House gives Trump 7 days to prove Trump Tower was wiretapped

No, Grampa. Guatemala didn't hack the DNC. Be smarter.

Since the DNC REFUSED to allow the FBI access to their servers, there is no way to tell who hacked them.

The frauds at Crowdstrike certainly can't be trusted.

OBVIOUSLY the democrats couldn't allow the FBI access to the records of their voter fraud, accepting bribes, and all the rest of the criminal acts that define the party.
Traitor, the leader of the filthy fascist democrats used the government to spy on the opposition during an election. You filth have no integrity but that is low even for you.
Post a link to a valid website stating Trump was spied on "during the election".....

Failure to do so reveals you're even more insane than I gave you credit for.

Paul Manafort was part of the Trump campaign, moron. By spying on Manafort, the fascist democrats used the federal government to spy on the opposition campaign.

Even for a traitor and a Stalinist, you're dumb as a dog turd Fawn.
Imbecile, it's being reported that Manafort was not wiretapped while he worked on Trump's campaign. You keep insisting otherwise but you have nothing but your own delusions to back you up.

How do I know this...? I keep challenging you to prove your claims but you keep just repeating them without proof.
I'm not going to scour the internet for your proof, got more important things to do with my time. However I saw reported on TV that Manafort was illegally listened too in Trump tower while working to get Trump elected, before, during, and after Trump got elected. Apparently someone in Mueller camp leaked the FISA warrant.

oh look a link --> Paul Manafort spokesman: Wiretap report leaks are a 'felony'

Manafort did not live in Trump Tower
It was in March when Trump made that explosive claim, and the Democratic media rushed to denounce him even before Obama did. Subsequent denials from then-FBI boss James Comey and other Obama aides all were rock-solid in declaring that no such thing had happened. There was no wiggle room in their denials, some of which were made under oath before Congress.

But something certainly happened. And what if it was the worst imaginable something? What if the Republican candidate for president was put under surveillance by a Democratic administration that was trying to elect another Democrat?

There was reason to suspect that was true before the Manafort reports added fuel to the fire.
It was under secret FISA warrant. It's not good news for Trump to have hired a foreign agent to run his campaign.

So then, Obama was using the Federal Government to spy on the opposition campaign in order to corrupt the election.

Obama and Susan Rice belong in prison for the rest of their natural lives for this.

None dare call it treason, but that's exactly what it is.
Moron.... even your link doesn't say Obama spied on the opposition campaign. Your link sources the story from CNN, which clearly states the wiretapping occurred before and after the election. It says nothing about during the election.

When do you stop listening to those voices in your head long enough to absorb even a modicum of reality?


You can lie all you like, but reality is....

Imbecile -- your own link calls you an idiot. It doesn't say what you say.

Really Fawn? Do quote where my link says that?

You might just be the most senile poster here.

You claimed: Obama was using the Federal Government to spy on the opposition campaign in order to corrupt the election.

Your link stated: US investigators wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort under secret court orders before and after the election

"Before and after the election" is not during the election. It's actually the opposite of spying on the opposition party to corrupt the election.
Moron.... even your link doesn't say Obama spied on the opposition campaign. Your link sources the story from CNN, which clearly states the wiretapping occurred before and after the election. It says nothing about during the election.

When do you stop listening to those voices in your head long enough to absorb even a modicum of reality?


You can lie all you like, but reality is....

Imbecile -- your own link calls you an idiot. It doesn't say what you say.

But all your news people are warming up to the idea. It's in what they aren't saying. None of you will prevent proof that Trump was NOT captured on any surveillance during his campaign. What is becoming apperant is that Bammer's staff knew what was going on. No way your cult leader diddnt know it was happening. To continue to hold the dude up as gods light on the world only demonstrates your delusion.
The news is reporting that Manafort was not wiretapped while he was working on Trump's campaign. You have any lucidity left to deal with that?

Bullshit. The DNC propaganda corpse known as the MSM is using weasel words such as "may have" or "unknown" but none of them have reported your lies.

{The conversations between Manafort and Trump continued after the President took office, long after the FBI investigation into Manafort was publicly known, the sources told CNN. They went on until lawyers for the President and Manafort insisted that they stop, according to the sources.

It's unclear whether Trump himself was picked up on the surveillance.

The White House declined to comment for this story. A spokesperson for Manafort didn't comment for this story.[/quote[

US government wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman - CNNPolitics

Look Fawn, you're a hack and a notorious fucking liar. Anyone who has been here longer than a week knows you post to promote your party or slander the hated opposition. You lie as easily as normals breath,

This is just another example of the depth of depravity of your sociopathic posts. If anything you post ever turns out to be true, it will be purely coincidental.
Faun: The news is reporting that Manafort was not wiretapped while he was working on Trump's campaign. You have any lucidity left to deal with that?

Senile old coot: Bullshit.

Moron .... your own link .... US investigators wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort under secret court orders before and after the election

You might just be the most senile poster here.

You claimed: Obama was using the Federal Government to spy on the opposition campaign in order to corrupt the election.

