House Democrat Readies Bill To Demilitarize Local Police

But the criminals have "military gear."

Most crimes are committed with handguns, by unarmored criminals. You can count on one hand the number of crimes in most areas that involve automatic weapons and/or armored perpetrators.

1991 study of juvenile offenders:

35% owned a military-style automatic
or semiautomatic rifle.

1991? really?

Its also based on what juveniles SAID, that if they had in their possession an "assault weapon" which is a non-term in and of itself.

So some tough gang bangers said hell yeah, i had me a gat! and that is somehow evidence?
Most crimes are committed with handguns, by unarmored criminals. You can count on one hand the number of crimes in most areas that involve automatic weapons and/or armored perpetrators.

1991 study of juvenile offenders:

35% owned a military-style automatic
or semiautomatic rifle.

1991? really?

Its also based on what juveniles SAID, that if they had in their possession an "assault weapon" which is a non-term in and of itself.

So some tough gang bangers said hell yeah, i had me a gat! and that is somehow evidence?

Yup 1991

But yeah, I'm pretty sure criminals have downsized their arsenals since then.
1991 study of juvenile offenders:

35% owned a military-style automatic
or semiautomatic rifle.

1991? really?

Its also based on what juveniles SAID, that if they had in their possession an "assault weapon" which is a non-term in and of itself.

So some tough gang bangers said hell yeah, i had me a gat! and that is somehow evidence?

Yup 1991

But yeah, I'm pretty sure criminals have downsized their arsenals since then.

How many crimes are ACTUALLY committed using full auto weapons? or even semi-auto's with max mag capacity? How many police officers have been killed or injured by such weapons? Is the an actual threat, or a percieved threat? and if criminals are so over armed, why are we restricting other civilians from having equal firepower? after all, the police have no requirement to protect individuals.
Cops don't want to get shot, so they get armored vehicles.
Cops don't want to miss if they shoot back, so they use 5.56 rifles instead of pistols or shotguns.
Cops don't want to get hit in the head with rocks or bottles, so they wear a helmet.

Maybe I'm missing the point, but what the fuck does it matter?

If people would stop shooting at police, stop burning down gas stations, stop looting car rim stores, stop throwing maltov cocktails......well, maybe cops wouldn't feel the need to mimic the military.

Because the military is GREAT at protecting themselves from bullets, and being very accurate with the ones they shoot back. So can you blame the police for wanting to get the BEST protection possible and best defense capabilities as well?

You kinda live in a bubble don't you,no cops don't want to get shot,nor do anyone else.

The militarization of our police forces is a very bad thing,for everyone,Lib/con or indifferent.
WASHINGTON -- Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) announced Thursday that he plans to file legislation aimed at stemming the militarization of local police -- something on full display this week in Ferguson, Missouri, where officers in riot gear have been showering largely peaceful protesters with tear gas and rubber bullets.

In a letter to his Democratic colleagues, Johnson asked for support for his bill, the Stop Militarizing Law Enforcement Act. The measure would rein in a Defense Department program that provides Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles, M16 assault rifles and other surplus military equipment to local law enforcement, free of charge.

"Our main streets should be a place for business, families, and relaxation, not tanks and M16s," Johnson says in his letter. "Our local police are quickly beginning to resemble paramilitary forces. This bill will end the free transfers of certain aggressive military equipment to local law enforcement and ensure that all equipment can be accounted for."

Johnson will file his legislation in September. His office said he has been working on it for months but decided to expedite it in light of this week's events in Ferguson. Protests began there Saturday after a police officer killed Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager who was walking down the street.

"Before another small town's police force gets a $700,000 gift from the Defense Department that it can't maintain or manage, it behooves us to rein in the Pentagon's 1033 program and revisit the merits of a militarized America," reads his letter to colleagues. "I hope we can work together on this important issue."

The Georgia Democrat isn't the only lawmaker who wants to scale back local police forces' access to military weapons. Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) said Thursday that it's "time to demilitarize this situation" in Ferguson, and Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) wrote a Thursday op-ed titled, "We Must Demilitarize The Police."

House Democrat Readies Bill To Demilitarize Local Police

I couldn't agree more! Local police forces must be demilitarized. Their role is to protect and serve - not bully and intimidate.
I heartily congratulate Congressman Johnson on this much needed legislation! States cannot simply continue to assume that local police can come and take over military-style with military type gear and weapons drawn as if we were being attacked by a foreign nation and our lives were imperiled. That is not the case in most instances. That way of thinking and acting has clearly got to Stop! All members of Congress in both the Upper and Lower Chambers must vote in favor of this law and the president sign it. Its time has truly come.
Funny how democrats aren't willing to "demilitarize" ISIS or Alqueda or the Taliban but they take a shot at Police Departments. How long are democrats going to get away with smoke and mirrors and government by emotion?
1991 study of juvenile offenders:

35% owned a military-style automatic
or semiautomatic rifle.

