House Democrats plan to push for $15 federal minimum wage

LMFAO another libtard claiming he is a bussiness owner and pays his burger flippers 500 grand an hour .

I think you've embarrassed yourself enough for one day loudmouth

I am not the one bitch who kept on claiming the unemployment rate didn't go up after we raised minimum wage.

He said he started his business at $13 dollars an hour, egad, my buddy makes $13 dollars a minute with his A/C company...

You know what's funny is I looked about a year ago to see what the wage was at the telsa plant in Nevada was..

I was just messing around on the job boards and I wanted to see if they paid Union wages..

Nope right around $15 an hour..

LMFAO another libtard claiming he is a bussiness owner and pays his burger flippers 500 grand an hour .

I think you've embarrassed yourself enough for one day loudmouth

I am not the one bitch who kept on claiming the unemployment rate didn't go up after we raised minimum wage.

He said he started his business at $13 dollars an hour, egad, my buddy makes $13 dollars a minute with his A/C company...

You know what's funny is I looked about a year ago to see what the wage was at the telsa plant in Nevada was..

I was just messing around in the job boards and I wanted to see if they paid Union wages..

Nope right around $15 an hour..

Elon Musk borrowed 5 billion dollars of QE money during the Obama years because Obama couldn't get his economy running, which was why he blamed Bush for 8 years. How can you give your employees more than minimum wage when you owe that much..Oh yeah, and have a million dollar house and other perks of a CEO(very environmentally unfriendly I think) who is a flaming liberal...
LMFAO another libtard claiming he is a bussiness owner and pays his burger flippers 500 grand an hour .

I think you've embarrassed yourself enough for one day loudmouth

I am not the one bitch who kept on claiming the unemployment rate didn't go up after we raised minimum wage.

He said he started his business at $13 dollars an hour, egad, my buddy makes $13 dollars a minute with his A/C company...

You know what's funny is I looked about a year ago to see what the wage was at the telsa plant in Nevada was..

I was just messing around in the job boards and I wanted to see if they paid Union wages..

Nope right around $15 an hour..

Elon Musk borrowed 5 billion dollars of QE money during the Obama years because Obama couldn't get his economy running, which was why he blamed Bush for 8 years. How can you give your employees more than minimum wage when you owe that much..Oh yeah, and have a million dollar house and other perks of a CEO(very environmentally unfriendly I think) who is a flaming liberal...

Exactly, he used the US government as a cash cow.

I think you've embarrassed yourself enough for one day loudmouth

I am not the one bitch who kept on claiming the unemployment rate didn't go up after we raised minimum wage.

He said he started his business at $13 dollars an hour, egad, my buddy makes $13 dollars a minute with his A/C company...

You know what's funny is I looked about a year ago to see what the wage was at the telsa plant in Nevada was..

I was just messing around in the job boards and I wanted to see if they paid Union wages..

Nope right around $15 an hour..

Elon Musk borrowed 5 billion dollars of QE money during the Obama years because Obama couldn't get his economy running, which was why he blamed Bush for 8 years. How can you give your employees more than minimum wage when you owe that much..Oh yeah, and have a million dollar house and other perks of a CEO(very environmentally unfriendly I think) who is a flaming liberal...

Exactly, he used the US government as a cash cow.

Now that Obama is gone, but not dead(damnit) the interest rates on that free money keeps going up, Tesla vehicles keep being crap, and Elon needs to get out of dodge or he will be up to his eyeballs in debt.. Why do you think he keeps trying to get suckers to give him $1,000,000 for a chance to go to Mars? There is a sucker born every day. Just look at Lesh, the $13 an hour CEO...
You do not understand basic econ. Not surprising. Most commies don't.

To understand economcs you must strip everything down to caveman basics.

You do nothig but make invalid assumptions.

This from the same people that still think trckle down economics works despite 35 years of failure and that tax cuts pay for themselves...

Why does ANYONE ever listen to conservatives about economics?

