House Intel Committee briefed on more Russian efforts to help the Orange Fraud

Did you know to be DNI you have to be experienced for the job?
Markle thinks what I posted was funny. Well, it's not. Grenell is so far from being qualified and never in hell could a such a partisan ever be confirmed by the Senate.

"Federal law mandates that the DNI be “exceptionally well qualified” and for good reason. The DNI is not only the president’s chief intelligence advisor, he (or she) is also responsible for a vast intelligence enterprise that supports a wide range of missions and policymaker needs."

50 U.S. Code § 3023 - Director of National Intelligence

Trump’s DNI Pick Would Brief Dem Nominee Ahead of 2020
Trump just wants some one who'll give him the half of a story ,,the half he agrees with . No concern that Russians have in the past and now are meddling in our elections?

You people are such saps. Don't you see why the Democrats passed this lie on to you? It's because they already know Trump will beat whoever they put up. Can you tell me why Russia would want Trump to win over an admitted Socialist who spent his honeymoon in the USSR???
Because the more hate the more chaos they create in America the better Putin likes it....Trump is a prime cause for the spread of hate in America ,,,You elected a low life POS and you got what you deserved

Going to be a sucky four years for you.
Stop cooperating with Putin stop being part of the hate.


It's out of control Jo. Democrats have been using the power of suggestion to control weak minded people for decades. Just tell them something, and they believe it without an ounce of evidence to support their beliefs.

The Democrats realized that the racist, sexist, homophobe thing no longer works. To be honest, it never really did. So now the new strategy is to replace racism with Russiaism. While Bloomberg has been playing an inside game with China for years, they completely ignore that and repeat this made-up story by the Democrat party.
Back on this again after you were humiliated with this very same irrelevant information.

Are you aware that Joseph Maguire was nearing the time where he would have to be replaced due to the time allowed for an acting director, by statute?

This is all you have to hang your hat on? Grow up. Sit back, relax and enjoy all the great times these next five years to add to the past three.

Did you know to be DNI you have to be experienced for the job?
Markle thinks what I posted was funny. Well, it's not. Grenell is so far from being qualified and never in hell could a such a partisan ever be confirmed by the Senate.

"Federal law mandates that the DNI be “exceptionally well qualified” and for good reason. The DNI is not only the president’s chief intelligence advisor, he (or she) is also responsible for a vast intelligence enterprise that supports a wide range of missions and policymaker needs."

50 U.S. Code § 3023 - Director of National Intelligence

Trump’s DNI Pick Would Brief Dem Nominee Ahead of 2020
Trump just wants some one who'll give him the half of a story ,,the half he agrees with . No concern that Russians have in the past and now are meddling in our elections?

You people are such saps. Don't you see why the Democrats passed this lie on to you? It's because they already know Trump will beat whoever they put up. Can you tell me why Russia would want Trump to win over an admitted Socialist who spent his honeymoon in the USSR???
Because the more hate the more chaos they create in America the better Putin likes it....Trump is a prime cause for the spread of hate in America ,,,You elected a low life POS and you got what you deserved

No, hate is calling half the people in the country Deplorables. Hate is telling people how Walmart is evil, how wealthy people are evil, how Fox news is evil, how the NRA are evil, how energy producers are evil. You don't know what promoting hate is. This is promoting hate.

Unknown 10.18.59 PM.jpeg
No, hate is calling half the people in the country Deplorables

Problem is...that never happened.

She called SOME Trump supporters ,"Deplorables" and guess we have seen from this board and elsewhere...a good number of them ARE bigoted racist haters

But newsflash...that's nowhere CLOSE to half the country. It may not even be half of Trumpers
That's like saying the Repubs have been fascists going back to the days when Bush's family was in business with the Nazis.

it was very legal to do business with the Nazis and 100's of American companies did so with blessing of our govt. It had nothing to do with ideology. Do you understand now?
Russia, Russia, Russia, Mueller Mueller Mueller, Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine, Impeachment Impeachment..... Russia Russia Russia....

Then Mueller again?
Dimwingers still chasing their tales.........and coming up with NOTHINGBURGERS.
The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.
if he was involved because he liked their ideology then he was a Nazi. Republicans are opposite to Nazis ie they are for limited govt or freedom from govt like our Founders were .

Democrats on the other hand have always been socialists and communists since the days when they spied for Stalin while he was killing 60 million of his own citizens. Sanders is merely the latest Democratic communist. Where are you confused?
Well if we can be honest the Democrats have always been socialist and communist since the days when they spied for Stalin while he was killing 60 million of his own citizens.
That's like saying the Repubs have been fascists going back to the days when Bush's family was in business with the Nazis.

Oh wait.........
George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.

The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.

Good I hope he influences the election in Trump's favorite too. If the DNC can fuck Bernie why the hell shouldn't Bernie fuck them back?

