House Democrats Spread ‘Lies’ About Climate Change And Hurricanes, Scientist Says


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
House Democrats Spread ‘Lies’ About Climate Change And Hurricanes, Scientist Says

A Committee on Oversight and Government Reform subcommittee will hold a hearing Tuesday on natural disaster policy “in the wake of climate change.” However, Democrats are under fire for making claims on the hearing’s webpage that don’t line up with the facts.

Atmospheric scientist Ryan Maue, a hurricane expert, tweeted that the Democrats’ hearing “spreads lies” about the scientific consensus on climate change and hurricanes. The House subcommittee is chaired by California Rep. Harley Rouda and includes Green New Deal champion New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as a member.

You just cant make this up... Real Scientists are fighting back against the corrupt democrats and socialist power mongers... And democrats are lying on their web site, in writing... NOW that's down right funny as they cant run from the lies they publish..
And Democrats linked to a socialist AGW propaganda organization as proof...

"Democrats linked to the Union of Concerned Scientists’ (UCS) website, which points to a 2005 study on hurricanes and global warming."

LOL... These people are idiots and thieves...
You KNOW I don't believe in AGW, but there really is no use in denying natural climate variability. We need effective strategies to deal with such variability, or else our "just in time," distribution system which maximizes profit over security, is as weak, or weaker than it was during the dust bowl era.

If such a calamity should happen today, rather than blaming it on natural variability, they will blame catastrophic high food prices and recession/depression on AGW. That will be all the excuse these pols. need to institute martial law and socialism. You know it, I know it.

Do you want to see a frightening meme? I saw one today. Let's hope they have prepared and budgeted for this in the Ag Bill coming up. . .


Ryan Maue? The paid CATO shill who was just busted for pushing a faked graph?

You know, this one.

Ryan Maue? The paid CATO shill who was just busted for pushing a faked graph?

You know, this one.


You didn't make a case and posted no link for the chart, this usually means you are hiding something.

Meanwhile you completely ignored the provable lies that were exposed:

Maue took issue with Democrats’ claim that “due to climate change, ‘the number of hurricanes that reach Categories 4 and 5 in strength has roughly doubled’ since the 1970s” — a claim that doesn’t line up with scientific assessments from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and other organizations.

Your deflection was spotted, and exposed as a desperate attempt to steer away from the threads article.

Ryan Maue? The paid CATO shill who was just busted for pushing a faked graph?

You know, this one.


You didn't make a case and posted no link for the chart, this usually means you are hiding something.

Meanwhile you completely ignored the provable lies that were exposed:

Maue took issue with Democrats’ claim that “due to climate change, ‘the number of hurricanes that reach Categories 4 and 5 in strength has roughly doubled’ since the 1970s” — a claim that doesn’t line up with scientific assessments from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and other organizations.

Your deflection was spotted, and exposed as a desperate attempt to steer away from the threads article.

The shity kitty is a lying POS... The temps are from a well documented and correct data set, not the made up bull shit gore/karl lyin piece of crap. The shity kitty is now going full retard and using slander. It has lost the battle as well as the war.. Gore is the reason the Noble is now known as a participation trophy.. you can lie your ass off be proven wrong by empirical evidence and they will still give you the trophy knowing you lied your ass off.
You didn't make a case and posted no link for the chart, this usually means you are hiding something.

Even denier think tank GWPF admitted the graph was bad and withdrew it, that's how bad it was.

It has been brought to our attention that a temperature chart prepared by US meteorologist Ryan Maue and published by Joe Bastardi, and which was referred to in the Today programme appearance of Lord Lawson, was erroneous.

We are therefore happy to correct the record.”

Are you saying GWPF is lying?

Major Climate Change Denial Think Tank Admits To Using False Data
You didn't make a case and posted no link for the chart, this usually means you are hiding something.

Even denier think tank GWPF admitted the graph was bad and withdrew it, that's how bad it was.

It has been brought to our attention that a temperature chart prepared by US meteorologist Ryan Maue and published by Joe Bastardi, and which was referred to in the Today programme appearance of Lord Lawson, was erroneous.

We are therefore happy to correct the record.”

Are you saying GWPF is lying?