This from the same people that still think trckle down economics works despite 35 years of failure

Obama lied about tax cuts? I'm not surprised.
You simply don't understand the concept. Capital must circulate under capitalism to provide that capital efficiency to our First World economy.

Why be envious of the Poor who may choose to not work, if You don't Have to be Poor if you are willing to work?

Yes, and if you choose to not work, you deal with the consequences. Don't expect others to support you if you're not willing to do it yourself....dumbass.

Those that choose not to work should not benefit from those that do. I have no problem with someone unwilling to do for themselves going without.
by beling illegal about it?

Nothing illegal about allowing those that refuse to help themselves going without until it hurts.
nobody takes the right wing seriously about their understanding of the law, Constitutional or otherwise.

Employment is at will. We have a federal doctrine and State laws that say so.

Imagine that, owning a car, owning a house or paying rent, buying clothes, buying shoes, and the list goes on, are all at will. Problem is if you choose to not work, there are consequences...idiot.
House Democrats plan to push for $15 federal minimum wage

If you work full-time, you should be able to support your family. its called the American dream!

That's wishful thinking but it certainly doesn't work in the world. Even you have to admit that just because you work full-time does NOT entitle you to the American Dream. That's just bizarre!

The minimum wage increase in Seattle didn't cause ANY thing like the problems you people claim

Wrong again my good friend. But you thrive living in denial, don't you? You'll deny facts, whatever they are if they don't agree with your fantasy world.

Jun 21, 2017, 08:30am
The Problems With A New Study On Seattle's $15 Minimum Wage
Michael Saltsman Contributor
The UW reports on Seattle's $15 experiment had something for everyone. Unfortunately for the Mayor's office, their conclusions on the early stages of Seattle's $15 wage experiment were not uniformly positive. The Washington Post reports:

The average hourly wage for workers affected by the increase jumped from $9.96 to $11.14, but wages likely would have increased some anyway due to Seattle's overall economy. Meanwhile, although workers were earning more, fewer of them had a job than would have without an increase. Those who did work had fewer hours than they would have without the wage hike.

Nuanced conclusions like this one don't lend themselves to celebratory press releases like the one the Mayor's office put out yesterday. Enter the Berkeley team, which always arrives at the same positive conclusion on minimum wage no matter the number: In their view, a higher minimum wage is always a good thing.
Yet the anecdotal evidence in Seattle backs up the empirical data provided by the UW team. Local restaurant owners of establishments such as Louisa's Cafe and z Pizza have shut down, citing the cost of the minimum wage law as a factor. Karam Mann, a franchisee who owns a Subway location with his wife Heidi, has cut his staffing levels from seven employees down to three.

The wage floor is still rising in Seattle, and there are more chapters to write on the city's minimum wage experiment. But if accuracy if the goal, the Berkeley team is not the right choice to author them.

The Problems With A New Study On Seattle's $15 Minimum Wage


A ‘very credible’ new study on Seattle’s $15 minimum wage has bad news for liberals
By Max Ehrenfreund
June 26, 2017
On the whole, the study estimates, the average low-wage worker in the city lost $125 a month because of the hike in the minimum.

The paper's conclusions contradict years of research on the minimum wage. Many past studies, by contrast, have found that the benefits of increases for low-wage workers exceed the costs in terms of reduced employment -- often by a factor of four or five to one.
One way of explaining the disagreement could be that small businesses in Seattle have been forced to downsize in response to the increased minimum wage, while larger firms have expanded.
Analysis | A ‘very credible’ new study on Seattle’s $15 minimum wage has bad news for liberals
Tell us what would of happened with out it?

Hell I could say the bush jr tax cuts that Obama made 80% perment got us out of the recesseion.

So why would you lie? Why did you not mention the massive tax increases brought about by failed former President Barack Hussein Obama?
Thomas Jefferson had the solution. Progressives believe the opposite.


Yes my Progressive good friends, Jesus believed the same thing!

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