House GOP’s First Vote? A Gift To Wealthy Tax Cheats

Um, the Senate will undoubtedly pass a version bill. Plus really? You want private interest burger flippers hired ahead of obviously needed, public interest accountants? The Congressional Budget Office scoring means absolutely nothing to you? Have you always gone so far out of your way to defend billionaire tax cheats or is this a new low?
Why are they obviously needed?
There's nothing stopping us from changing the tax code other than the millionaires and billionaire tax cheats currently residing in Congress....
Could you name any of those "billionaire tax cheats currently residing in Congress....", pretty please?
Only in your delusions, why would I care if wealthy tax frauds like the Trump crime family get investigated. They can investigate me, I have nothing to hide.
My delusions? You Dims are the delusional ones.
Whine about tax cheaters, while holding the vast number of top one percenters as members of your commie ilk, then do nothing to rewrite these bad tax laws while controlling Congress for two years.
IRS goon squad is Poopeypants means of stealing more funds from the working class to pay for the lazy Dims
business can't even get enough people to run a register at McD's.
Just to be clear, you're really more worried about protecting McD's bottom line than enforcing tax laws to make billionaires pay their fair share?

Top Institutional Holders​

HolderSharesDate Reported% OutValue
Vanguard Group, Inc. (The)67,570,353Sep 29, 20229.23%18,164,937,089
Blackrock Inc.49,901,559Sep 29, 20226.81%13,415,035,435
State Street Corporation34,704,308Sep 29, 20224.74%9,329,558,653
JP Morgan Chase & Company18,722,427Sep 29, 20222.56%5,033,149,799
Wellington Management Group, LLP17,323,055Sep 29, 20222.37%4,656,956,643
Geode Capital Management, LLC13,522,969Sep 29, 20221.85%3,635,379,574
Morgan Stanley12,920,641Sep 29, 20221.76%3,473,455,746
Bank of America Corporation11,827,672Sep 29, 20221.61%3,179,632,904
Northern Trust Corporation9,289,800Sep 29, 20221.27%2,497,376,809
Wells Fargo & Company7,952,872Sep 29, 20221.09%2,137,970,472
Today's robber barons just getting richer..
Just to be clear, you're really more worried about protecting McD's bottom line than enforcing tax laws to make billionaires pay their fair share?

Today's robber barons just getting richer..

Bite me. My statement has absolutely nothing actually to do with McD's, I could use any employer. Many can not find employee's but the IRS is going to find 67,000 qualified individuals?

Bite me. My statement has absolutely nothing actually to do with McD's, I could use any employer. Many can not find employee's but the IRS is going to find 67,000 qualified individuals?

Over ten years in a population of 300 million people. I bet you find most things in life difficult.
I could use any employer.
Yep. Go ahead. Given it's a major corporation, the same robber barons likely own most of them too..
And cheat like hell on their taxes. You either care or you don't. Pretty clear it's the latter.
Democrats knew the program would never last 10 years.
Why would it know and how do you know. It was for a 10 period which would barely keep up with attrition and population increase. You've been suckered by Craven Kevin posing again.
Yep. Go ahead. Given it's a major corporation, the same robber barons likely own most of them too..
And cheat like hell on their taxes. You either care or you don't. Pretty clear it's the latter.

I don't even have any idea what you are rambling about and as it usually happens, you likely don't either.

My post was about how 67,000 IRS employee's were never going to get hired.
Why would it know and how do you know. It was for a 10 period which would barely keep up with attrition and population increase. You've been suckered by Craven Kevin posing again.

Attrition would have always been covered. Nothing was stopping that.
I don't even have any idea what you are rambling about and as it usually happens, you likely don't either.

My post was about how 67,000 IRS employee's were never going to get hired.
Hmmm, howlers always don't know what someone is talking about.
I don't even have any idea what you are rambling about and as it usually happens, you likely don't either.

My post was about how 67,000 IRS employee's were never going to get hired.
Nice story, bro. I quoted but asked nothing from you. Flail away. Sorry to learn you "usually" can't keep up, but that's entirely your problem.
Attrition would have always been covered. Nothing was stopping that.


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