House GOP, PLEASE be careful

Articles: Electoral Suicide

with the senat phony immigration reform bill (a joke to start with), security and economic reasons along with the politics as well.

I'm reposting this because it fits.

Republicrats have been "compromising" for decades. They've given in on tax increases, gun control, enviro-nonsense that leads to land grabs and high energy costs. They've allowed democrooks to bankrupt the country and they've done nothing but apologize for their own part in it while still taking the blame. The nanny state is a behemoth of waste and corruption thanks to statist democrooks and their appeasers in the republicrat establishment that gobble up the scraps.

The democrooks have consistently returned for the other half of every compromise. Even the last budget "crisis" where the crooks got taxes on $400K + salaries, the ink wasn't dry on this signature before the moonbat messiah was stuttering about $250K + salaries.

We have to ROLL BACK liberalism. There must be no compromise. Liberals are WRONG, "compromising" with them never allows you to be more than half right.

That's the case real republicans like Rand Paul are trying to make, and that's why they're the target of so much moonbat venom.

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