House Democrats Trying To Oust Elon Musk

I'll hold you to that.
The moment the media starts throwing out claims the FBI or authorities of any kind are looking for possible indictments....the bet's over and you lost.
How's $50,000.00 sound to you?
You said that the FBI would execute a search warrant on Elon's house. Don't backpedal on me. 50 large is fine, but it's too much for a couple of people that don't know each other, nor have any contacts. That would be welched upon from either side, with no repercussions.

I'll still do it.
You said that the FBI would execute a search warrant on Elon's house. Don't backpedal on me. 50 large is fine, but it's too much for a couple of people that don't know each other, nor have any contacts. That would be welched upon from either side, with no repercussions.

I'll still do it.
You'll welch on it regardless because you're a gullible Democrat.
I told you that they're setting up the conditions to pull a raid on Elon Musk.
All it takes is for you assholes to believe Trump is in trouble is a media release out of NY that possible indictments might be forthcoming.
That's the standard.
If they float the story I want my money.
You'll welch on it regardless because you're a gullible Democrat.
I told you that they're setting up the conditions to pull a raid on Elon Musk.
All it takes is for you assholes to believe Trump is in trouble is a media release out of NY that possible indictments might be forthcoming.
That's the standard.
If they float the story I want my money.
You called me an asshole. Don't worry, I'll bring your money to you in person.
We're talking about Nazis here. All anybody has to do is look at their past and the things they've done.
Imagine this....Democrats are upset about a couple of Democrats who reported on Democrats censoring Democrats on Twitter.

You can't make this shit up.
This week the House Democrats have been trying to create an issue that will make it possible for them to remove Elon Musk from ownership of Twitter.

Never mind the fact that it has been revealed that the FBI and the White House was caught red-handed telling Twitter who to ban.....and what stories to censor.

It's hard to follow......but it's insidious at best. In this exchange one of them is trying to insinuate that Trump was doing what they were doing:

I know.
But unfortunately REAL corruption and REAL tyranny have arrived.

Americans have in fact chosen to accept it and accommodate it.
There seems to be no real will to resist the coup.

When that happens the outcome is we are clearly seeing.
And yes it's astonishing what they are getting away with but there is zero doubt it will get MUCH worse.

There is no limit to what tyrants who have been given no resistance can and will do.
Nazi Germany "should" have been a lesson learned, but nope.
This week the House Democrats have been trying to create an issue that will make it possible for them to remove Elon Musk from ownership of Twitter.

Never mind the fact that it has been revealed that the FBI and the White House was caught red-handed telling Twitter who to ban.....and what stories to censor.

It's hard to follow......but it's insidious at best. In this exchange one of them is trying to insinuate that Trump was doing what they were doing:

Crappy link that doesn't prove anything
We're talking about Nazis here. All anybody has to do is look at their past and the things they've done.

And we've been so successful at giving them free reign, they now mock us and silence us for daring to speak of free speech or freedom at all. Using our sacred Constitution as their toilet paper and laughing.

I would say we have already lost this battle,
All that's really left is for them to round up all the guns and I have little doubt they will find the way to do it.
Democrats are just blowing hot steam and all Musk has to do is sign a big check for them and all goes silent.

Thanks for pinpointing the problem and providing this perfect example.
No matter what steps the Left takes to further oppress the Conservative Right...they keep denying it is happening.

Is that the Rights "winning strategy" ? Denial? I have bad news for you.
While you live in the fantasies of your denial...they ARE castrating you and your rights....incrementally...but definitely.
Venezuelans faced this same incremental revocation of their Constitution but denied it all the way.....and where are they today?

Updated on: March 14, 2023 / 7:41 PM / CBS/AP
Biden issues executive order aimed at reducing gun violence: "It's common sense"
Biden issues executive order aimed at reducing gun violence: "It's common sense"
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My best advice for Conservatives at this point......
Prepare for your Castration and Subjugation.
Deny and live your fantasies right up to the moment they force you onto the table for the procedure.
This is the price you will pay for doing nothing. Do you feel it yet?

If not ...hang tight (lol), you will.
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Democrats are just blowing hot steam and all Musk has to do is sign a big check for them and all goes silent.

It takes more than money. The Communists are after ultimate power. Money is fine, but power is what their main goal is. Unless you subscribe to their tranny/ climate/ race bullshit, they will hound you until the day you die.
And we've been so successful at giving them free reign, they now mock us and silence us for daring to speak of free speech or freedom at all. Using our sacred Constitution as their toilet paper and laughing.

I would say we have already lost this battle,
All that's really left is for them to round up all the guns and I have little doubt they will find the way to do it.

I never served our country in the military due to health reasons. But what I can do now is fight for my country until death. Our country didn't become the greatest, the strongest, the wealthiest by capitulation. We became that way by being brave and defending ourselves from the enemy.

At this point, the Democrats are the enemy. Everybody knows this. It doesn't mean taking arms to the streets and causing a bloody end, it means never giving up, support my concept of dividing this country into two countries instead, and never missing a vote no matter how difficult it may be at times to believe voting is still legit. It means talking to people and convince them into joining the fight.

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