Foreign interference in our government was just about the worst thing the Founding Fathers could imagine...and you fuckers welcome it

Why do you so easily fall for fake news, Rube?
No, hate is calling half the people in the country Deplorables

Problem is...that never happened.

She called SOME Trump supporters ,"Deplorables" and guess we have seen from this board and elsewhere...a good number of them ARE bigoted racist haters

But newsflash...that's nowhere CLOSE to half the country. It may not even be half of Trumpers

I guess so, those Democrats are just big hearted people. They love everybody.

No, hate is calling half the people in the country Deplorables

Problem is...that never happened.

She called SOME Trump supporters ,"Deplorables" and guess we have seen from this board and elsewhere...a good number of them ARE bigoted racist haters

But newsflash...that's nowhere CLOSE to half the country. It may not even be half of Trumpers
So you think it was smart for Hitlery to call half the electorate deplorable?
Well if we can be honest the Democrats have always been socialist and communist since the days when they spied for Stalin while he was killing 60 million of his own citizens.
That's like saying the Repubs have been fascists going back to the days when Bush's family was in business with the Nazis.

Oh wait.........
George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.

The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.

Good I hope he influences the election in Trump's favorite too. If the DNC can fuck Bernie why the hell shouldn't Bernie fuck them back?

Foreign interference in our government was just about the worst thing the Founding Fathers could imagine...and you fuckers welcome it

Why do you so easily fall for fake news, Rube?

These people are so void of logic. Under Obama, the Russians meddled in our election. Under Trump, he lost leadership of the House and no Russia meddling.
The Director of National Intelligence was summoned by the House Intelligence Committee to provide a threat assessment of the Russian threat to our Presidential election. The DNI, Joseph Maquire, as was his duty, complied with the demand and was summarily fired by Trump because he obeyed our laws and our Constitution. He was replaced by a political hack, Richard Grenell, who has zero experience in intelligence, but is a loyal Trump stooge who previously worked for Fox News.

To this "in your face," outrageous decision by Trump, Republicans had little to say except to complain that the report should not have been so comprehensive.

Trump's followers have little or nothing to say, either, and the ever loyal crowd certainly is not critical of Trump as he continues to fire White House staffers and creating chaos within the federal government.

Obviously, Trump's followers continue to support him as he proceeds to dismantle our government (see other posts on this thread, review the OP). As can be seen, Trump's followers do not even bother to defend him. Only one conclusion can be made. As chaos reigns in Washington, most of Trump's followers are anarchists. They like what they are seeing. Want proof? Read their posts.

We know we can't count on Congress to do anything. Congress simply rubber stamps anything Trump does. This needs to be remedied in November.

That is, if it is not too late.

Back on this again after you were humiliated with this very same irrelevant information.

Are you aware that Joseph Maguire was nearing the time where he would have to be replaced due to the time allowed for an acting director, by statute?

This is all you have to hang your hat on? Grow up. Sit back, relax and enjoy all the great times these next five years to add to the past three.

Did you know to be DNI you have to be experienced for the job?
Markle thinks what I posted was funny. Well, it's not. Grenell is so far from being qualified and never in hell could a such a partisan ever be confirmed by the Senate.

"Federal law mandates that the DNI be “exceptionally well qualified” and for good reason. The DNI is not only the president’s chief intelligence advisor, he (or she) is also responsible for a vast intelligence enterprise that supports a wide range of missions and policymaker needs."

50 U.S. Code § 3023 - Director of National Intelligence

Trump’s DNI Pick Would Brief Dem Nominee Ahead of 2020
Trump just wants some one who'll give him the half of a story ,,the half he agrees with . No concern that Russians have in the past and now are meddling in our elections?

I'm all for it.....I hope they meddle the fuck out of the 2020 election.... they won't be any more guilty than the DNC. If the DNC is willing to break the law by screwing Bernie I see no reason why Bernie shouldn't fight fire with fire.


truth is everyone no matter how anti American, even treasonous big govt Democrats, gets to interfere with our elections; even the Westborough Baptist Church, children, and prisoners. The only protection is to limit voting to well qualified individuals as our Founders did.

Back on this again after you were humiliated with this very same irrelevant information.

Are you aware that Joseph Maguire was nearing the time where he would have to be replaced due to the time allowed for an acting director, by statute?

This is all you have to hang your hat on? Grow up. Sit back, relax and enjoy all the great times these next five years to add to the past three.

Did you know to be DNI you have to be experienced for the job?
Markle thinks what I posted was funny. Well, it's not. Grenell is so far from being qualified and never in hell could a such a partisan ever be confirmed by the Senate.

"Federal law mandates that the DNI be “exceptionally well qualified” and for good reason. The DNI is not only the president’s chief intelligence advisor, he (or she) is also responsible for a vast intelligence enterprise that supports a wide range of missions and policymaker needs."

50 U.S. Code § 3023 - Director of National Intelligence

Trump’s DNI Pick Would Brief Dem Nominee Ahead of 2020
Trump just wants some one who'll give him the half of a story ,,the half he agrees with . No concern that Russians have in the past and now are meddling in our elections?