1991? really?

Its also based on what juveniles SAID, that if they had in their possession an "assault weapon" which is a non-term in and of itself.

So some tough gang bangers said hell yeah, i had me a gat! and that is somehow evidence?

Yup 1991

But yeah, I'm pretty sure criminals have downsized their arsenals since then.
Well, its either that or you totally misunderstood/characterized the actual data.

FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 8
Total 12,664
Total firearms: 8,583
Handguns 6,220
Rifles 323
Shotguns 356
Other guns 97
Firearms, type not stated 1,587

Rifles are NOT used for crimes. In general, they are WAYYYYY worse than a handgun that can be concealed.
As a former Atlanta Police officer, 8 years, in Zone 3 (South Atlanta) let me just say.......YOU go try to be the "friendly neighborhood cop" like Andy Griffith.

You go get spit on. You get sucker punched. You have your family threatened, and have the felon show up on your front lawn; You go out to dinner with your wife and have a felon recognize you; You GET SHOT AT, or worse, get hit.

Go do the job for a fucking month, and tell me how that Andy Griffith bullshit works out.
Are you saying all of the above has happened to you and routinely happens to all cops? If so I can tell you it isn't true. There might be some isolated incidents of that nature but they are rare, occasional, and the aggressors are dealt with severely.

Hell yes they've become tough guys. They always have been. They tried the "friendly neighborhood police officer" who hugs babies and gives out candy. How did society react? With all the above bullshit I listed. SO now they aren't playing that game anymore.

Don't like it? DONT commit crimes; If cops tell you do stop doing something, just stop doing it. Don't try to talk back and resist or any of that shit. Just follow the rules. This whole mess started because some smart ass kids walking in the middle of the road talked back and didn't want to get out of the road (which is illegal). A tragedy occurred, hell, maybe even a crime because they cop may have committed murder.

But regardless, a stupid act started it.

America isn't Mayberry anymore.
Nor is it East Berlin during the days of USSR.

The American public has no problem with police being adequately equipped. But I'd like you to review the information put forth in this report . . .

Botched Paramilitary Police Raids | Cato Institute

. . . and tell us what you think of it.
1991? really?

Its also based on what juveniles SAID, that if they had in their possession an "assault weapon" which is a non-term in and of itself.

So some tough gang bangers said hell yeah, i had me a gat! and that is somehow evidence?

Yup 1991

But yeah, I'm pretty sure criminals have downsized their arsenals since then.
Well, its either that or you totally misunderstood/characterized the actual data.

FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 8
Total 12,664
Total firearms: 8,583
Handguns 6,220
Rifles 323
Shotguns 356
Other guns 97
Firearms, type not stated 1,587

Rifles are NOT used for crimes. In general, they are WAYYYYY worse than a handgun that can be concealed.

I quoted the report. Verbatim.
As a former Atlanta Police officer, 8 years, in Zone 3 (South Atlanta) let me just say.......YOU go try to be the "friendly neighborhood cop" like Andy Griffith.

You go get spit on. You get sucker punched. You have your family threatened, and have the felon show up on your front lawn; You go out to dinner with your wife and have a felon recognize you; You GET SHOT AT, or worse, get hit.

Go do the job for a fucking month, and tell me how that Andy Griffith bullshit works out.
Are you saying all of the above has happened to you and routinely happens to all cops? If so I can tell you it isn't true. There might be some isolated incidents of that nature but they are rare, occasional, and the aggressors are dealt with severely.

Hell yes they've become tough guys. They always have been. They tried the "friendly neighborhood police officer" who hugs babies and gives out candy. How did society react? With all the above bullshit I listed. SO now they aren't playing that game anymore.

Don't like it? DONT commit crimes; If cops tell you do stop doing something, just stop doing it. Don't try to talk back and resist or any of that shit. Just follow the rules. This whole mess started because some smart ass kids walking in the middle of the road talked back and didn't want to get out of the road (which is illegal). A tragedy occurred, hell, maybe even a crime because they cop may have committed murder.

But regardless, a stupid act started it.

America isn't Mayberry anymore.
Nor is it East Berlin during the days of USSR.

The American public has no problem with police being adequately equipped. But I'd like you to review the information put forth in this report . . .