Major Climate Change Denial Think Tank Admits To Using False Data
IFLS... Really?



That's a far left wing socialist propaganda site like Hotwhoppper..... And they like to slander too.. No evidence just BS... At least your consistent.
Yep, another round of pants-shitting meltdowns from my pout-stalkers. For the sake of the people around them, I'd best back off now. I mean, that must be one serious stink.


The temps are from a well documented and correct data set,

And yet you can't point to that data set, or even name it, despite being specifically asked. And neither can Spencer.

And why is that? Because it's made up.

In stark contrast, I can point to how the RATPAC radiosonde data is very different from what you're claiming radiosonde data is, further reinforcing the point that you're just making it all up.

children children, no need to pull hair and scream at each other.. The data chart that Squidward posted is well referenced ON THE GRAPH... It's from one of the ALTERNATIVE NOAA Global temp methods.. MY FAVORITE -- the "REANALYSIS" tool.. Which means that they feed 2 meter temp station station into it and REDIRECT it 4 times a day... It fills in time gaps with HOW THEY THINK that locale should react... A bunch of tools to "toy" with accurate ACTUAL data collection...

And it's all public in forms ready to graph.. Not bloody likely ANYONE would "fake it up".. Squidwards' just not USED to looking at the "Hiatus" period in close up form.. ALL of the rates quoted on that graph are QUITE accurate...

And this has NOTHING to with Congress making up shit and playing on kids fears.. Which is the TOPIC of this thread.. Don't get severed from the ACTUAL topic and don't YOU do the derailing.....
You're missing all the good drama behind this topic if you don't click thru the links from WUWT to Daily Caller who contacted UCS and told them the 2005 study they relied on for that scary stat was not "consensus' opinion on the matter 12 years later...

Remember CONGRESS is involved here.. Dumber than freight car of deniers.... LOL.... And they have Ocasio Cortez on that committee pulling all their technical citations... Which is even dumber... So you probably missed this major chuckle...

"""UCS changed the language on its website after being contacted by the DCNF. The updated website reads, “one 2005 peer-reviewed study showed a large increase in the number of North American hurricanes that reach Categories 4 and 5 when comparing the most recent 15-year period to the prior 15-year period.” """"

There's so much quackery going on here at once that's it hard to unwind... But a 2005 STUDY -- actually by Judith Curry --- is what UCS was claiming on its website to be definitive climate science on hurricanes today.. But hey -- WHAT HAPPENED IN 2005? The US coast got it's FIRST BAD YEAR of hurricanes in over a decade. And to say that "cat4 cat5 storms have DOUBLED" when your END POINT is 2005 is just turkey jerky... So Congress is one of the LEAST reliable arbiters of climate science dissemination..
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You didn't make a case and posted no link for the chart, this usually means you are hiding something.

Even denier think tank GWPF admitted the graph was bad and withdrew it, that's how bad it was.

It has been brought to our attention that a temperature chart prepared by US meteorologist Ryan Maue and published by Joe Bastardi, and which was referred to in the Today programme appearance of Lord Lawson, was erroneous.

We are therefore happy to correct the record.”

Are you saying GWPF is lying?

Major Climate Change Denial Think Tank Admits To Using False Data

I don't follow twitter brawls for anything important.. What exactly was WRONG with that graph?. The link says the GWPF MISINTERPRETED the graph as stating that "the temperatures have been FALLING for the past decade".. Which IS blatantly wrong.. But the data itself is publicly available on the NOAA NCEP website and any 8th grader can graph it...

Futhermore, the graph quotes 1yr, 5yr, 10yr RATES that ARE consistant with the data and always positive, never negative...

And how are you SURE that this was graph in question? And that there was anything wrong with it OTHER than the phony interpretation from GWPF?
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I don't follow twitter brawls for anything important.. What exactly was WRONG with that graph?.

It's a wildly dishonest exercise in cherrypicking. Out of the 25 or so temperature records he could have looked at, he combed through them all until he found the one with the particlluar statistical noise that he wanted. I mean, who else anywhere uses that temperature set?

Even GWPF has limits in how badly they'll lie with statistics.
children children, no need to pull hair and scream at each other..

