House passes bill overturning Obamacare

oh well, they shouldn't do what THE PEOPLE are demanding they do

instead we the people should just "bend" over for this takeover of our health care by this administration and what it is GOING TO COST US

as far as I'm concerned, the money to fight this monster is well WORTH IT
That's like less than an hour of spending to congress during the fiscal year. Money well spent in my opinion.
Nooooooooooo, they're forcing your Dems to vote against repealing a tax. It's good to point out who wants to raise your taxes/penalties.

It wasn't a "tax" until the supreme court ruled it was a "tax", so that's a bunch of BS.

And even if it were true, which it isn't, they could have done that once, pointed it out, and been done with it.

Instead, they wasted valuable taxpayer money paying themselves to essentially do nothing, 33 times.

Which makes them a bunch of fucking morons.
Nooooooooooo, they're forcing your Dems to vote against repealing a tax. It's good to point out who wants to raise your taxes/penalties.

It wasn't a "tax" until the supreme court ruled it was a "tax", so that's a bunch of BS.

And even if it were true, which it isn't, they could have done that once, pointed it out, and been done with it.

Instead, they wasted valuable taxpayer money paying themselves to essentially do nothing, 33 times.

Which makes them a bunch of fucking morons.

now you all are worried about "valuable" taxpayers money for them doing what the TAXPAYERS asked them to do, and that is REPEAL this monster.
The penalty is just one tax.

20 million new freeloaders get dumped on the States Medicaid systems.

Who pays that tax?

Not you freeloaders, of course.

The same damn people who are paying for it now when those people get emergency care anyway and then can't pay for it.

Only now, they'll be getting preventative care, so they won't need emergency care quite so often, and won't DIE quite so often.

Only now, the people that CAN afford to pay for it, but choose not to (moochers), will be forced to contribute.
so the people who don't want to be FORCED to buy into this wonderful insurance scam or get FINED are now, moochers and freeloaders..

hope the young people who this is going to affect is listening
Isn't this the 33rd time the House has voted to repeal?

"Jobs. Jobs. Jobs." or not.

Thats what this is about.. Have to get rid of the largest job killing fascist bill ever made .
there's 1 thing that the ACA does, it creates jobs, jobs, jobs, and jobs...and good jobs, that have to stay here in our country...medical techs, laboratory techs, nurses, nurses aids, doctors, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, clerks, accountants, more insurance jobs, more construction with the enlargement of medical facilities and labs....more professors, more janitors...

This health care bill is THE LARGEST JOBS CREATING BILL in the past 50 years of USA's history....and ALL of those jobs are here and have to stay here!

There are positives and negatives about this Affordable Care Act, but one thing it is NOT, is a jobs killer!

IT IS THE LARGEST JOBS BILL, in my lifetime! It is a game changer!

Do your believe in unicorns and faeries as well? Doctors will leave the career cause they wont be able to afford to practice as well as All those techs. Not only that but other businesses will start cutting jobs to make up for the cost of this bill.....Why do you Progressives always refuse to see the consequences of your fascism?
here's that LARGEST jobs bill folks, THAT YOU will get to PAY FOR on top of being FINED by your Government..


Wasteful Republicans charge taxpayers $50 million on meaningless ACA vote.

Health Care Law Repeal Efforts By House GOP Cost Nearly $50 Million: CBS Report


While Republicans lambast the cost of implementing health care reform, a new report shows that their efforts to repeal the law have come at a major cost to taxpayers -- to the tune of nearly $50 million.

The House of Representatives again voted to repeal President Obama's signature health care law on Wednesday, marking the 33rd time Republicans have attempted to take down the legislation. The 32 previous repeal efforts faltered at the hands of the Democrat-controlled Senate; the latest attempt is unlikely to break that pattern.

According to a report by CBS News, these efforts, widely viewed as symbolic political maneuvers, come with a high price tag.

CBS' Nancy Cordes reported Wednesday that Republicans' many fruitless attempts at repealing the Affordable Care Act have taken up at least 80 hours of time on the House floor since 2010, amounting to two full work weeks. As the House, according to the Congressional Research Service, costs taxpayers $24 million a week to operate, those two weeks amounted to a total cost of approximately $48 million.

