House GOP: mandate Ultrasounds before abortions

Aw shucks.....a woman who doesn't have an ultrasound and have a printout made of the results will have NO pictures of her child to brag on. Unless she decides maybe aborting isn't such a great hobby after all.
So it is about making it difficult for the woman. Make her suffer.
Last I checked the woman was still alive and is killing off the baby to make her life better right? So who's suffering here? Oh yeah, the dead child.

Your belief that Ford didn't take bailouts makes all of your opinions STUPID.
Ford was forced to take tarp money for which they unlike gm promptly paid back.

'Forced', yeah sure. Unlike Ford, GM had real estate losses.
Aw shucks.....a woman who doesn't have an ultrasound and have a printout made of the results will have NO pictures of her child to brag on. Unless she decides maybe aborting isn't such a great hobby after all.
So it is about making it difficult for the woman. Make her suffer.
Last I checked the woman was still alive and is killing off the baby to make her life better right? So who's suffering here? Oh yeah, the dead child.

Your belief that Ford didn't take bailouts makes all of your opinions STUPID.
Ford was forced to take tarp money for which they unlike gm promptly paid back.

'Forced', yeah sure. Unlike Ford, GM had real estate losses.
Yes forced with wispered threats of union strikes and made up violation fines.
"It's the economy, stupid!"

Oh, wait, no, it's abortion:

House Republicans Propose Bill Mandating Ultrasounds Before Abortions

Actually, there are THREE new things being bandied about:

Shortly after House Republicans had to cancel a vote on an anti-abortion bill that some members found to be too extreme, GOP congressmen on Thursday introduced three new abortion restrictions, including one that would require women to receive an ultrasound procedure before an abortion.

The mandatory ultrasound bill, introduced by Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.) and co-sponsored by 10 Republican men, compels women to "receive an ultrasound and the opportunity to review the ultrasound before giving informed consent to receive an abortion."

One of the other bills prohibits federal education funds from going to schools with access to an abortion provider on campus, and the other requires states to report information on Medicaid payments to abortion providers.

Since when has the GOP become the party of big government?


No reason for women to have the most up to date information before the make a life altering decision, is there? Without it can there really be informed consent?

Yes. They have been doing it for years without it.

Yep, without the complete picture. Pun intended.

You don't need an ultrasound to perform an abortion.
You do 'need' an ultrasound if you're a conservative hostile to the privacy rights of women.
Considering the percentage of women who have abortions, some conservative women are definitely getting them. We know that anti-abortion Bob Barr drove his wife to get an abortion. How many more?
Abortion is no one's business but the pregnant woman's.
And the victim?

There is nothing to stop you from offering to incubate the embryo. Otherwise, butt out. And I mean that in a nice way.
Human baby was killed. That is a victim. Like democrats once said blacks aren't human they say about unborn babies. Evil to the core

Not at all. You can always offer to incubate it. Otherwise, keep your politics out of my body. Funny how "small government" people seem to think that the government has the right to control and make decisions over a woman's body.
Abortion is no one's business but the pregnant woman's.
And the victim?

There is nothing to stop you from offering to incubate the embryo. Otherwise, butt out. And I mean that in a nice way.
Human baby was killed. That is a victim. Like democrats once said blacks aren't human they say about unborn babies. Evil to the core

Not at all. You can always offer to incubate it. Otherwise, keep your politics out of my body. Funny how "small government" people seem to think that the government has the right to control and make decisions over a woman's body.
Once she got pregnant it wasnt just her body. Killing for?convienance is evil and promoting it like you are right now is more so
Abortion is no one's business but the pregnant woman's.
And the victim?

There is nothing to stop you from offering to incubate the embryo. Otherwise, butt out. And I mean that in a nice way.
Human baby was killed. That is a victim. Like democrats once said blacks aren't human they say about unborn babies. Evil to the core

Not at all. You can always offer to incubate it. Otherwise, keep your politics out of my body. Funny how "small government" people seem to think that the government has the right to control and make decisions over a woman's body.
Once she got pregnant it wasnt just her body. Killing for?convienance is evil and promoting it like you are right now is more so

I'm not "promoting" anything.

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