Your link stated: US investigators wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort under secret court orders before and after the election

"Before and after the election" is not during the election. It's actually the opposite of spying on the opposition party to corrupt the election.


You are such a lying hack.

Obama spied on the Trump campaign the entire time, before through after the election.

The next time you tell the truth about anything will be the first time, Fawn.
You can lie all you like, but reality is....

Imbecile -- your own link calls you an idiot. It doesn't say what you say.

But all your news people are warming up to the idea. It's in what they aren't saying. None of you will prevent proof that Trump was NOT captured on any surveillance during his campaign. What is becoming apperant is that Bammer's staff knew what was going on. No way your cult leader diddnt know it was happening. To continue to hold the dude up as gods light on the world only demonstrates your delusion.
The news is reporting that Manafort was not wiretapped while he was working on Trump's campaign. You have any lucidity left to deal with that?

Bullshit. The DNC propaganda corpse known as the MSM is using weasel words such as "may have" or "unknown" but none of them have reported your lies.

{The conversations between Manafort and Trump continued after the President took office, long after the FBI investigation into Manafort was publicly known, the sources told CNN. They went on until lawyers for the President and Manafort insisted that they stop, according to the sources.

It's unclear whether Trump himself was picked up on the surveillance.

The White House declined to comment for this story. A spokesperson for Manafort didn't comment for this story.[/quote[

US government wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman - CNNPolitics

Look Fawn, you're a hack and a notorious fucking liar. Anyone who has been here longer than a week knows you post to promote your party or slander the hated opposition. You lie as easily as normals breath,

This is just another example of the depth of depravity of your sociopathic posts. If anything you post ever turns out to be true, it will be purely coincidental.
Faun: The news is reporting that Manafort was not wiretapped while he was working on Trump's campaign. You have any lucidity left to deal with that?

Senile old coot: Bullshit.

Moron .... your own link .... US investigators wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort under secret court orders before and after the election



What a fucking retard.

Yeah moron, Obama was spying on the Trump campaign from before the election, all the way through well after the election.

Obama belongs in prison.

You belong in a rubber room.
Too Funny:

CNN reports that the FBI did indeed have a wire tap on the Trump people... Now the DOJ and the Obama deep state liars have been exposed. and Trump was shown right once again... AND THE FBI ADMITTED THAT THE DID HAVE A WIRE TAP...

This is Hilarious... the biggest hacks saying it never happened are the same hacks now telling us they were actually doing it... Is CNN trying to regain some semblance of credibility? Will any of the left wing hacks here admit they were liars or wrong?

US government wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman - CNNPolitics

You are very funny BilliBob.
They wire tapped Manafort that doesn't mean they wire tapped Trump Tower.

Are you saying that Session and the new FBI Director lied to make sure that Trump was lying?
It's not good news for Trump to have hired a foreign agent to run his campaign.

Prove he was a foreign agent!.
1) Multiple FISA warrants against Manifort
2( Manifort retroactively registering as a FOREIGN AGENT.

Former Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort Registers As A Foreign Agent

Former Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort Registers As A Foreign Agent

June 28, 2017
He was a paid lobbyist....LOL

Man are you guys stretching.... And he quit that job long before Trump employed him.

True but that doesn't mean they stop wire tapping him.
Prove he was a foreign agent!.
He was a paid lobbyist....LOL
Man are you guys stretching.... And he quit that job long before Trump employed him.

He was paid by a foreign agent. Making him a paid lobbyist for a foreign agent, or foreign agent for short.
Bill Clinton did the same damn thing when Hillary was selling off 20% of US uranium to the Russians. Bill used their foundation for cover and collected 147 million dollars...

Why is it ok for Bill to do while his wife was SOS but not for Paul as a private citizen?

Are we back in this again?
The uranium deal with Russian was debunked many times in this site.
Paul Manifort received $17 million directly from foreign agents.
So what? It was very well known that Manifort worked a lobbyist. Where he screwed up was not filing the proper paperwork.

And besides, Manifort wasn't running for president. He was a manager who Trump fired for shoving a reporter..

Trump hired an illegal foreign agent to run his campaign. Manifort was the one who was wiretaped, not Trump Tower.
Trump was wiretapped by proxy through Manafort being wiretapped. That's illegal.

What kind of proxy? Why do we need a proxy to wire tapped a foreign agent?
You might just be the most senile poster here.

You claimed: Obama was using the Federal Government to spy on the opposition campaign in order to corrupt the election.

Your link stated: US investigators wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort under secret court orders before and after the election

"Before and after the election" is not during the election. It's actually the opposite of spying on the opposition party to corrupt the election.


You are such a lying hack.

Obama spied on the Trump campaign the entire time, before through after the election.

The next time you tell the truth about anything will be the first time, Fawn.


Last edited:
Back in the real world:

1. Trump's DOJ, in court filing, explicitly denied there is any evidence that Obama ordered wiretapping Trump or his campaign.
2. Paul Manafort is getting indicted stemming from FBI's counter-intelligence investigations.
3. Trump was and remains full of shit.
Yeah moron, Obama was spying on the Trump campaign from before the election, all the way through well after the election.

