House: no money for abortion

How many abortion bills are needed? Every time I turn around all I hear about from the GOP is abortion, abortion, abortion. Every other week there is another state legislator or Congressman introducing an abortion bill. Get the fuck over it, already. It's not going to be made illegal in my lifetime so move on and start dealing with issues people actually give a shit about. If this is what the GOP wants to be known for, so be it but you're going to continue to struggle with female and younger voters if you keep insisting on living in 1955.
As the failed Republican Congress continues to pass meaningless legislation to pander to their base
House passes abortion measure
The GOP-controlled House of Representatives passed legislation on Thursday banning all taxpayer money for abortions. But that bill was a backup, after another proposal to ban so-called "late -term" abortions was suddenly yanked the late Wednesday night because of blow back from moderate Republicans who argued it was too extreme.
The bill barring federal taxpayer funds was approved in the last Congress. On Thursday it passed 242-179, with three Democrats joining virtually all House Republicans to support the bill. GOP Rep. Richard Hanna of New York was the one Republican who voted against it.
Earlier on Thursday, the White House promised to veto the legislation if it ended up on the President's desk.
The vote came as tens of thousands of anti-abortion rights activists descended on the National Mall for the annual "March for Life." Thursday's event coincides with the 42nd anniversary the of the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision which upheld a woman's access to abortion based on privacy rights in the Constitution.

Why should we pay for killing unborn child? It is not a privacy right in the Constitution. It is a stupidity of our society. We are living in the country where people have to defend kids' right to live and to be born. Moreover usual American working people will pay taxes for abortions. What is your attitude to this situation?

You and the rest of the anti choice people need to learn about and read the hyde amendment.

It already makes it illegal to use federal funds for abortions.

There are a few exceptions, they are rape, incest or if the woman's health or life is in jeopardy.

That's it.

If you live in a state that uses state medicaid funds for abortion then yes, STATE funds for medicaid is being used to fund abortions for any reason. There are something like 17 states that use their medicaid funds top pay for abortions for any reason. My state is one of them.

The congress in DC can't stop that from happening.

If you have private insurance, you've been paying for abortions for any reason for as long as you've been paying insurance premiums.

I will never understand why people believe they have the right to take freedom and civil rights from women. You need to stop trying to tell the rest of the nation's women what they can or can't do with their own bodies.

finally, I want no part of having the blood of other people dead babies on my hands.

You can get knocked up you can go panhandle to kill them if you have to

That's never going to stop. If you're paying insurance premiums then you're paying for abortions and it will never stop.
The most stupid thing about the bill is not allowing rape victims to get an abortion unless they have reported it to the police, even though most rapes go unreported, and the victims are intimidated or threatened into silence (especially by rich or powerful
House passes abortion measure
The GOP-controlled House of Representatives passed legislation on Thursday banning all taxpayer money for abortions. But that bill was a backup, after another proposal to ban so-called "late -term" abortions was suddenly yanked the late Wednesday night because of blow back from moderate Republicans who argued it was too extreme.
The bill barring federal taxpayer funds was approved in the last Congress. On Thursday it passed 242-179, with three Democrats joining virtually all House Republicans to support the bill. GOP Rep. Richard Hanna of New York was the one Republican who voted against it.
Earlier on Thursday, the White House promised to veto the legislation if it ended up on the President's desk.
The vote came as tens of thousands of anti-abortion rights activists descended on the National Mall for the annual "March for Life." Thursday's event coincides with the 42nd anniversary the of the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision which upheld a woman's access to abortion based on privacy rights in the Constitution.

Why should we pay for killing unborn child? It is not a privacy right in the Constitution. It is a stupidity of our society. We are living in the country where people have to defend kids' right to live and to be born. Moreover usual American working people will pay taxes for abortions. What is your attitude to this situation?
Why does the OP want the tax payers to pay for his abortion?
The most stupid thing about the bill is not allowing rape victims to get an abortion unless they have reported it to the police, even though most rapes go unreported, and the victims are intimidated or threatened into silence (especially by rich or powerful

That's by design. The people who put that provision in there are the people who want all abortions outlawed period, but they know they can't get that, so they put as many restrictions as they can to limit them.

It's the same game the gun grabbers play. Their ultimate goal is eliminate private gun ownership, but they know they can't, so they come up with legislation they like to call "common sense" or "rational" gun control. It basically says, sure, you can still own a gun, but you're going to have to do this and this and this in order to be allowed to buy, carry, etc. thus limiting the number of people who will end up having them.
Fetuses aren't people.


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