Hours before debate, Sanders shares details of health-care plan

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
Sanders' health plan makes sense. It saves Americans lots of money.

Hours before debate, Sanders shares details of health-care plan that would raise income taxes

The senator from Vermont said the plan, which was outlined before a Democratic debate here, would ultimately save most families thousands of dollars a year on out-of-pocket health-care costs.
But Sanders would pay for it largely through higher income taxes. Those making more than $250,000 a year would pay a marginal tax rate on that income of 37 percent, up a few percentage points from what they now pay.
Meanwhile, those making more than $10 million a year would pay a new top rate of 52 percent -- significantly more than the current top rate of 39.6 percent.
Bernies' tax plan It won't work. He will not get the revenue expected.
Any budget plan based on revenue being better than 19 percent of GDP is just blowing smoke.

The Remarkably Stable Amount of Federal Revenue as a Percentage of GDP

Why? Higher taxes discourage the "animal spirits" of entrepreneurship. When tax rates are raised, taxpayers are encouraged to shift, hide and underreport income. Taxpayers divert their effort from pro-growth productive investments to seeking tax shelters, tax havens and tax exempt investments. This behavior tends to dampen economic growth and job creation. Lower taxes increase the incentives to work, produce, save and invest, thereby encouraging capital formation and jobs. Taxpayers have less incentive to shelter and shift income.

hard to argue with this history over 100 years or so? need a bigger chart?
They never understand......they just think that if they raise the tax, people will just keep paying it....even the left wingers stop paying their taxes....look at the hosts of MSNBC.....they are all tax cheats.....
They never understand......they just think that if they raise the tax, people will just keep paying it....even the left wingers stop paying their taxes....look at the hosts of MSNBC.....they are all tax cheats.....
Bernies' tax plan It won't work. He will not get the revenue expected.
Any budget plan based on revenue being better than 19 percent of GDP is just blowing smoke.

The Remarkably Stable Amount of Federal Revenue as a Percentage of GDP

Why? Higher taxes discourage the "animal spirits" of entrepreneurship. When tax rates are raised, taxpayers are encouraged to shift, hide and underreport income. Taxpayers divert their effort from pro-growth productive investments to seeking tax shelters, tax havens and tax exempt investments. This behavior tends to dampen economic growth and job creation. Lower taxes increase the incentives to work, produce, save and invest, thereby encouraging capital formation and jobs. Taxpayers have less incentive to shelter and shift income.

hard to argue with this history over 100 years or so? need a bigger chart?
View attachment 60182
Its alright let Sanders yell any kind of crap he wants. The LAST debate by democrats was the LOWEST viewed in history.

Old Sanders run a cross route. Since the DNC IS cheating him out of airtime to crown Hillary. HIS plan will be translated on the net the radio by spin doctors and the net by board members just like us.

Now THAT was a SMART move on his part. Anybody BUT Hillary right? Trump would beat Sanders going away. Oh just this passing thought.

America is TIRED of a president who has spent his ENTIRE time kissing overseas ass AND damn sure not some old nasty ass pervert protecting lying lesbian. Democrats want to put ANYTHING on the table because the ARE truly tired of party bullsh8t BY "elite"democrats. SOME of the democrats are growing up. America SEES the GOP throwing out the Rino's and dynasty's.

We are DONE with that. WE have hard issues to debate openly and honestly and yes sometimes heated. Well note to you stupid democrats. REAL debate REAL issues REAL honesty sometimes gets THAT way and excuse the hell out of us while we PASS you by.

And us republicans? Its time to set aside some gas money and OFFER to take say a vet to the polls. WW2 vet or Korea, Nam, Iraq even a state side vet. They made the same commitment and we the same promise. Lets get them to the polls guys because 99% have NEVER let us down.

1% removed to make room for John Kerry and others.
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Universal health care was tried and failed in Vermont. Bernie should know about that.
Bernies' tax plan It won't work. He will not get the revenue expected.
Any budget plan based on revenue being better than 19 percent of GDP is just blowing smoke.

The Remarkably Stable Amount of Federal Revenue as a Percentage of GDP

Why? Higher taxes discourage the "animal spirits" of entrepreneurship. When tax rates are raised, taxpayers are encouraged to shift, hide and underreport income. Taxpayers divert their effort from pro-growth productive investments to seeking tax shelters, tax havens and tax exempt investments. This behavior tends to dampen economic growth and job creation. Lower taxes increase the incentives to work, produce, save and invest, thereby encouraging capital formation and jobs. Taxpayers have less incentive to shelter and shift income.

hard to argue with this history over 100 years or so? need a bigger chart?
View attachment 60182

This chart makes no sense.