The AP relays background on the GOP's repeal efforts:
There was never any doubt that Republicans had the votes to pass the repeal in the House on Wednesday – or that it would die in the Senate, where Democrats possessed more than enough strength to block it. That's what happened in January 2011, when the newly installed Republican majority first voted to repeal the law a few days after taking office.

In the months since, the GOP has taken repeated further swipes at the law, including votes to deny salaries to any government officials who enforce it, to abolish a board of officials charged with holding down Medicare costs in the future and to repeal a tax on medical devices.

With the exception of a few relatively modest changes accepted by the White House, all the rest have died in the Senate.
Although Republicans have remained vocal on repeal since the Supreme Court upheld the law, party leaders have yet to agree upon and propose a concrete alternative to the Affordable Care Act.


The purely "symbolic" vote from the House to repeal the ObamaCare crap is wasteful.

On the other hand, anything that keeps Congress from doing anything can't be all bad.
Whose taxes will the penality raise?

The penalty is just one tax.

20 million new freeloaders get dumped on the States Medicaid systems.

Who pays that tax?

Not you freeloaders, of course.

all 20 million are freeloaders?......then you wonder why people with your mindset are just so respected today....ANYBODY today can have something happen and lose their job and Ins and become one of those 20 million....if it was you.....would you consider yourself a freeloader?.....

I feel like I'll be labeled one of the Freeloaders because, now that I'm unemployed and can't afford COBRA, I may have to use medicaid if something doesn't come along soon enough.
now you all are worried about "valuable" taxpayers money for them doing what the TAXPAYERS asked them to do, and that is REPEAL this monster.

Strange, I don't recall anyone making campaign promises to waste everyone's times creating legislation that they knew for a fact would never pass.

Perhaps you have some quotes?

I DO however, recall a whole lot of talk about "Jobs" and "Fixing the Economy".
In a shocking repudiation of President Obama’s “soak the rich” economic plans, Senate Democrats today blocked a vote on President Obama’s proposal to raise taxes on those earning more than $250,000 per year. Senate Republicans had proposed an immediate vote on the measure. In fact, they proposed two votes: one to extend the Bush tax cuts in their totality, the other to raise taxes as per Obama’s plan. “My recommendation is we give the president what he asked for,” said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

The strategy for McConnell and Republicans is simple: they want to show Americans that even Democrats recognize that the Bush tax cuts ought to be extended for all Americans. And Democrats want to avoid that vote, so they can continue posturing and conducting class warfare.

ETA: From the above link...
The penalty is just one tax.

20 million new freeloaders get dumped on the States Medicaid systems.

Who pays that tax?

Not you freeloaders, of course.

all 20 million are freeloaders?......then you wonder why people with your mindset are just so respected today....ANYBODY today can have something happen and lose their job and Ins and become one of those 20 million....if it was you.....would you consider yourself a freeloader?.....

I feel like I'll be labeled one of the Freeloaders because, now that I'm unemployed and can't afford COBRA, I may have to use medicaid if something doesn't come along soon enough.
of course you will, by people in your own party...

here's what political chic says you should do before grabbing fed gvt help when u r down and out...

Did you?
Did you put on a sweatshirt and show up at a 'shape-up' where you might be selected or a night's employment?

Collect soda cans for the nickel deposits?
Walk dogs, cut other folks' lawns, deliver newspapers?
None of 'em?
The penalty is just one tax.

20 million new freeloaders get dumped on the States Medicaid systems.

Who pays that tax?

Not you freeloaders, of course.

all 20 million are freeloaders?......then you wonder why people with your mindset are just so respected today....ANYBODY today can have something happen and lose their job and Ins and become one of those 20 million....if it was you.....would you consider yourself a freeloader?.....

I feel like I'll be labeled one of the Freeloaders because, now that I'm unemployed and can't afford COBRA, I may have to use medicaid if something doesn't come along soon enough.
Do NOT use their false definition of "Freeloader". It only encourages them to shape the language of the debate for their political ends.

You are not a freeloader to refuse to want to be on the public dole or accept public 'help'. Criminalizing existence and non-participation is NOT being responsible, it's being a tyrant.

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