Obama belongs in prison.

You belong in a rubber room.

Trumps own AG and FBI head both said there was no evidence that Obama wiretaped, applied for a wiretap, or got a search warrant for trump tower.
You might just be the most senile poster here.

You claimed: Obama was using the Federal Government to spy on the opposition campaign in order to corrupt the election.

Your link stated: US investigators wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort under secret court orders before and after the election

"Before and after the election" is not during the election. It's actually the opposite of spying on the opposition party to corrupt the election.


You are such a lying hack.

Obama spied on the Trump campaign the entire time, before through after the election.

The next time you tell the truth about anything will be the first time, Fawn.
Brain-dead freak... your own link says that’s not true. :cuckoo:

Imbecile -- your own link calls you an idiot. It doesn't say what you say.

But all your news people are warming up to the idea. It's in what they aren't saying. None of you will prevent proof that Trump was NOT captured on any surveillance during his campaign. What is becoming apperant is that Bammer's staff knew what was going on. No way your cult leader diddnt know it was happening. To continue to hold the dude up as gods light on the world only demonstrates your delusion.
The news is reporting that Manafort was not wiretapped while he was working on Trump's campaign. You have any lucidity left to deal with that?

Bullshit. The DNC propaganda corpse known as the MSM is using weasel words such as "may have" or "unknown" but none of them have reported your lies.

{The conversations between Manafort and Trump continued after the President took office, long after the FBI investigation into Manafort was publicly known, the sources told CNN. They went on until lawyers for the President and Manafort insisted that they stop, according to the sources.

It's unclear whether Trump himself was picked up on the surveillance.

The White House declined to comment for this story. A spokesperson for Manafort didn't comment for this story.[/quote[

US government wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman - CNNPolitics

Look Fawn, you're a hack and a notorious fucking liar. Anyone who has been here longer than a week knows you post to promote your party or slander the hated opposition. You lie as easily as normals breath,

This is just another example of the depth of depravity of your sociopathic posts. If anything you post ever turns out to be true, it will be purely coincidental.
Faun: The news is reporting that Manafort was not wiretapped while he was working on Trump's campaign. You have any lucidity left to deal with that?

Senile old coot: Bullshit.

Moron .... your own link .... US investigators wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort under secret court orders before and after the election



What a fucking retard.

Yeah moron, Obama was spying on the Trump campaign from before the election, all the way through well after the election.

Obama belongs in prison.

You belong in a rubber room.
Brain-dead freak... your own link cites the CNN article which broke this story. And it says Manafort was not being listened in on in June, which is when he joined the Trump campaign. And it says he wasn’t wiretapped again until after the election, which is after Manafort left the Trump campaign.

The FBI wasn't listening in June 2016, the sources said, when Donald Trump Jr. led a meeting that included Manafort, then campaign chairman, and Jared Kushner, the President's son-in-law, with a Russian lawyer who had promised negative information on Hillary Clinton.
You might just be the most senile poster here.

You claimed: Obama was using the Federal Government to spy on the opposition campaign in order to corrupt the election.

Your link stated: US investigators wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort under secret court orders before and after the election

"Before and after the election" is not during the election. It's actually the opposite of spying on the opposition party to corrupt the election.


You are such a lying hack.

Obama spied on the Trump campaign the entire time, before through after the election.

The next time you tell the truth about anything will be the first time, Fawn.
Brain-dead freak... your own link says that’s not true. :cuckoo:

That you are stupid and a lying hack is well known. You DO grasp that others can read the link and the quotes I've posted, right stupid fuck?

DERP, it saids duh he wuz spied on befoh ant aftas da elexshum, DURRR daz meeenz daz heez wuz nuhun spied on during duhs elexshum

DERP. I be Fawn, and eye gots an IQ of raisin......
You might just be the most senile poster here.

You claimed: Obama was using the Federal Government to spy on the opposition campaign in order to corrupt the election.

Your link stated: US investigators wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort under secret court orders before and after the election

"Before and after the election" is not during the election. It's actually the opposite of spying on the opposition party to corrupt the election.


You are such a lying hack.

Obama spied on the Trump campaign the entire time, before through after the election.

The next time you tell the truth about anything will be the first time, Fawn.
Brain-dead freak... your own link says that’s not true. :cuckoo:

That you are stupid and a lying hack is well known. You DO grasp that others can read the link and the quotes I've posted, right stupid fuck?

DERP, it saids duh he wuz spied on befoh ant aftas da elexshum, DURRR daz meeenz daz heez wuz nuhun spied on during duhs elexshum

DERP. I be Fawn, and eye gots an IQ of raisin......
You're batshit insane.

Hell, I even quoting your link where it said Manafort was wiretapped before and after the election. Whereas you're idiotically claiming he was wiretapped "during" the election.

US investigators wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort under secret court orders before and after the election

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