Phony equivalence routine. Billy shrieks, I debate, you say the positions are the same.

The data chart that Squidward

And then some namecalling your part, directly after you criticize namecalling. Classy.

posted is well referenced ON THE GRAPH... It's from one of the ALTERNATIVE NOAA Global temp methods.. MY FAVORITE -- the "REANALYSIS" tool..Which means that they feed 2 meter temp station station into it and REDIRECT it 4 times a day... It fills in time gaps with HOW THEY THINK that locale should react... A bunch of tools to "toy" with accurate ACTUAL data collection...

Noted, you don't know what reanalysis does. Here's the website to help. I figured you might want to use it in the future to cherrypick.

ESRL : PSD : WRIT: Monthly Timeseries

Not bloody likely ANYONE would "fake it up".. Squidwards' just not USED to looking at the "Hiatus" period in close up form.. ALL of the rates quoted on that graph are QUITE accurate...

But you just said reanalysis was all fake. So, you're proving your point with data you say is faked. Fascinating. Were you even aware of your own logical contradiction, or were you too intent to notice because you were flinging all the poo you had at the wall, in the hopes that some would stick?

And this has NOTHING to with Congress making up shit and playing on kids fears..
Kids fears? What are you babbling about? You think children are reading a house committee hearing website?

Which is the TOPIC of this thread.. Don't get severed from the ACTUAL topic
Okay. Some democrat somewhere made a mistake on a website.

You made more mistakes here.

So, either both you and the Democrats are frauds, or neither are frauds. Take your pick.

and don't YOU do the derailing.....

Then you'll stop your constant derailing by namecalling? I hope so. You might want to lose the AOC Derangement Syndrome as well. She's a lot smarter than you are. You're going to have to learn to deal with that someday, so it may as well be today.
But you just said reanalysis was all fake. So, you're proving your point with data you say is faked. Fascinating.

Reanalysis is what it is and you just proved it's YOU that doesn't have a clue.. THere;'s the mighty climate reanalyzer from Maine University that just spews whatever initial conditions produce the most scary arctic temperatures that NEVER ACTUALLY EXISTED... OldyRocks loves that thing..

And then there is "reanalysis" on systems that have sparse data that are quite useful... You're just spinning as usual...

Kids fears? What are you babbling about? You think children are reading a house committee hearing website?

We're talking about the SAME COMMITTEE that has AOC screaming about the end of world in 12 years.. Yeah -- I'm SURE there's a "consensus" on that somewhere.. And she sikked a bunch on Dianne Feinstein a couple months ago REPEATING this lie as a truth. Causing DiFi to become completely unglued and YELLING at the kids... While in some state last week, a kid HID in a service closet while the teacher was reeling off his/her version of the end of the world as we know it because of 0.5DegC global temp change in that teacher's lifetime.. And -- several parents are suing for unduly alarming and scaring the shit out of their kids...

So yeah... Kids don't want to LIVE anymore once the politicos and trusted educators work them over with a bunch of lies about climate science....

Okay. Some democrat somewhere made a mistake on a website.

No -- you suck at reading.. The UCScientists MISREPRESENTED the science on THEIR website making some Congress critters look stupidier if possible -- about the science of climate change....

Actually, something we could probably all agree on is that you'll learn MORE here (as difficult and sporadic as that proposition is) than by arguing about climate with nearly ANY Congress critter.... Although I'd love to have a debate on Climate Change with AOC and give the children a little hope...
I don't follow twitter brawls for anything important.. What exactly was WRONG with that graph?.

It's a wildly dishonest exercise in cherrypicking. Out of the 25 or so temperature records he could have looked at, he combed through them all until he found the one with the particlluar statistical noise that he wanted. I mean, who else anywhere uses that temperature set?

Even GWPF has limits in how badly they'll lie with statistics.

Yet NOAA NCEP still updates and runs that product even to today... It's not very different from the satellite on that scale. I think -- like all things on Twitter, the entire story got garbled in "statistical noise"... The issue was the GWPF MISINTERPRETATION of that chart that made them revise that page...

And Yeah -- GWPF is part of the noise problem... But so is your original favorite site with two crayon cartoonists -- RIGHT? :2up:

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