Botched Paramilitary Police Raids | Cato Institute

. . . and tell us what you think of it.

I advocate much better training, more transparency, and more accountability for police abuse.

But I don't favor sending them into a gunfight with a knife.
Yup 1991

But yeah, I'm pretty sure criminals have downsized their arsenals since then.
Well, its either that or you totally misunderstood/characterized the actual data.

FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 8
Total 12,664
Total firearms: 8,583
Handguns 6,220
Rifles 323
Shotguns 356
Other guns 97
Firearms, type not stated 1,587

Rifles are NOT used for crimes. In general, they are WAYYYYY worse than a handgun that can be concealed.

I quoted the report. Verbatim.

Irrelevant. I didn't challenge the quote, I challenged what you inferred from it. Namely that assault rifles represented anything significant whatsoever with criminal activity or that there was some significant threat of criminals with rifles. The simple reality is that the VAST majority of all crime is with handguns.

Rifles are beat out by FISTS as homicide weapons. IOW, completely irrelevant.
Irrelevant. I didn't challenge the quote, I challenged what you inferred from it. Namely that assault rifles represented anything significant whatsoever with criminal activity or that there was some significant threat of criminals with rifles. The simple reality is that the VAST majority of all crime is with handguns.

I inferred nothing of the sort.
As a former Atlanta Police officer, 8 years, in Zone 3 (South Atlanta) let me just say.......YOU go try to be the "friendly neighborhood cop" like Andy Griffith.

You go get spit on. You get sucker punched. You have your family threatened, and have the felon show up on your front lawn; You go out to dinner with your wife and have a felon recognize you; You GET SHOT AT, or worse, get hit.

Go do the job for a fucking month, and tell me how that Andy Griffith bullshit works out.
Are you saying all of the above has happened to you and routinely happens to all cops? If so I can tell you it isn't true. There might be some isolated incidents of that nature but they are rare, occasional, and the aggressors are dealt with severely.

Hell yes they've become tough guys. They always have been. They tried the "friendly neighborhood police officer" who hugs babies and gives out candy. How did society react? With all the above bullshit I listed. SO now they aren't playing that game anymore.

Don't like it? DONT commit crimes; If cops tell you do stop doing something, just stop doing it. Don't try to talk back and resist or any of that shit. Just follow the rules. This whole mess started because some smart ass kids walking in the middle of the road talked back and didn't want to get out of the road (which is illegal). A tragedy occurred, hell, maybe even a crime because they cop may have committed murder.

But regardless, a stupid act started it.

America isn't Mayberry anymore.
Nor is it East Berlin during the days of USSR.

The American public has no problem with police being adequately equipped. But I'd like you to review the information put forth in this report . . .

Botched Paramilitary Police Raids | Cato Institute

. . . and tell us what you think of it.

I advocate much better training, more transparency, and more accountability for police abuse.

But I don't favor sending them into a gunfight with a knife.

That is why we have been arming them with handguns and shotguns for, well, basically forever.

What purpose would they need an AR, rifle or other high power weapon outside of actual SWAT team needs (which has also been armed to the teeth for a damn long time).
Yup 1991

But yeah, I'm pretty sure criminals have downsized their arsenals since then.
Well, its either that or you totally misunderstood/characterized the actual data.

FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 8
Total 12,664
Total firearms: 8,583
Handguns 6,220
Rifles 323
Shotguns 356
Other guns 97
Firearms, type not stated 1,587

Rifles are NOT used for crimes. In general, they are WAYYYYY worse than a handgun that can be concealed.

I quoted the report. Verbatim.

And as I said, the report % was based on ASKING juvenile offenders if they had in their possession recently (not owned or used, just possessed) an assault weapon. So you were 1) relying on the honesty of juvenile offenders and 2)their ability to correctly identify an assault weapon.
Irrelevant. I didn't challenge the quote, I challenged what you inferred from it. Namely that assault rifles represented anything significant whatsoever with criminal activity or that there was some significant threat of criminals with rifles. The simple reality is that the VAST majority of all crime is with handguns.

I inferred nothing of the sort.
Yup 1991

But yeah, I'm pretty sure criminals have downsized their arsenals since then.
So that was not a sarcastic comment that inferred those rifles were a significant threat or that they represented an arsenal that police are running into.

Please explain what you meant then because I cant think of any reason you would bother to quote the report if you were not inferring anything.
[MENTION=23094]martybegan[/MENTION]: I'm not relying on anything. I quoted the report verbatim.
If you feel the need to scramble to discredit the study because it doesn't fit your assumptions, that's your business - not mine.

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