House: no money for abortion

Donald Polish

VIP Member
Nov 27, 2014
House passes abortion measure
The GOP-controlled House of Representatives passed legislation on Thursday banning all taxpayer money for abortions. But that bill was a backup, after another proposal to ban so-called "late -term" abortions was suddenly yanked the late Wednesday night because of blow back from moderate Republicans who argued it was too extreme.
The bill barring federal taxpayer funds was approved in the last Congress. On Thursday it passed 242-179, with three Democrats joining virtually all House Republicans to support the bill. GOP Rep. Richard Hanna of New York was the one Republican who voted against it.
Earlier on Thursday, the White House promised to veto the legislation if it ended up on the President's desk.
The vote came as tens of thousands of anti-abortion rights activists descended on the National Mall for the annual "March for Life." Thursday's event coincides with the 42nd anniversary the of the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision which upheld a woman's access to abortion based on privacy rights in the Constitution.

Why should we pay for killing unborn child? It is not a privacy right in the Constitution. It is a stupidity of our society. We are living in the country where people have to defend kids' right to live and to be born. Moreover usual American working people will pay taxes for abortions. What is your attitude to this situation?

finally, I want no part of having the blood of other people dead babies on my hands.

You can get knocked up you can go panhandle to kill them if you have to
You must CRAWL before one walks.... small steps at a time... as we all know the CHILD KILLER in the White House would VETO, any kind of bill that deals with morals, ethics, and principles.... A DummycRAT to his evil soul!
Why should we pay for killing unborn child?

I love this question because it can be applied to anything. Why should I eat eggs? Why should I make a hole in one?

Plus I dont even believe any public money goes to abortion anyway. If I'm right, they can also pass the "No Money for Bigfoot Titty bars" too since neither exists
Why should we pay for killing unborn child?

I love this question because it can be applied to anything. Why should I eat eggs? Why should I make a hole in one?

Plus I dont even believe any public money goes to abortion anyway. If I'm right, they can also pass the "No Money for Bigfoot Titty bars" too since neither exists

Your belief is not required for it to be the truth.

Medicaid, a taxpayer funded insurance program for the poor, funds abortion in 15 States. That it is taxpayer money makes it public moron.
Why should we pay for killing unborn child?

I love this question because it can be applied to anything. Why should I eat eggs? Why should I make a hole in one?

Plus I dont even believe any public money goes to abortion anyway. If I'm right, they can also pass the "No Money for Bigfoot Titty bars" too since neither exists
Upps, it is only your personal problem not to answer the questions, buddy. Or this question is called rhetorical... But the problem is: I am working. I am paying taxes. My paid money may go for providing abortions to stupid American moms. That's all
Why should we pay for killing unborn child?

I love this question because it can be applied to anything. Why should I eat eggs? Why should I make a hole in one?

Plus I dont even believe any public money goes to abortion anyway. If I'm right, they can also pass the "No Money for Bigfoot Titty bars" too since neither exists
You are not right and you are an idiot.
Your belief is not required for it to be the truth.

Medicaid, a taxpayer funded insurance program for the poor, funds abortion in 15 States. That it is taxpayer money makes it public moron.

the states provide money for Medicaid, so that argument is pointless.

The Hyde Amendment prohibits federal money from paying for abortions already.

But the interesting part of this story is what DIDN'T get voted on. The ban on abortions after 20 weeks, when Fetuses can supposedly feel pain, was shot down because Republicans didn't want to get into another argument about what adjectives to put in front of the word "Rape" to j ustify their position.
Even the tiniest raindrops will whittle away the great stone.

Not really.

You see, the delusion you guys have about this issue is that before Roe, women weren't having abortions.

But they were. Doctors were preforming them and writing something else on the chart.
Your belief is not required for it to be the truth.

Medicaid, a taxpayer funded insurance program for the poor, funds abortion in 15 States. That it is taxpayer money makes it public moron.

the states provide money for Medicaid, so that argument is pointless.

The Hyde Amendment prohibits federal money from paying for abortions already.

But the interesting part of this story is what DIDN'T get voted on. The ban on abortions after 20 weeks, when Fetuses can supposedly feel pain, was shot down because Republicans didn't want to get into another argument about what adjectives to put in front of the word "Rape" to j ustify their position.
Obamacare subsidies = taxpayer funded coverage.
The ACA covers abortions.

Shocking stat of the day?
1.1million abortions per year. That is One in Five babies aborted
Obamacare subsidies = taxpayer funded coverage.
The ACA covers abortions.

Shocking stat of the day?
1.1million abortions per year. That is One in Five babies aborted

i heard it was 1 out of 3, which I'm fine with.
I want Liberals to subsidize my Gun Purchases. They may say "Abortions are a Health Issue which affects everyone!" to which I reply: The 2nd Amendment is Constitutional Issue which applies to everyone.

See the delusion that Gun Grabbers have about this is that even before the Gun Control Act, people were owning guns.
So there is a 20-33% chance that we have already killed the scientist that could have cured cancer

Probably not. We probably haven't killed the next great composer, either. There is a 100% chance we've rduced the number of mass murderers, as you look at every last one of them, they all come from homes where they weren't wanted.

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