You have income tax at the top and TOTAL tax at the bottom. Making assumptions that there are more taxes than just income tax, means this chart isn't worth much.
This chart makes no sense.

You have income tax at the top and TOTAL tax at the bottom. Making assumptions that there are more taxes than just income tax, means this chart isn't worth much

The chart shows: no matter what upper tax rate is, Revenue collected cannot get above ~20%*GDP.

I am sure over all these years they have tried every combination scheme possible, but revenue does not rise by "taxing the rich".

Suppose the GDP is $20T when Bernie goes in. He will never get more than $4T no matter what. This is based on past history shown above.

If they take too much ............ what happens? GDP drops? Money moves? people move? all of it?
Sanders' health plan makes sense. It saves Americans lots of money.

Hours before debate, Sanders shares details of health-care plan that would raise income taxes

The senator from Vermont said the plan, which was outlined before a Democratic debate here, would ultimately save most families thousands of dollars a year on out-of-pocket health-care costs.
But Sanders would pay for it largely through higher income taxes. Those making more than $250,000 a year would pay a marginal tax rate on that income of 37 percent, up a few percentage points from what they now pay.
Meanwhile, those making more than $10 million a year would pay a new top rate of 52 percent -- significantly more than the current top rate of 39.6 percent.

Yes, higher income taxes always saves Americans money. Doubleplusgood.
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Universal Healthcare will not happen...

1. The House will stay GOP and Paul Ryan will never allow a law to be passed through the House.

2. Universal Healthcare will be killed by the insurance companies that drive a good amount of our national economy.

He can write and talk about the idea of Universal Healthcare but the reality is this nation will not have it until the States start adopting it on their level. A state should not wait for the Federal Government to lead the way.

President Obama claimes that the ACA was pattern after Mitt Romney Healthcare system in Massachusetts and with that I believe it should be the state to provide a blueprint of how they will insure their state residents and not a Federal Government one size fit all plan.

A State can tax accordingly for their state population to cover their population with Universal Healthcare and if a state refuses to have the same system then that is the state right.

So again Universal Healthcare on the Federal level is a dead issue as long as the GOP control the House and I do not see the Democratic getting the House back in 2016 and remember mid-term elections favor the GOP with the lower voter turnout so again this discussion is dead on a Federal level.
There is a lot missing in this debate.

If you are buying your own insurance, you won't have to any more. You can drop that expense.

If you have a business that pays your employees insurance, you won't have to any more. you can drop that expense.

If you have a small or start up company and are looking to cover your employees, no problem. They will already be covered. This would be a boon to small and start up businesses and would improve our economy.

There are other ways this would save money.
This chart makes no sense.

You have income tax at the top and TOTAL tax at the bottom. Making assumptions that there are more taxes than just income tax, means this chart isn't worth much

The chart shows: no matter what upper tax rate is, Revenue collected cannot get above ~20%*GDP.

I am sure over all these years they have tried every combination scheme possible, but revenue does not rise by "taxing the rich".

Suppose the GDP is $20T when Bernie goes in. He will never get more than $4T no matter what. This is based on past history shown above.

If they take too much ............ what happens? GDP drops? Money moves? people move? all of it?

There are different ways of taxing.

Tax on things people buy taxes the poor more than it taxes anyone else.
Income tax depends on how the tax is set out. Those who want a flat tax see the poor being taxed more, those who want to see a staggered system see the rich take up more of the slack.

So he says he'll increase income tax for the rich, perhaps he'll lower it for the poor and you'll still end up with a 20% and then what you say won't happen.
Sanders' health plan makes sense. It saves Americans lots of money.

Hours before debate, Sanders shares details of health-care plan that would raise income taxes

The senator from Vermont said the plan, which was outlined before a Democratic debate here, would ultimately save most families thousands of dollars a year on out-of-pocket health-care costs.
But Sanders would pay for it largely through higher income taxes. Those making more than $250,000 a year would pay a marginal tax rate on that income of 37 percent, up a few percentage points from what they now pay.
Meanwhile, those making more than $10 million a year would pay a new top rate of 52 percent -- significantly more than the current top rate of 39.6 percent.

So we need yet another tax increase to fix a health care system that was supposed to be fixed with the last tax increase, something that we were told wasn't really a tax increase but was, and was supposed to save the average family 2500 bucks a year but has dramatically driven up health care costs for the middle class.

Sure, why not? I'm not worried in the least.

We're doomed.
More CLASS WARFARE from the DemoRAT/Socialist/Communists! When will most of you subversive get it that Socialism does not work...sooner or later YOU run out of OTHER PEOPLES MONEY!

Not when you have the options of

A) Turning on the printing presses
B) Kicking the can down the road and letting it be your grandkids' problems
C) Taking the show on the road and taking other countries' resources by force

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