I'm all for it.....I hope they meddle the fuck out of the 2020 election.... they won't be any more guilty than the DNC. If the DNC is willing to break the law by screwing Bernie I see no reason why Bernie shouldn't fight fire with fire.


truth is everyone no matter how anti American, even treasonous big govt Democrats, gets to interfere with our elections; even the Westborough Baptist Church, children, and prisoners. The only protection is to limit voting to well qualified individuals as our Founders did.

yeah like the racist republicans and all those morons supporting the moron trump Lets leave the well being of our country in their filthy hands
Did you know to be DNI you have to be experienced for the job?
Markle thinks what I posted was funny. Well, it's not. Grenell is so far from being qualified and never in hell could a such a partisan ever be confirmed by the Senate.

"Federal law mandates that the DNI be “exceptionally well qualified” and for good reason. The DNI is not only the president’s chief intelligence advisor, he (or she) is also responsible for a vast intelligence enterprise that supports a wide range of missions and policymaker needs."

50 U.S. Code § 3023 - Director of National Intelligence

Trump’s DNI Pick Would Brief Dem Nominee Ahead of 2020
Trump just wants some one who'll give him the half of a story ,,the half he agrees with . No concern that Russians have in the past and now are meddling in our elections?

I'm all for it.....I hope they meddle the fuck out of the 2020 election.... they won't be any more guilty than the DNC. If the DNC is willing to break the law by screwing Bernie I see no reason why Bernie shouldn't fight fire with fire.


truth is everyone no matter how anti American, even treasonous big govt Democrats, gets to interfere with our elections; even the Westborough Baptist Church, children, and prisoners. The only protection is to limit voting to well qualified individuals as our Founders did.

yeah like the racist republicans and all those morons supporting the moron trump Lets leave the well being of our country in their filthy hands
The continued Dimwinger meltdown is hilarious to watch.
"Foreign interference in our government was just about the worst thing the Founding Fathers could imagine...and you fuckers welcome it


Why do you so easily fall for fake news, Rube?

You think what I said about the Founding Fathers was "fake news"?

Maybe in St. Petersburg at a troll farm
"Problem is...that never happened.

She called SOME Trump supporters ,"Deplorables" and guess we have seen from this board and elsewhere...a good number of them ARE bigoted racist haters

But newsflash...that's nowhere CLOSE to half the country. It may not even be half of Trumpers"

to which you respond

So you think it was smart for Hitlery to call half the electorate deplorable?

And idiot ray ray "thanks" your moronic post?'

Jesus people
yeah like the racist republicans and all those morons supporting the moron trump Lets leave the well being of our country in their filthy hands[/QUOTE]

Actually country is looking pretty good. A ton better than it would look under the Green New Deal Second Great Communist Depression and Revolution. Who is filthy????
Did you know to be DNI you have to be experienced for the job?
Markle thinks what I posted was funny. Well, it's not. Grenell is so far from being qualified and never in hell could a such a partisan ever be confirmed by the Senate.

"Federal law mandates that the DNI be “exceptionally well qualified” and for good reason. The DNI is not only the president’s chief intelligence advisor, he (or she) is also responsible for a vast intelligence enterprise that supports a wide range of missions and policymaker needs."

50 U.S. Code § 3023 - Director of National Intelligence

Trump’s DNI Pick Would Brief Dem Nominee Ahead of 2020
Trump just wants some one who'll give him the half of a story ,,the half he agrees with . No concern that Russians have in the past and now are meddling in our elections?

I'm all for it.....I hope they meddle the fuck out of the 2020 election.... they won't be any more guilty than the DNC. If the DNC is willing to break the law by screwing Bernie I see no reason why Bernie shouldn't fight fire with fire.


truth is everyone no matter how anti American, even treasonous big govt Democrats, gets to interfere with our elections; even the Westborough Baptist Church, children, and prisoners. The only protection is to limit voting to well qualified individuals as our Founders did.

yeah like the racist republicans and all those morons supporting the moron trump Lets leave the well being of our country in their filthy hands

Yes, look at where leaving it in our hands got us so far.
"Foreign interference in our government was just about the worst thing the Founding Fathers could imagine...and you fuckers welcome it


Why do you so easily fall for fake news, Rube?

You think what I said about the Founding Fathers was "fake news"?

Maybe in St. Petersburg at a troll farm
My bad, So you don’t think Russia is trying to help Trump.

Thanks for clearing that up.
"Problem is...that never happened.

She called SOME Trump supporters ,"Deplorables" and guess we have seen from this board and elsewhere...a good number of them ARE bigoted racist haters

But newsflash...that's nowhere CLOSE to half the country. It may not even be half of Trumpers"

to which you respond

So you think it was smart for Hitlery to call half the electorate deplorable?

And idiot ray ray "thanks" your moronic post?'

Jesus people
You seem to be easily confused by facts. Typical Dimwinger.

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