here's the incident I was telling you about. And the government really shamed the company as well. Like I said this was a big deal.

Fine largest in history

"Syncrude is eager to move forward from this incident. It's haunted us and it's something that we sincerely regret and have from the beginning," said Syncrude spokeswoman Cheryl Robb.
"We've learned a lot and we made significant changes to our system and we're ready to move forward."

Provincial Crown prosecutor Susan McRory said she was pleased the judge accepted the terms of the sentencing agreement.

"The company has taken responsibility, the laws have been enforced, and the penalty will hopefully prevent anything like this from ever happening again," she said.

Alberta Energy Minister Ron Liepert wouldn't comment specifically on the court decision but said it sends a message to industry that the province will take action if environmental policies are breached.

"This whole process … shows that if there is a breach of an environmental regulation or legislation, that we are prepared to take action," he said. "We did and the process unfolded and this is the culmination of it."

In Vancouver, federal Environment Minister Jim Prentice said the fine was the largest in Canadian history for an environmental offence.

"I think this shows that we have strong environmental laws in Canada and that we will enforce them," Prentice said.

"What happened with the duck incident in the oilsands was completely unacceptable, it was an embarrassment to Canada when it took place, and so, the severity of the fine really reflects that."

Syncrude to pay $3M penalty for duck deaths - Edmonton - CBC News
How the heck did no one think of this???
I do not know enough about solar panel reflectiveness myself, but I would assume those building this....would.
And if they did.....
Then birds would be a problem...but what about an airplane?

Airplanes aren't mistaking it for a shimmering lake.

I don't understand why they keep flying into it as the heat rises.

This "type" of solar tower plant is a giant magnifying glass. The heat gradually rises over several acres (just as would over a lake) and by the time they reach the "killing zone" of the beam -- it's too late. We're talking over several thousand degrees F..

Shouldn't be in a major flyway and refuge. The nasty part is many herons, and shore birds use the desert as a breeding grounds. And travel hundreds of miles to get there.
Top image shows how the beam is concentrated..
And Bottom image is bird's eye view on "final approach" to the lake.
And I do mean FINAL...


That's a pretty sick thing to be laughing about :cool:

I think it's fucking hilarious. I'm not against solar at all, by the way. I think it's a great idea if it's economical, but I just love seeing the radical environmentalists make asses of themselves.
When the rightie kooks show some concern over the thousands of glass-paned office buildings that kill birds by the millions, then people might start paying attention to their hysterical hypocrisy. As usual, consistency points to the liberals for not going hysterical over either case.

I'm not sure if this is more stupid, or more hypocritical.
When the rightie kooks show some concern over the thousands of glass-paned office buildings that kill birds by the millions, then people might start paying attention to their hysterical hypocrisy. As usual, consistency points to the liberals for not going hysterical over either case.

Beat me to it.

It's also interesting to point out they generally have a good laugh over animals that suffer during oil spills.

And remember the controversy over the Spotted Owl?

Zero conservatives were in favor of saving them.
When the rightie kooks show some concern over the thousands of glass-paned office buildings that kill birds by the millions, then people might start paying attention to their hysterical hypocrisy. As usual, consistency points to the liberals for not going hysterical over either case.

Beat me to it.

It's also interesting to point out they generally have a good laugh over animals that suffer during oil spills.

And remember the controversy over the Spotted Owl?

Zero conservatives were in favor of saving them.

You really make it easy to hate wankers who come in and make a blanket statement that conservatives don't care about the suffering of animals or birds and want to destroy the environment and kill the planet.

And you make a terrible bigoted fool of yourself doing so. You are one sick puppy.

I want to know why liberals are giving "big green" or should we call it "big renewables" a pass?

Why was this solar plant allowed to build in this very sensitive ecosystem? Why have the wind farms been allowed to build and operate in migratory paths?
I want to know why liberals are giving "big green" or should we call it "big renewables" a pass?

Why was this solar plant allowed to build in this very sensitive ecosystem? Why have the wind farms been allowed to build and operate in migratory paths?

In my mind human civilization comes first and green energy's biggest benefit is it is CLEAN. Clean by the fact that it produces next to zero air pollution that takes years off of peoples lives.

Billions of birds die because of our civilization every year.
Conservatives love hunting for fun. What's the difference?

Oh bite me. Everyone I know and have known lives by the motto "if you can't eat the meat, leave it on its feet".

Ditto for fishing. If you can't understand the difference between hunting or fishing and a solar plant that just fries birds out of the sky there is no help for you. You have absolutely no idea what true conservation is about.

It makes you just a keyboard wannabe warrior.
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I want to know why liberals are giving "big green" or should we call it "big renewables" a pass?

Why was this solar plant allowed to build in this very sensitive ecosystem? Why have the wind farms been allowed to build and operate in migratory paths?

In my mind human civilization comes first and green energy's biggest benefit is it is CLEAN. Clean by the fact that it produces next to zero air pollution that takes years off of peoples lives.

Billions of birds die because of our civilization every year.

Tell you what then Matthew. You and like minded individuals should go to California and go dynamite fishing for Delta Smelt. Just put an end to the species so farmers in California can have water.

Give 'er kid! Go wipe out the little bastards once and for all.


You're no conservationist or environmentalist.

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