Hours before debate, Sanders shares details of health-care plan

Impossible for "Them!" to run out of money. All that has to be done is for Them! to build more money printing presses.
There is a lot missing in this debate.

If you are buying your own insurance, you won't have to any more. You can drop that expense.

If you have a business that pays your employees insurance, you won't have to any more. you can drop that expense.

If you have a small or start up company and are looking to cover your employees, no problem. They will already be covered. This would be a boon to small and start up businesses and would improve our economy.

There are other ways this would save money.

You don't realize how wrong you are do you......if you don't have to pay for your own insurance, the government will...and the cost will go up.......

If you are a business and you drop your employees, then they too will have the government paying for their insurance and the cost will go up and the quality will go down.....
There is a lot missing in this debate.

If you are buying your own insurance, you won't have to any more. You can drop that expense.

If you have a business that pays your employees insurance, you won't have to any more. you can drop that expense.

If you have a small or start up company and are looking to cover your employees, no problem. They will already be covered. This would be a boon to small and start up businesses and would improve our economy.

There are other ways this would save money.

You don't realize how wrong you are do you......if you don't have to pay for your own insurance, the government will...and the cost will go up.......

If you are a business and you drop your employees, then they too will have the government paying for their insurance and the cost will go up and the quality will go down.....
No, you are talking about Obamacare. That is the most expensive system possible.
There is a lot missing in this debate.

If you are buying your own insurance, you won't have to any more. You can drop that expense.

If you have a business that pays your employees insurance, you won't have to any more. you can drop that expense.

If you have a small or start up company and are looking to cover your employees, no problem. They will already be covered. This would be a boon to small and start up businesses and would improve our economy.

There are other ways this would save money.

You don't realize how wrong you are do you......if you don't have to pay for your own insurance, the government will...and the cost will go up.......

If you are a business and you drop your employees, then they too will have the government paying for their insurance and the cost will go up and the quality will go down.....
No, you are talking about Obamacare. That is the most expensive system possible.

No....wait till they turn it into single payer...that is the most expensive system possible...and the lowest quality.
This chart makes no sense.

You have income tax at the top and TOTAL tax at the bottom. Making assumptions that there are more taxes than just income tax, means this chart isn't worth much

The chart shows: no matter what upper tax rate is, Revenue collected cannot get above ~20%*GDP.

I am sure over all these years they have tried every combination scheme possible, but revenue does not rise by "taxing the rich".

Suppose the GDP is $20T when Bernie goes in. He will never get more than $4T no matter what. This is based on past history shown above.

If they take too much ............ what happens? GDP drops? Money moves? people move? all of it?

There are different ways of taxing.

Tax on things people buy taxes the poor more than it taxes anyone else.
Income tax depends on how the tax is set out. Those who want a flat tax see the poor being taxed more, those who want to see a staggered system see the rich take up more of the slack.

So he says he'll increase income tax for the rich, perhaps he'll lower it for the poor and you'll still end up with a 20% and then what you say won't happen.

I suppose you could shift who pays. But they never get more than 20%*GDP over history. They must have tried? You want the 1% to pay all $3.6T? I suppose they could try that. I would pay ZERO.
There are different ways of taxing.

Tax on things people buy taxes the poor more than it taxes anyone else.
Income tax depends on how the tax is set out. Those who want a flat tax see the poor being taxed more, those who want to see a staggered system see the rich take up more of the slack.

So he says he'll increase income tax for the rich, perhaps he'll lower it for the poor and you'll still end up with a 20% and then what you say won't happen.

I think Bernie wants/needs more by a lot. No one else could get it? Maybe he is magic man.
Here you go...the truth....

Sorry Mr. Trump, Canadian Health Care Is Not Working

Canada suffers from a high-cost health care system that delivers only modest performance across most measures of health care. Put simply, Canada’s model of health care delivery and financing is not something to be emulated but rather avoided.
In terms of cost, Canada’s system is among the most expensive of the OECD countries that provide universal access to health care, after adjusting for age. This latter point is essential since demographics are a key driver of health care costs. Data for 2011, the most recent year currently available, shows that Canada’s health care system was the second most expensive (measured as a share of the economy) among 27 OECD countries with universal access.
The cost of Canada’s health care system would be less worrying if it was deemed to be high-performing. On measure after measure, however, Canada’s performance is middling at best. A central problem in Canada’s health care system and a driving force for reform are wait times for medical procedures. The latest data for waiting lists indicates that in 2014, Canadians could expect to wait 18.2 weeks for treatment after seeing a general practitioner, which is 96 percent longer than they had to wait in 1993. Such wait times are three weeks longer than what physicians consider clinically reasonable.

In a comparative sense, Canada’s wait lists are among the worst in developed countries. According to the Commonwealth Fund, Canada ranked dead-last on most measures of timeliness of care (behind 10 other countries, including the U.S.). Only 41 percent of Canadians were able to get an appointment the same day (or next) when sick compared to 76 percent in Germany. Further, 29 percent of Canadians waited two months or more for a specialist appointment while only three percent reported such waits in Switzerland and the Netherlands.
There are also worrying statistics regarding Canadians’ access to medical doctors and technology. For instance, among OECD countries with universal access, Canada ranked close to the bottom of the pack for availability of practicing doctors per thousand population (25 of 27), and below the OECD average for availability of MRI scanners per million population (16 of 24).

You have healthcare...you just don't get treated....

I was listening the three Canadian ham operators. All three were in their 70s. Health care came up because one just had a hip replacement. They talked about health care for a while and all three were satisfied with their service.
Sanders' health plan makes sense. It saves Americans lots of money.

Hours before debate, Sanders shares details of health-care plan that would raise income taxes

The senator from Vermont said the plan, which was outlined before a Democratic debate here, would ultimately save most families thousands of dollars a year on out-of-pocket health-care costs.
But Sanders would pay for it largely through higher income taxes. Those making more than $250,000 a year would pay a marginal tax rate on that income of 37 percent, up a few percentage points from what they now pay.
Meanwhile, those making more than $10 million a year would pay a new top rate of 52 percent -- significantly more than the current top rate of 39.6 percent.

And it will ALL BE FREE!!!!! And FREE COLLEGE!!!! Jesus folks are gullible.....
Bernies' tax plan It won't work. He will not get the revenue expected.
Any budget plan based on revenue being better than 19 percent of GDP is just blowing smoke.

The Remarkably Stable Amount of Federal Revenue as a Percentage of GDP

Why? Higher taxes discourage the "animal spirits" of entrepreneurship. When tax rates are raised, taxpayers are encouraged to shift, hide and underreport income. Taxpayers divert their effort from pro-growth productive investments to seeking tax shelters, tax havens and tax exempt investments. This behavior tends to dampen economic growth and job creation. Lower taxes increase the incentives to work, produce, save and invest, thereby encouraging capital formation and jobs. Taxpayers have less incentive to shelter and shift income.

hard to argue with this history over 100 years or so? need a bigger chart?
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This chart makes no sense.

You have income tax at the top and TOTAL tax at the bottom. Making assumptions that there are more taxes than just income tax, means this chart isn't worth much.

Didn't graduate from high school I see. The chart is very easy to read. Go find a conservative to explain it to you.

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