House Democrats plan to push for $15 federal minimum wage

Tell us what would of happened with out it?

Well gee...over that 35 years...the income inequality gap exploded... and the rich did VERY you do the math
Back 35 years ago, I was only making $20,000 a year while in the Air Force...You know what I did? I took my skills over seas, got a job earning $70,000 a year tax free, invested in stocks, and today am, earning over 6 figure income. Instead of being a whiney ass bitch loser like you, I made something of myself. You are a victim of liberalism, you deserve all the misery those liberal FORCE upon you, dumbass....
Tell us what would of happened with out it?

Well gee...over that 35 years...the income inequality gap exploded... and the rich did VERY you do the math

Over 60 million more people in the US ...and it sure wasn't born citizens..

You do the fucking math.

. you're blaming the failure of Republican economics on immigrants?

Jesus dude...
Your the one who claimed post after post raising the minimum wage nothing happened to the unemployment rate .
because of the Recession.

Minimum wage had nothing to do with it

And I burned you.

You "burned me" by making yourself look like a fool and a liar?

Newsflash...unemployment wney to 9.7% in 2009 because of the Great Recession...unemployment had nothing to do with it

Prove part of the reason wasn't why snow flake..

And that's not the point you made claim after claim nothing happened to the unemployment rate after the minimum wage was raised..

I proved you to be a fucking liar.

Tell us what would of happened with out it?

Well gee...over that 35 years...the income inequality gap exploded... and the rich did VERY you do the math

Over 60 million more people in the US ...and it sure wasn't born citizens..

You do the fucking math.

. you're blaming the failure of Republican economics on immigrants?

Jesus dude...

Wage gap

But your to young and ignorant to know .

Prove part of the reason wasn't why snow flake..

And that's not the point you made claim after claim nothing happened to the unemployment rate after the minimum wage was raised..

I proved you to be a fucking liar.'re stupid beyond belief.

Find me ANY economist that agrees that that minimum wage increase had anything to do with the unemployment increase in 2009.'re an embarrassment to TRUMPERS..and that's a tough push
Prove part of the reason wasn't why snow flake..

And that's not the point you made claim after claim nothing happened to the unemployment rate after the minimum wage was raised..

I proved you to be a fucking liar.'re stupid beyond belief.

Find me ANY economist that agrees that that minimum wage increase had anything to do with the unemployment increase in 2009.'re an embarrassment to TRUMPERS..and that's a tough push

Uhm retard you posted it like 20 times that the last time we raised minimum wage the unemployment didn't go up..

I just simply pointed out you were wrong, and now you are having a temper tantrum because I was right.

Yeah, sure you have a small business, and if you do, was it the Tax Break that enabled you to give $15 an hour or are you just a liar like all the rest of the Democrats...

It shocks you that someone might own a small business?

How sad your life is...

A. I have been in business for over 6 years and began with a starting wage of $13/hr...which we increased to $15 four years ago.

B. The tax cut hasn't done a thing for us as of yet. I'll let you know in February if it does anything at all
Yeah, sure you have a small business, and if you do, was it the Tax Break that enabled you to give $15 an hour or are you just a liar like all the rest of the Democrats...

It shocks you that someone might own a small business?

How sad your life is...

A. I have been in business for over 6 years and began with a starting wage of $13/hr...which we increased to $15 four years ago.

B. The tax cut hasn't done a thing for us as of yet. I'll let you know in February if it does anything at all

Sure you do ...

I always love these pretend liberal bussiness owners on here saying they pay their employees $50 bucks an hour to sweep the floor..

Yeah, sure you have a small business, and if you do, was it the Tax Break that enabled you to give $15 an hour or are you just a liar like all the rest of the Democrats...

It shocks you that someone might own a small business?

How sad your life is...

A. I have been in business for over 6 years and began with a starting wage of $13/hr...which we increased to $15 four years ago.

B. The tax cut hasn't done a thing for us as of yet. I'll let you know in February if it does anything at all
Funny, it helped me greatly. Like I said as a lot boy , pushing carts may feel like you are a business owner, but really it is just the start....
LMFAO another libtard claiming he is a bussiness owner and pays his burger flippers 500 grand an hour .

I think you've embarrassed yourself enough for one day loudmouth

I am not the one bitch who kept on claiming the unemployment rate didn't go up after we raised minimum wage.

He said he started his business at $13 dollars an hour, egad, my buddy makes $13 dollars a minute with his A/C company...

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